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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.jdeveloper.deploy

Interface Summary
Archive Interface to an Archive object.
DefaultDeployShellFactory.Configurator Configures a newly created root DeployShell.
DeployAddin Base interface for all features which can be added into the deployment framework dynamically.
Deployer A Deployer is responsible for performing a single unit of work in the Deployment process.
DeployerFactory A Deployment Factory is reponsible for providing a Deployer, given a DeploymentSequenceId.
DeployerListener A generic listener that can be attached to any Deployer.
DeploymentConstants Lists the DeploymentSequenceIds that are implemented by the delivered Deployers.
DeploymentModuleFactory Interface to create a DeploymentModule based on a DeployShell.
DeploymentModuleIO Handles the I/O for a Deployment Module.
DeploymentModuleIOFactory Factory to create a class to handle the I/O of a DeploymentModule.
DeploymentModuleListener Interface for listenering on events on a DeploymentModule.
DeployShellFactory Factory to construct and return a DeployShell used for Deployment.
JeeDeploymentConstants Constants for steps in the Deployment of JEE Modules.
LinkedDirtyable The LinkedDirtyable interface extends the Dirtyable interface by adding methods that support the linking of Dirtyables to each other.
ListenerCondition Interface to specify a conditional firing of a registered Listener.
ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile> Listener interface for receiving cross-cutting Deployment events that cover Profile Definition, Packaging and Distribution of an Archive module.
PlatformDeployable Represents an object that is deployable to a Platform.


Class Summary
ArchiveEntry This class represents an immutable entry in an Archive.
DefaultArchive Utility class used to build a jar file.
DefaultDeployerListener A Default implementation of DeployerListener for sub-classing.
DefaultDeployShellFactory The default implementation of a DeployShellFactory creates a DeployShell that has the current Context and information gathered from the DeploymentManager and DeploymentViewManager.
DefaultLinkedDirtyable This is a default implementation of the LinkedDirtyable interface that is primarily intended to be subclassed by data classes that track their own dirty state.
DefaultModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>  
DeployEvent A DeployEvent class encapsulates information related to a deployment-step that is passed into a DeployerListener.
DeploymentManager Entry-point into the Deployment Framework.
DeploymentModule A DeploymentModule provides an interface for managing events and the persistence of a deployable Archive.
DeploymentModuleEvent A DeploymentModule event is fired upon changes to a DeploymentModule.
DeploymentView A DeploymentView describes how a DeploymentModule should be constructed.
DeploymentViewManager Entry point into the Deployment View APIs.
DeployUtil Bucket for miscellaneous methods that are in the process of being refactored or otherwise don't properly belong anywhere else yet.
JeeDeployUtil Helper methods for various tasks needed for accomplishing JEE Deployment.
PatternFilter A decorator for a DeploymentModuleListener that only fires if an Archive entry name that matches supplied patterns is added or removed.
ProfileDeployerFactory Base DeployerFactory, this factory is at the head of the chain of factories that will be consulted when a Deployer for a particular Profile is required.
ProfileListenerCondition A default implementation of a ListenerCondition.


Exception Summary
DeployException This class and its subclasses represent an exception that occurs when the process of deploying (either preparation of deployment or deployment itself) is unable to complete.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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