12 Diagnosing Problems with SOA Composite Applications

This chapter describes how to diagnose Oracle SOA Suite problems early and take the proper corrective actions with the assistance of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) for monitoring diagnostic scenarios using watches and notifications and the Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework for gathering SOA-specific diagnostic scenarios into data dumps that are formatted for viewing and analyzing.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For information about troubleshooting, see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite."


The information in this chapter applies only to Oracle databases. Your experience may differ if using a non-Oracle database.

12.1 Introduction to the Diagnostic Frameworks

When you monitor and diagnose problems in Oracle SOA Suite, you face the following challenges:

  • Capturing diagnostic data at the moment of occurrence (also known as just-in-time diagnostics), especially for intermittent issues such as obtaining multiple thread dumps when the system hangs or obtaining heap dumps before a system runs out of memory.

  • Obtaining advanced information such as data shape (counts by state and growth patterns for the SOA schema and MDS schema).

  • Communicating back and forth with Oracle Support Services to provide basic information such as versions, logs, configuration files, patches applied, and so on.

  • Detecting problems and taking corrective actions early before they escalate.

To address these challenges, Oracle SOA Suite is integrated with the following diagnostic frameworks that assist you in identifying problems early and taking the proper corrective actions:

  • WLDF: For monitoring diagnostic scenarios using watches and notifications.

  • Diagnostic Framework: For gathering SOA-specific diagnostic scenarios into data dumps that are formatted for viewing and analyzing. These data dumps can be made accessible through the Support Work Bench and uploadable as part of a service request (SR).

12.1.1 Introduction to WLDF

WLDF is a monitoring and diagnostics framework included with Oracle WebLogic Server that defines and implements a set of services that run within server processes and participate in the standard server life cycle.

Using WLDF, you can capture diagnostic data from Oracle SOA Suite. You configure WLDF watches and notifications from Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to collect diagnostic data to identify problems. This data enables you to isolate and diagnose faults when they occur.

For more information about WLDF, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server. Introduction to Watches and Notifications

Watches monitor server and application states and send notifications based on criteria that you set. Watches and notifications are configured as part of a diagnostic module targeted to one or more server instances in a domain. When you create a watch, you build rule expressions for monitoring using the attributes of Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle WebLogic Server MBeans in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

For example, assume you want to be notified when the percentage of free heap memory falls below 100%. You create a watch that uses the Oracle WebLogic Server MBean weblogic.management.runtime.JRockitRuntimeMBean and its attribute HeapFreePercent. You then define logic indicating that when HeapFreePercent is less than 100%, you want to receive a notification. You can also use the MBean JVMRuntimeMBean when running with a non-JRockit virtual machine (VM).

For information about creating watches and notifications in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, see Section 12.5, "Creating Watches and Notifications" and Section "Configuring the Diagnostic Framework" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide. Introduction to Diagnostic Scenarios and MBeans

The watch rule expressions that you create use the attributes of Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle WebLogic Server MBeans to collect data and perform monitoring. You diagnose scenarios with available MBeans to provide statistics about that scenario or to log messages. Managed beans (MBeans) are Java objects that represent JMX manageable resources in a distributed environment. The attributes of the following MBeans are available for defining in watches to monitor scenarios:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server MBeans

  • Diagnostic Oracle SOA Suite MBeans

  • Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics exposed as MBeans

Oracle SOA Suite provides several diagnostic scenarios that you can monitor with watches and notifications. Table 12-1 provides details about the supported diagnostic scenarios and the MBeans to use for monitoring.

Table 12-1 Supported Diagnostic Scenarios and MBeans

Scenario Description Diagnostic Data Source

Memory issues (startup, deployment, and runtime)

Monitor the free heap available. If the free heap percentage is below a threshold, a notification is triggered to generate a thread stack dump and heap dump.

Oracle WebLogic Server MBean

Deployment hanging

Monitor the elapsed time of a deployment. If it exceeds a threshold, a notification is triggered.

Oracle SOA Suite deployment MBean

Data source issues

Monitor the suspension and connection pool/transaction timeouts


Server overload

Monitor the server's self-health.

Oracle WebLogic Server MBean

Stuck threads

Monitor stuck threads. If any are found, a notification is triggered.

A stuck thread watch/Diagnostic Framework notification is automatically included. Diagnostic Framework incident packages can be created with a tool such as the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI). Incidents are created automatically.

Table 12-2 lists some of the available MBeans and DMS Metrics to select when creating watches for monitoring and collecting diagnostic data.

Table 12-2 MBeans and DMS Metrics

Diagnostic Data Source (MBean) and Usage Description Oracle WebLogic Server MBean SOA MBean or DMS Metric

weblogic.management.runtime.JVMRuntimeMBean/ weblogic.management.runtime.JRockitRuntimeMBean

For memory statistics


- -


For deployment elapsed time

- -



For health state information


- -



For JDBC data sources and for accessing transaction runtime characteristics


- -

For more information about Oracle WebLogic Server MBeans, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference.

12.1.2 Introduction to the Diagnostic Framework

The Diagnostic Framework is an Oracle Fusion Middleware feature that aids in detecting, diagnosing, and resolving problems. The problems that are targeted are critical errors such as those caused by code bugs, metadata corruption, customer data corruption, deadlocked threads, and inconsistent state. The Diagnostic Framework detects critical failures and captures dumps of relevant diagnostics information (logs, metrics, server images, and so on). WLDF watches and notifications trigger events for which the Diagnostic Framework listens and generates appropriate data dumps. The dumps are formatted into incident packages for viewing and analysis.

The problems captured as incidents include critical errors such as those described in Table 12-1. Each incident package is identified by a unique ID. When a critical error occurs, it is assigned this unique ID known as an incident number. Diagnostic data for the error (such as log files) is immediately captured and tagged with this number.

The data is then stored in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). ADR is a file-system repository for cataloging occurrences of failures and storage of associated diagnostic data. The data is retrieved by incident package number, formatted, viewed with Oracle database tools such as ADRCI, and analyzed.

ADRCI enables you to view the names of the dump files and the alert log with XML tags stripped. This viewing enables you to investigate problems, and package and upload first-failure diagnostic data to Oracle Support Services.

You can also use the Diagnostic Framework WLST commands to perform the following tasks:

  • Query problems

  • View incident dump files

  • Create manual incidents

  • Manually execute dumps

The Diagnostic Framework is supported on all JRF-supported platforms.

The Diagnostic Framework automatically includes several dumps. For information about these dumps, see Section "Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

In addition to these dumps, several Oracle SOA Suite dumps are also supported. For information about Oracle SOA Suite dumps, see Section 12.2, "Executing Oracle SOA Suite Diagnostic Dumps."

For more information about solving problems, incidents, and WLDF and Diagnostic Framework integration, see Chapter "Diagnosing Problems" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

For more information about ADR, see Section 12.7, "Viewing Incident Packages with ADR Tools." Controlling the Number of Incident Packages

If you have a recurring problem in Oracle SOA Suite, this can cause for the creation of multiple incident packages. To prevent the server from being overloaded when many failures are occurring, the Diagnostic Framework automatically flood controls some incidents. To avoid this problem, you can configure the Diagnostic Framework to control the number of incident packages. For more information, see Section "Configuring the Diagnostic Framework" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

12.1.3 Predefined Incident Processing Rules

When you create a watch in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administrator's Console, you also define a notification. A notification named FMWDFW notification is automatically available for selection. While you can create your own notifications, Oracle recommends that you select FMWDFW notification because it creates the Oracle SOA Suite dumps described in Section 12.2, "Executing Oracle SOA Suite Diagnostic Dumps."

When an error is detected, the FMWDFW notification handler creates an incident and the Diagnostic Framework takes over incident processing semantics. These semantics are controlled by incident processing rules. The incident processing rules are defined in an XML file and loaded and registered with the Diagnostic Framework during SOA Infrastructure startup.

If you encounter scenarios different from those listed in Table 12-1, you must work with Oracle Support Services to obtain a copy of the customized incident processing rules file. Configuring Incident Processing Rules Files Through the Diagnostic Framework

You can configure a customized incident processing rules file through the Diagnostic Framework. Place the customized rules file in either of the following locations.

  • Server level configuration: FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/servers/server_name/dfw

  • Domain level configuration: FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/dfw

The Diagnostic Framework automatically loads the file on server start up. All dumps are registered as system scoped unless an application name is prefixed to the file name:

  • myrules.xml: System scoped. This means the rules file applies to all applications deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • application_name#name.xml: Application scoped. This means the rules file applies only to a specific SOA composite application. Everything before the # is treated as the application name deployed in Oracle WebLogic Server (for example, loanApplication#custom-rules.xml). If soa-infra#custom-rules.xml is specified, it applies to all SOA composite applications deployed in the SOA Infrastructure.

    For more information, see section "Configuring Custom Diagnostic Rules" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide. Configuring Incident Processing Rules Files in the SOA Server Home Directory


While configuration in the SOA server home directory is supported for 11g Release 1 (, Oracle Corporation recommends that you configure incident processing rules files through the Diagnostic Framework, as described in Section, "Configuring Incident Processing Rules Files Through the Diagnostic Framework."

Oracle Support Services can place a customized rules file (named custom-rules.xml) under the SOA server instance home directory (for example, FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/servers/server_name).

Example 12-1 shows a sample custom rules file. When an ERROR level message is detected in the *-diagnostic.log from the oracle.soa.bpel.engine.ws module, the soa.composite.trail dump is executed. A restart of the system to load the rules actually disturbs the accuracy of diagnostic data collected.

Example 12-1 Sample Custom Rules File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<diagnosticRules xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/DFW/DiagnosticsFrameworkRules/"
<condition module="oracle.soa.bpel.engine.ws"/> 

<dumpAction name="soa.composite.trail"> 
<argument name="ecid" value="ECID" valueType="Fact" mandatory="true"/> 

</diagnosticRules> Dynamically Loading the Custom Rules File

In addition, you can dynamically load the rules file into the SOA Infrastructure without restarting the server. A dynamic reload is important because a server restart can disturb the accuracy of the diagnostic data collected.

To dynamically reload the file without restarting the server, enter the following WLST command:

wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> reloadCustomRules(name='rule_file')

For more information about reloadCustomRules, see Chapter "Diagnostic Framework Custom WLST Commands" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

12.2 Executing Oracle SOA Suite Diagnostic Dumps

In addition to the diagnostic dumps available with Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle SOA Suite supports the creation of the diagnostic dumps shown in Table 12-3.

Table 12-3 Oracle SOA Suite Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Description


Runtime environment dumps.


Runtime platform configuration dumps.


Database dumps.


Deployed composite metadata dumps.


Instance audit trail dumps.


Event dumps.


Deployed composite WSDL/schema cache dumps.


Static dumps (system, invoke, engine, and audit thread counts) and runtime scheduled and working message count dumps.


Average instance processing time dumps.


Average instance processing delay dumps (for asynchronous processes).


Synchronous business processes dump statistics such as minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of instances processed.


Asynchronous BPEL process dump statistics such as minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of instances processed.


Request level dump statistics such as minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of requests processed as the request flows though various layers of the BPEL process service engine.


Resequencer group processing delay dumps.


Adapter connection factory configurations. Use to identify if the same Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is being used by multiple composites.


JCA adapter connection pool statistics and connection pool leaks. The current open connection statistics are displayed, enabling tuning of the connection pool.


Adapter DMS statistics such as message size and fault count.

The Diagnostic Framework outputs and records the diagnostic dumps. You can list details about all the diagnostic dumps with the WLST listDumps and describeDump commands.


You must start WLST from MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin. Otherwise, the ODF functions are missing.


To list the dumps:

  1. Connect to the server on which the SOA Infrastructure is installed.

    wls:/offline> connect('user_name', 'password',
    Connecting to t3://myhost:8001 with userid user_name ...
    Successfully connected to managed Server 'soa_server1' that belongs to
    domain 'soainfra'.
  2. List the Diagnostic Framework dumps.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> listDumps()
    Use the command describeDump(name=<dumpName>) for help on a specific dump.
  3. List the Oracle SOA Suite dumps.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> listDumps(appName='soa-infra')
    Use the command describeDump(name=<dumpName>) for help on a specific dump.

    The Oracle SOA Suite dumps are described in the following subsections.

    For more information about listDumps and describeDump, see Chapter "Diagnostic Framework Custom WLST Commands" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

    For more information about Diagnostic Framework dumps, see Chapter "Diagnosing Problems" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

12.2.1 Runtime Environment Diagnostic Dumps (soa.env)

Table 12-4 provides details about runtime environment diagnostic dumps.

Table 12-4 Runtime Environment Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:


  • Dump Mode:


  • SOA runtime version, label (can be obtained from the Discovery MBean), and topology (information about the cluster of which the runtime version is a member).

  • Topology: Cluster and Oracle Coherence information such as cluster name, member name, whether the cluster is the leader, local members, machine ID, rack ID, and so on.

    The leader is generally the oldest node in the cluster. This may change over time as members leave and join the cluster. This senior member is responsible for maintaining cluster membership and making other decisions for the cluster. It also acts as the final arbiter in various protocols, such as the panic protocol.

  • Patch inventory

  • Oracle Coherence messaging mode: Either unicast or multicast. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.env.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.env', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.env
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures SOA runtime environment info:
    version, label, topology. ...
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.env', appName='soa-infra')
    Begin dumping EMInstanceProperties
    End dumping EMInstanceProperties
    Cluster Info:
    cluster name:null
    cluster is leader:true
    cluster is standalone:true

12.2.2 Runtime Platform Configuration Diagnostic Dumps (soa.config)

Table 12-5 provides details about runtime platform configuration diagnostic dumps.

Table 12-5 Runtime Platform Configuration Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    zip: (Optional) Supports the following values:

    - true: (Default value) Zips the output file and artifacts into one ZIP file.

    - false: Writes the dump text file and artifacts to the dump path location without compressing them into one ZIP file.

    output: (Optional) Specifies the alternate directory location to which to write dump files. If not specified, the diagnostic dump uses the Diagnostic Framework dump path.

  • Dump Mode:


deployed-composites.xml - A catalog of deployed composites, including their revisions.

Service engine configurations: The following configurations are persisted in MDS (soa/configuration/default/*.xml):

  • adapter-config.xml

  • b2b-config.xml

  • bpel-config.xml

  • bpmn-config.xml

  • businessrules-config.xml

  • cep-config.xml

  • edn-config.xml

  • mediator-config.xml

  • soa-infra-config.xml

  • workflow-config.xml

  • workflow-identity-config.xml

  • workflow-notification-config.xml WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.config:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.config', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.config
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures SOA runtime
    configuration info, such as deployed-composites.xml, service engine
    configurations, etc.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
       Name    Type     Description
       zip     BOOLEAN  Boolean flag (default to 'true') indicating if the dump
                        files need to be compressed into one single zip file,
                        true - compress dump result into a single zip, false,
                        otherwise, default: true
       output  STRING   Path to Output destination, a directory where the dump
                        content will be written to, default to DFW dump path if 
                        not specified ...
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.config', appName='soa-infra')
    . . .
    . . .
    Start dumping artifacts from MDS
    URI:deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml to /tmp/soa_
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to /tmp/soa_dumps139780820495.tmp/soa_
    Start dumping artifacts from MDS URI:soa/configuration/default/ to /tmp/soa_
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to: /tmp/soa_dumps139780820495.tmp/soa_
    MDS artifacts dumped, next, compressing all dump files into:

    The executeDump command dumps deployed-composites.xml from the MDS repository and service engine configurations for all installed service engines into a single, compressed ZIP file (soa_config364634563344231671.zip).

  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.config with the zip parameter set to false. This setting writes the dump text file and artifacts to the dump path location without compressing them into one ZIP file.

    . . .
    . . .
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.config', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'zip':'false'})Start dumping artifacts from MDS
     URI:deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml to:
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to:
    Start dumping artifacts from MDS URI:soa/configuration/default/ to:
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to:
  3. Examine the contents under the default dump path:

    [jdoe@myhost /tmp]$ ls -alR oracle-dfw-7178460573556479044.tmp
    total 52
    drwxr-----   3 jdoe dba   4096 Oct 24 15:43 .
    drwxrwxrwt 104 root root 36864 Oct 24 15:37 ..
    drwxr-----   4 jdoe dba   4096 Oct 24 15:43 soa_config199325881615155981.d
    -rw-r-----   1 jdoe dba    561 Oct 24 15:43 soa_config199325881615155981.txt
    total 16
    drwxr----- 4 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 .
    drwxr----- 3 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 ..
    drwxr----- 2 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 deployed-composites
    drwxr----- 2 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 se-configurations
    total 12
    drwxr----- 2 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 .
    drwxr----- 4 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 ..
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 1437 Oct 24 15:43 deployed-composites.xml
    total 56
    drwxr----- 2 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 .
    drwxr----- 4 jdoe dba 4096 Oct 24 15:43 ..
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  267 Oct 24 15:43 adapter-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  425 Oct 24 15:43 b2b-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 2040 Oct 24 15:43 bpel-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 1525 Oct 24 15:43 bpmn-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  895 Oct 24 15:43 businessrules-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  119 Oct 24 15:43 cep-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  215 Oct 24 15:43 edn-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  836 Oct 24 15:43 mediator-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 1148 Oct 24 15:43 soa-infra-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 2693 Oct 24 15:43 workflow-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba 2146 Oct 24 15:43 workflow-identity-config.xml
    -rw-r----- 1 jdoe dba  605 Oct 24 15:43 workflow-notification
  4. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.config that compresses all dump into a ZIP file in the specified output directory.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.config', appName='soa-infra'

12.2.3 Database Diagnostic Dumps (soa.db)

Table 12-6 provides details about database diagnostic dumps. The types of database information captured include data shape information such as counts by state and growth patterns for Oracle SOA Suite schemas and the MDS schema.

Table 12-6 Database Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:


  • Dump Mode:


BPEL database table growth data using JDBC-based access to execute the query and dump the result:

SELECT dt.table_name table_name,ds.bytes/1024/1024
segment_size_mb, ds.extents extents_used, dt.num_rows
total_rows, to_char(dt.last_analyzed,'YYYY-MM-DD
HH24:MI:SS') last_analyzed_date FROM dba_segments ds,
dba_tables dt WHERE dt.owner = ds.owner and dt.owner =
'schema_user_name' and dt.tablespace_name = 
ds.tablespace_name and dt.table_name = ds.SEGMENT_NAME 
and ds.segment_type = 'TABLE' and dt.table_name in 
'XML_DOCUMENT','DOCUMENT_CI_REF') WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.db:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.db', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.db
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump for SOA runtime DB usage info, e.g. bpel
    growth statistics
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.db', appName='soa-infra')
    SELECT dt.table_name table_name,ds.bytes/1024/1024 segment_size_mb, ds.extents
    extents_used, dt.num_rows total_rows, to_char(dt.last_analyzed,
    'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') last_analyzed_date FROM dba_segments ds,
    dba_tables dt WHERE dt.owner = ds.owner and dt.owner ='schema_user_name' 
    and dt.tablespace_name = ds.tablespace_name and dt.table_name = ds.SEGMENT_NAME
    and ds.segment_type = 'TABLE' and dt.table_name in ('CUBE_INSTANCE', 
    ResultSet Metadata:weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSetMetadata_oracle_jdbc_driver_
    RECORD #1:
    LAST_ANALYZED_DATE:2011-09-30 22:02:25
    RECORD #2:
    LAST_ANALYZED_DATE:2011-09-30 22:02:34
    RECORD #3:
    LAST_ANALYZED_DATE:2011-09-30 22:02:36
    RECORD #4:
    LAST_ANALYZED_DATE:2011-09-30 22:02:39

    This dump shows the query string and records from the result set.

12.2.4 Deployed Composite Metadata Diagnostic Dumps (soa.composite)

Table 12-7 provides details about deployed composite metadata diagnostic dumps. The types of information captured include the current composite processed when an incident occurs, MDS artifact references (for example, namespace exports), and abnormal transactions.

Table 12-7 Deployed Composite Metadata Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    ecid: (Optional) Matches SOA composite applications associated with the execution context ID (ECID). When ecid is specified, compositeName, partition, and revision are not used. When ecid is not specified, but other parameters are present, those parameters are used to match the composites. When no parameters are specified, an attempt is made to obtain the ECID from the dump context.

    compositeName: (Optional) Composite name that includes MDS recorded artifacts to dump. If a value is not specified (null or blank), compositeName assumes a wild card (*). You can also enter a wild card (*) to match any composite name.

    partition: (Optional) Partition name in which the composite is deployed. If not specified, the partition of the default composite specified in the deployed-composites.xml file is assumed (for example, default, partition_01, and my_partition). A wild card (*) to match any partition is supported.

    revision: (Optional) Composite revision (for example, 1.0) that includes MDS recorded artifacts to dump. If not specified, the revision of the default composite as specified in the deployed-composites.xml file is assumed. A wild card (*) to match any revision is supported.

    zip: (Optional) Whether to compress the dump output into a ZIP file. The following values are supported:

    - true: (Default value) Compresses dump files into one ZIP file.

    - false: Writes dump to a text file and artifacts to the dump path location without compressing them into one ZIP file.

    - output: (Optional) Alternate directory location to which to write dump files. If not specified, the diagnostic dump uses the Diagnostic Framework dump path.

  • Dump Mode:


Per composite metadata from MDS:

  • All the MDS recorded artifacts for the specified composites.

  • The text dump file contains logging information about which composite's MDS artifacts are dumped and to where.

  • All dump files compressed into one ZIP file.

  • User-specified output file location for WLST use.

  • One or more generated scratch_entries.txt files. The scratch_entries.txt file is a per composite file containing directory listing of the scratch area for that deployed composite. A scratch area for a deployed composite is for holding those artifacts generated when the composite is deployed (for example, the JAXB code generated).

    The location of the scratch area is indicated by the composite-revision element in deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml.

  • The soa.composite dump calls the soa.adapter.ra dump when the composite has a JCA binding in it. It dumps the connection factory properties under the
    soa_adapter_ra/ adapter-cf-config-properties.txt file WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.composite:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.composite'
    , appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.composite
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures composite MDS artifacts, and
    scratch area entries listing for composite's scratch area, dump MDS artifacts
    for composites that either match specified parameters: 
    composite name/partition/revision, or associated with an ECID (Execution
    Context ID identifying a message flow across multiple composite instance(s),
    support wild card '*' as composite name/partition/revision, meaning matching
    composites with any composite name/any partition/any revision.
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated with the ECID, 
    composite name/partition/revision not used. ;
    if ecid is not specified, then use composite name/partition/revision to match
    if composite name/partition/revision are not specified (all missing), try to
    get ECID from dump context;
    if ECID is obtained from dump context, use it to match composites associated
    with it,
    if no ECID from dump context, try to obtain composite name from dump context,
    if composite name obtained from dump context, then apply dump to all deployed
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
      Name        Type      Description
      ecid        STRING    ECID (Execution Context ID - for tracking message flow
                            across multiple composite instances), when present, 
                            will be used to locate composites associated with it,
                            and other composite matching parameters ignored; it can
                            be obtained from dump context if not specified as dump
                            parameter, see rules for actual parameter evaluation
                            for details.
      zip         BOOLEAN   Boolean flag (default to 'true') indicating if the dump
                            files need to be compressed into one single zip file,
                            true - dump into a single zip file, false, otherwise,
                            default: true.
      revision    STRING    Revision of composite , e.g. '1.0', '2.0', can be wild
                            card meaning matching any revision, when missing,
                            assume default composite's revision in the composite  
      partition   STRING    Partition of composite, default to partition(s)
                            associated with resolved revision(s) can be wild 
                            card '*', meaning matching any partition.
      compositeName STRING  Composite name, e.g., 'OrderProcessing', can be wild
                            card '*', meaning matching any composite.
      output      STRING   Output destination directory where dump contents
                            are written to, default to DFW dump path.
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.composite',
    . . .
    . . .
    Start dumping composite [name=WSInMedPubBpelSubFileOut, partition=partition_1,
    revision= 1.0 ] MDS metadata to :/tmp/soa_dumps1019331262763443905.tmp/
    Finished dumping composite MDS metadata to :/tmp/soa_dumps

    A dump output file is created at the specified dump location of /home/myhome/COMPOSITE_DUMP_MDS_ZIP.

    The Location field shows the dump results compressed at the specified location. In the navigator on the left are the MDS artifacts of the ZIP file (for example, the .edl file, .bpel file, and so on). The .txt file at the bottom is the main dump file in the ZIP file.

    Description of sca_diagdump.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_diagdump.gif

  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.composite that includes all SOA composite applications, revisions, and partitions.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.composite',

    The Location field shows the dump result compressed at the specified location.

    Description of sca_diagdump3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_diagdump3.gif

    All SOA composite applications from all partitions with all revisions are dumped.

    Description of sca_diagdump2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_diagdump2.gif

12.2.5 Instance Audit Trail Diagnostic Dumps (soa.composite.trail)

Table 12-8 provides details about instance audit trail diagnostic dumps. The type of information captured includes the SOA composite application instance audit trail, individual service component audit trails, faults, sensors, and event delivery network (EDN) information associated with the message flow identified by the ECID.

Table 12-8 Instance Audit Trail Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    ecid (Optional): The execution content ID for tracking message flow across multiple SOA composite application instances.

  • zip (Optional): The following values are supported:

    - true: (Default value) Compresses dump files into one ZIP file.

    - false: Writes dump to a text file and artifacts to the dump path location without compressing them into one ZIP file.

  • Dump Mode:


  • The top level audit trail associated with the ECID and the audit trails at the composite instances and service component instances levels. All are written in a file per composite instance/service component instance. The main dump file logs entries for each of the individual dump artifacts (for example, for a composite instance/service component instance associated with the ECID). The entries are written in the main dump file recording the name, type, created date, location of the dump artifact, and so on (for example, the path to the file where the audit trail raw XML is located).

    This dump is for the execution of message routing triggered by an inbound message. The top level audit trail is an XML CLOB obtained by calling the following Facade API in the current runtime context:

    oracle.soa.management.facade.Locator.getAuditTrail(ECID ecid)

  • Composite instances information.

  • Component instances information for each composite instance.

  • Faults related to the ECID are dumped into a dedicated faults file.

  • EDN information from the Facade API.

  • Sensor instances information for each composite instance. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.composite.trail:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.composite.trail'
    , appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.composite.trail
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump for a given ECID (Execution Context ID 
    identifying a message flow across multiple composite instances),
    captures composite application instances audit trail, components
    audit trail, faults, sensors, etc. associated with the message
    flow identified by the ECID; 
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation: 
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated 
    with the ECID, if ecid is not specified, try to get ECID
    from dump context, if ECID is obtained from dump context, use
    it to match composites associated with it, if no ECID from
    dump context, throw exception.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
       Name        Type       Description
       ecid        STRING     ECID (Execution Context ID- for tracking message flow
                              across multiple composite instances).
        zip        BOOLEAN    Boolean flag (default to 'true') indicating if the
                              dump files need to be compressed into one single zip
                              file, true - compress dump result into a single zip,
                              false, otherwise, default: true
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.composite.trail',
    Executing SOA Diagnostic Dump: soa.composite.trail
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that, for a given ECID (Execution Context ID
    identifying a message flow across multiple composite instances), captures
    composite application instances audit trail, components audit trail, faults,
    sensors, etc. associated with the message flow indentified by the ECID;
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated with the ECID,
    if ecid is not specified, try to get ECID from dump context,
    if ECID is obtained from dump context, use it to match composites associated
    with it,if no ECID from dump context, throw exception.
    Optional::ecid::STRING::ECID(Execution Context ID - for tracking message flow
    across multiple composite instances),
    Optional::zip::BOOLEAN::Boolean flag (default to 'true') indicating if the dump
    files need to be compressed into one single zip file, true - compress dump
    result into a single zip, false, otherwise, default: true.
    Parameter Values:
    Normalized dump parameters:
    Start dumping audit trails for ECID =
    [cf1cec292805f383:-598c1140:1388238a4ce:-8000-00000000000028c1], to destination
    : /tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp
    Trail data =>/tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    EDN.INFO = /tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    composite.1.Created=Fri Jul 13 15:32:03 PDT 2012
    No trail found...
    Trail data =>/tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    SENSOR.INFO = /tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    composite.2.Created=Fri Jul 13 15:31:58 PDT 2012
    No trail found...
    Trail data =>/tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    SENSOR.INFO = /tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    composite.3.Created=Fri Jul 13 15:31:24 PDT 2012
    No trail found...
    Trail data =>/tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    SENSOR.INFO = /tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp/soa_
    Number of composite instance associated with the ECID
    [cf1cec292805f383:-598c1140:1388238a4ce:-8000-00000000000028c1]: 3
    Audit trails dumped for ECID =
    [cf1cec292805f383:-598c1140:1388238a4ce:-8000-00000000000028c1], at the
    location :/tmp/oracle-dfw-3352979816637176191.tmp
    Compressing dump files from directory:
    composite_trail4522512822868494030.d] to

    For information about obtaining the ECID, see Section 14.1, "Monitoring the Audit Trail and Process Flow of a BPEL Process Service Component."

12.2.6 Event Diagnostic Dumps (soa.edn)

Table 12-9 provides details about event diagnostic dumps. The types of information captured include EDN business event bus status information and EDN database log records.

Table 12-9 Event Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    dumpEDNDBLOG: Supports the following values:

    - true: Dumps EDN database message logs.

    - false (Default value): Does not dump EDN database message logs.

  • Dump Mode:


  • EDN event bus state variables.

  • EDN subscriber/publisher information for all deployed composites, and so on.

  • EDN database message logs.

  • Cluster information (cluster name, member name, isLeader value, local members, machine ID, rack ID, and so on).

All information is written to the dump text file. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.edn:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.edn', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.edn
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures EDN BusinessEventBus status
    info, and optionally, EDN DB Log records.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
       Name         Type       Description
       dumpEDNDBLOG BOOLEAN    Flag indicating whether EDN DB logs included; false:
                               EDN DB log not included. default: false.
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.edn', appName='soa-infra')
    Executing SOA Diagnostic Dump: soa.edn
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures EDN BusinessEventBus status
    info, and optionally, EDN DB Log records.
    Optional::dumpEDNDBLOG::BOOLEAN::Flag indicating whether EDN DB log included
    or not, true: EDN DB log included, false: EDN DB log not included, default: 
    Parameter Values:
    Status: running=true started=true
    In Global: Tx:false
    Cluster Info:oracle.integration.platform.blocks.cluster.CoherenceCluster
    OOAO Queue Name:edn_ooao_queue
    Java Subscriber Name:edn java subscriber
    Subscription Info:
    No namespace subscription...
    QName subscriptions:
    BpelSub, consistencyLevel=ONE_AND_ONLY_ONE, filter=XPath Filter: starts-with(/
     'A'), runAsRoles=[$publisher]
    BpelSub, consistencyLevel=ONE_AND_ONLY_ONE, filter=XPath Filter: starts-with(/
     'A'), runAsRoles=[$publisher]
    EDN DB Log enabled:false

    The executeDump command dumps the event bus status variables (1mpt@163bd717) and event publish and subscription information. No log messaging information is dumped because the edn-db-log is set to false. You can enable the edn-db-log at the following URL:



    • You must have the administrator privilege to enable/disable the edn-db-log.

    • Always disable the edn-db-log after a debugging session to disable logging. This prevents excessive database growth in the EDN database log table. If the edn-db-log remains enabled, then debugging messages related to events that are published/enqueued into the database and subscribed to/dequeued from the database continue to be persisted into certain EDN database log tables. This causes the table to grow indefinitely.

12.2.7 Deployed Composite WSDL/Schema Cache Diagnostic Dumps (soa.wsdl)

Table 12-10 provides details about service definition information cached for composites that match the specified parameters: composite name, partition, and revision.

Table 12-10 Deployed Composite WSDL/Schema Cache Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    ecid: (Optional) ECID for tracking message flow across multiple composite instances. When present, this parameter locates any associated composites. Other composite matching parameters are ignored. The ECID can be obtained from the dump context if not specified as a dump parameter.

    compositeName: (Optional) Composite name that includes key service definition information (WSDLs) to dump, including WSDLs referenced and XSDs referenced. If a value is not specified (null or blank), compositeName assumes a wild card (*). A wild card (*) to match any composite is supported.

    partition: (Optional) Partition name in which the composite is deployed. If not specified, the partition of the default composite specified in the deployed-composites.xml file is assumed. A wild card (*) to match any partition is supported.

    revision: (Optional) Composite revision (for example, 1.0) that includes the service definition information (from WSDLs) to dump. If not specified, the revision of the default composite as specified in the deployed-composites.xml file is assumed. A wild card (*) to match any revision is supported.

  • Dump Mode:


  • Composite distinguished name (DN). For example: compositeDN:partition_1/WSInMedPubBpelSubFileOut!1.0*soa_8a169ab1-395a-4b87-9986-9fa2742a8bd3.

  • Is it the default in the series.

  • Composite name.

  • Composite state (on or off).

  • Composite mode (active or retired).

  • The qualified name and the target namespace for all service definitions (including those from shared WSDLs): javax.wsdl.Definition objects:

    - Service name: QName javax.wsdl.Definition.getQName()

    - Target namespace: javax.wsdl.Definition.getTargetNamespace()

  • SchemaManager state variables:

    - SchemaManager.isPostDeploy()

    - SchemaManager.isShared()

    - SchemaManager.schemaAddedSinceLastBuild()

  • XML schema definitions referenced by service definitions:

    - The message type QName

    - The message type SchemaTargetNamespace

    - The message type TargetNS WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of soa.wsdl:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.wsdl', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: soa.wsdl
    Description: SOA diagnostic dump that captures services definition info cached
    for composite(s) that match specified parameters: composite namne
    partition/revision, support wild card '*' as composite name/
    partition/revision, meaning matching composites with any 
    composite name/any partition/any revision.
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated with the ECID, 
    composite name/partition/revision not used. ;
    if ecid is not specified, then use composite name/partition/revision to match
    if composite name/partition/revision are not specified (all missing), try to
    get ECID from dump context;
    if ECID is obtained from dump context, use it to match composites associated
    with it,
    if no ECID from dump context, try to obtain composite name from dump context,
    if composite name obtained from dump context, then apply dump to all deployed
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
       Name        Type     Description
       ecid        STRING   ECID (Execution Context ID - for tracking message
                            flow across multiple composite instances), when
                            present, will be used to locate coposites associated
                            with it and other composite matching parameters are
                            ignored; it can be obtained from dump context if not
                            specified as dump parameter; see rules for actual
                            parameter evaluation for details.
      revision    STRING    Revision of composite , e.g. '1.0', '2.0', can be wild
                            card meaning matching any revision, when missing,
                            assume default composite's revision in the composite  
      partition   STRING    Partition of composite, default to partition(s)
                            associated with resolved revision(s) can be wild 
                            card '*', meaning matching any partition.
      compositeName STRING  Composite name, e.g., 'OrderProcessing', can be wild
                            card '*', meaning matching any composite.
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.wsdl', appName='soa-infra'
    . . .
    . . .
    is default in series:true
    composite application name:partition_1
    composite name:WSInMedPubBpelSubFileOut
    composite state:on
    composite mode:active
    WSDLManager Instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.WSDLManager@164ec201
    Cached wsdl Definitions for the specified composite: including any shared
    wsdls if there are any:
    TaskServicetarget name space:http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/taskService
    value=QName:{urn:MyTestWsdl}target name space:urn:MyTestwsdl
    WSInMedPubBpelSubFileOut/FileWrite}FileWritetarget name space:http:
    count of all cached entries:3
    SchemaManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.SchemaManager@164ec1f8
    Cached schema count:0
    WSDLManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.WSDLManager@14b5b8b0
    cached wsdl definitions for the specified composite: including shared wsdls
    if there is any:
    TaskServicetarget name space:http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/taskService
    count of all cached entries:1
    SchemaManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.SchemaManager@145b8cc
    Cached schema count:0
    WSDLManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.WSDLManager@14b58b0
    WSDLManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.WSDLManager@14b58b0
    cached wsdl definitions for the specified composite: including shared wsdls
    if there is any:
    TaskServicetarget name space:http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/taskService
    count of all cached entries:1
    SchemaManager instance:oracle.fabric.common.wsdl.SchemaManager@145b8cc
    Cached schema count:0

12.2.8 Dispatcher Static Configuration Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.dispatcher)

Table 12-11 provides details about dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps.

Table 12-11 Dispatcher Static Configuration Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


    It is safe to mark this SOA diagnostic dump as ASYNC_SYNC if the dump can be executed as follows: (1) In the thread context of an incident (synchronous) and (2) Not in the context of the incident, but still produce diagnostic information.

Static pool configurations (dispatcher configurations)

  • Audit, invoke, and nonblocking invoke thread counts

  • Engine and system threads

Runtime message queue sizes:

  • Total scheduled (messages in the queue awaiting processing) message counts

  • Total working (messages currently being processed) message counts

Runtime message queue breakdown sizes (total processed and erred messages, and average message pending and execution time):

  • Audit queue

  • Engine queue

  • Invoke queue

  • Nonblocking invoke queue

  • System queue WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

In addition to the WLST command described in this section, you can also obtain dispatcher static configuration diagnostic information through the System MBean Browser. This option enables you to obtain more specific details about invoke queue, delivery queue, and instance queue scheduled and working messages. For more information, see Section, "Obtaining Dispatcher Static Configuration Diagnostic Dumps with the System MBean Browser."

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.dispatcher:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.dispatcher', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: bpel.dispatcher
    Description: BPEL dispatcher config info.
    This dumps the information about the static (System, Invoke, Engine and Audit
    thread counts) and runtime Scheduled and Working Message Counts
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        format      STRING   passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml
                             format - args={'format':'xml'}
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.dispatcher',
    BPEL Service Engine Dispatcher Info:
    Static Pool Configurations 
                    Audit Thread Count:        3
                        Engine Threads:       30
                   Invoke Thread Count:       20
      Non-Blocking Invoke Thread Count:        2
                        System Threads:        2
    Runtime Message Queue Sizes
         Total Scheduled Message Count:        352
           Total Working Message Count:         50
    Runtime Message Queue Breakdown Sizes
    Audit Queue :
                  Total Processed Messages  :0
                    Total Errored Messages  :0
     Average Message Pending Time         :n/a
     Average Message Execution Time       :n/a
                     | Scheduled  | Working
    ---------------- | ---------- | -------
               audit |          0 |       0
    Engine Queue :
                  Total Processed Messages   :879
                      Total Errored Messages :0
     Average Message Pending Time        :2304.08
     Average Message Execution Time       :905.56
                     | Scheduled  | Working
    ---------------- | ---------- | -------
              domain |          0 |       0
             process |          0 |       0
            delivery |        253 |      19
            instance |         56 |      11
    Invoke Queue :
                  Total Processed Messages  :714
                    Total Errored Messages    :0
       Average Message Pending Time      :1385.2
     Average Message Execution Time      :954.33
                     | Scheduled  | Working
    ---------------- | ---------- | -------
              invoke |          0 |       0
    Non-Blocking Invoke Queue :
                  Total Processed Messages  :0
                    Total Errored Messages  :0
     Average Message Pending Time         :n/a
     Average Message Execution Time       :n/a
                     | Scheduled  | Working
    ---------------- | ---------- | -------
    non-block-invoke |          0 |       0
    System Queue :
                  Total Processed Messages  :1
                  Total Errored Messages    :1
     Average Message Pending Time         :272
     Average Message Execution Time     :11014
                     | Scheduled  | Working
    ---------------- | ---------- | -------
              system |          0 |       0
         maintenance |          0 |       0
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.dispatcher in XML format:

    executeDump(name='bpel.dispatcher', appName='soa-infra', args={'format':'xml'})
    <dispatcher-trace invokeThreadCount="20" systemThreadCount="2"
     nonBlockInvokeThreadCount="2" auditThreadCount="5" engineThreadCount="30">
      <systemSet totalErroredMsgs="1" avgMsgPendingTime="277"
        avgMsgExecTime="11014" totalProcessedMsgs="1">
          <scheduled count="0"/>
          <working count="0"/>
          <scheduled count="0"/>
          <working count="0"/>
      <invokeSet totalErroredMsgs="0" avgMsgPendingTime="803.82"
        avgMsgExecTime="987.51" totalProcessedMsgs="385">
          <scheduled count="43"/>
          <working count="20"/>
      <engineSet totalErroredMsgs="0" avgMsgPendingTime="2391.25"
        avgMsgExecTime="1127.45" totalProcessedMsgs="343">
          <scheduled count="0"/>
          <working count="0"/>
          <scheduled count="43"/>
          <working count="20"/>
          <scheduled count=147"/>
          <working count="14"/>
          <scheduled count="75"/>
          <working count="16"/>
      <auditSet totalErroredMsgs="0" avgMsgPendingTime="n/a"
        avgMsgExecTime="n/a" totalProcessedMsgs="0">
          <scheduled count="0"/>
          <working count="0"/>
      <non-block-invokeSet totalErroredMsgs="0" avgMsgPendingTime="n/a"
        avgMsgExecTime="n/a" totalProcessedMsgs="0">
          <scheduled count="0"/>
          <working count="20"/>
    </dispatcher-trace> Obtaining Dispatcher Static Configuration Diagnostic Dumps with the System MBean Browser

You can also display dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps in the System MBean Browser by invoking the readXMLDispatcherTrace property. This option enables you to obtain more specific details about invoke queue, delivery queue, and instance queue messages currently being processed or scheduled to be processed than you receive with the WLST executeDump command described in Section, "WLST Command Dump Description and Execution."

  1. In the navigation tree, expand the SOA folder.

  2. Right-click soa-infra, and select Administration > System MBean Browser.

  3. Select Application Defined MBeans > oracle.as.soainfra.bpm > Server: server_name > bpel > CubeDispatcher.

  4. Click readXMLDispatcherTrace.

  5. Click Invoke.

    Results are displayed in the property window.

    Description of sca_stats4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_stats4.gif

12.2.9 Average Instance Processing Time Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.apt)

Table 12-12 provides details about average instance processing time diagnostic dumps. This information is obtained from the creation and last modified timestamp for the instance persisted in the BPEL process service engine.

Table 12-12 Average Instance Processing Time Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


    It is safe to mark this diagnostic dump as ASYNC_SYNC if the dump can be executed as follows: (1) In the thread context of an incident (synchronous) and (2) Not in the context of the incident, but still produce diagnostic information.

The average time that instances for various processes take during execution. This information is obtained from the persistence store and includes the time taken by any partners invoked by the process. The average time is in seconds. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.apt:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.apt', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: bpel.apt
    Description: BPEL Instance Average Procesing Time information.
    This information is obtained from the creation and last modify
    timestamp for the instance in the BPEL Engine persistence repository
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        format      STRING   passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml
                             format - args={'format':'xml'} 
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.apt',
    BPEL Service Engine Instance Average Processing Time Info:
         Composite |      Component |   Instances |  Average Processing Time (secs)
      -------------| -------------- |-------------|--------------------------------
           forEach |   DummyService |            2|            0.01
                   |           Test |            3|            0.09
      -------------| -------------- |-------------|--------------------------------
        LinkInvoke |     AsynchBPEL |            1|            0.01
                   |     LinkInvoke |            2|            0.11
                   |       SyncBPEL |            2|            0.01
      -------------| -------------- |-------------|--------------------------------
       RelaxSyntax | SyncBPELService|            2|            0.02
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.apt in XML format:

    executeDump(name='bpel.apt', appName='soa-infra', args={'format':'xml'})
    <AvgInstanceProcessingTime timestamp="2012-03-15 13:11:40.442">
      <Composite name="forEach">
        <Component name="DummyService" instances="2" Avg="0.01"/>
        <Component name="Test" instances="3" Avg="9.09"/>
      <Composite name="LinkInvoke">
        <Component name="AsynchBPEL" instances="1" Avg="0.01"/>
        <Component name="LinkInvoke" instances="2" Avg="0.11"/>
        <Component name="SyncBPEL" instances="2" Avg="0.01"/>
      <Composite name="RelaxSyntax">
        <Component name="SyncBPELService" instances="2" Avg="0.02"/>

12.2.10 Average Instance Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.apd)

Table 12-13 provides details about average instance processing delay diagnostic dumps for asynchronous processes. This dump provides the average time taken by the BPEL process service engine to retrieve the persisted message from the database and start processing that message. The statistics are generated from the database and not from in-memory.

Table 12-13 Average Instance Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


    It is safe to mark this SOA diagnostic dump as ASYNC_SYNC if the dump can be executed as follows: (1) In the thread context of an incident (synchronous) and (2) Not in the context of the incident, but still produce diagnostic information.

Average invoke processing delay between the receipt of the incoming message that triggers the process instance and the time at which the BPEL service engine actually started processing the message.

Note: The dump described in Section 12.2.9, "Average Instance Processing Time Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.apt)" provides the total execution time for a process instance, which is a function of the time for processing of activities, and also includes the time that the partner takes (if it involves calling one or more). However, because the incoming message is first stored in the database for asynchronous communications before being processed, more specific details are sometimes required to diagnose system bottlenecks. Therefore, details about the delay in the BPEL process service engine selecting the message from the database is also provided with the bpel.apd dump.

This dump information is generated from the database and not from in-memory. For further details and better analysis about delays at various layers of the BPEL process service engine, see Section 14.6.1, "Viewing Low Level Request Breakdown Table Details." WLST Command Dump Description and Execution


  • Because this dump is executed against the database, the query may run slow if you have very large records.

  • There are no filters for limiting the data to query.

  • The dump runs queries provided as database views external to the normal BPEL process service engine persistence schema. You can tune the view directly and receive better results.

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.apd:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.apd', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: bpel.apd
    Description: BPEL Instance Average Processing Delay information (for
    Asynchronous Processes).
    This provides dump for information regarding the following:
    Average Invoke Processing Delay:
    Time delay between receipt of incoming message that triggers the
    process instance and the time engine actually start processing the message.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        format      STRING   passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml
                             format - args={'format':'xml'}
    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.apd',
    ********Average Invoke Processing Delay********
    Composite| Component|    Partner Link|  Operation|  Avg Invoke Processing Delay 
    -------- | -------- | ---------------|-----------------------------------------
        Call | AsynchBP | asynchBP_client|    process|           0.05
    -------- | -------- | -------------- |-----------|-----------------------------
        Test |  Caller2 |  caller2_client|    process|           0.04
    -------- | -------- | -------------- |-----------|-----------------------------
     EvnTest |  EDNProc |            null|       null|           0.03
    -------- | -------- | -------------- |-----------|-----------------------------
     forEach |     Echo |          client|   initiate|           0.07
    -------- | -------- | -------------- |-----------|-----------------------------
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.apd in XML format:

    executeDump(name='bpel.apd', appName='soa-infra', args={'format':'xml'})
    <AvgInstanceProcessingDelays timestamp="2012-03-15 13:11:40.442">
        <Composite name="Call">
          <Component name="AsynchBP">
            <Partner Link name="asynchBP_client">
              <Operation name="process" Avg="0.05"/>
            </Partner Link>
        <Composite name="Test">
          <Component name="Caller2">
            <Partner Link name="Caller2_client">
              <Operation name="process" Avg="0.04"/>
            </Partner Link>
        <Composite name="EvnTest">
          <Component name="EDNProc">
            <Partner Link name="null">
              <Operation name="null" Avg="0.03"/>
            </Partner Link>
        <Composite name="forEach">
          <Component name="Echo">
            <Partner Link name="client">
              <Operation name="initiate" Avg="0.07"/>
            </Partner Link>

12.2.11 Synchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.sps)

Table 12-14 provides details about synchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps. This dump provides the minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and the count of instances processed. You must configure the StatsLastN System MBean Browser property described in Section 14.6.1, "Viewing Low Level Request Breakdown Table Details" to obtain this diagnostic dump. However, if the optional dump parameters duration and buffer are specified and StatsLastN is not configured, this dump command provides statistics for throughput (transactions per second) information.

Table 12-14 Synchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    buffer: (Optional) Specify a value for the buffer range (100-100000).

    duration: (Optional) Specify a value for the time duration (1 - 10000).

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


The minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and the count of instances processed for synchronous processes. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.sps:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.sps', appName='soa-infra')
    Description: Statistics for Synchronous Business Processes
    This dump provides process level (Synchronous BPEL Processes only) statistics
    such as min, max and average processing time (in milli-secs) and count of
    instances processed.  Note that statsLastN must be configured to obtain this
    output. However, if optional parameters duration and buffer are specified and
    statsLastN is not configured, this dump command would enable the stats for the
    throughput (transaction per sec) information
    Run Mode: asynchronous
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
      Name     Type   Description
      buffer   STRING Range for buffer: 100-100000. Example: args={'buffer':'100'}
      duration STRING Range for duration: 1-10000. Example: args={'duration':'1'}
      format   STRING Passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml format.
                      Example: args={'format':'xml'}
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.sps with StatsLastN configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.sps',
    Synchronous Process Stats
    Process Id:                                                                   |
    default/Synchronous!1.0*soa_13036d87-f3ec-4954-9777-e93248c43086/BPELProcess1 |
    |Minimum(m-sec) |Maximum(m-sec) |Average(m-sec) |Count
    | 3             | 3             | 3.0           | 1
  3. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.sps in XML format with StatsLastN configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.sps', appName='soa-infra',
    <stats key="default/Synchronous!1.0*soa_13036d87-f3ec-4954-9777-
    e93248c43086/BPELProcess1" min="3" max="3" average="3.0" count="1">
  4. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.sps with throughput values for the duration and buffer parameters.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.sps', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'duration':'10', 'buffer':'1000'})
    Synchronous Process Stats (with Throughput)
    Timestamp Start: 2012-07-25 10:41:16.457
    Timestamp End: 2012-07-25 10:42:16.462
    Sampling Window (seconds): 60
    Buffer Size: 1000
    Process Id:                                                     
    default/MsgProps20!1.0*soa_fe114dd1-fcfa-494a-920d-6ebd9b670/SyncM | 
    default/MsgProps!1.0*soa_78ab10-e820-4aa-86e3-87b8c88a1/SyncMsg    | 
    |Minimum(m-sec) |Maximum(m-sec) |Average(m-sec) |Count |Throughput (tps)
    125            | 125           | 125.0         | 1    | 0.01
    15             | 15            | 15.0          | 1    | 0.01
  5. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.sps in XML format with throughput values for the duration and buffer parameters and StatsLastN not configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.sps', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'format':'xml', 'duration':'10', 'buffer':'1000'})
    <statistics timestamp-start ='2012-07-25 10:10:09.128' timestamp-end
     ='2012-07-25 10:10:19.13'>
    <stats key="default/MtomTestClient!1.0*soa_65dc8543-3e2949e1-a07a-637c25c722
     a1/BPELProcess1" min="1292" max="1292" average="1292.0" count="1" throughput=
    <stats key="default/WSBPELFAProj!1.0*soa_352731eb-44c5-4db6-aff1-e6a440f3a343/WSBPELFAProcess" min="287" max="287"
    average="287.0" count="1" throughput="0.1">

12.2.12 Asynchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.aps)

Table 12-15 provides details about asynchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps. This dump provides process level (asynchronous BPEL processes only) statistics such as minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of instances processed. You must configure the StatsLastN System MBean Browser property described in Section 14.6.1, "Viewing Low Level Request Breakdown Table Details" to obtain this output. However, if the optional parameters duration and buffer are specified and StatsLastN is not configured, this dump command provides statistics for throughput (transactions per second) information.

Table 12-15 Asynchronous Process Statistics Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    buffer: (Optional) Specify a value for the buffer range (100-100000).

    duration: (Optional) Specify a value for the time duration (1 - 10000).

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


The minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of instances processed for asynchronous processes. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.aps:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.aps', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: bpel.aps
    Description: Statistics for Asynchronous Business Processes
    This dump provides process level (Asynchronous BPEL Processes only) statistics
    such as min, max and average processing time (in milli-secs) and count of
    instances processed. Note that statsLastN must be configured to obtain this
    output. However, if optional parameters duration and buffer are specified and
    statsLastN is not configured, this dump command would enable the stats for the
    throughput (transaction per sec) information
    Run Mode: asynchronous
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
      Name     Type    Description
      buffer   STRING  Range for buffer: 100-100000 .Example: args={'buffer':'100'}
      duration STRING  Range for duration: 1-10000 .Example: args={'duration':'1'}
      format   STRING  Passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml
                       format. Example: args={'format':'xml'}
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.aps with StatsLastN configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.aps',
    Asynchronous Process Stats
    Process Id:                                                                   |
    default/Asynchronous!1.0*soa_5c3b99b2-e1ad-4a24-9d13-f02dd8a268e/BPELProcess1 |
    default/Asynchronous!1.0*soa_5c3b99b2-e1ad-4a24-9d13-f02dd8a268e/BPELProcessC |
    |Minimum(m-sec) |Maximum(m-sec) |Average(m-sec) |Count
    | 4             | 4             | 4.0           | 0
    | 70            | 70            | 70.0          | 1
  3. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.aps in XML format with StatsLastN configured:

    executeDump(name='bpel.aps', appName='soa-infra', args={'format':'xml'})
    <stats key="default/Asynchronous!1.0*soa_5c3b99b2-e1ad-4a24-9d13-f02dd8a268e/
    BPELProcess1 min="4" max="4" average="4.0" count="0">
    <stats key="default/Asynchronous!1.0*soa_5c3b99b2-e1ad-4a24-9d13-f02dd8a268e/
    BPELProcess1Client min="70" max="70" average="70.0" count="1">
  4. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.aps with throughput values for the duration and buffer parameters.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.aps', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'duration':'60', 'buffer':'1000'})
    Asynchronous Process Stats (with Throughput)
    Timestamp Start: 2012-07-25 10:15:31.207
    Timestamp End: 2012-07-25 10:16:31.232
    Sampling Window (seconds): 60
    Buffer Size: 1000
    Process Id:                                                     |Minimum(m-sec)
    default/ch10.4fromParts2!1.0*soa_86cfa7a5-76f3-49fa-908a-1f9b8c | 3111
    |Maximum(m-sec) |Average(m-sec) |Count |Throughput (tps)
    | 3111          | 3111.0        | 1    | 0.01
  5. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.aps with throughput values for the duration and buffer parameters in XML format and StatsLastN not configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.aps', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'format':'xml', 'duration':'60', 'buffer':'1000'})
    <statistics timestamp-start ="2012-07-25 10:19:10.937' timestamp-end
     ='2012-07-25 10:21:10.946">
    <stats key="/default/ch11.6flow!1.0*soa_bb2b4125-068b-40d8-9eed-28b71fef6c36f/Test"
     min="322" max="322" average="322.0" count="1" throughput="0.01">
    <stats key="default/ch11.7forEachSeq!1.0*soa_c7bb5f85-dcbc-4c96-a3aa-977fe5ef17cd/Test"
     min="356" max="356" average="356.0" count="1" throughput="0.01">
    <stats key="default/ch11.7forEachPar!1.0*soa_8271932d-5af1-4ebe-b8ed-e1d8b3302b75/Test"
     min="2492" max="2492" average="2492.0" count="1" throughput="0.01">

12.2.13 Request Statistics Diagnostic Dumps (bpel.rs)

Table 12-16 provides details about request diagnostic dumps. This dump provides the minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of requests processed as the request flows though various layers of the BPEL process service engine. You must configure the StatsLastN System MBean Browser property described in Section 14.6.1, "Viewing Low Level Request Breakdown Table Details" to obtain this diagnostic dump. However, if the optional dump parameters duration and buffer are specified and StatsLastN is not configured, this dump command provides statistics for throughput (transactions per second) information.

Table 12-16 Request Statistics Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    buffer: (Optional) Specify a value for the buffer range (100 - 100000).

    duration: (Optional) Specify a value for the time duration (1 - 10000).

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


The minimum, maximum, and average processing time (in milliseconds) and count of requests processed as the request flows though various layers of the BPEL process service engine. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description and execute a dump of bpel.rs:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='bpel.rs', appName='soa-infra')
    Name: bpel.rs
    Description: Statistics for Requests processing by Engine.
    This dump provides request level statistics such as min, max and average
    processing time (in milli-secs) and count of requests processed as the request
    flows though various layers of engine. Note that statsLastN must be configured
    to obtain this output. However, if optional parameters duration and buffer are
    specified and statsLastN is not configured, this dump command would enable the
    stats for the defined interval duration and return statistics which will also
    include the throughput (transaction per sec) information
    Run Mode: asynchronous 
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
      Name     Type    Description
      buffer   STRING  Range for buffer: 100-100000. Example: args={'buffer':'100'}
      duration STRING  Range for duration: 1-10000 .Example: args={'duration':'1'}
      format   STRING  Passing value of 'xml' will produce the output in xml
                       format. Example: args={'format':'xml'}
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.rs with StatsLastN configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.rs', appName='soa-infra')


    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.rs', appName='soa-infra',
    <stats key="eng-composite-request" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="0">
    <stats key="eng-single-request" min="2" max="3059" average="62.58" count="51">
    <stats key="create-and-invoke" min="2" max="3059" average="62.54" count="51">
    <stats key="glue-requests-store" min="0" max="1016" average="20.84" count="51">
    <stats key="storeBatchEvent" min="0" max="42" average="1.31" count="51">
    <stats key="scope-serialize" min="0" max="857" average="16.92" count="51">
    <stats key="create-instance" min="0" max="117" average="2.47" count="51">
    <stats key="get-process-descriptor" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="51">
    <stats key="factory-create" min="0" max="86" average="1.72" count="51">
    <stats key="init-root-scope" min="0" max="22" average="0.52" count="51">
    <stats key="declare-wi-lookup-table" min="0" max="1" average="0.01" count="51">
    <stats key="init-request-context" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="51">
    <stats key="log-sync-stats" min="0" max="3" average="0.05" count="51">
    <stats key="lookup-process" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="51">
    <stats key="log-requests-stats" min="0" max="1" average="0.01" count="51">
    <stats key="recycle-objects" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="153">
    <stats key="invoke-method" min="0" max="1445" average="28.58" count="51">
    <stats key="audit-counter-create" min="0" max="1430" average="28.23"
    <stats key="eng-manage" min="0" max="499" average="9.9" count="51">
    <stats key="sensor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0"
    <stats key="monitor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0"
    <stats key="monitor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="51">
    <stats key="sensor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="1" average="0.01" count="51">
    <stats key="check-access-control" min="0" max="15" average="0.1" count="153">
    <stats key="check-block-conditions" min="0" max="42" average="0.59" count="153">
    <stats key="eng-finalize" min="0" max="42" average="0.55" count="153">
    <stats key="eng-manage" min="0" max="9" average="0.13" count="102">
    <stats key="eng-until" min="0" max="41" average="0.35" count="153">
    <stats key="monitor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0"
    <stats key="sensor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="153">
    <stats key="check-expirable" min="0" max="1" average="0.0" count="153">
    <stats key="get-node" min="0" max="1" average="0.0" count="153">
    <stats key="get-workitem" min="0" max="35" average="0.24" count="153">
    <stats key="load-workitem" min="0" max="5" average="0.03" count="153">
    <stats key="load-instance-for-workitem" min="0" max="30" average="0.2"
    <stats key="load-instance" min="0" max="25" average="0.16" count="153">
    <stats key="actual-instance-load" min="0" max="25" average="0.16" count="153">
    <stats key="cube-instance-load-context" min="0" max="0" average="0.0"
    <stats key="check-bpel-process-state" min="0" max="1" average="0.0"
    <stats key="populate-context" min="0" max="25" average="0.0" count="153">
    <stats key="recycle-objects" min="0" max="1" average="0.01" count="51">
  3. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of bpel.rs with throughput values for the duration and buffer parameters and StatsLastN not configured.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.rs', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'duration':'10', 'buffer':'1000'})


    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='bpel.rs', appName='soa-infra',
    args={'format':'xml','duration':'10', 'buffer':'1000'})
    <statistics timestamp-start ='2012-07-25 10:12:27.536' timestamp-end
     ='2012-07-25 10:12:27.546'>
    <stats key="eng-composite-request" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="0">
    <stats key="eng-single-request" min="19" max="55" average="31.75" count="4">
    <stats key="create-and-invoke" min="19" max="55" average="31.75" count="4">
    <stats key="glue-requests-store" min="2" max="14" average="5.75" count="4">
    <stats key="storeBatchEvent" min="1" max="2" average="1.75" count="4">
    <stats key="scope-serialize" min="8" max="18" average="2.5" count="4">
    <stats key="create-instance" min="0" max="9" average="2.5" count="4">
    <stats key="get-process-descriptor" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="factory-create" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="init-root-scope" min="0" max="9" average="2.5" count="4">
    <stats key="declare-wi-lookup-table" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="init-request-context" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="log-sync-stats" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="lookup-process" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="log-requests-stats" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="recycle-objects" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="23">
    <stats key="invoke-method" min="1" max="9" average="3.0" count="4">
    <stats key="audit-counter-create" min="1" max="1" average="1.0" count="4">
    <stats key="eng-manage" min="0" max="1" average="0.5" count="4">
    <stats key="sensor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="8">
    <stats key="monitor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="8">
    <stats key="monitor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">
    <stats key="sensor-send-activity-data" min="0" max="0" average="0.0" count="4">

12.2.14 Resequencer Group Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps (mediator.resequencer)

Table 12-17 provides details about resequencer group processing delay diagnostic dumps.

Table 12-17 Resequencer Group Processing Delay Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured

mediator. resequencer

  • Dump parameter:

    resequencerMaxUnprocessTime: (Required) Specify the number of minutes a resequencer group should be inactive before being included in the diagnostic dump.

  • Dump Mode:


Group information:

  • Component DN (name)

  • Operation

  • Group ID

  • Group status

  • Component status

  • Last received time

  • Container ID

  • Pending message count

  • Last refresh time

Container information:

  • Container ID

  • Resequencer type WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description of mediator.resequencer:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='mediator.resequencer',

    The following information appears:

    Name: mediator.resequencer
    Description: diagnostic information about the groups, which have not been processed beyond user specified maximum unprocess time
    Run Mode: asynchronous
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Name                         Type     Description
    resequencerMaxUnprocessTime INTEGER  maximum duration for which the group has
                                         not been processed, duration should be
                                         specified in minutes
    Optional Arguments:
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of mediator.resequencer:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='mediator.resequencer',
    appName='soa-infra', args={'resequencerMaxUnprocessTime':'minutes'}

    For minutes, substitute the number of minutes a resequencer group can be pending before it appears in the dump. Information similar to the following appears:

    Database Timestamp in UTC :2012-03-29 06:29:31.0
    Max unprocess time condition:1
    Mediator Resquencer pending group data
    Containerid Data 

12.2.15 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.ra)

Table 12-18 provides details about connection factory configuration dumps.

Table 12-18 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    ecid: (Optional) Specify the ecid jndiName and adapterType.

  • Dump Mode:


Dumps the connection factory information:

  • Managed connection factory properties

  • Connection pool properties

  • Transaction support property

Indicates if the same JNDI is being used by multiple composites. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description of soa.adapter.ra:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.adapter.ra',

    The following information appears:

    Name: soa.adapter.ra
    Description: SOA adapter diagnostic dump that captures connection factory
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated with the ECID,
    composite name/partition/revision not used;
    if ecid is not specified, then use jndiName & adapterType to retrieve the
    connection factory attributes;
    if jndiName and adapterType are not specified, then use composite
    name/partition/revision to match composites;
    if no composite name/partition/revision are specified, then all the composites
     with jca binding are dumped.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        ecid        STRING   ECID(Execution Context ID - for tracking message flow
    across multiple composite instances), when presents, will be used to locate
    composites associated with it, and other composite matching parameters ignored;
    it can be obtained from dump context if not specified as dump parameter, see
    rules for actual parameter evaluation for details.
     revision    STRING   Revision of composite, e.g. '1.0', '2.0', can be wild
     card '*', meaning matching any revision, when missing, assume default
     composite's revision in the composite series.
     adapterType STRING   Resource Adapter type
     partition   STRING   Partition of composite, default to partition(s)
     associated with resolved revision(s), can be wild card '*', meaning matching
     any partition.
     compositeName       STRING   Composite name, e.g., 'OrderProcessing', can
     be wild card '*',meaning matching any composite.
        jndiName    STRING   Adapter Connection Pool JNDI
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.adapter.ra:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.adapter.ra',
    appName='soa-infra', args={'compositeName':'fa', 'partition':'default',

    The following information appears:

    CompositeDN = default/fa!1.0*soa_7ce2ebd9-ce17-4b5a-b436-2567eab33af2
    Endpoint Name = service
    Endpoint type = Service
    JNDI Name = eis/FileAdapter
    Adapter Type = FileAdapter
    Pool Parameters -
    initial-capacity = 10
    test-connections-on-create = false
    test-connections-on-reserve = false
    connection-creation-retry-frequency-seconds = 2
    shrinking-enabled = true
    ignore-in-use-connections-enabled = true
    highest-num-waiters = 0
    shrink-frequency-seconds = 60
    connection-reserve-timeout-seconds = 5
    highest-num-unavailable = 0
    max-capacity = 2147483647
    profile-harvest-frequency-seconds = 300
    capacity-increment = 100
    test-connections-on-release = false
    match-connections-supported = false
    test-frequency-seconds = 0
    Transaction Support = NoTransaction
    Connection Factory Properties -
    outboundDataSource = none
    outboundDataSourceLocal = none
    outboundLockTypeForWrite = none
    controlDir = ${user.dir}
    inboundDataSource = none
    workingDirectory = default
    CompositeDN = default/fa!1.0*soa_7ce2ebd9-ce17-4b5a-b436-2567eab33af2
    Endpoint Name = reference
    Endpoint type = Reference
    JNDI Name = eis/FileAdapter
    Adapter Type = FileAdapter
    Pool Parameters -
    initial-capacity = 10
    test-connections-on-create = false
    test-connections-on-reserve = false
    connection-creation-retry-frequency-seconds = 2
    shrinking-enabled = true
    ignore-in-use-connections-enabled = true
    highest-num-waiters = 0
    shrink-frequency-seconds = 60
    connection-reserve-timeout-seconds = 5
    highest-num-unavailable = 0
    max-capacity = 2147483647
    profile-harvest-frequency-seconds = 300
    capacity-increment = 100
    test-connections-on-release = false
    match-connections-supported = false
    test-frequency-seconds = 0
    Transaction Support = NoTransaction
    Connection Factory Properties -
    outboundDataSource = none
    outboundDataSourceLocal = none
    outboundLockTypeForWrite = none
    controlDir = ${user.dir}inboundDataSource = noneworkingDirectory = default

12.2.16 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.connpool)

Table 12-19 identifies the adapter connection pool dump.

Table 12-19 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    ecid: (Optional) Specify the ecid jndiName, adapterType compositeName, partition, revision adapterType, and jndiName.

  • Dump Mode:


Dumps the connection pool statistics for the configured connection factory JNDI. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description of soa.adapter.connpool:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.adapter.connpool',

    The following information appears

    Name: soa.adapter.connpool
    Description: SOA adapter diagnostic dump that captures the Connection pool
    stats for configured adapters JNDI.
    Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if ecid is specified, use it to match composites associated with the ECID,
    composite name/partition/revision not used;
    if ecid is not specified, then use jndiName & adapterType to retrieve the
    connection pool attributes;
    if jndiName and adapterType are not specified, then use composite
    name/partition/revision to match composites;
    if no composite name/partition/revision are specified, then all the composites
    with jca binding are dumped.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        ecid        STRING   ECID(Execution Context ID - for tracking message flow
    across multiple composite instances), when presents, will be used to locate
    composites associated with it, and other composite matching parameters ignored;
    it can be obtained from dump context if not specified as dump parameter, see
    rules for actual parameter evaluation for details.
    revision    STRING   Revision of composite, e.g. '1.0', '2.0', can be wild card
    '*', meaning matching any revision, when missing, assume default composite's
     revision in the composite series.
        adapterType STRING   Resource Adapter type
        partition   STRING   Partition of composite, default to partition(s)
     associated with resolved revision(s), can be wild card '*', meaning matching
     any partition.
        compositeName       STRING   Composite name, e.g., 'OrderProcessing', can
     be wild card '*',meaning matching any composite.
        jndiName    STRING   Adapter Connection Pool JNDI
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.adapter.connpool:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.adapter.connpool',
    appName='soa-infra', args={'compositeName':'fa', 'partition':'default',

    The following information appears:

    Endpoint Name = service
    Endpoint type = Service
    JNDI Name =eis/FileAdapter
    Adapter Type =FileAdapter
    ConnectionPool Attributes:
    Important ConnectionPool Attributes:
    InitialCapacity = 10
    MaxCapacity = 2147483647
    CurrentCapacity = 10
    State = Running
    FreeConnectionsCurrentCount = 10
    NumUnavailableCurrentCount = 0
    NumberDetectedLeaks = 0
    ConnectionsDestroyedByErrorTotalCount = 0
    ConnectionsRejectedTotalCount = 0
    Other ConnectionPool Attributes:
    ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount = 0
    FreePoolSizeHighWaterMark = 0
    PoolSizeLowWaterMark = 0
    ConnectionsMatchedTotalCount = 0
    LastShrinkTime = 0
    FreeConnectionsHighCount = 10
    ConnectionsDestroyedTotalCount = 0
    ConnectionsDestroyedByShrinkingTotalCount = 0
    ShrinkingEnabled = true
    ConnectionsCreatedTotalCount = 10
    NumUnavailableHighCount = 0
    MaxIdleTime = 0
    LoggingEnabled = true
    ConnectionIdleProfileCount = 0
    ConnectionProfilingEnabled = false
    ShrinkCountDownTime = -10565
    FreePoolSizeLowWaterMark = 0
    ActiveConnectionsHighCount = 0
    ProxyOn = false
    NumWaitersCurrentCount = 0
    NumWaiters = 0
    CloseCount = 0
    PoolSizeHighWaterMark = 0
    AverageActiveUsage = 0
    RecycledTotal = 0
    ConnectionLeakProfileCount = 0
    HighestNumWaiters = 0
    ShrinkPeriodMinutes = 1
    NumberDetectedIdle = 0
    CapacityIncrement = 1
    Endpoint Name = reference
    Endpoint type = Reference
    JNDI Name =eis/FileAdapter
    Adapter Type =FileAdapter
    ConnectionPool Attributes:
    Important ConnectionPool Attributes:
    InitialCapacity = 10
    MaxCapacity = 2147483647
    CurrentCapacity = 10
    State = Running
    FreeConnectionsCurrentCount = 10
    NumUnavailableCurrentCount = 0
    NumberDetectedLeaks = 0
    ConnectionsDestroyedByErrorTotalCount = 0
    ConnectionsRejectedTotalCount = 0
    Other ConnectionPool Attributes:
    ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount = 0
    FreePoolSizeHighWaterMark = 0
    PoolSizeLowWaterMark = 0
    ConnectionsMatchedTotalCount = 0
    LastShrinkTime = 0
    FreeConnectionsHighCount = 10
    ConnectionsDestroyedTotalCount = 0
    ConnectionsDestroyedByShrinkingTotalCount = 0
    ShrinkingEnabled = true
    ConnectionsCreatedTotalCount = 10
    NumUnavailableHighCount = 0
    MaxIdleTime = 0
    LoggingEnabled = true
    ConnectionIdleProfileCount = 0
    ConnectionProfilingEnabled = false
    ShrinkCountDownTime = -10565
    FreePoolSizeLowWaterMark = 0
    ActiveConnectionsHighCount = 0
    ProxyOn = false
    NumWaitersCurrentCount = 0
    NumWaiters = 0
    CloseCount = 0
    PoolSizeHighWaterMark = 0
    AverageActiveUsage = 0
    RecycledTotal = 0
    ConnectionLeakProfileCount = 0
    HighestNumWaiters = 0
    ShrinkPeriodMinutes = 1
    NumberDetectedIdle = 0
    CapacityIncrement = 1

12.2.17 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps (soa.adapter.stats)

Table 12-20 identifies the adapter diagnostic dump.

Table 12-20 Adapter Diagnostic Dumps

Dump Name Dump Parameters/Dump Mode Information Captured


  • Dump parameters:

    format: (Optional) Specify a value of xml to display dump diagnostics output in XML format.

  • Dump Mode:


Based on the soa.adapter.stats metrics, DMS statistics such as message size and fault count are available. WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to display a dump description of soa.adapter.stats:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> describeDump(name='soa.adapter.stats', appName='soa-infra')

    The following information appears:

    Name: soa.adapter.stats
    Description: SOA adapter diagnostic dump that captures DMS adapter
    statistics.Rules for actual parameter evaluation:
    if composite name/partition/revision are specified, dumps the DMS stats for
    that composite;
    if no composite name/partition/revision are specified, then all the composites
    with jca binding are dumped.
    Mandatory Arguments:
    Optional Arguments:
        Name        Type     Description
        revision    STRING   Revision of composite, e.g. '1.0', '2.0', can be wild
    card '*', meaning matching any revision, when missing, assume default
    composite's revision in the composite series.
        partition   STRING   Partition of composite, default to partition(s)
     associated with resolved revision(s), can be wild card '*', meaning matching
     any partition.
        compositeName  STRING   Composite name, e.g., 'OrderProcessing', can be
     wild card '*',meaning matching any composite.
  2. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of soa.adapter.stats:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> wls:/soainfra/serverConfig>
    executeDump(name='soa.adapter.stats', appName='soa-infra',
    'partition':'default', 'revision':'1.0'})

    The following information appears:

    CompositeDN -default/fa!1.0
    Service Name -service
    Process Incoming Message Metrics -
    processIncomingMessages.time (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 4787 msecs
    processIncomingMessages.completed (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 2 ops
    processIncomingMessages.minTime (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 32 msecs
    processIncomingMessages.maxTime (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 4755 msecs
    processIncomingMessages.avg (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 2393.5 msecs
    processIncomingMessages.active (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 0 threads
    processIncomingMessages.maxActive (Elapsed time in milliseconds ) - 1 threads
    Error Metrics -
    Errors.count (Number of events errored during binding processing ) - 0 ops
    Process Incoming Message Events -
    processIncomingMessagesEvents.count ( Number of processed events ) - 2 ops

12.3 Executing Diagnostic Framework Thread Dumps for SOA Composite Applications

When diagnosing a problem that requires a thread dump, it is useful to have sufficient context around the thread activity. The Diagnostic Framework dump jvm.threads provides DMS execution context (EC) thread stack data for SOA composite applications. The following properties are inserted when the SOA composite application instance starts executing and reset when the HTTP request completes.

  • composite_name

  • component_name

  • composite_instance_id

  • activity_name (Lists the activities executed in the BPEL process. Activities that do not have names, such as scope activities, are not captured.)

This information is output in tabular form when the jvm.threads dump is executed. This dump identifies where each thread is during execution of the jvm.threads dump.

This is useful for diagnosing which SOA composite applications are processing slowly.

12.3.1 WLST Command Dump Description and Execution

  1. Enter the following WLST command line syntax to execute a dump of jvm.threads:


id      ECID                                                          RID   Context Values
------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------------
id=23   e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001d3f 0:1   WEBSERVICE_

id=61   e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-000000000000003c 0
id=70   e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001e84 0
id=2170 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001d3f 0     DSID=0000J^2fPtuDSc
id=1616 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000000004 0
id=2179 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-000000000000002b 0     dbRID=0:10
id=2195 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001e7e 0     dbRID=0:2
id=2196 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001e82 0     dbRID=0:2
id=2197 e6e3527fc0d0bfd2:-6c720372:139026855d8:-8000-0000000000001e80 0     dbRID=0:5


This information is also available in the AdminServer-diagnostic.log file log.

For more information about the jvm.threads dump, see Chapter "Diagnosing Problems" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

12.4 Supported DMS Metrics

DMS metrics with noun types are exposed as Oracle SOA Suite MBeans to use for diagnosing problems. This section describes the supported DMS metrics. DMS nouns can be used to create watches in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

The DMS metrics provide graphical details that appear on the Statistics page of the BPEL process service engine. For more information, see Section 14.6, "Monitoring BPEL Process Service Engine Request and Thread Performance Statistics" and Section 14.9, "Viewing Statistics About the Time a Request Spends in the BPEL Process Service Engine."

Table 12-21 shows the supported service engine sensors.

Table 12-21 Service Engine Sensors

Noun Path Noun Type and Description Sensor Type


The various request types are audit, delivery, domain, instance, invoke, maintenance, non-block-invoke, process, and system.

soainfra_cube_engine_dispatcher_queue_stats: Provides the active and scheduled count for the queues of various dispatcher sets.




/soainfra/engines/ [bpel|workflow|mediator|decision]/message_processing

soainfra_message_processing: Provides information about the total number (count) and average time taken to process various message types. The two message types are synchronous and asynchronous requests.






Phase Event

Phase Event

Phase Event

Phase Event



The request types are audit, engine, invoke, non-block-invoke, and system.






























/soainfra/engines/workflow/Verification/[METHOD_NAME] (only methods: authenticateUser, getPermissableTaskActions, and canUserPerfomTaskAction)






















avgRequestCountPerSecond, and so on




Table 12-22 shows the supported binding sensors.

Table 12-22 Binding Sensors

Noun Path Noun Type Sensor Type









Table 12-23 shows the supported composite sensors.

Table 12-23 Composite Sensors

Noun Path Noun Type Sensor Type








/soainfra/apps/[COMPOSITE_DN]/[COMPONENT_NAME]/[ACTIVITY_NAME] (for bpel)

soainfra_bpel_activity: Provides details about the activity level execution times




Standard deviation (the user interface calculates this as it comes through)
















/soainfra/apps/[APP_NAME]/[COMPOSITE_NAME]/[VERSION]/[COMPONENT_NAME] /taskCompletion/




Table 12-24 shows the supported reference and service sensors.

Table 12-24 Reference and Service Sensors

Noun Path Noun Type Sensor Type

















Table 12-25 shows the supported Oracle B2B binding sensors.

Table 12-25 Oracle B2B Binding Sensors

Noun Path Noun Type Sensor Type











Phase Event












Phase Event
































Phase Event










Phase Event


Table 12-26 shows the supported Oracle User Messaging Service sensors.

Table 12-26 Oracle User Messaging Service Event Bridge Metrics

Noun Path Noun Type Sensor Type









Phase Event










Phase Event






12.5 Creating Watches and Notifications

You can create watches and send notifications around diagnosable conditions based on metrics collected from Oracle SOA Suite MBeans. When a watch expression evaluates to true (for example, heap space exceeds a specified amount), a notification is sent.

There are several options for creating watches:

  • Enable preconfigured rules and watches for deployment, memory, and elapsed time of web service calls with the sca_createWatches WLST command

  • Manually create Oracle SOA Suite watches in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

The message IDs shown in Table 12-27 have been assigned for diagnostic purposes.

  • When you manually create a watch in Oracle WebLogic Server Administrator's Console, you must follow the naming conventions in Table 12-27. The prefix for Oracle SOA Suite-related watches is SOA-message_ID.

  • When you enable the preconfigured watches, the names are automatically created for you.

Table 12-27 Message Prefixes

Scenario Message-ID Dumps Executed Watch Preconfigured?



  • soa.env

  • soa.config

  • java.sysprops

Yes, see Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches."

Deployment hang


  • soa.env

  • soa.config

Yes, see Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches."

Data source


  • soa.env

  • soa.config

  • soa.db

No, see Section 12.5.2, "Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications" for creation instructions.

Elapsed time of web service calls


  • soa.env

  • soa.config

  • soa.wsdl

Yes, see Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches."

Resequencer groups pending



No, see Section 12.5.2, "Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications" for creation instructions.

You can also link a WLDF notification to the watch. If you link the out-of-the-box Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework notification (named FMWDFW notification), then a set of SOA-specific dumps are executed. These dumps provide runtime information about the situation and environment. The list of dumps to execute is determined by predefined XML incident rules files.

Other notifications (like email) can also be linked to the watch.

12.5.1 Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches

The following preconfigured Diagnostic Framework rules are automatically installed with Oracle SOA Suite:

  • Log detection condition rule for creating an incident when an OWS-04086 error is encountered.


    If you experience issues with large numbers of incidents being created due to OWS-04086 errors, contact Oracle Support Services about patch number 2248452.
  • Condition rule that checks for the presence of the SOA composite application name in the DMS execution context (EC) and adds the soa.wsdl and soa.composite.trail diagnostic dumps to the list of dumps executed.

To enable these rules for use and generate the following watches, you must run the sca_createWatches WLST command after domain creation.

  • Deployment watch (with a threshold of 5 minutes)

  • Memory watch (heap free percent with a threshold of 25 percent)

  • Elapsed time of web service calls watch (with a threshold of 5 minutes)

To enable the preconfigured watches:

  1. Connect using WLST to the Oracle WebLogic Server instance and start an editing session. For information about connecting and starting an editing session, see Chapter "WLST Command and Variable Reference" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  2. Execute the following WLST command to enable the preconfigured watches.

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> sca_createWatches()

    The watches are enabled and displayed along with any watches you manually create at the bottom of the Settings for Module_Name page in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

For information about executing WLST commands in Oracle SOA Suite, see Chapter "Oracle SOA Suite Custom WLST Commands" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

12.5.2 Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications

To manually create Oracle SOA Suite watches and notifications:

  1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure, expand Diagnostics, and select Diagnostic Modules.

    The Summary of Diagnostic Modules page appears.

    You configure a diagnostic system module to monitor an aspect of a server or server resource. You can configure multiple system modules to monitor different aspects of a server, but only one such module can be active on a server.

  3. In the Diagnostic System Modules section, click Module-[Module_Name] (for example, Module-FMWDFW).

  4. On the Settings for Module_Name page, select Watches and Notifications > Watches.

  5. In the Watches section, click New.

    The Create a Diagnostic Watch page is displayed.

  6. Enter the following details to create a watch, and click Next.

    Field Description
    Watch Name Enter a name for the watch (for this example, SOA-900000#soa-infra#MemoryWatch is entered).

    The name of the watch must conform to the following pattern:


    For example, SOA-900000#soa-infra#MemoryWatch.

    This is necessary because the watch name coordinates the Diagnostic Framework incident processing actions when watch conditions evaluate to true. Not following this pattern results in Oracle SOA Suite dumps not getting triggered when Oracle SOA Suite incidents are created.

    For additional information, see Table 12-27.

    If the watch is set up with the FMWDFW notification, the notification handler creates an incident that corresponds to the message-id specified in the watch name.

    Watch Type Select an option:
    • Collected Metrics: Sets a watch based on metrics collected from MBean attributes. It is recommended that you select this option because it works for the scenarios described in Table 12-1.

    • Server Log: Sets a watch based on data written to server logs. This type is only useful for extending an existing log watch such as StuckThread to include Oracle SOA Suite dumps.

    • Event Data: This option is not applicable because Oracle SOA Suite is not using any WLDF-based instrumentation.

    Enable Watch Select to enable a watch.

    The Configure Watch Rule Expressions page for adding an expression to the watch is displayed.

  7. Click Add Expressions.

    The Add Expression wizard is displayed.

  8. In the MBean Server location list, select the Oracle WebLogic Server MBean server for the expression you want to configure (for example, ServerRuntime).

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click the Select an MBean Type from the following list button.

  11. In the MBean Type list, select the MBean to use for collecting diagnostic information (for this example, Oracle WebLogic Server MBean weblogic.management.runtime.JRockitRuntimeMBean is selected).

    Description of sca_createwatch4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_createwatch4.gif


    If you want to create an automatic notification when a composite state is set to off, select oracle.fabric.management.composite.mbean.Composite from the MBean Type list.
  12. Click Next.

    The Select Instances page is displayed.

  13. From the Instance list, select the instance name or specify an instance name pattern to use to identify the metric for the expression.

  14. Click Next.

  15. Enter the following details to create a watch rule expression, and click Finish.

    Field Description
    Message Attribute Select a message attribute (for this example, HeapFreePercent is selected).

    The attributes that are displayed for selection are part of the MBean that you selected in Step 11. For example, if you selected:


    You see assigned attributes such as active_count, active_maxValue, active_minValue, scheduled_count, and others.

    Operator Select an operator (for this example, < is selected).
    Value Enter a value (for this example, 100 is specified).

    The Configure Watch Rule Expressions page is displayed with the watch rule expression you created.

    Description of sca_createwatch1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_createwatch1.gif

  16. Click Next.

    The Config Watch Alarm page is displayed.

  17. Optionally specify an alarm and the alarm's reset value for the watch.

  18. Click Next.

    The Configure Watch Notifications page is displayed.

  19. In the Available table, select a notification to assign to the watch and click >.

    Description of sca_createwatch2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_createwatch2.gif

    When a watch rule expression evaluates to true, a notification is triggered. This notification is handled by the Diagnostic Framework if the FMWDFW notification is selected, which links it to the watch. The FMWDFW notification is automatically shipped with Oracle SOA Suite. Oracle recommends that you select this notification because it creates the Oracle SOA Suite dumps described in Section 12.2, "Executing Oracle SOA Suite Diagnostic Dumps."

    The notification handler creates a problem incident package that contains appropriate Oracle SOA Suite dumps in the ADR. The incident package name corresponds to the message ID specified in the watch name. The incident package dumps can be viewed later using standard ADR tools. This feature enables you to take corrective actions for the problem scenario.

  20. Click Finish.

    The watch you created is displayed at the bottom of the Settings for Module_Name page. In addition, three WLDF watches that are automatically shipped with Oracle WebLogic Server (Deadlock, StuckThread, and UncheckedException) are also displayed.

    Description of sca_createwatch3.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_createwatch3.gif

  21. In the Name column, click the specific watch name to display configuration details about the watch.

12.5.3 Creating a Watch to Identify the Elapsed Time of Web Service Binding Calls

You can create a watch that keeps track of the time it takes for web service binding calls from a composite to an external references to complete. When the specified time threshold is exceeded, an incident can be created or an alert can be triggered. This watch is useful for the following scenarios:

  • Identify scenarios in which an invoked external reference is operating too slowly, which causes messages to collect while waiting for processing by this reference

  • Have high service level agreements (SLAs) and want to be notified if the SLAs are being violated from the invoked services

To create a watch to identify the elapsed time of web service binding calls:

Follow the steps described in Section 12.5.2, "Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications" and use these guidelines to create a watch:

  • Set the CreateWSCallTrackingMBean property to true under the More SOA Infra Advanced Configuration Properties section of the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page. This property controls the creation of MBeans for tracking the elapsed time of web service binding calls, and applies globally to all SOA composite applications in the SOA Infrastructure. For each web service binding call to an external reference, a new MBean is registered to keep track of the time, and then unregistered. This property is set to false by default. Do not set this property to true until you see problems in your system.

    For more information about accessing the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page, see Section 3.1, "Configuring SOA Infrastructure Properties."

  • Specify SOA-900003#soa-infra#WSExtElapsedTimeWatch as the watch name.

  • Select Collected Metrics from the Watch Type list.

  • Specify CreateWSCallTrackingMBean in the Custom MBean Types field. This MBean is not available for selection from the MBean Type field.

    Description of sca_createwatch5.gif follows
    Description of the illustration sca_createwatch5.gif

  • Specify an expression rule for tracking the elapsed time it takes in milliseconds for web service binding calls from a SOA composite application to an external references to complete (in minutes). For example, this expression creates an incident when the watch is triggered.

    (${ServerRuntime//[oracle.fabric.management.wldf.mbean.WSExternalBindingWatchMXBeanImpl]//ElapsedTime} > 2
  • An incident is created in the Oracle SOA Suite ADR directory when the watch is triggered. A readme file in the directory displays information about the incident. For this example, BPEL service component instance 20004 was calling the WSDL-defined port CommsUtilityPort. The elapsed time was 244013 (2.44013 minutes, which was above the elapsed time of 2 minutes set in the rule expression of the watch). Example 12-2 provides details.

    Example 12-2 Incident Details

    WatchDomainName:      soainfra
    Watch Data:
     MXBeanImpl]//ElapsedTime : oracle.soa.config:Application=soa-infra.j2eeType=

    You can also create this watch automatically with the sca_createWatches WLST command. For information, see Section 12.5.1, "Enabling Preconfigured Rules and Watches."

12.5.4 Creating a Watch to Identify if Processing Delays Exceed a Specified Time Limit

You can create a watch that alerts you if the counts of message wait times or processing delays exceed a certain limit.

This watch is controlled by the DispatcherStatsMap attribute of the CubeDispatcher System MBean Browser property. You can access this setting as follows:

  1. Right-click soa-infra, and select Administration > System MBean Browser.

  2. Expand Application Defined MBeans > oracle.as.soainfra.bpm > Server : server_name > bpel > CubeDispatcher.

  3. Click CubeDispatcher.

Follow the steps described in Section 12.5.2, "Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications" and use these guidelines to create a watch in the Add Expressions section of the Create Watch wizard:

  • Select ServerRuntime, and click Next.

  • Specify com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatcherMXBeanAdapter in the Custom MBean Types field, and click Next. This MBean is not available for selection from the MBean Type field.

  • Specify oracle.as.soainfra.bpm:Application=soa-infra,name=CubeDispatcher,type=bpel in the Custom Instance field, and click Next.

  • Specify DispatcherStatsMap(invokeSet)(invoke)(scheduled) in the Attribute Expression field.

  • Complete the remaining fields on this page, and click Next.

12.5.5 Creating Resequencer Watches and Notifications

You can create a watch that tracks how long it takes for resequencer groups to process messages. When the time threshold you specify is exceeded, a notification can be generated.

To create resequencer watches and notifications:

Follow the steps described in Section 12.5.2, "Manually Creating Oracle SOA Suite Watches and Notifications" using the following guidelines:

  • Create the watch and notification in the Module-FMWDFW module.

  • On the Create a Diagnostic Watch page, the name of the watch must conform to the following pattern:


    For example, MED-900000#soa-infra#PendingGroups.

  • When you create the expression, select the following MBean type:


    There is only once choice for the instance in the expression:

  • For the Message Attribute field, select ResequencerMaxUnprocessTime. For the value, enter the number of minutes a group can be pending before triggering a notification.

  • For the operator, select the greater than symbol (>).

The completed expression should look similar to the following:

=MediatorDiagnostic,type=MediatorDiagnostic//resequencerMaxUnprocessTime} > '15')

To create a sample custom rules file:

The watch rules expression is not provided in the dump context, so the criteria specified when generating a dump are not available. You can use a custom file named soa-infra#custom-rules.xml to register the dump generation rules. For more information, see Section 12.1.3, "Predefined Incident Processing Rules."

  1. Create a watch, as described above.

  2. Create a file named soa-infra#custom-rules.xml in one of the following locations:

    • Server level configuration: FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/servers/server_name/dfw

    • Domain level configuration: FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/fmwconfig/dfw

  3. Define the rules in the new file. Example 12-3 provides a resequencer sample file.

  4. Restart the domain or load the file dynamically. For information about dynamic loading, see Section 12.1.3, "Predefined Incident Processing Rules."

    The WLDF generates the dump.

Example 12-3 shows a sample custom rules file that generates a diagnostic dump when the length of time a group stops processing messages reaches 10 minutes.

Example 12-3 Sample Custom Rules File for Resequencer Dumps

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <rule name="memory diagnosis rule">
                <condition name="MESSAGE_ID" value="MED-900000" 
                <dumpAction name="mediator.resequencer">
                 <argument name="resequencerMaxUnprocessTime" value="10"

12.6 Manually Triggering and Executing Dumps

You can manually execute existing dumps with the WLST command executeDump and create incidents when one has not been automatically created.

To manually trigger and execute dumps:

  1. Specify the executeDump command to place dump contents in a file (for this example, soa.config is the dump executed). This creates the following output:

    wls:/soainfra/serverConfig> executeDump(name='soa.config', appName='soa-infra')
    Start Dumping deployedCompositesCatalog from MDS
    URI:deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml to: /myhome/fmwhome/user_
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to : /myhome/fmwhome/user_
    Start Dumping soaServiceEnginesConfigurations from MDS
    URI:soa/configuration/default to: /myhome/fmwhome/user_projects/
    Finished dumping specified MDS metadata to : /myhome/fmwhome/user_projects/
  2. Specify the executeDump command to display dump contents to the screen.

    Status: running=true started=true
    In Global: Tx:false
    Cluster Info:oracle.integration.platform.blocks.cluster.CoherenceCluster
    OOAO Queue Name:edn_ooao_queue
    Java Subscriber Name:edn java subscriber
    Subscription Info:
    No namespace subscription...
    QName subscriptions:
    BpelSub, consistencyLevel=ONE_AND_ONLY_ONE, filter=XPath Filter: starts-with(/
     'A'), runAsRoles=[$publisher]
    BpelSub, consistencyLevel=ONE_AND_ONLY_ONE, filter=XPath Filter: starts-with(/
     'A'), runAsRoles=[$publisher]
    EDN DB Log enabled:false

You can also manually create incidents when one has not been automatically created. For example, this is useful when you notice performance issues and want to create an incident to send to Oracle Support Services. The incident can include SOA dumps, according to the SOA message ID mapping.

This can be performed with the following WLST command:

createIncident(messageId="SOA-90000", appName="soa-infra")

This has the same effect as WLDF watch notification execution, in which the watch has the message ID of SOA-90000 and application name of soa-infra.

For more information about executeDump, see Chapter "Diagnostic Framework Custom WLST Commands" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

12.7 Viewing Incident Packages with ADR Tools

ADRCI is a command-line utility that enables you to investigate problems and package and upload first-failure diagnostic data to Oracle Support Services. ADRCI also enables you to view the names of dump files in the ADR, and to view the alert log with XML tags stripped, with and without content filtering.

ADRCI is installed in the following directory:


For more information about ADRCI, see Chapter "ADRCI: ADR Command Interpreter" of Oracle Database Utilities.

For information about other tools, see Chapter "Managing Diagnostic Data" of Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

12.8 Querying Problems and Incidents

The Diagnostic Framework provides WLST commands that you can use to view information about problems and incidents, including the following:

  • Querying problems across Oracle WebLogic Servers

  • Querying incidents across Oracle WebLogic Servers

  • Viewing dump files associated with an incident on an Oracle WebLogic Server

For more information about these WLST commands, see Section "Understanding the Diagnostic Framework" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide and Chapter "Diagnostic Framework Custom WLST Commands" of Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.