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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.javatools.util

Provides general utilities.


Interface Summary
CommandParser.Converter<T> An interface for an object which converts a String to a value.
Copyable Objects that implement the Copyable are capable of copying their internal, persistent state to another object that can be cast to the same type.
DynamicPropertySet This class can be used by objects that need to manage a dynamic set of properties.
Filter<T> A simple filter interface.
Log.Formatter An object which formats a value into a StringBuffer.
Maps.BaseEntry<K,V> The extended Map.Entry interface required by Maps.AbstractHashMap for its entries.
Maps.LinkedEntry<K,V> The Map.Entry (and Maps.BaseEntry) extended interface required by Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap for its entries.
PairList<A,B> PairList extends List interface to support Pair types which are in turn made of two arbitrary types.
ResourcePicker.ResourceBase A label interface that says to restart the lable tree from here.
ResourcePicker.ResourceFree A label interface that implies that whilst the panel is named it doesn't have any interesting properties to be set so it can be ignored.


Class Summary
AccessibleUtils The AccessiblityUtils class provides helper methods for dealing with accessiblity.
ArrayIterator<E> The ArrayIterator class iterates over an array.
ArrayMap<K,V> A map stored in arrays, suitable for a small number of entries.
ArrayPairList<A,B> ArrayPairList is an ArrayList that extends ArrayList and implements the PairList (which extends the List interface) to support Pairs of generic types, say Pair of A,B.
ArraySortedSet<E> The ArraySortedSet is an array implementation of the SortedSet interface.
BundleLoader By default the strategy for fetching resource bundles requires a large number of class and resource fetches; the method ResourceBundle.getBundle(String,Locale,ClassLoader) gives precise details.
CamelCaseFilter Verifies is strings match a CamelCase filter.
ChangeSupport A support class for classes which allow ChangeListeners.
CharArrayCharSequence A CharSequence that wraps a char array.
Chronometer This class implements a virtual digital stopwatch (or chronometer), providing basic and useful functionalities for time measurement, such as Chronometer.start(), Chronometer.stop(), multiple laps and total elapsed running time.
CommandModel A model of a command line.
CommandParser A simple command line parser.
CopyOnWriteList Deprecated. Use CopyOnWriteArrayList
DateComparator Compares dates.
DependencyGraph<T> This class implements a dependency graph using a strongly connected Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that provides sorting of its nodes in topological order.
DynamicPropertySetImpl Implementation of the DynamicPropertySet interface.
EnumerationStack A usefull class to put together a group of Enumerations into one big one.
EnvironmentVariables Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - Use System.getenv().
FormatBundle A formatting resource provider that wraps a java.util.ResourceBundle.
GraphicsUtils GraphicsUtils defines common user-interface related utility functions.
Holder<T> A mutable holder class modeled on the JAX-WS 2.0 Holder class that simply provides a common way of providing an in/out parameter without the need to resort to untidy one length array parameters.
ImmutableList<E> An immutable list which wraps an array without copying.
IterablesIterator<T> An iterator over multiple iterables.
JdkIntrospector Provides basic information about the J2SE installation that it is run in.
LineIterator An iterator on the lines of an input stream or reader.
Log A simple error and trace log.
MacroExpander Parses and substitites macros with literal values or other macros.
Maps An aggregation of abstract and concrete implementations of the Maps.AbstractHashMap interface which address various usage scenarios.
Maps.AbstractHashMap<K,V,E extends Maps.BaseEntry<K,V>> An abstract, but nearly complete, implementation of the Map interface that is functionally equivalent to HashMap but that allows subclasses to do any or all of the following: control the concrete class of Map.Entry instances used so long as they extend Maps.BaseEntry (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.createEntry(int, K, V, E)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all keys (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all values (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); track when the map is constructed, initialized, and changed (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapConstructed(), Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapInitialized(), and Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapChanged()).
Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap<K,V,E extends Maps.LinkedEntry<K,V>> An abstract, but nearly complete, implementation of the Map interface that is functionally equivalent to LinkedHashMap but is based on Maps.AbstractHashMap and allows subclasses the same customization options.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy<K,V> A bounded size LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.CacheStrategy<K,V> An abstract caching strategy for a cache map.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap<K,V> A cache map which is an MBean and can be monitored by a JMX client (e.g., JConsole).
Maps.SoftEntry<K,V> An Maps.BaseEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
Maps.SoftHashMap<K,V> An implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.SoftEntry, which holds its values with SoftReferences.
Maps.SoftLinkedEntry<K,V> An Maps.LinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap<K,V> An implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.SoftLinkedEntry, which holds its values with SoftReferences.
Maps.StrongEntry<K,V> The default Maps.BaseEntry implementation.
Maps.StrongHashMap<K,V> The default implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.StrongEntry.
Maps.StrongLinkedEntry<K,V> The default Maps.LinkedEntry implementation.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap<K,V> The default implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.StrongLinkedEntry.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy<K,V> A timed, bounded size LRU cache strategy.
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy<K,V> An unbounded cache strategy.
Maps.WeakEntry<K,V> An Maps.BaseEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.
Maps.WeakHashMap<K,V> An implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.WeakEntry, which holds its values with WeakReferences.
Maps.WeakLinkedEntry<K,V> An Maps.LinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap<K,V> An implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.WeakLinkedEntry, which holds its values with WeakReferences.
ModelUtil Common utility methods.
MultiMap<K,V> An object that maps keys to collections of values.
NamedTimer A subclass of Timer that also allows configuring the name and priority of the underlying timer thread.
NullResourceBundle A resource bundle which has no elements.
Pair<A,B> Encapsulates a Pair of objects.
Note: The toString() method returns the toString() of the first object.
PlatformUtils PlatformUtils provides a common location from which a component can identify the current platform, without the need for each component to perform its own test of the or os.version properties.
ResourcePicker This package does some very cunning things in order to traverse a given object and find all the objects inside it that are of type JComponent.
StringUtil String utilities.
SwingClosure This class is intended to be used as a named or anonymous closure for code that must be run immediately on the Swing/AWT event thread while the caller blocks.
SwingUtils Utility methods for Swing and Java.
SynchronizedQueue An unbounded synchronized queue.
Tuple<T1,T2> A generic immutable 2-tuple.
TypeMap<K,V> A map from a type and all its subtypes to a value.
Version Represents the version number of an extension or component.
WeakCache<K,V> This class provides essentially a map with strongly referenced keys and weakly referenced values.
WeakCache.Entry<K,V> A class whose instances wrap a key and its corresponding value.
WeightedList<E> Like a list but stores elements in the order specified by the weight.


Enum Summary
Chronometer.Precision Defines the method to be utilized by a Chronometer instance in order to obtain current time.
Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity The canonicity of a mapping.
Maps.CacheMap.Strength The types of references to values supported.


Exception Summary
CanceledException An exception to signal up the call stack that an operation has been cancelled.
ClosureException Exception type thrown from SwingClosure.
CommandException An exception thrown to report an error detected by a command parser when a CommandParser.
NullArgumentException Thrown to indicate that a null argument has been passed to a method that requires a non-null argument.
UnexpectedExceptionError An unchecked exception to be thrown in the catch clause for a checked exception which is declared in a throws clause but is not expected to ever be thrown in practice.


Package oracle.javatools.util Description

Provides general utilities.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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