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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AuditManager

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditManager

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AuditManager
extends java.lang.Object

The Audit manager. The singleton Audit manager object is the registry for Audit extensions. An addin defining an Audit extension must create an AuditProvider describing its analyzers, columns, and other extensions, and register it here. The Audit manager is also the factory for the central Auditor class of the Audit service API, used by clients which invoke Audit programmatically.

The indirect registration through providers allows class loading and other initialization to be postponed from IDE initialization until Audit actually needs the classes or objects.

See Also:

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  Auditor createAuditor()
          Creates an Auditor which uses the default model type factory.
abstract  Auditor createAuditor(ModelTypeFactory factory)
          Creates an Auditor.
abstract  AuditModel createModel()
          Creates an AuditModel.
abstract  ModelTypeFactory createModelTypeFactory(ModelType... modelTypes)
          Creates a ModelTypeFactory with specific model types and the standard container types (root, workspace, project, and directory).
abstract  Profile createProfile(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<? extends Analyzer>... analyzers)
          Creates a new Profile with specific analyzers and with all rules and metrics enabled.
abstract  Profile createProfile(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name, url)
          Creates a new predefined Profile with all registered analyzers configured from a profile file.
abstract  Transformer createTransformer()
          Creates a Transformer.
abstract  java.util.Collection<java.lang.Class<? extends Analyzer>> getAnalyzers()
          Gets the analyzer classes registered with this Audit manager.
static AuditManager getAuditManager()
          Gets the singleton Audit manager.
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,BeanCustomizer> getBeanCustomizers()
          Gets the bean customizers registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ExtensionBean> getBeans()
          Gets the beans--rules, metrics, and categories--registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  ModelTypeFactory getDefaultModelTypeFactory()
          Gets the default ModelTypeFactory which uses all model types registered with Audit.
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,java.beans.PersistenceDelegate> getPersistenceDelegates()
          Gets the persistence delegates registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  AuditPreferences getPreferences()
          Gets the Audit preferences.
abstract  java.util.Collection<Profile> getProfiles()
          Gets the predefined profiles registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  java.util.Collection<> getProfileStyleSheets()
          Gets the profile style sheet URLs registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  java.util.Collection<> getStyleSheets()
          Gets the style sheet URLs registered with this Audit manager.
abstract  boolean isRegistered(java.lang.Class<?> type)
          Gets whether an analyer or model type has been registered with Audit.
abstract  void register(AuditProvider provider)
          Registers an Audit provider with this Audit manager.
abstract  AuditModel runShowLogPage(Auditor auditor, java.lang.String label, java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler)
          Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor, and runs the audit.
static void setAuditManager(AuditManager manager)
          Sets the singleton Audit manager.
abstract  void showLogPage(Auditor auditor, AuditModel model, java.lang.String label)
          Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor and model.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AuditManager()

Method Detail


public static AuditManager getAuditManager()
Gets the singleton Audit manager.


public static void setAuditManager(AuditManager manager)
Sets the singleton Audit manager.


public abstract void register(AuditProvider provider)
Registers an Audit provider with this Audit manager.


public abstract AuditPreferences getPreferences()
Gets the Audit preferences.


public abstract ModelTypeFactory createModelTypeFactory(ModelType... modelTypes)
Creates a ModelTypeFactory with specific model types and the standard container types (root, workspace, project, and directory).


public abstract ModelTypeFactory getDefaultModelTypeFactory()
Gets the default ModelTypeFactory which uses all model types registered with Audit.


public abstract Profile createProfile(java.lang.String id,
                                      java.lang.String name,
Creates a new predefined Profile with all registered analyzers configured from a profile file.
id - The profile id of the profile.
name - The name of the profile.
url - The url of a profile file.


public abstract Profile createProfile(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Class<? extends Analyzer>... analyzers)
Creates a new Profile with specific analyzers and with all rules and metrics enabled.
name - The name of this profile.
analyzers - The analyzer classes for this profile.


public abstract Auditor createAuditor(ModelTypeFactory factory)
Creates an Auditor.
factory - The factory for the models to audit.


public abstract Auditor createAuditor()
Creates an Auditor which uses the default model type factory.


public abstract AuditModel createModel()
Creates an AuditModel.


public abstract AuditModel runShowLogPage(Auditor auditor,
                                          java.lang.String label,
                                          java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler)
Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor, and runs the audit. If a log page already exists for the label and the associated auditor is still auditing, that audit is cancelled, and that auditor is replaced by the auditor passed to this method.
auditor - The auditor to run the audit.
label - The label for the log page.
handler - A handler for uncaught exceptions, or null for a default.
the AuditModel, attached to the auditor, shown in the page.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the auditor is already running.


public abstract void showLogPage(Auditor auditor,
                                 AuditModel model,
                                 java.lang.String label)
Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor and model. The caller is responsible for attaching the model to the auditor and for running the audit.
auditor - The auditor running the audit.
model - The AuditModel, attached to the auditor, to be shown.
label - The label for the log page.


public abstract Transformer createTransformer()
Creates a Transformer.


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ExtensionBean> getBeans()
Gets the beans--rules, metrics, and categories--registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Collection<java.lang.Class<? extends Analyzer>> getAnalyzers()
Gets the analyzer classes registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,java.beans.PersistenceDelegate> getPersistenceDelegates()
Gets the persistence delegates registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Collection<Profile> getProfiles()
Gets the predefined profiles registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Collection<> getStyleSheets()
Gets the style sheet URLs registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Collection<> getProfileStyleSheets()
Gets the profile style sheet URLs registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,BeanCustomizer> getBeanCustomizers()
Gets the bean customizers registered with this Audit manager.


public abstract boolean isRegistered(java.lang.Class<?> type)
Gets whether an analyer or model type has been registered with Audit.
type - The analyzer or model type to test.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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