

tadm set-health-check-prop common_options --config=config_name --origin-server-pool=origin_server_pool_name (property_name=property_value)+


Use this command to set the health-check properties for an origin server pool.

Health check monitors include the built-in health check monitors, including HTTP/HTTPS and TCP Connect Health Check, as well as a generic health check hookup mechanism, so that customers can write their own programs/scripts to monitor the health of specific origin servers. This mechanism is especially useful when you want to have a protocol-level health check monitor for the origin servers, which provide different services.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify the configuration for which you want to set the health-check properties.


Specify the name of the origin-server pool for which you want to set the health-check properties.



Specify name=value pairs for one or more properties that you want to define. The name=value pairs should be separated by spaces.

You can set the following health-check properties:

protocol: Specifies the protocol for the health check requests. If COMMAND is configured, Oracle Traffic Director invokes the executable specified in command for the health check.
Values: HTTP, TCP, or COMMAND.

interval: Specifies the time interval (seconds) between two health check pings.
Values: Takes a positive integer. Default: 30.

timeout: Specifies the timeout value (seconds) for a ping connection or a request.
Values: Takes a positive integer. Default: 5.

command: The full path of the external health check executable. This parameter must be configured if the protocol is COMMAND.


In case of HTTP type of origin server pool, the COMMAND health check protocol will not be considered if:
  • the origin server type is UNDETECTED or,

  • the origin server type is WLS and dynamic discovery is set.

failover-threshold: Specifies the number of consecutive failures for all requests sent to an origin server, after which the origin server should be marked as unavailable.
Values: Takes a positive integer. Maximum allowable value is 256. Default: 3.

request-method: Specifies the method that should be used for HTTP ping requests.
Values: GET or OPTIONS. Default: OPTIONS.

request-uri: Specifies the URI that should be used for HTTP health-check requests.
Values: URI String. Default: "/".

response-code-match: The response status codes that indicate a healthy origin server.
Values: A pipe-separated list of status codes. The status codes can be represented as modified regular expressions containing 3-character patterns. The first character can be either "x" or a number from 1 to 4. The second and third characters can be either "x" or a number from 0 to 9. For example, 200, 2xx|304, 1xx|2xx|3xx|4xx. This is applicable only when protocol is HTTP. For example, any 200 plus response code from the origin servers will be matched against 2xx (200=OK, 201=Created, 202=Accepted, 203=Non-Authoritative Information, 204=No Content, 205=Reset Content, and 206=Partial Content).

response-body-match: A regular expression that is used to match the HTTP response body to determine the origin server's health. This is applicable only when protocol is HTTP.
Values: Regular expression.

response-body-match-size: Specifies the maximum length of the response body that should match.
Values: Takes a positive integer. Default: 2048.

dynamic-server-discovery: Specifies if the server should dynamically discover Oracle WebLogic Server cluster nodes and add them to the pool.
Values: true, false. Default: false.

To reset a property to its default value, do not provide a property value.
For example, property-name=<empty_string>


tadm set-health-check-prop --user=admin 
--password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989 --no-prompt --origin-server-pool=test-pool 
failover-threshold=150 timeout=4

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.