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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ContextualComponentEditor

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.ContextualComponentEditor

public abstract class ContextualComponentEditor
extends java.lang.Object

The ContextualComponentEditor interface that provides a custom editor that is able to edit a UI Component and its content. An instance of this interface can be reused in different editing contexts. Before the instance is reused the releaseEditor() will be called on it.

See Also:

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 boolean componentDataChanged()
          Called when the component editor context has new component data available for the editor.
abstract  java.awt.Component getComponentEditor()
          Returns the Swing component that is UI representation of the component editor.
abstract  boolean handleModelChange(oracle.bali.xml.model.XmlModelEvent event)
          Gives a chance to the component editor to update its state when the underlyning model changes.
 void releaseEditor()
          Called by the component editor environment to tell the component editor to cleanup its state.
abstract  void setContext(ComponentEditorContext context)
          Called by the component editor environment to provide additional information.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public ContextualComponentEditor()

Method Detail


public abstract void setContext(ComponentEditorContext context)
                         throws InvalidContextException
Called by the component editor environment to provide additional information. This method is always called once before all other to set up the component editor.
context - Contextual information.
InvalidContextException - if the editor can not handle given ComponentEditorContext


public void releaseEditor()
Called by the component editor environment to tell the component editor to cleanup its state. This method is always called once at the end of the editor usage. Only call that may be called immidiatly after this one is setContext(ComponentEditorContext) in case the editor is about to be reused.


public boolean componentDataChanged()
Called when the component editor context has new component data available for the editor. This usually happens as a response to the ComponentEditorContext.requestNewComponentData().
True if the component editor can handle new component data. If false is returned editor will be automatically closed.


public abstract java.awt.Component getComponentEditor()
Returns the Swing component that is UI representation of the component editor.


public abstract boolean handleModelChange(oracle.bali.xml.model.XmlModelEvent event)
Gives a chance to the component editor to update its state when the underlyning model changes. Component editor should return true if it handled the model change completally, and the component editor environment does not need to process the event itself.
event -
true if the component editor handled the model change completally

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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