3 Installing Oracle Traffic Director

This chapter provides information about installing Oracle Traffic Director on an NFS share that is mounted locally within a compute node.

If installing Oracle Traffic Director on engineered systems, first perform the procedures described in Chapter 2, "Requirements for Installing Oracle Traffic Director on Engineered Systems."


Oracle Traffic Director can be configured within a Solaris Zone/Container and provide high availability for IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) on Solaris 11.2 or above.

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Installation Procedure

This section describes how to install Oracle Traffic Director as a physical application.


Before installing Oracle Traffic Director, verify that the prerequisites listed in Section 1.2, "Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Traffic Director" are fulfilled.

You can install Oracle Traffic Director either by using a graphical wizard or in silent mode.

3.1.1 Installing Oracle Traffic Director in Graphical Mode

This section describes how to install Oracle Traffic Director by using an interactive graphical wizard provided by the Oracle Universal Installer. In order to configure Oracle Traffic Director for high availability, the steps below must be performed on two mount points.

  1. Download the installer zip file, TrafficDirector.zip.

    The location from which you should download the installer zip file varies depending on how you intend to use the product:

  2. Extract the contents of the installer zip file to a directory of your choice. The directory should be on the host on which you want to install the administration server instance of the product.

  3. Go to the Disk1 subdirectory in the directory in which you unzipped the installer.

  4. Run the following command:

  5. If a central inventory directory is not already available on the host, the Specify Inventory Directory screen is displayed.

    The inventory directory is used to store information about all Oracle software products installed in all Oracle homes on a host, provided the product was installed using Oracle Universal Installer. The directory also contains all the installation log files.

    The default inventory location is USER_HOME/oraInventory. Oracle recommends that you use a directory on the local file system that is not shared by other systems.

    1. Specify the Oracle inventory directory and the group to which you want to grant access to the inventory directory. The group must have write permissions to the Oracle inventory directory. All members of this group will be able to install products on this host.

      Click OK to continue.

      The Inventory Location Confirmation screen is displayed, prompting you to run the following script as the root user:



      If you run the createCentralInventory.sh script, the next time you install any Oracle software on this host, the Oracle Universal Installer automatically locates and updates the inventory, without prompting you to specify the inventory directory.
    2. If you do not have root access on this host and want to continue the installation with the local (instead of central) inventory location, select Continue installation with local inventory.

      Click OK to continue.

    The Oracle Traffic Director installation wizard starts.

  6. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions provided on the screens of the installation wizard. Table 3-1 provides a brief description of each screen and the action required on the screen.

    For more information about a specific screen, click the Help button on the screen.

    Table 3-1 Screens of the Installation Wizard

    Screen Description and Action Required


    Click Next.

    Install Software Updates

    You can use this screen to search for and download the latest software updates, including important security updates, through your My Oracle Support account.

    • To skip this step, select Skip Software Updates and click Next.

    • To search for and download software updates, specify whether you want to search for updates on My Oracle Support or on a local directory, enter the necessary information, and click Search for Updates.

    Prerequisite Checks

    The installer analyzes the host computer to ensure that the prerequisites are fulfilled. The results of the prerequisite checks are displayed on this screen.

    If a prerequisite check fails, an error or warning message is displayed.

    • Fix the error and click Retry. For example, if any of the required packages listed in Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Traffic Director are not available in the system, install them.

    • To ignore the error or warning and continue with the installation, click Continue.

    • To stop the prerequisite checking process, click Abort.

    Click Next to continue.

    Specify Installation Location

    Specify the Oracle home directory.

    Oracle home is the directory in which software binaries for Oracle products are stored. This location is the NFS share that is mounted locally within the compute node. Note that run-time processes cannot write to this directory.

    Note: Oracle Traffic Director does not have any run-time dependencies on other Oracle products. So you can install the product in any directory that is currently empty.

    Click Next to continue.

    Installation Summary

    This screen displays the Oracle home directory that you specified earlier. It also indicates the amount of disk space that will be used for the installation and the free space available.

    Review information on this screen.

    To change the Oracle home directory, click the Back button or the Installation Location link in the left navigation pane.

    To save the settings specified so far in the installation wizard in a text file (called a response file), click Save. If necessary, you can use the response file to perform the same installation from the command line.

    Click Install to proceed with the installation process.

    Installation Progress

    This screen shows the progress and status of the installation process.

    If you want to cancel the installation, click Cancel. The files that were copied to your system before you canceled the installation will remain on the system; you should remove them manually.

    Click Next to continue.

    Installation Complete

    Click Finish.


After installing Oracle Traffic Director, you must create the administration server instance as described in Section 4.1, "Creating the Administration Server."

3.1.2 Installing Oracle Traffic Director in Silent Mode

This section describes how to install Oracle Traffic Director in noninteractive mode by specifying installation options at the command line. On Exalogic, in order to configure Oracle Traffic Director for high availability, the steps below must be performed on two mount points.


If a central inventory directory is not already available on the host on which you are installing Oracle Traffic Director, you must create an oraInst.loc file before starting the silent installation. For more information, see the "UNIX Users: Creating the oraInst.loc File" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.
  1. Download the installer zip file, TrafficDirector.zip.

    The location from which you should download the installer zip file varies depending on how you intend to use the product:

  2. Extract the contents of the installer zip file to a directory of your choice. The directory should be on the host on which you want to install the administration server instance of the product.

  3. Go to the Disk1 subdirectory in the directory in which you unzipped the installer.

  4. Run the following command:

    $./runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion
     -invPtrLoc path_to_oraInst.loc_file ORACLE_HOME=oracle_home

    The path that you provide for ORACLE_HOME must be the NFS share that is mounted locally within the compute node.


    The ignoreSysPrereqs option cannot be used while performing silent installation of Oracle Traffic Director, as this option will cause the installation to fail.

    For information about the options of the runInstaller command, see the "Silent Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Deinstallation" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

3.2 Troubleshooting Installation Problems

If you encounter an error while installing Oracle Traffic Director, do the following:

  • Verify that your computer meets the requirements specified in Section 1.2, "Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Traffic Director."

  • While using the installation wizard, if you realize that you entered incorrect information on one of the installation screens, then return to that screen by clicking Back, enter the correct information and proceed with the installation.

  • If an error occurs while the installer is copying or linking files:

    1. Note the error and review the installation log files. For more information, see Section 5.1.1, "Examine the Installation Log."

    2. Remove the failed installation by running the following command:

      $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -d
    3. Correct the issue that caused the error.

    4. Restart the installation process.