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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ProjectModelAdapter

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ContainerModelAdapter
          extended by oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.ProjectModelAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Comparable, Located

public class ProjectModelAdapter
extends ContainerModelAdapter

A ModelAdapter which adapts the Audit framework to the (vestigial) model of a Project node. The node is the root construct of the model, its contained constructs are the model adapters for the ContentDirectory instances deduced from its children.

See Also:
ModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, ProjectModelType

Constructor Summary
ProjectModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, Project project)
          Creates a project document.


Method Summary
protected  void collectContainedElements()
          Collects the contained Elements of the root construct.
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
          Gets whether this model is less than, equal to, or greater than another using the natural order defined by this class.
 boolean contains(ModelAdapter that)
          Gets whether this model contains a model.
 boolean contains(java.lang.Object construct, Location location)
          Gets whether a construct in this model contains a location.
 ContainerModelAdapter getContainingAdapter()
          Gets the model adapter containing this model adapter, or null if this is the root node.
 ContentDirectory getDirectory()
          Gets the package directory containing this model, or null if none.
 Node getNode()
          Gets the IDE Node corresponding to this model, or null if none (in particular, if this is the root or a directory model).
 Project getProject()
          Gets the project containing this model. getUrl()
          Gets the non-null URL corresponding to this model.
 javax.swing.Icon icon(java.lang.Object construct)
          Gets the icon for a construct of this model.
 boolean isModifiable()
          Gets whether this model is modifiable.
 java.lang.Object label(java.lang.Object construct)
          Gets the label for a construct of this model.
 java.lang.Object summary(java.lang.Object construct)
          Gets the summary for a construct of this model.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ContainerModelAdapter
addContainedElement, addContainedModel, addEmbeddedModel, getConstruct, getContainedConstructs, getContainedUnauditableElements, getElementLocations, getLocation, getRoot, isFile


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
acquireReadLock, beginRead, beginRead, beginReadHook, cancelRead, compareSiblings, contains, contains, contextDescription, edit, endRead, endRead, endReadHook, enter, equals, exit, getAttribute, getCharacter, getColumnOffset, getConstruct, getDependency, getDirectoryAdapter, getElement, getEndLocation, getFactory, getFileAdapter, getFocusLocation, getFocusLocation, getIdeContext, getInitialLength, getLine, getLineOffset, getLocation, getLocation, getLock, getPrimaryCollationKey, getProjectAdapter, getSecondaryCollationKey, getSecondaryCollationString, getShortLabel, getText, getType, getURL, getWorkspace, getWorkspaceAdapter, hashCode, icon, isEditable, isModified, isModified, isReadLockHeld, isWriteLockHeld, label, release, releaseReadLock, setAttribute, summary, toString, verifyReadTransaction


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public ProjectModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory,
                           ModelType type,
                           ContainerModelAdapter workspace,
                           Project project)
Creates a project document. This should only be invoked from ProjectModelType.

Method Detail


public getUrl()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the non-null URL corresponding to this model.
Specified by:
getUrl in class ModelAdapter


public ContainerModelAdapter getContainingAdapter()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the model adapter containing this model adapter, or null if this is the root node.
Specified by:
getContainingAdapter in class ModelAdapter


public ContentDirectory getDirectory()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the package directory containing this model, or null if none.
getDirectory in class ModelAdapter


public Project getProject()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the project containing this model.
getProject in class ModelAdapter


protected void collectContainedElements()
Collects the contained Elements of the root construct. Implementations must call ContainerModelAdapter.addContainedElement(oracle.ide.model.Element, for each contained element. This method is invoked by the first invocation of ContainerModelAdapter.getContainedConstructs(java.lang.Object) or #getContainedUnauditableElements, unless {@link #addContainedModel} has already been invoked.

The Audit framework invokes this method with a read transaction active on this model. The contained elements of a project are the root directories of the contents sets of the adapted project.

Specified by:
collectContainedElements in class ContainerModelAdapter


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether this model is less than, equal to, or greater than another using the natural order defined by this class. Model adapters created by different ModelFactory instances cannot be compared.
Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable
Specified by:
compareTo in class ModelAdapter
object - The model to which to compare this model.
a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this model is less than, equal to, or greater than the other model.


public boolean contains(ModelAdapter that)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether this model contains a model.
Specified by:
contains in class ModelAdapter
that - The ModelAdapter to test.


public boolean contains(java.lang.Object construct,
                        Location location)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether a construct in this model contains a location. A construct does not contain an empty location at its boundary.

The default ModelAdapter location returns true if the construct is this or the location returned for the construct by ModelAdapter.getLocation(Object) contains the construct (getLocation(construct).contains(location).

Subclasses that can determine containment trivially for some constructs, or can extract offset and length directly from some constructs and so avoid the expense of creating a object should override this method, delegating to super for any constructs they can't optimize. To determine containment of the location by an offset and length, use ModelAdapter.contains(int, int, Location) to ensure correct results containment of an empty location.

contains in class ModelAdapter
construct - The construct in this node to test.
location - The Location to test.


public Node getNode()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the IDE Node corresponding to this model, or null if none (in particular, if this is the root or a directory model).
getNode in class ModelAdapter


public boolean isModifiable()
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets whether this model is modifiable. The default ModelAdapter implementation returns false.
isModifiable in class ModelAdapter


public java.lang.Object label(java.lang.Object construct)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the label for a construct of this model. Note that the return type is Object, and Audit uses String.valueOf(Object) to get a string. Typically, implementations of this method will return a string, but the return type allows an implementation to return an object which defers expensive formatting to its toString() method. If necessary, the label should be localized.
Specified by:
label in class ModelAdapter


public java.lang.Object summary(java.lang.Object construct)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the summary for a construct of this model. The summary will be used, for example, as the tool tip text if the construct appears as a row in an Audit report. Note that the return type is Object, and Audit uses String.valueOf(Object) to get a string. Typically, implementations of this method will return a string, but the return type allows an implementation to return an object which defers expensive formatting to its toString() method. The summary should be localized.
Specified by:
summary in class ModelAdapter


public javax.swing.Icon icon(java.lang.Object construct)
Description copied from class: ModelAdapter
Gets the icon for a construct of this model. If necessary, the icon should be localized.
Specified by:
icon in class ModelAdapter

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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