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11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Step


Uses of Step in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist


Methods in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist that return Step
 Step Checklist.getDrilledDownStep()
          Returns the root step for which the substeps are currently shown in the checklist.
 Step ChecklistModelEvent.getParent()
          Returns the step's parent.
 Step Step.getParent()
          Returns the parent step of this step.
 Step Checklist.getSelectedStep()
          Returns the current selected step.
 Step StepHeader.getStep()
          Returns the step this StepHeader is representing.
 Step StepContent.getStep()
          Returns the step wo which this StepContent belongs.
 Step ChecklistModelEvent.getStep()
          Returns the step that is added or removed.
 Step StepPanel.getStep()
          Returns the step this StepPanel is representing.
 Step TaskContent.getStep()
          Returns the Step this TaskContent is representing.
 Step ChecklistModel.getStepAt(int index)
          Returns the Step at the specified index in the model.
 Step DefaultChecklistModel.getStepAt(int index)
          Returns the Step at the specified index in the model.
 Step Step.getSubstepAt(int index)
          Returns the substep at the specified location.
 Step ChecklistModel.getSubstepAt(Step parentStep, int index)
          Returns the substep at the specified index of the parentStep.
 Step DefaultChecklistModel.getSubstepAt(Step step, int index)
          Returns the substep at the specified index of the parentStep.
 Step[] Step.getSubsteps()
          Returns the array of all substeps within this parent step.


Methods in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist with parameters of type Step
 void DefaultChecklistModel.addStep(Step step)
          Adds the specified step to the model.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.addStep(Step step, int index)
          Adds the specified step to the model at the index.
 void Step.addSubstep(Step step)
          Add a substep to this parent.
 void Step.addSubstep(Step step, int index)
          Add a substep to this parent at the specified location.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.addSubstep(Step parent, Step child)
          Adds a substep to the parent step.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.addSubstep(Step parent, Step child, int index)
          Adds a substep to the parent step at the specified index.
protected  StepPanel Checklist.createDefaultStepPanel(Step step, int index, boolean isSubstep)
          Creates a default StepPanel for the specified Step.
protected  void Checklist.expandSubsteps(Step step)
          Expand Checklist into Substep view for the specified step.
protected  void DefaultChecklistModel.fireStepAdded(Step step, int index)
          Fire STEP_ADDED ChecklistModelEvent to all registered ChecklistModelListeners.
protected  void DefaultChecklistModel.fireStepRemoved(Step step, int index)
          Fire STEP_REMOVED ChecklistModelEvent to all registered ChecklistModelListeners.
 int ChecklistModel.getStepIndex(Step step)
          Returns the index of the step within this model.
 int DefaultChecklistModel.getStepIndex(Step step)
          Returns the index of the step within this model.
 Step ChecklistModel.getSubstepAt(Step parentStep, int index)
          Returns the substep at the specified index of the parentStep.
 Step DefaultChecklistModel.getSubstepAt(Step step, int index)
          Returns the substep at the specified index of the parentStep.
 int ChecklistModel.getSubstepCount(Step parentStep)
          Returns the substep count of the specified index of the parentStep.
 int DefaultChecklistModel.getSubstepCount(Step step)
          Returns the substep count of the specified index of the parentStep.
 int Step.getSubstepIndex(Step step)
          Returns the index of the substep inside this parent step.
 int ChecklistModel.getSubstepIndex(Step parentStep, Step childStep)
          Returns the substep index within its parent.
 int DefaultChecklistModel.getSubstepIndex(Step parent, Step child)
          Returns the substep index within its parent.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.removeAllSubsteps(Step parent)
          Removes all the substep from the specified parent.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.removeStep(Step step)
          Removes the specified step from the model.
 void Step.removeSubstep(Step step)
          Remove the substep from this parent step.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.removeSubstep(Step parent, Step child)
          Removes a substep from the parent step.
 void DefaultChecklistModel.removeSubstepAt(Step parent, int index)
          Removes a substep from the parent step at the specified index.
 void Checklist.setSelectedStep(Step step)
          Select the specified step.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist with parameters of type Step
ChecklistModelEvent(java.lang.Object source, Step step, int index, ChecklistModelEvent.Type type)
          Create a new ChecklistModelEvent.
ChecklistModelEvent(java.lang.Object source, Step parent, Step step, int index, ChecklistModelEvent.Type type)
          Create a new ChecklistModelEvent.
StepHeader(Step step)
          Create a StepHeader for the specified step.
StepPanel(Step step)
          Creates the StepPanel for the specified step.
TaskContent(Step node)
          Creates the TaskContent component for the specified step.
TaskContent(Step node, TaskContentProvider provider)
          Creates the TaskContent component for the specified step and TaskContentProvider.


Uses of Step in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.xml


Methods in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.xml that return Step
 Step XMLChecklistModel.getStep(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the Step identified by the id.
 Step XMLChecklistModel.getSubstep(Step parentStep, java.lang.String id)
          Returns the substep of the parent identified by the id.


Methods in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.xml with parameters of type Step
 void XMLChecklistModel.addStep(java.lang.String id, Step step)
          Add the step to the model identified by the id.
 void XMLChecklistModel.addStep(java.lang.String id, Step step, int index)
          Add the step to the model identified by the id at the specified index.
 void XMLChecklistModel.addSubstep(Step parent, java.lang.String id, Step child)
          Add the sub step identified by the id to the parent step.
 void XMLChecklistModel.addSubstep(Step parent, java.lang.String id, Step child, int index)
          Add the sub step identified by the id to the parent step at the specified index.
protected  void XMLChecklistModel.fireStepRemoved(Step step, int index)
          Override to remove id associated with the step.
 Step XMLChecklistModel.getSubstep(Step parentStep, java.lang.String id)
          Returns the substep of the parent identified by the id.
 void XMLChecklistModel.removeSubstep(Step parent, java.lang.String childId)
          Remove the sub step identified by the id from the parent.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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