

tadm set-http-listener-prop common_options --config=config_name --http-listener=name (property_name=property_alue)+


Use this command to set the HTTP listener properties.


For information about common_options, run the help command.


Specify the name of the configuration to set the HTTP listener properties.


Specify the name of the HTTP listener.



Specify name=value pairs for one or more properties that you want to define. The name=value pairs should be separated by spaces.

You can set the following HTTP listener properties:

enabled: Specifies whether the HTTP listener is enabled.
Values: true, false. Default: true.

ip: Specifies an IP address to listen.
Values: A valid IP address or an asterisk (*) to listen on all IP addresses.

port: Specifies the port to listen.
Values: A valid port number.

acceptor-threads: Specifies the number of threads dedicated for accepting connections received by this listener.
Values: 1 to 128.


The property acceptor-threads can accept auto-tuned as a value. Auto-tuned implies that the server will compute the value of this property at runtime.

server-name: Specifies the default server name. Tells the server what to put in the host name section of any URLs it sends to the client. This affects URLs the server automatically generates; it doesn't affect the URLs for directories and files stored in the server. This name should be the alias name if your server uses an alias. If a colon and port number are appended, that port will be used in URLs that the server sends to the client.
Values: The value can include a scheme (for example, prefix http://) and port suffix (for example, :80).

blocking-io: Indicates whether the server uses the blocking I/O. If you specify this option, the HTTP listener socket is in the blocking mode.
Values: true, false. Default: false.

handle-protocol-mismatch: Indicates whether the server responds to SSL or non-SSL protocol mismatches in client requests. The default value is true, meaning the server will attempt to detect SSL or non-SSL protocol mismatches and send an HTTP redirect or SSL alert when a mismatch is detected.
Values: true, false. Default: true.

family: Specifies the socket family that is used to connect to the origin-server.
Values: inet, inet6, and inet-sdp. The values inet and inet6 represent IPV4 and IPV6 protocols respectively. The inet-sdp value is used for Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP). Default: inet.


The property family can accept default as a value. Default implies that the server will compute the value of this property at runtime.

listen-queue-size: Specifies the size (in bytes) of the listen queue.
Values: 1 to 1048576.

receive-buffer-size: Specifies the size (in bytes) of the operating system socket receive buffer.
Values: 0 to 2147483647.

send-buffer-size: Specifies the size (in bytes) of the operating system socket send buffer.
Values: 0 to 2147483647.

default-virtual-server-name: Specifies the name of the virtual server that processes request that do not match a host.
Values: Takes a name value from the virtual server element.

description: Specifies the description of the HTTP listener.
Values: A text string.

max-requests-per-connection: Maximum number of keep-alive requests that will be handled per HTTP connection after which the keep-alive connection is closed. 0 indicates no limit.

Values: any positive integer. Default: 0.

To reset a property to its default value, do not provide a property value.
For example, property-name=<empty_string>


tadm set-http-listener-prop --user=admin --password-file=./admin.passwd --port=8989  
--no-prompt --http-listener=http_listen1 
IP= port=1895

Exit Codes

The following exit values are returned:

0: command executed successfully

>0: error in executing the command

For more information about exit codes and syntax notations, run the help command.