5 Post Installation

This chapter provides information about verifying the installation to check if it completed successfully. In addition, it provides information about the steps for deinstalling and reinstalling Oracle Traffic Director.

This document contains the following sections:

5.1 Verifying the Installation

You can verify whether the installation was completed properly by examining the installation log file, looking at the directories and files in the Oracle home directory, and by trying to access the Oracle Traffic Director administration console.

5.1.1 Examine the Installation Log

The installer creates log files in the logs subdirectory within the Oracle inventory directory.


If you do not know the location of the Oracle inventory directory, you can find the path to it in the ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc file.

The logs directory contains the following files:

  • installdate-time-stamp.log

    This is the main log file.

  • installdate-time-stamp.out

    This log file contains the output and error streams during the installation.

  • installActionsdate-time-stamp.log

    This file is used by the installer GUI to keep track of internal information.

  • installProfiledate-time-stamp.log

    This log file contains the overall statistics, like time taken to complete the installation, as well as configuration, memory, and CPU details.

  • oraInstalldate-time-stamp.log

    This log file contains the output stream of the copy session.

  • timeTakendate-time-stamp.log

    This file is created only if you start the installer with the -printtime option. It contains information for the amount of time taken to move between screens (applicable for GUI installations only).

  • timedate-time-stamp.log

    This file is created only if you start the installer with the -printtime option. It contains time information for the copy session.

  • memorydate-time-stamp.log

    This file is created only if you start the installer with the -printmemory option. It contains memory usage information for the copy session.

5.1.2 Verifying the Installation Directory Structure

After installing Oracle Traffic Director and performing the post-installation steps, verify that the Oracle home directory contains the following directories:

After installing Oracle Traffic Director and performing the post-installation steps, verify that the Oracle home directory contains the following directories:



If you created the administration server as described in Section 4.1, "Creating the Administration Server," and while doing so, if you specified the Oracle home directory for the instance-home option of the configure-server command, then you will see a directory named admin-server as well in the Oracle home directory.

For information about the contents of each of these directories, see the "Directory Structure" section in the Oracle Traffic Director Configuration Files Reference.

5.1.3 Login to the Administration Console

After installing Oracle Traffic Director and performing the steps described in Section 4.1, "Creating the Administration Server," you can verify the installation by trying to log in to the administration console of the Oracle Traffic Director administration server, by performing the following steps:

  1. Start the administration server instance, by running the following command:



    If Oracle Traffic Director is configured for high availability, make sure to start the administration node by running the following command:
  2. From the resulting console messages, note the URL of the administration console, as indicated by the bold text in the following example:

    Oracle Traffic Director B01/16/2014 11:12
    [NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80118] Using [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Version 1.6.0_35] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/admin]
    [NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-80000] Loading web module in virtual server [admin-server] at [/jmxconnector]
    [NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10358] admin-ssl-port: https://bin.example.com:1895 ready to accept requests
    [NOTIFICATION:1] [OTD-10487] successful server startup
  3. In your web browser, enter the URL that you noted in the previous step.

    An error message about a problem with the server's security certificate is displayed. The text of the message varies depending on the browser you use. The error message is displayed because the Oracle Traffic Director administration server uses a self-signed certificate, rather than a certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority.

  4. Proceed to the log-in page of the administration console by choosing to trust the certificate.

    The steps to be performed to trust a certificate vary depending on the browser you use. As an example, in Mozilla Firefox 4.0, click on the I Understand the Risks link on the error page, then click the Add Exception button, and finally, on the result page, click the Confirm Security Exception button.

  5. Log in using the administrator user name and password that you specified while creating the administration server instance, as described in Section 4.1, "Creating the Administration Server."

5.2 Deinstalling Oracle Traffic Director

You might want to remove an Oracle Traffic Director installation, either to remove files pertaining to a failed installation or to install a newer version.

You should always use the instructions provided here for removing the software. If you try to remove the software manually, you may experience problems when you try to reinstall the software at a later time. Following the procedure described here will ensure that the software is properly removed.

To deinstall Oracle Traffic Director, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the unconfigure-server command from the Oracle Traffic Director command-line interface to remove the administration server and all instances of Oracle Traffic Director on the specified INSTANCE_HOME directory. This command also ensures that all related configuration settings such as services, keepalived and so on are fully removed.

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tadm unconfigure-server --instance-home=instance_home
  2. After running the unconfigure-server command, run the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -d

    The deinstallation wizard starts.

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions provided on the screens of the installation wizard.

    For more information about a specific screen, click the Help button on the screen.

5.3 Reinstalling Oracle Traffic Director

You cannot reinstall Oracle Traffic Director in a directory that already contains an installation of the product.

To reinstall Oracle Traffic Director, perform the following steps:

  1. Deinstall the existing installation by following the procedure described in Section 5.2, "Deinstalling Oracle Traffic Director."

  2. Install Oracle Traffic Director as described in Section 3.1, "Installation Procedure."