Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Release Notes for Oracle Data Integrator

11g (11.1.1)


April 2015

This document describes known issues associated with Oracle Data Integrator. It includes the following sections:

1 Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and their workarounds:

1.1 Incorrect version number displayed

The odi-sdk-ws may incorrectly show the version number instead of the correct version number

The General Information window may incorrectly show the version number 10.3.6 instead of the correct version number

1.2 Local Agent shown in Test Connection dialog

When testing the connection for the Enterprise Scheduler, the Test Connection window erroneously includes Local Agent in the selection list for test agents. The Local Agent cannot be used for ESS-ODI asynchronous communication channel. This will be corrected in a future release.

1.3 Resource center menu results in Error 403

Selecting the Resource Center > ODI Resources on OTN may result in an Error 403.

To access the ODI resources, use this URL directly in a new browser window:

1.4 Using ODI SAP BW/ERP adapter

For repositories created using prior to ODI version, you must update the repository seed data using this procedure:


This procedure is required only when updating to the ODI SAP BW/ERP Adapter v37 included with this version of ODI.

If you use the existing adapter, you should not complete this procedure.

  1. Start ODI and connect to your repository

  2. Open the ODI Security Module.

  3. Right-click Dataserver and select Import.

  4. Choose Insert import mode and select the XML file:

    <ODI Studio Home>/oracledi.sdk/lib/scripts/xml/OBJ_DataServer.xml

  5. Click OK.

  6. Right-click Dataserver and select Import.

  7. Choose Update import mode and select the XML file

    <ODI Studio Home>/oracledi.sdk/lib/scripts/xml/OBJ_DataServer.xml

  8. Click OK.

1.4.1 Updating other components

After updating the adapter, you should update the KMs and ODI SAP components.


Be sure to back-up your existing KMs before upgrading.
  1. Complete the procure to import/update KMs from your KM export flies (in the xml-refernece directory).

  2. Uninstall any earlier version of the ODI SAP components. Refer to "Uninstalling ODI SAP Components" in the ODI Application Adapters Guide for details.

  3. Install the updated components. Refer to "Installation ODI SAP Components" in the ODI Application Adapters Guide for details.

1.5 ODI Console May Fail to Launch with emsdk Exception

When using EM on WAS server, the ODI Console may fail to start. To correct this issue, you must modify the scripts to place the java option after PREF_JM_OPTIONS by using the following procedure:

  1. Install WAS.

  2. Create the Cell and Node manually by using the Configuration wizard.

  3. Edit the file

    edit $WAS_HOME/wasxxxx/bin/
  4. At the end of the file, move the $javaOption after the $PREF_JVM_OPTIONS.

  5. Save the file, re-run the Configuration wizard to deploy odiconsole and agent, and start all servers.

1.6 ODI Console Shutdown May Show Exception

After a shutting down an ODI managed server from EM, the following exception may appear:

MDS-00512: failure to create document 

The shutdown was successful and you may ignore the error.

2 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Oracle Data Integrator, 11g (11.1.1)


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