H The Access Control Directive Format

This appendix describes the format (syntax) of any access control item (ACI).

This appendix includes the following sections:

H.1 Schema for orclACI

The access control directive defined by the user attribute orclACI has the following schema:

OrclACI:{ object_identifier NAME 'orclACI' DESC 'Stores an inheritable ACI' EQUALITY
accessDirectiveMatch SYNTAX 'accessDirectiveDescription'  USAGE

accessDirectiveDescription has the following BNF:
                  ::= access to <object> [by <subject> ( <accessList> )]+

<object> ::= [attr <EQ-OR-NEQ> ( * | (<attrList>) ) | entry]
[filter=(<ldapFilter>)] [DenyGroupOverride] [AppendToAll]

<subject> ::= <entity> [<BindMode>] [<BindIPFilter>] [Added_object_constraint=(<ldapFilter>)]
<entity> ::= * | self | dn="<regex>" | dnAttr=(<dn_attribute>) | group="<dn>" |
guidattr=(<guid_attribute>) | groupattr=(<group_attribute>) | [SuperUser]

LDAP_authentication_choice::= proxy | simple | MD5Digest | PKCS12
LDAP_security_choice::= SSLNoAuth | SSLOneWay | SASL

BindIPFilter=(<ldapFilter for orclipaddress>)
ex: (|(orclipaddress=1.2.3.*)(orclipaddress=1.2.4.*)), (&(orclipaddress!=1.2.*)(orclipaddress!=3.4.*)) 

<accessList> ::= <access> | <access>, <accessList>

<access> ::= none | compare | search | browse | proxy | read | selfwrite | write |
add | delete | nocompare | nosearch | nobrowse | noproxy |noread | noselfwrite |
nowrite | noadd | nodelete 

<attrList> ::=  <attribute name> | <attribute name>,<attrList>

<EQ-OR-NEQ> ::=  = | !=

<regex> ::= <dn> | *,<dn_of_any_subtree_root>


The regular expression defined earlier is not meant to match any arbitrary expression. The syntax only allows expressions where the wildcard is followed by a comma and a valid DN. The latter DN denoted by <dn_of_any_subtree_root> is intended to specify the root of some subtree.

H.2 Schema for orclEntryLevelACI

The BER format for orclEntryLevelACI is the same as the format for orclACI.

The entry level access control directive defined by the user attribute orclEntryLevelACI has the following schema:

{ object_identifier NAME 'orclEntryLevelACI' DESC 'Stores entry level ACL Directive' 
EQUALITY accessDirectiveMatch SYNTAX 'orclEntryLevelACIDescription'
USAGE 'directoryOperation' }

::= access to <object> [by <subject> ( <accessList> )]+