
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


message recovery action, 15.4
recovery action, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
actionable email account, 21.3
configuring, 21.1
a composite revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
activation specification
definition, 36.1.2
active data cache
monitoring, 25.2.1
configuring for automatic recovery, 13.2
for BPEL 2.0 in process flows and audit trails, 14.1.3
activity message types
Message State list is not applicable, 15.4
See Oracle Adapters
configuring multiple send addresses, 21.9
administration tasks
for application developers, 1.5
role, C.1
creating partitions, 7.9.1
deployment, 7.1.3
instance migration, 8.8.3
instance migration requirements, 8.8.3
application developer
administration tasks, 1.5
application policies
creating, 2.2.1
application roles
creating, 2.2.1
demo user community, A.4
managing in Oracle Enterprise Manager, 21.12.4
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 26.3.4
seeding with WLST scripts, 21.12.3
definition,, 7.6
AsynchAuditBatchSize property
storing multiple audit trail messages in a single transaction, 13.1
audit level
BPEL process service engine, 13.1
BPMN process service engine, 39.1
configuring to display adapter header properties, 36.1
generating orphaned service component instances, 8.2
impact of disabling audit tracking across multiple composite flows, 7.5.2
order of precedence of execution,, 7.5.2
overriding the audit level defined at the SOA Infrastructure level, 7.5.2
relation to partitioning the COMPOSITE_INSTANCE table,
setting at the BPEL process service component level, 13.6
setting at the SOA composite application level, 7.5.2
SOA composite application, 7.5.2
SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
audit levels, 34.1
audit log, 34.3
audit tracking
order of precedence of execution,
audit trail
configuring the storage in one transaction, 15.5.4
for BPEL 2.0 projects, 14.1.3
monitoring a BPEL process service component, 14.1
not generated when composite audit level is off,
not supported for spring service component,,
rolled back transaction error message, 14.1
sensors, 14.1, 40.1
threshold setting, 13.1
viewing for a BPMN process service component, 40.1
audit trail threshold, 39.1
AuditConfig property, 3.1
bpelRecoveryStatus, 4.3, 14.1
excludeBpelMaxCreationTime key, 3.1, 4.3, 8.2, 8.3
about, 34.1
configuring, 34.2
filter conditions, 34.1.2
healthcare UI activities, 34.1.1
auditing user access
about, 34.1
authentication providers
adding, 21.11.1
authorizing users and groups from authenticators, B.5.17
automatic recovery
configuration, 13.2
in clustered environments, 13.2
is not recovering a specific BPEL instance, B.4.2
automatic release timers
globally disabling for Oracle BPM Worklist, 21.7
the testing of SOA composite applications, 7.6


B2B See Oracle B2B
backup, 1.4.3
See Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
binding components
can only publish web services to the UDDI registry, 38.2
configuring, 36, 36.1
configuring adapters, 36.1.2
configuring the publishing of web services to UDDI, 38.2.1
configuring web services, 36.1.1
definition, 1.2.5
direct binding, 37.1
endpoint properties,
faults, 37.1
impact when a composite is shut down, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
instances, 37.1
limitation on policy attachment errors for service binding components, 38.1
limitation on policy attachments, 38
limitation on publishing references to the UDDI registry, 38.2
managing, 38
monitoring, 4.5, 37
monitoring instances and faults, 37.1
monitoring rejected messages, 37.2
Oracle AQ Adapter properties,
Oracle AQ Socket properties,
Oracle Database Adapter properties,
Oracle File Adapter properties,
Oracle FTP Adapter properties,
Oracle JMS Adapter properties,
Oracle MQ Series Adapter properties,
policies, 38.1
properties, 36.1
publishing to the UDDI registry, 38.2
references, 1.2.5
rejected messages, 37.2
restrictions on specifying multiple bindings, 38
services, 1.2.5
BPEL 2.0
audit trail, 14.1.3
behavior of activity sensors in compensate and compensateScope activities, 14.4.1
process flow, 14.1.3
BPEL process service components
audit trail and process flow, 14.1
configuring, 13
defining a fault policy,
definition, 1.2.4
fault recovery, 15.1
faults, 14.2, 15.1
instance states remain as completed even if the composite instance state becomes stale, 7.3
instances, 14.2, 14.3
limitations on selecting the option to continue instances upon redeployment, 7.3
managing, 15
monitoring, 14, 14.3
policies, 15.2
recovery message information displayed in the Flow Trace page, 14.1
sensor data, 14.4
BPEL process service engines
audit level, 13.1
configuring, 13
deployed processes, 14.8, 17.3.4
fault recovery, 15.3
faults, 14.5, 15.3
instances, 14.5, 14.7
managing, 15
message failure and recovery, 15.4
monitoring, 14
monitoring faults, 14.5
monitoring instances, 14.5
payload validation, 13.1, 39.1
request and thread statistics, 14.6
statistics about the time a request spends in the engine, 14.9
viewing low level request breakdown table details, 14.6.1
BPEL processes
automatic recovery configuration, 13.2
automatic recovery in cluster environments, 13.2
setting the instance name during design time, 7.5.4
starting and stopping a managed server on which the SOA Infrastructure is deployed in the middle of BPEL processing, 7.5.3
BPEL sensors
disabling at the service engine level, 13.1
disabling at the SOA composite application level, 7.5.2
order of precedence for setting, 7.5.2
BPMN process service components
audit trail and process flow, 40.1
behavior of instances after redeployment, 7.3
fault recovery, 41.1
faults, 40.2, 41.1
instances, 40.2, 40.3
monitoring, 40
policies, 41.2
selecting the option to continue instances upon redeployment, 7.3
BPMN process service engines
audit level, 39.1
deployed processes, 40.7
fault recovery, 41.3
faults, 40.4, 41.3
instances, 40.4, 40.6
message failure and recovery, 41.4
monitoring, 40
request and thread statistics, 40.5
Copy details to clipboard link does not appear with Mozilla Firefox, 14.1
limitation on using the Safari Browser to view WSDL file content, B.9.1
supported, 2.1
bulk recovery
cannot perform bulk fault recovery on the Faults tab of a flow trace, 14.1
of faults, 8.4, 8.5
business event messages
cannot be recovered, 8.4, 8.5
business events
BPEL component in a retired composite cannot receive a business event, 35.3
checking whether bad composites exist in the SOA domain that slow down overall EDN event delivery, B.6.6
consistency levels, 35.2
database agent subscriptions, 35.2
definition, 35
events consumed by multiple revisions of the same composite, B.6.3
fault recovery, 35.4
faults, 35.4
managing, 35
messages are lost between EDN and composites or composites across clusters, B.6.5
pausing the delivery of events, B.6.1
picked up twice or more by the SOA server, B.6.4
policies on event subscriptions are not supported, 35.2
receiving events in a composite with multiple revisions, 35.3
rolled back OAOO event messages appear in the log files, B.6.2
service component subscriptions, 35.2
setting the number of retries, B.6.1
subscribers, 35.3
subscribing to, 35.2
troubleshooting, B.6
tuning event delivery, B.6.1
business faults,
business monitors
BPEL monitors, 7.10
BPEL sensors, 7.10
BPMN measurements, 7.10
enabling and disabling, 7.10
setting the status level for all sensors, 7.10
business rule execution tracing, 20.7
audit levels, 20.7
development level, 20.7.1
production level, 20.7.2
business rule messages
cannot be recovered, 8.4, 8.5
business rules
engine cache and operation statistics, 20.2
monitoring, 20
business rules service engines
deployed components, 20.5
faults, 20.4
instances, 20.3


callback messages
configuring automatic recovery attempts, 13.4
configuring unresolved messages for automatic recovery, 13.2
handling callbacks in the order of the received time of the callback, 13.1
performing manual message recovery, 15.4
preserving the order of callbacks, 13.1, 13.5
recovering in resolved and undelivered states, 15.4
stranded, 15.4
callback server URL
property, 3.1
property change requires a restart, 3.1
cancel without abort
message recovery action, 15.4
capture composite instance state
displaying created instances immediately even if a constraint is defined, 7.5.2
if disabled, the Recent Instances section does not show instances requiring fault recovery as running, 6.2
impact of creating a new instance when this property is disabled, 3.1
meaning of ? icon, 8.2
property, 3.1
case agnostic group names
enabling in human tasks, 21.13
enabling data checking for SOAP over HTTP deliveries, 3.1
specifying a chunk size, 3.1
clusterDbTimeRefresh property
definition, 13.3
automatic recovery of BPEL processes, 13.2
configuring master node recovery, 13.3
component tables
partitioning, 10.4
composite sensors
audit trail, 14.1, 40.1
brackets required when specifying search criteria, 8.2, 8.3
formatting convention to specify, 8.3
search conventions at the SOA Infrastructure level, 8.3
searching for at the SOA Infrastructure level, 8.3
searching for in a SOA composite application, 8.2
searching for sensors across all instances of SOA composite applications, 8.3
composite URLs
editing, 8.1
configuration plan
selecting in the Deploy SOA Composite wizard, 7.1
consistency levels
of business events, 35.2
recovery action, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
conversation ID
creating on the Test Web Service page, 1.2.3
definition, 1.2.3
generating, 1.2.3
not creating on the Test Web Service page, 1.2.3
Copy details to clipboard link
does not appear with Mozilla Firefox, 14.1
cross references
Oracle Mediator, 19
custom drivers
changing the driver name, 3.5


data files
concepts, 9.5.1
data sources
creating and managing for adapters in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, 2.2.5
definition, 3.1
managing SOA Infrastructure data sources from Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, 2.2.5
properties, 3.1
viewing in the Topology Viewer, 4.1
database connections
resolving slow connections, B.3.3
database growth
configuring the production audit level setting,
creating a test environment,
data file concepts, 9.5.1
delete before purging large amounts of data, then add the indexes back in, 10.3.2
determining the database profile or size, 9.2
determining the growth trend of components,
determining the growth trend of tables and indexes,
determining the growth trend of the Oracle SOA Suite schema,
determining the largest segments,
determining the minimum number of retained composites,
determining the minimum retained disk space,
developing a database growth management strategy, 9.4
developing a purging and partitioning methodology, 10.2
developing a retention policy, 9.2.2
estimating index size,
estimating table size,
executing the parallel or single threaded script and reclaiming space,
executing the purge scripts, 10.3.6
identifying long running composites and table partitioning, 9.2.4
identifying the inflow of data, 9.2.1
identifying the outflow of data, 9.2.3
in Microsoft SQL Server, 10.7
instance purging states, 10.3.3
looped purge in parallel script, 10.3.2
looped purge script, 10.3.1
management, 10
managing with the purge script, 10.3
monitoring database performance, 9.3
monitoring hardware resources, 9.3
monitoring space usage, 9.3, 9.3.1
monitoring the hardware resources and database, 9.3.2
monitoring unused indexes,
moving long running instances to a different partition, 10.4.7
partial partitioning of components, 10.4.8
partitioning the tables causing a bottleneck,
purge scripts supported on different Oracle SOA Suite releases, 10.3
purge scripts to run when upgrading, 10.3
purging all open and closed instances,
purging the instances of a specific SOA composite application, 10.3.5
quality assurance testing, 9.4.2
reclaiming segment and data file space, 9.5.2
recommended growth management strategies, 9.4.3
recreating tables with open composite instances and reclaiming database space, 10.6
referential integrity and equipartitioning,
removing records from runtime tables without dropping the tables, 10.5
repeating purge testing and review and excluding the partitioned table,
resequenced message purge states for Oracle Mediator, 10.3.4
resolving issues caused by high transaction volume, B.7.5
reviewing the testing results,
selecting the schema partition keys,
space management, 9.5
troubleshooting, B.2
database schemas
components with, 10.4.1
reducing the size of, 10.2
database tables
partitioning, 10.4.1
recreating tables with open composite instances and reclaiming database space, 10.6
removing records from runtime tables without dropping the tables, 10.5
decision service components
definition, 1.2.4
deployed components, 20.5
faults, 20.4
instances, 20.6
log files, 20.8
monitoring, 20
statistics, 20.2
decision tracing
See business rule execution tracing
default composite revision
distinguishing the default revision from other revisions,, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
impact of retiring, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
impact of undeploying, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
impact of undeploying when no other active, available revisions exist, 7.4, 7.5.1
no warning message displayed when retiring all composites at the partition level, 7.9.2
retiring, 7.5.1
setting, 7.5.1
undeploying, 7.4
undeploying causes the next active, available revision to become the default, 7.4
Delete Rejected Messages option
when to use, 8.6, 8.7
demo user community, A.1
definition, A, A.1
downloading, A.1
groups, A.3
installing in the database, A.1
must run the installation script locally in a domain, A.1
organizational hierarchy, A.2
permissions defined in the WorkflowPermission class, A.7
roles granted to and owned by users, A.6
soa-infra application roles, A.4
SOATestDemoApp application roles, A.5
users, A.2
composites with task flows, 7.1.2
exporting a deployed SOA composite application, 7.8
from SSO-enabled Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 7
guidelines, 7.1
issues with deploying the same composite with a human workflow into multiple partitions, 7.1
lifecycle states, 7.5
managing the state of deployed composites, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
of composites with global token variables, 7.1
of SOA composite applications, 7.5.1
PermGen memory requirements for multiple ADF task form deployments, 7.1.1, B.5.8
restrictions on cross references between composites, 7.1
revisions of different composites, 7.1
selecting partitions, 7.1
SOA composite applications, 7.1
using ant, 7.1.3
using the Redeploy SOA Composite wizard to redeploy an existing instance, 7.1
using WLST, 7.1.3
Diagnostic Framework
definition, 12.1.2
frameworks, 12.1
getting dump descriptions, 12.2
incident processing rules, 12.1.3
listing the supported dumps, 12.2
manually executing dumps, 12.6
notification creation, 12.5
obtaining dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps with the System MBean Browser,
querying problems and incidents, 12.8
starting WLST, 12.2
supported adapter connection pool diagnostic dumps, 12.2.16
supported adapter diagnostic dumps, 12.2.15
supported adapter statistic diagnostic dumps, 12.2.17
supported asynchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.12
supported average instance processing time diagnostic dumps, 12.2.9
supported database diagnostic dumps, 12.2.3
supported deployed composite metadata diagnostic dumps, 12.2.4
supported deployed composite WSDL/schema cache diagnostic dumps, 12.2.7
supported Diagnostic Framework thread diagnostic dumps, 12.3
supported diagnostic scenarios and MBeans,
supported dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps, 12.2.8, 12.2.10
supported event diagnostic dumps, 12.2.6
supported instance audit trail diagnostic dumps, 12.2.5
supported request statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.13
supported resequencer group processing delay diagnostic dumps, 12.2.14
supported runtime environment diagnostic dumps, 12.2.1
supported runtime platform configuration diagnostic dumps, 12.2.2
supported SOA dumps, 12.2
supported synchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.11
using Diagnostic Framework, 12.1.2
using WLDF, 12.1.1
viewing incident packages, 12.7
watch creation, 12.5, 12.5.3, 12.5.4
direct binding
cannot configure properties for, 36
definition, 37.1
monitoring, 37.1
no policies and properties tabs are available, 37.1
Direct Binding Invocation API
inbound invocations of composites and outbound invocations of Oracle Service Bus (OSB), 11.1
direct Java invocations
using, 3.7
Disable Alert link
definition, 4.3, 6.2
dispatcher engine threads, 13.1, 39.1
dispatcher invoke threads, 13.1, 39.1
dispatcher system threads, 13.1, 39.1
distributed cache
storing instance and callback message data, 15.5
distribution lists
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.6
DMS metrics
nouns, 12.4
supported, 12.4
the deployable JAR file, 7.8
configuring, 27.4
deploying Oracle User Messaging Service, 29.1
deploying with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 29.1.2
deploying with Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, 29.1.3
deploying with WLST, 29.1.1
deploying with wsadmin, 29.1.4
email driver,
messaging extension driver,
proxy driver,
securing driver properties with passwords,
SMPP driver,
undeploying, 29.2
unregistering, 29.2
VoiceXML driver,
worklist driver,
XMPP driver,
getting descriptions of, 12.2
listing the supported dumps, 12.2
manually executing, 12.6
obtaining dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps with the System MBean Browser,
supported adapter connection pool diagnostic dumps, 12.2.16
supported adapter diagnostic dumps, 12.2.15
supported adapter statistic diagnostic dumps, 12.2.17
supported asynchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.12
supported average instance processing time diagnostic dumps, 12.2.9
supported database diagnostic dumps, 12.2.3
supported deployed composite metadata diagnostic dumps, 12.2.4
supported deployed composite WSDL/schema cache diagnostic dumps, 12.2.7
supported Diagnostic Framework thread diagnostic dumps, 12.3
supported dispatcher static configuration diagnostic dumps, 12.2.8, 12.2.10
supported event diagnostic dumps, 12.2.6
supported instance audit trail diagnostic dumps, 12.2.5
supported request statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.13
supported resequencer group processing delay diagnostic dumps, 12.2.14
supported runtime environment diagnostic dumps, 12.2.1
supported runtime platform configuration diagnostic dumps, 12.2.2
supported synchronous process statistics diagnostic dumps, 12.2.11
supported with Oracle SOA Suite, 12.2
durable BPEL processes
definition, 7.3
instance migration restrictions, 8.8.1
limitations on selecting the option to continue instances upon redeployment, 7.3
durable processes
definition, B.6.5
dynamic assignments, 21.3
functions, 21.3


adding an index on the DLV_MESSAGE.ECID column to improve SQL performance when searching messages for a specific ECID, 15.4
copying from the Warning dialog on the Flow Trace page, 14.1
definition, 8.2, 14.1, 15.4, 40.1
restrictions, 14.1, 40.1
searching for, 8.2, 8.3
specifying when creating a message recovery search criteria, 15.4
EDN See Event Delivery Network
EJB transaction timeouts
updating, B.3.4
email addresses
configuring the outgoing email address, 21.1
configuring the Reply To address, 21.1
correcting, 23.5
email driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,
email notification messages
configuring the number of, 21.8
email server
adding the hostname and IP address to the /etc/hosts file, 21.1
IMAP, 21.1
SMTP, 21.1
endpoint addresses
displaying the addresses of all external services, 7.5.2
endpoint properties
definition, 36.1.2
inbound adapters, 30.1
outbound adapters, 30.2
endpoint reference
changing for Oracle Service Registry, 36.1.3
endpoint URLs
editing, 8.1
specifying during instance creation, 8.1
engine cache and operation statistics
for business rules, 20.2
enterprise message sources, 25.2.4
event definition language
definition, 35.2
Event Delivery Network
definition, 35.1
EDN-DB, 35.1
EDN-JMS, 35.1
troubleshooting, B.6
event engine
monitoring, 25.2.2
excludeBpelMaxCreationTime key
setting the time period for excluding messages that require recovery, 3.1
exhausted messages
resetting to the undelivered state, 15.4
exhausted state
definition, 15.4
message recovery, 15.4
a deployed SOA composite application, 7.8
only allowed at the individual composite level, 7.8
shared data not exported, 7.8


Facade API
examples, 11.3
finding composite and component instances, 11.3.2
instance migration, 8.8.2 interface, 11.1
overview of interfaces, 11.2
programmatically managing SOA composite applications, 11.1
retrieving the state of a composite, 11.3
top level entry point, 11.1
Farm home page
navigating to Oracle SOA Suite pages, 2.2.6
fault policy, 8.4
creating,, 8.4.1, 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.5
defining, 8.4
defining a policy with an ora-retry action and a fault occurs, 15.4
required for BPEL process fault recovery,
Fault Time From field, 3.1
automatic recovery configuration, 13.2
automatic recovery configuration for invoke and callback messages, 13.4
automatic recovery in clustered environments, 13.2
binding components, 37.1
BPEL process service component fault recovery, 15.1
BPEL process service engine fault recovery, 15.3
BPMN process service component fault recovery, 41.1
BPMN process service engine fault recovery, 41.3
bulk recovery, 8.4, 8.4, 8.5
bulk recovery at SOA Infrastructure level does not permit a check of composite states, 8.4
business events, 35.4
business events fault recovery, 35.4
business fault definition,
business rules service engines, 20.4
example of bulk fault recovery for BPEL processes,
example of bulk fault recovery for BPMN processes,
example of bulk fault recovery for Oracle Mediator,
example of single fault recovery for BPEL processes,
example of single fault recovery for BPMN processes,
example of single fault recovery for Oracle Mediator,
examples of BPEL process fault recovery, 8.4.1
examples of BPMN process fault recovery, 8.4.2
examples of nonrecoverable faults,
examples of Oracle Mediator fault recovery, 8.4.3
examples of recoverable faults,
human workflow fault recovery, 23.2, 23.4
human workflow service components, 22.1, 23.4, 23.4
human workflow service engines, 22.4, 23.2
in audit trail, 14.1, 40.1
inbound adapters, 31.1
options for single fault recovery, 8.4
Oracle Mediator, 18.1, 18.3
Oracle Web Service Manager fault definition,
outbound adapters, 31.5, 31.6, 31.7
recovery,, 8.4
recovery actions, 8.4, 8.5
recovery of SOA composite application faults, 4.3, 6.2
SOA composite application fault recovery, 8.5
SOA Infrastructure, 8.4
SOA Infrastructure fault recovery, 8.4
system fault definition,
File Adapter logs, 31.9
filter conditions, 34.1.2
flow traces
canceled onMessage branches are not displayed, 14.1
for composite-to-composite invocations on multiple servers, 14.1.2
impact when instance tracking is disabled, 7.5.2
issues viewing on lower end hosts, B.8.4
viewing faults, 14.1
viewing sensors, 14.1
restrictions on adding multiple properties to a function, 21.3


global token variables
creating, 3.8
during deployment, 7.1
Go to BPEL Recovery Console link
definition, 4.3, 6.2
definition, 1.4.3
group names
enabling case agnostic group names in human tasks, 21.13
demo user community, A.3
seeding with LDAP tools, 21.12
GUID attribute
mapping requirements, 21.11.3


heartBeatInterval property
definition, 13.3
HTTP binding
cannot change httpBinding property, 36
human workflow
configuring Oracle HTTP Server for task form attachments, 21.4
deploying composites with task flows, 7.1.2
faults not persisted in the dehydration store, 8.4, 8.5
moving data from a test to a production environment, 23.6
notification properties, 21.1
notifications, 23.5
prerequisites for configuring notification properties, 21.1
task service properties, 21.3
task status, 22.2
troubleshooting, B.5
troubleshooting AMX extension issues, B.5.14
troubleshooting design time at runtime issues, B.5.10
troubleshooting human workflow API usage issues, B.5.11
troubleshooting identity service issues, B.5.17
troubleshooting notification issues, B.5.3
troubleshooting Oracle BPM Worklist/task region issues, B.5.15
troubleshooting Oracle JDeveloper data control/form generation issues, B.5.12
troubleshooting service/System MBean Browser issues, B.5.13
troubleshooting task action issues, B.5.2
troubleshooting task assignment, routing, and escalation issues, B.5.1
troubleshooting task comments/attachment issues, B.5.9
troubleshooting task form/action issues, B.5.8
troubleshooting task history issues, B.5.7
troubleshooting task mapping attribute issues, B.5.5
troubleshooting task report issues, B.5.6
troubleshooting task view issues, B.5.4
troubleshooting test-to-production issues, B.5.16
WSDL files security, 5.9
human workflow service components
configuring, 21
definition, 1.2.4
fault recovery, 23.4
faults, 22.1, 23.4
instances, 22.1, 22.3
managing, 23
monitoring, 22
performing fault recovery from Oracle BPM Worklist,, 8.4
policies, 23.1
recommendation not to use oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy in a production environment, 23.1
URI of task details application, 23.3
human workflow service engines
configuring, 21
deployed workflows, 22.7
fault recovery, 23.2
faults, 22.4, 23.2, 23.4
instances, 22.4, 22.6
managing, 23
monitoring, 22
requests and operation statistics, 22.4, 22.5


IBM WebSphere
instructions for using this guide, 1.4
identity service
customizing the provider, 21.11.4
GUID attribute mapping requirements, 21.11.3
third-party providers, 21.11
IMAP email server
configuring, 21.1
IMAP server
restarting the SOA server after configuring, 21.1
incident packages
creating, 12.1.2
viewing, 12.7
incident processing rules
dynamically loading the rules file,
loading without requiring a server restart,
obtaining a copy,
recommendation to delete before purging large amounts of data, then add the indexes back in, 10.3.2
LDAP attributes,
instance and callback message data
storing in Oracle Coherence distributed cache, 15.5
instance and fault metrics pages
disabling in the System MBean Browser, 3.1.1
disabling the retrieval of instance and fault count metrics, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, B.7.1
optimizing the loading of, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, B.7.1
setting a default search criteria to fetch recent instances and faults only within a recent duration, 3.1
instance ID
creating, 1.2.3, 8.2
displayed in the SOA composite application Instances page, 1.2.4
for BPEL process service components, 14.3
for service components, 1.2.4
for SOA composite applications, 1.2.3
instance names
setting during design time, 7.5.4
instance states, 3.1
definition, 3.1
filtering by execution state, 8.2, 8.3
filtering by fault state, 8.2, 8.3
filtering by recovery state, 8.2, 8.3
for composites in which one BPEL process is completed and another is faulted, 8.2.2
meaning of the ? icon, 8.2
of BPEL process service component remaining as completed even if the composite instance state becomes stale, 7.3
of service components and SOA composite applications, 8.2.2
scenarios under which the state is not evaluated, 8.2
instance tracking
impact of disabling audit tracking across multiple composite flows, 7.5.2
impact on flow traces when tracking is disabled, 7.5.2
attempting to migrate an instance with incompatible service components, 8.8.6
behavior of service component instances after redeployment, 7.3
binding components, 37.1
business rules service engines, 20.3
capturing the composite instance state, 3.1
clicking the refresh icon to view the actual number of total instances, 7.5.2
decision service components, 20.6
deleting at the SOA Infrastructure level, 8.3, 8.3
deleting from a composite application home page, 8.2, 8.2
deleting large numbers of, 10.3
deleting running, rolled back instances, 8.2, 8.3
deleting with the looped purge in parallel script, 10.3.2
deleting with the looped purge script, 10.3.1
displaying created instances immediately when a constraint is defined, 7.5.2
distinguishing unit test instances from other instances, 1.2.3, 7.6
executing the purge scripts, 10.3.6
finding composite and component instances programmatically, 11.3.2
human workflow service components, 22.1, 22.3
human workflow service engines, 22.4, 22.6
inbound adapters, 31.1
initiating a test instance, 7.5.2, 8.1
instance migration compatibility, 8.8.1
invoking multiple instances, 8.1
keeping current BPM composite instances running after redeployment, 7.3
limitations on selecting the option to continue instances upon redeployment, 7.3
migrating an instance with all service components, 8.8.5
migrating instances between different composite revisions, 8.8
migrating instances of Oracle BPM, 8.8.4
migrating instances with the Facade API, 8.8.2
mismatch between composite instances and service component instances, 8.2.1
monitoring BPEL process service component instances, 14.3
moving long running instances to a different partition, 10.4.7
orphaned service component instances, 8.2
outbound adapters, 31.5
passing security properties with messages during testing, 8.1
possible reasons for redeployment failure, 7.3, 7.3
purging the instances of a specific SOA composite application, 10.3.5
scenarios in which the Test button is disabled, 8.1
service components, 1.2.4
setting the instance name during design time, 7.5.4
SOA composite applications, 1.2.3
specific BPEL instance is not being recovered, B.4.2
specifying the XML payload data during testing, 8.1
states, 3.1
states for purging, 10.3.3
Oracle Mediator, 17.2.2
terminating, 8.2
Test button is disabled when a composite is stopped or retired, 7.5.2
throughput details, 14.2
updating instance, fault, and rejected message states to stale, 7.2
WSDL URL that does not contain the revision number is processed by the default composite, 8.1
instant messaging
messages are not actionable, 21.1
interaction specification
definition, 36.1.2
direct binding, 3.7
invoke messages
configuring automatic recovery attempts, 13.4
configuring unresolved messages for automatic recovery, 13.2
performing manual message recovery, 15.4
situations in which the Last Modified Date column remains empty, 15.4
invoked decision function, 20.7.1, 20.7.1
IPv4 support, B.8.5
IPv6 support, B.8.5


JAR files
downloading the deployable JAR file, 7.8
Java EE applications
navigating through, 2.2.4
JCA Adapters
See Oracle Adapters
JMS sensors
values are not displayed, 14.4


large document threshold, 39.1
setting a, 13.1
LDAP attributes
indexing recommendations,
LDAP tools
seeding users, groups, and application roles, 21.12
LDAP user profile
configuring for Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 27.5
of SOA composite applications,, 7.5
performing bulk lifecycle management tasks in partitions, 7.9.2
local optimization
calls when a composite is unreachable, 3.7.4
condition checks for using, 3.7
configuring, 3.7, 7.7.2
forcing the use of, 3.7.2
logging, 3.7.3
overriding, 3.7.2
viewing the local optimization setting for policies, 7.7.2
entry point for Facade API clients, 11.1, 11.2
locator object
security credential requirements, 11.1.1
log files
accessing, 2.2.1
configuring, 3.4
configuring logging to diagnose performance issues, 3.4.2
decision service components, 20.8
encoding property, 3.4.1
from all managed servers, B.1.1
local optimization, 3.7.3
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 25.6
Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 28.2, 28.2
log levels
setting for troubleshooting, B.1
log tracing, B.1
deployment, B.1
Event Delivery Network (EDN), B.1
human workflow/approval management extensions (AMX)/rules, B.1
Oracle Adapters, B.1
Oracle B2B, B.1
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, B.1
Oracle BPM Suite, B.1
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.4
Oracle Mediator, B.1
Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 28.2.1
Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM), B.1
SOA Infrastructure, B.1
logging in
to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 2.1
logging out
of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 2.4
looped purge in parallel script
deleting instances with, 10.3.2
looped purge script
deleting instances with, 10.3.1
purging all open and closed instances,


managed servers
starting and stopping, B.8.1
managing database growth, 10
masteAliveThreshold property
definition, 13.3
master nodes
recovering, 13.3
maxMessageRaiseSize property
definition, 13.2, 13.2
MDS connections
managing, 2.2.1
See Oracle Mediator
message recovery
abort action, 15.4
adding an index on the DLV_MESSAGE.ECID column to improve SQL performance when searching messages for a specific ECID message, 15.4
cancel without abort action, 15.4
exhausted state, 15.4
filtering the display of instances by whether they are recoverable, 8.2, 8.3
in BPEL process service engines, 15.4
in BPMN process service engines, 41.4
managing failed automatic recovery attempts, 15.4
message can continue in a running state after retryCount parameter is exceeded, 15.4
Message States list not applicable to activity message types, 15.4
obtaining the ECID value for message recovery, 14.1, 15.4
recover action, 15.4
recovering callback messages in resolved and undelivered states, 15.4
recovery message information displayed in the Flow Trace page, 14.1
recovery message information displayed in the SOA Infrastructure home page, 4.3
recovery message information displayed on the SOA composite application home page, 1.2.1, 6.2
recovery options, 15.4
reset action, 15.4
resynchronizing lost, in-memory, Quartz-scheduled jobs, 15.4
situations in which the Last Modified Date column remains empty, 15.4
stranded callback messages, 15.4
message sources, 25.2.4
messaging extension driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,
driver application archive (EAR),
extension driver security,
Microsoft SQL Server
features, 10.7.1
purge script differences, 10.7.2
purge script limitations, 10.7.3
purge script location, 10.7.3
purging instances in, 10.7
running the purge scripts, 10.7.3
attempting to migrate an instance with incompatible service components, 8.8.6
instance migration compatibility, 8.8.1
migrating an instance with all service components, 8.8.5
migrating instances between different composite revisions, 8.8
migrating instances of Oracle BPM, 8.8.4
of human workflow data from a test to a production environment, 23.6
of instances with ant, 8.8.3
of instances with the Facades API, 8.8.2
requirements for instances with ant, 8.8.3
retrieving the list of failed migration components,
supported Oracle Mediator message patterns, 8.8.1
role, C.1
Mozilla Firefox
Copy details to clipboard link does not appear, 14.1
MTOM attachments
attaching to outbound web services, 36
multiple instances
invoking, 8.1
multiple send addresses
configuring, 21.9


nodeReapInterval property
definition, 13.3
nodeReapThreshold property
definition, 13.3
recovering, 13.3
nondurable BPEL processes
instance migration, 8.8.1
nonfatal connection
specifying a retry count, 3.1
notification service
pluggable, 21.6
actionable addresses, 21.1
configuration modes, 21.1
configuring the number of email notification messages, 21.8
configuring the outgoing email address, 21.1
configuring the Reply To address, 21.1
creating, 12.5
human workflow
incoming email, 23.5
outgoing, 23.5
properties, 21.1
prerequisites for configuring, 21.1
restarting the server after IMAP and SMTP email server configuration, 21.1
sender and default sender addresses must match values on the Workflow Notification Properties page, 21.1
DMS, 12.4
NTLM authentication
invoking a web service, 5.7


role, C.1
SOAP optimization is automatically configured in 11g, 3.1
Oracle Adapters
configuring, 30
configuring binding components, 36.1.2
deployed resource adapters, 2.2.4
endpoint properties,
inbound adapters, 30.1
outbound adapters, 30.2
inbound adapters, 31.1
outbound adapters, 31.5, 31.6, 31.7
File Adapter logs, 31.9
in multiple revisions of SOA composite applications that include an inbound adapter are displayed as running, 8.2
inbound adapters, 31.1
outbound adapters, 31.5
monitoring, 31
Oracle AQ Adapter properties,
Oracle Database Adapter properties,
Oracle File Adapter properties,
Oracle FTP Adapter properties,
Oracle JMS Adapter properties,
Oracle MQ Series Adapter properties,
Oracle Socket Adapter properties,
inbound adapters, 31.4
outbound adapters, 31.8
rejected messages
inbound adapters, 31.2, 31.3
Oracle AQ Adapter
Oracle B2B
accessing from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 33.2
bindings, 33
configuring, 32
database tables are not deleted by the Oracle SOA Suite purge scripts, 10.3
foreign key constraints must be disabled before dropping the partition, 10.4.6
infrastructure monitoring, 33.1
metrics, 32.1
monitoring, 33, 33
server properties, 32
Oracle BAM adapter
configuring, 24.7
configuring HTTPS,
configuring to retry sending messages,
Oracle BPM Worklist
configuring with Oracle HTTP Server, 5.3
globally disabling automatic release timers, 21.7
performing fault recovery from,
performing human workflow service component fault recovery, 8.4
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
adding members to application roles, 26.3.3
adding users in Oracle BAM Administrator, 26.3.6
application roles, 26.3.4
availability management, 26.2
calling web services, 24.9.6
configuration property files, 24.10
configuration property reference, 24.11
configuring, 24
configuring advanced properties, 24.10
configuring credential mapping, 24.7.4, 24.9.1
configuring distribution lists, 24.6
configuring Oracle BAM adapter, 24.7
configuring Oracle BAM batching properties, 24.8
configuring Oracle BAM connection factories, 24.7.2
configuring Oracle Data Integrator integration properties, 24.3.6
configuring Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 24.5
configuring server basic properties, 24.3
configuring SSL, 24.9.3
configuring the application URL, 24.2.2, 24.3.3
configuring the data source JNDI, 24.3.2
configuring the embedded LDAP server, 26.3.5
configuring the logger, 24.4
configuring the outbound email account, 24.3.7
configuring the report cache persistence manager, 24.3.5
configuring the report loading indicator, 24.2.3
configuring the server name, 24.2.4
configuring trusted domains, 24.7.3
configuring user permissions, 24.9.2
configuring viewset sharing, 24.3.4
configuring web applications properties, 24.2.1
configuring web basic properties, 24.2
defining users and groups, 26.3.1
managing, 26
managing object ownership, 26.3.7
monitoring, 25
monitoring logs, 25.6
monitoring open connections, 25.3.2
monitoring Oracle BAM active data cache, 25.2.1
monitoring performance, 25.5
monitoring the client requests in progress, 25.2.5
monitoring the enterprise message sources, 25.2.4
monitoring the event engine component, 25.2.2
monitoring the report cache component, 25.2.3
monitoring the report server, 25.3.1
monitoring web applications, 25.3
monitoring web services, 25.4
removing invalid users from Oracle BAM Administrator, 26.3.8
securing, 24.9
securing JMS resources, 24.9.5
user management, 26.3
using Oracle Internet Directory, 24.9.4
using previously seeded group members, 26.3.2
Oracle Business Process Management Suite
administration, 1.4
configuration, 1.4.1
definition, 1.3
management, 1.4.3
monitoring, 1.4.2
service components, 1.2.4
Oracle Coherence
definition, 15.5
Oracle Coherence distributed cache
architecture, 15.5.1
availability requires use of Oracle Exalogic, 15.5
configuring in the System MBean Browser, 15.5.3
configuring invocation messages, 15.5.6
configuring the storage of multiple audit trail messages in one transaction, 15.5.4
configuring the storage of the audit trail, 15.5.5
invocation messages in middle of execution can be lost or duplicated if a server crashes, 15.5.6
performance recommendations, 15.5.2
some audit trail messages are not persisted if a server crashes, 15.5.5
starting the data grid nodes, 15.5.7
storing instance and callback message data, 15.5
Oracle Data Integrator
configuring with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.3.6
Oracle Database Adapter
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control
definition, 1.6
Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control
accessing Oracle B2B, 33.2
deploying drivers, 29.1.2
logging in, 2.1
logging out, 2.4
Oracle Exalogic
definition, 15.5
Oracle Exalogic platforms
setting the AsynchAuditBatchSize property, 13.1
storing instance and callback message data in Oracle Coherence distributed cache, 15.5
Oracle File Adapter
Oracle Fusion Middleware, 1.1
Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard
deploying drivers, 29.1.3
Oracle HTTP Server
configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle HTTP Server for SSL communication, 5.8.6
configuring with Oracle BPM Worklist, 5.3
Oracle Internet Directory
using with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.9.4, 24.9.4
Oracle JMS Adapter
Oracle Mediator service components
configuring, 16, 16
definition, 1.2.4
fault recovery,
fault recovery examples, 8.4.3
managing, 18
monitoring, 17
resequenced message purge states for, 10.3.4
setting the instance name during design time, 7.5.4
Oracle Mediator service engines
managing, 18
monitoring, 17
Oracle MQ Series Adapter
Oracle Service Bus (OSB)
invoking, 11.1
Oracle Service Registry
changing the endpoint reference and service key, 36.1.3
configuring caching of WSDL URLs,
configuring the publishing of web services to UDDI, 38.2.1
inquiry URL, 3.1
properties, 3.1
publishing to nondefault businesses, 38.2.2
publishing web services to the UDDI registry, 38.2
Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO)
configuring, 5.1
Oracle SOA Composer
providing a nonadministrator with access, 21.12.4
Oracle SOA Management Pack
definition, 1.6
Oracle SOA Suite
administration, 1.4, 2
configuration, 1.4.1
definition, 1.2
management, 1.4.3
monitoring, 1.4.2
Oracle Socket Adapter
Oracle SSL ciphers, 3.1
Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS)
accessing configuration pages, 27.3
adding or removing user messaging preferences business terms, 27.3.2
architecture, 27.1.2
client aliases, 27.6.5
components, 27.1.1
configuring, 27
configuring the email driver,
configuring the messaging extension driver,
configuring the proxy driver,
configuring the SMPP driver,
configuring the VoiceXML driver,
configuring the worklist driver,
configuring the XMPP driver,
configuring to send and receive notifications, 21.1
configuring to the LDAP user profile, 27.5
definition, 27.1
deregistering messaging client applications, 28.1.2
driver configuration, 27.4
driver properties,
enabling client security, 27.6.3
enabling security, 27.6.2
keystore configuration, 27.6.4
logging configuration, 28.2.1
managing, 29, 29
message status, 28.1.1
metrics and statistics, 28.3
monitoring, 28
monitoring drivers using the All tab, 28.1.3
securing, 27.6
securing JMS resources, 27.6.6
securing passwords,
sender and default sender addresses must match values on the Workflow Notification Properties page, 21.1
setting the storage method, 27.3.1
troubleshooting, 27.7
UMS client applications, 27.1.1
UMS drivers, 27.1.1
UMS server, 27.1.1
viewing log files, 28.2
web service security on notification, 27.6.1
Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder
description, 1.4.3
Oracle SOA Suite support, 1.4.3
Oracle wallet password, 3.1
Oracle Web Service Manager faults,
Oracle WebLogic Server
starting and stopping a managed server on which the SOA Infrastructure is deployed in the middle of BPEL processing, 7.5.3
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console
accessing, 2.2.5
administering security of human workflow users, 2.2.5
configuring adapter connections for composite references, 2.2.5
creating and managing data sources of adapters, 2.2.5
creating and managing JMS resources of adapters, 2.2.5
deploying human task user interfaces, 2.2.5
managing data sources of the SOA Infrastructure, 2.2.5
managing JTA settings, 2.2.5
performing Oracle SOA Suite administrative tasks from, 2.2.5
oracle.soa.local.optimization.force property
using, 3.7.2
OracleSystemUser, 26.3
do not remove, 7.1
oracle.webservices.local.optimization property
using, 3.7.2
ora-human-intervention action
fault policy definitions, 8.4, 8.5, 8.5
orphaned messages
pending recovery, 8.2
orphaned service component instances
deleting, 8.2
for which no SOA composite application instance has been created, 8.2.1
generating, 8.2
See Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder
See Oracle Web Services Manager


partial partitioning
restricting partitioning to tables with high growth rates,
all tables of a service component and service engine,
always partition the COMPOSITE_INSTANCE table,
component tables, 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.4.4,
configuring partitions, 10.4.2
developing a methodology, 10.2
executing the verification script, 10.4.5
limitations on,
moving long running instances to a different partition, 10.4.7
no tables of a service component and service engine,
Oracle B2B foreign key constraints must be disabled before dropping the partition, 10.4.6
partial partitioning of components, 10.4.8
range partition keys,
restricting partitioning to tables with high growth rates,
running the purge scripts before performing partitioning, 10.4
selecting the schema partition keys,
tables causing a bottleneck,
verification script, 10.4.3
verifying and dropping partitions, 10.4.6
accessing the Undeploy SOA Composite wizard, 7.4
activating all composites in a partition, 7.9.2
API management of, 11.1, 11.2
bulk lifecycle management tasks,, 7.9, 7.9.2
cannot rename an existing partition, 7.9.1
cannot restrict login access to, 7.9
cannot start, stop, activate, or retire, 7.9
cannot transfer deployed composites to a different partition, 7.9.1
composites using the same inbound resource deployed to different partitions, 7.9
creating, 7.9.1
creating with ant and WLST, 7.9.1
default partition,, 7.1, 7.9
definition, 1.2.1, 1.4.3,, 7.9
deleting, 7.9, 7.9.1
deleting and undeploying all composites in the partition, 2.2.3, 7.4
deploying a composite to a partition, 7.9.2
invalid names for, 7.9.1
issues with deploying the same composite with a human workflow into multiple partitions, 7.1
limitations on using the socket adapter, 7.9
managing, 7.9
minimum of one required for deployment, 7.1, 7.9.1
naming conventions, 7.9.1
not associated with a state,, 7.9
recreating deployed composites in another partition, 7.9.1
retiring all composites in a partition, 7.9.2
selecting during deployment, 7.1
shutting down all composites in a partition, 7.9.2
starting all composites in a partition, 7.9.2
top level entry point for partition management APIs, 11.1, 11.2
undeploying all composites in a partition, 7.4, 7.5.1, 7.9.2
valid names for, 7.9.1
changing the default password in the embedded LDAP server, 21.12.1
payload validation
BPEL process service engine, 13.1, 39.1
fault generation for invalid payloads, 7.5.2
for synchronous services, 7.5.2
SOA composite applications, 7.5.2
SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
resolving large payload errors, B.7.3
saving, 8.1
configuring logging to diagnose performance issues, 3.4.2
monitoring SOA composite application performance summary metrics, 6.1
monitoring SOA Infrastructure performance summary metrics, 4.2
monitoring with the Topology Viewer, 4.1
pluggable notification service, 21.6
registration, 21.6.2
binding components, 38.1
BPEL process service components, 15.2
BPMN process service components, 41.2
configuring security policies for human workflow web services, 21.14, 21.15
details about which policies to use, 7.7
execution of,
globally attached policies, 38.1
human workflow service components, 23.1
in SOA composite applications, 7.7
limitation on policy attachment errors for service binding components, 38.1
limitation on policy attachments for binding components, 38
local attachments, 7.7.2
location of errors in services and references, 38.1
multiple servers with the same policy, 38.1.1
no support for policies on event subscriptions, 35.2
Oracle Mediator, 18.2
overriding policy configuration property values, 38.1.1
policy sets, 38.1
recommendation not to use oracle/wss10_saml_token_service_policy in a production environment with human tasks, 23.1
supported categories,
policy sets
definition, 21.14, 21.15, 38.1
popped ruleset, 20.7.1
changing the SOA Infrastructure server URL port, 3.3
required for performing specific tasks, 1.4, C.1
process flow
for BPEL 2.0 projects, 14.1.3
monitoring a BPEL process service component, 14.1
programmatic management of SOA composite applications, 11.1
actionable addresses, 21.1
actionable email account
configuring, 21.3
audit level of BPEL process service engine, 13.1
audit level of BPMN process service engine, 39.1
audit level of SOA composite application, 7.5.2
audit level of SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
audit trail threshold, 13.1, 39.1
binding components, 36.1
callback server URL, 3.1
capture composite instance state of SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
changing of specific properties with green and red arrow icons requires a restart, 3.1
chunking, 3.1
clusterDbTimeRefresh, 13.3
data sources, 3.1
dispatcher engine threads, 13.1, 39.1
dispatcher invoke threads, 13.1, 39.1
dispatcher system threads, 13.1, 39.1
dynamic assignment and task escalation functions, 21.3
for local optimization, 7.7.2
heartBeatInterval, 13.3
inbound adapters, 31.4
large document threshold, 13.1, 39.1
masteAliveThreshold, 13.3
maxMessageRaiseSize, 13.2, 13.2
nodeReapInterval, 13.3
nodeReapThreshold, 13.3
notification properties, 21.1
Oracle Service Registry, 3.1
Oracle SSL ciphers, 3.1
Oracle wallet password, 3.1
order of precedence, 3.1
order of precedence of execution, 1.4.1, 7.5.2
outbound adapters, 31.8
payload validation in SOA composite applications, 7.5.2
payload validation in SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
payload validation in the BPEL process service engine, 13.1, 39.1
QualityOfService, 15.5.2
server URL, 3.1
SOA Infrastructure, 3.1
startupRecoveryDuration, 13.2
startWindowTime, 13.2
stopWindowTime, 13.2
subsequentTriggerDelay, 13.2, 13.2
threshHoldTimeInMinutes, 13.2
UDDI Registry, 3.1
web service binding, 3.1
proxy driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,
proxy server
best practices for setting proxy properties, B.8.3
specifying, B.8.3
all open and closed instances,
deleting indexes before purging large amounts of data, then adding the indexes back in, 10.3.2
deleting instances with the looped purge in parallel script, 10.3.2
deleting instances with the looped purge script, 10.3.1
deleting large numbers of instances with the purge scripts, 10.3
deleting orphaned instances, 8.2
developing a methodology, 10.2
executing the purge scripts, 10.3.6
instance states for purging, 10.3.3
instances, 10.3
instances in Microsoft SQL Server, 10.7
location of purge scripts, 10.3.6
purge script capabilities, 10.3
purge scripts supported on different Oracle SOA Suite releases, 10.3
purge scripts to run when upgrading, 10.3
resequenced message purge states for Oracle Mediator, 10.3.4
the instances of a specific SOA composite application, 10.3.5
when to use the Delete With Options dialog or the purge scripts, 8.2, 8.3
pushed ruleset, 20.7.1


QualityOfService property
enabling or disabling Oracle Coherence cache, 13.1
QueueOpenOptions property
unsupported on service binding components,


message recovery action, 15.4
recoverable activities
definition, 15.4
of master nodes, 13.3
recovery actions
abort, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
continue, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
replay, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
rethrow, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
retry, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
behavior of BPMN instances after redeployment, 7.3
behavior of service component instances after redeployment, 7.3
from SSO-enabled Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 7
guidelines, 7.3
keeping current BPM composite instances running after redeployment, 7.3
limitations on selecting the option to continue instances upon redeployment, 7.3
possible reasons for failure, 7.3, 7.3
redeploying multiple composites at once is not supported, 7.3
SOA composite applications, 7.3
updating instance, fault, and rejected message states to stale during, 7.2
definition, 1.2.5, 4.5
displaying the endpoint addresses of, 7.5.2
displaying the WSDL files of, 7.5.2
location of policy errors, 38.1
monitoring, 4.5
Refresh Alarm Table button
resynchronizing lost jobs, 15.4
refresh icon
location, 7.5.1
rejected messages
binding components, 37.2
deleting at the SOA Infrastructure level, 8.6
deleting from the application home page, 8.7
inbound adapters, 31.2, 31.3
when to use the Delete Rejected Messages option, 8.6, 8.7
recovery action, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
replay activity
displayed as faulted even though no fault occurred, 14.1.1
reports engine
monitoring, 25.3.1
request breakdown
statistics in Oracle Mediator, 17.3.3
request breakdown table details
viewing, 14.6.1
time a request spends in the BPEL process service engine, 14.9
requests and operation statistics in human workflow service engines, 22.4, 22.5
resequencer tables
purging, 10.3.4
message recovery action, 15.4
RESTful web service
security options in the Test Web Service page, 8.1
testing in the Test Web Service page, 8.1
recovery action, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
a default SOA composite application revision, 7.5.1
a SOA composite application revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
impact of retiring a default SOA composite application revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
impact of undeploying a default SOA composite application revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
recovery action, 8.4, 8.5, 14.1, 15.1, 15.3, 18.1, 18.3
distinguishing the default revision from other revisions,
migrating instances between different composite revisions, 8.8
undeployment of default composite revision, 7.4
undeployment of default composite revision when no other active, available revisions exist, 7.4
version added to the application name,
administrator, C.1
audit trail access, C.1.15
BPEL process service component home page access, C.1.10
BPEL process service engine access, C.1.6
business events page access, C.1.19
business rules service engine access, C.1.9
composite home page access, C.1.5
creating, C
decision service component home page access, C.1.13
flow trace page access, C.1.14
human task service component home page access, C.1.12
human workflow service engine access, C.1.8
mapping the SOAMonitor role to the Oracle WebLogic Server Monitors group or user, 5.2
mapping the SOAOperator role to the Oracle WebLogic Server Operators group or user, 5.2
matrix of role functionality, C.1.1
monitor, C.1
operator, C.1
Oracle B2B pages access, C.1.18
Oracle Mediator service component home page access, C.1.11
Oracle Mediator service engine access, C.1.7
references home page access, C.1.17
required for performing specific tasks, 1.4, C.1
services home page access, C.1.16
SOA Composite menu access, C.1.4
SOA Infrastructure menu access, C.1.3
SOA Infrastructure page access, C.1.2
System MBean Browser access, C.1.20
routing statistics in Oracle Mediator, 17.2.4
RPC/literal-style WSDL files
specifying, 8.1.1
rule execution tracing
See business rule execution tracing
See business rules


SAML message-protected policy configuration
setting up for the SOA Infrastructure, 5.4
search criteria
setting a default search criteria to fetch recent instances and faults only within a recent duration, 3.1
Secure Socket Layer
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.9
Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 27.6
application policies, 2.2.1
application roles, 2.2.1
automatically authenticating Oracle BPM Worklist users in SAML SSO environments, 5.5.1
automatically authenticating Oracle BPM Worklist users in Windows Native authentication environments, 5.5.4
automatically authenticating Oracle Business Process Composer users in Windows Native authentication environments, 5.5.5
available documentation, 5.1
configuring for human workflow WSDL files, 5.9
configuring for two-way SSL communication, 5.8.4
configuring Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle BPM Worklist, 5.3
configuring Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO), 5.1
configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle HTTP Server for SSL communication, 5.8.6
configuring SSL between SOA composite application instances and Oracle WebCache, 5.8.7
credentials required for creating the locator object, 11.1.1
developing new security providers for use with Oracle WebLogic Server, 5.1
enabling an asynchronous process deployed to an SSL-enabled, managed server to invoke another asynchronous process over HTTP, 5.8.9
invoking a web service that requests NTLM authentication, 5.7
invoking references in one-way SSL environments in Oracle JDeveloper, 5.8.5
listing Oracle Internet Directory as the first authentication provider, 5.6.1
passing security properties with messages during testing, 8.1
policies in SOA composite applications, 7.7
procedures unique to Oracle SOA Suite, 5.1
programming security for Oracle WebLogic Server, 5.1
recommendation to configure either all or no managed servers with SSL, 5.8.2
securing an Oracle WebLogic Server production environment, 5.1
securing and administering web services, 5.1
securing Oracle WebLogic Server, 5.1
securing web services for Oracle WebLogic Server, 5.1
setting up SAML message-protected policy configuration for the SOA Infrastructure, 5.4
switching from non-SSL to SSL configurations with Oracle BPM Worklist, 5.8.3
understanding Oracle WebLogic Server security, 5.1
using a custom trust store for one-way SSL during design time, 5.8.8
using SSL certificates when the SOA/BPM server is configured with an HTTPS port, 5.8.1
the demo user community into the database, A
users, groups, and application roles with LDAP tools, 21.12
sensors, 14.1, 40.1
behavior of activity sensors in BPEL 2.0 compensate and compensateScope activities, 14.4.1
business monitors, 7.10
disabling BPEL sensors at the service engine level, 13.1
disabling BPEL sensors at the SOA composite application level, 7.5.2
displaying the current state, 7.5.2
JMS sensor values are not displayed, 14.4
monitoring, 14.4
server URL
property, 3.1
property change requires a restart, 3.1
top level entry point for partition management APIs, 11.1, 11.2
service and reference binding components
See binding components
service components
BPEL processes, 14, 15
BPMN processes, 40
definition, 1.2.4
human workflow, 21, 22, 23
instance IDs, 1.2.4
instances, 1.2.4
Oracle Mediator, 16
orphaned instances, 8.2
service engines
BPEL processes, 14, 15
BPMN processes, 40
definition, 1.2.6
human workflow, 21, 22, 23
monitoring at the SOA Infrastructure level, 4.3
monitoring the average request processing times, 4.4
no management pages for the spring service component,,
Oracle Mediator, 16
service infrastructure
definition, 1.2.7
monitoring the average request processing times, 4.4
service key
changing for Oracle Service Registry, 36.1.3
definition, 1.2.5, 4.5
location of policy errors, 38.1
monitoring, 4.5, 38.2.2
Set Time Threshold link
definition, 4.3, 6.2
shared data
not exported as part of the composite export, 7.8
Show Details link
definition, 4.3, 6.2
shutting down
a composite revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
SMPP driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,
SMTP server
configuring, 21.1
restarting the SOA server after configuring, 21.1
SOA composite applications
activating a revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
application states after SOA Infrastructure shutdown, 3.2.2
audit level, 7.5.2
configuring for two-way SSL communication, 5.8.4
configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle HTTP Server for SSL communication, 5.8.6
contents, 1.2.8
creating global token variables, 3.8
definition, 1.2.2
deleting instances, 8.2, 8.3
deployed states, 7.5
deploying, 7
deploying a revision, 7.5.1
fault recovery, 8.5
faults, 8.5
filtering by instance states, 8.2, 8.3
finding the composite and component programmatically, 11.3.2
impact of retiring a default revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
impact of undeploying a default revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.1
in which one BPEL process is completed and another is faulted, 8.2.2
instances, 1.2.3
managing, 8
managing the application state at the SOA Infrastructure level, 7.5.1
managing the application state from the SOA composite application home page, 7.5.2
message recovery information displayed on the home page, 1.2.1, 6.2
monitoring, 6
monitoring faults, 6.2
monitoring instances, 6.2
packaging, 7
payload validation, 7.5.2
policies, 7.7
programmatically managing, 11.1
purging instances of, 10.3.5
redeploying, 7.3
redeploying a revision, 7.5.1
retiring a default revision, 7.5.1
retiring a revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
retrieving the composite state programmatically, 11.3
securing, 5
setting the default revision, 7.5.1
setting the instance name during design time, 7.5.4
showing the composite XML definition, 7.5.2
showing the WSDL and endpoint URI, 7.5.2
shutting down a revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
starting up a revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
Test button is disabled when a composite is stopped or retired, 7.5.2
test instances, 8.1
testing,, 7.5.2, 7.6
undeploying, 7.4
undeploying a revision, 7.5.1
undeploying the default composite revision, 7.4
SOA Composite menu
description of options, 2.2.2
navigating through, 2.2.2
SOA Governance
SOA Infrastructure
audit level, 3.1
cannot change the Infrastructure port from Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, 3.3
changing ports, 3.3
configuring, 3
during startup, may not be completely initialized to administer incoming requests, 4.3, 7.9
fault recovery, 8.4
faults, 8.4
managing the application state, 7.5.1
may not completely initialize to administer incoming requests until all deployed composites are loaded, 3.2.1
message recovery information displayed in the home page, 4.3
monitoring, 4
payload validation, 3.1
processing requests, 4.4
properties, 3.1
recent instances and faults, 4.3
restarting the SOA Infrastructure does not activate endpoints when a retired composite is activated, 3.2.3
starting and stopping, 3.2
startup failure when cwallet.sso includes the SOA map, 3.2.4
state of composites after SOA Infrastructure shutdown, 3.2.2
waiting for startup initialization to complete, 3.2.1, 7.5.2
SOA Infrastructure application
definition, 1.2.1
SOA Infrastructure menu
description of options, 2.2.1
navigating through, 2.2.1
SOA Partition menu
navigating through, 2.2.3
SOAMonitor role
mapping to the Oracle WebLogic Server Monitors group or user, 5.2
SOAOperator role
mapping to the Oracle WebLogic Server Operators group or user, 5.2
message, 25.2.4
spring service components
definition, 1.2.4
no spring service engine management pages, 1.2.6
running and terminated instance states are not supported,
scope of support in Oracle Enterprise Manager,,
configuring for two-way SSL communication, 5.8.4
configuring Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle HTTP Server for SSL communication, 5.8.6
configuring SOA composite applications for two-way SSL communication, 5.8.4
configuring SSL between SOA composite application instances and Oracle WebCache, 5.8.7
configuring with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 24.9.3
enabling an asynchronous process deployed to an SSL-enabled, managed server to invoke another asynchronous process over HTTP, 5.8.9
invoking references in one-way SSL environments in Oracle JDeveloper, 5.8.5
key alias, 5.8.4
recommendation to configure either all or no managed servers with SSL, 5.8.2
switching from non-SSL to SSL configurations with Oracle BPM Worklist, 5.8.3
using a custom trust store for one-way SSL during design time, 5.8.8
using SSL certificates when the SOA/BPM server is configured with an HTTPS port, 5.8.1
stale instances
updating instance, fault, and rejected message states to stale, 7.2
Start Time From field
setting a default search criteria to fetch recent instances and faults only within a recent duration, 3.1
a managed Oracle WebLogic Server on which the SOA Infrastructure is deployed in the middle of BPEL processing, 7.5.3
starting up
a composite revision, 7.5.1, 7.5.2
startupRecoveryDuration property
definition, 13.2
startWindowTime property
definition, 13.2
StatsLastN property
System MBean Browser, 14.6.1
a managed Oracle WebLogic Server on which the SOA Infrastructure is deployed in the middle of BPEL processing, 7.5.3
stopWindowTime property
definition, 13.2
stress testing
invoking multiple instances, 8.1
subsequentTriggerDelay property
definition, 13.2, 13.2
synchronous services
payload validation, 7.5.2
system dispatcher messages
definition, 13.1
system faults,
System MBean Browser
accessing from the component property pages, 2.3.2
accessing from the main browser page, 2.3.1
ASNSDriverIMAddress property, 21.1
ASNSDrivers property, 21.9
AsynchAuditBatchSize, 13.1, 15.5.4
AsyncProcessStats property, 14.6.1, 14.9, 14.9, 14.9
AuditConfig property, 3.1, 3.1, 4.3, 4.3, 6.2, 6.2, 8.2, 8.3, 14.1, 14.1
AuditStorePolicy property, 15.5.5
BpelcClasspath property, 13.1
bpel.config.auditlevel property, 13.6
CreateWSCallTrackingMBean property, 3.1
CustomNSDriverPropertyNames property, 21.1, 21.6.2
DisableAsserts, 13.1
DisableSensors, 13.1
disabling instance and fault count metrics retrieval, 3.1.1
DispatcherNonBlockInvokeThreads, 13.1
ExecuteCallbacksInOrder, 13.1
ExpirationMaxRetry property, 13.1
ExpirationRetryDelay property, 13.1
FaxCoverPageCount property, 21.1
GlobalTxMaxRetry property, 3.1
GlobalTxRetryInterval property, 3.1
HttpProxyAuthRealm property, 3.1
HttpProxyAuthType property, 3.1
HttpProxyHost property, 3.1
HttpProxyPassword property, 3.1
HttpProxyPort property, 3.1
HttpProxyUsername property, 3.1
HttpServerURL property, 3.1
HttpsServerURL property, 3.1
InstanceKeyBlockSize property, 13.1
instructions on using, 2.2.1
invoking custom MBeans with WLST, 2.2.1
KeystoreLocation property, 3.1, 5.8.4
MaximumNumberOfInvokeMessagesInCache property, 13.1
MaxRecoveryAttempt property, 13.1
MinBPELWait, 13.1
navigating, 2.3
navigational path, 3.1
oneWayDeliveryPolicy property, 15.5.6
OneWayDeliveryPolicy property, 13.1
QualityOfService property, 13.1, 15.5.3, 15.5.5, 15.5.6
QualityOfService.AuditStorePolicy.UseDistributedCache property, 15.5.5
QualityOfService.OneWayDeliveryPolicy.UseDistributedCache property, 15.5.6
RecoveryConfig, 13.1
RequestStats property, 14.6.1, 14.9, 14.9
RetryNotificationMessageThrottle property, 21.1
ServerURL property, 3.3
SOA Infrastructure advanced configuration properties, 3.1
StatsLastN property, 12.2.11, 13.1
SyncMaxWaitTime property, 13.1
SyncProcessStats property, 14.6.1, 14.9, 14.9
UddiCacheLifetime property, 3.1,


extending to avoid problems at runtime, B.7.4
task auto release
configuring, 21.3
portal realm mapping configuration, 21.3
pushback assignee, 21.3
task auto release configuration, 21.3
worklist application URL configuration, 21.3
task escalations, 21.3
task flows
deployment, 7.1.2
task forms
configuring Oracle HTTP Server for task form attachments, 21.4
task service
configuring the workflow custom classpath URL, 21.3
configuring the workflow service session timeout, 21.3
task service properties
human workflow, 21.3
test cases
contents of, 7.6
test runs
definition, 7.6
test suite
automating the testing of SOA composite applications, 7.6
initiating a test instance, 8.1
passing security properties with messages, 8.1
restrictions on displaying payload data in the Test Web Service page, 8.1
restrictions on the stress tool of the Test Web Service page, 8.1
scenarios in which the Test button is disabled, 7.5.2, 8.1
specifying the XML payload data, 8.1
Test button is disabled when a composite is stopped or retired, 7.5.2
WSDL URL that does not contain the revision number is processed by the default composite, 8.1
third party application servers
instructions for using this guide, 1.4
thread dumps from all managed servers, B.1.1
threshHoldTimeInMinutes property
definition, 13.2
instance details, 14.2
resolving, B.3.1
setting, 13.1
creating global token variables for multiple SOA composite applications, 3.8
TopLink sessions
managing cache, 2.2.1
discovering Oracle SOA Suite routing relationships, 4.1
Topology Viewer
monitoring performance, 4.1
transaction timeouts
setting, 13.1
troubleshooting, B.3
transient processes
definition, B.6.5
additional documentation for, B.10
AMX extension issues, B.5.14
application transaction does not complete and the underlying composite is stuck in a running state, B.4.4
asynchronous transactions return with an error after a long time, B.3.5
automatic recovery of BPEL instances is not recovering a specific instance, B.4.2
best practices for starting and stopping a managed server, B.8.1
business events, B.6
database growth, B.2
design time at runtime issues, B.5.10
Event Delivery Network, B.6
extending tablespaces, B.7.4
flow diagram display issues on lower end hosts, B.8.4
human workflow API usage issues, B.5.11
human workflow issues, B.5
identity service issues, B.5.17
increasing database connection values, B.3.3
limitations on Safari browser use, B.9.1
long running, synchronous calls to remote web services error out, B.3.5
notification issues, B.5.3
Oracle BPM Worklist/task region issues, B.5.15
Oracle JDeveloper data control/form generation issues, B.5.12
Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS), 27.7
resolving connection timeouts, B.3.1
resolving database growth caused by high transaction volume, B.7.5
resolving exception errors caused by large payloads, B.7.3
resolving message failure caused by too many open files, B.7.2
runtime diagnostics, B.4
runtime failure with a "Cannot read WSDL" error, B.4.1
service/System MBean Browser issues, B.5.13
setting log levels, B.1
slow application performance, B.7.6
SOA server startup problems, B.8.2
some composites are retried multiple times on failure, B.4.3
task action issues, B.5.2
task assignment, routing, and escalation issues, B.5.1
task attribute mapping issues, B.5.5
task comments/attachment issues, B.5.9
task form/action issues, B.5.8
task history issues, B.5.7
task report issues, B.5.6
task view issues, B.5.4
test-to-production issues, B.5.16
updating EJB transaction timeouts, B.3.4
TRS script
considerations for using, 10.6.1
creating, 10.6.4
features, 10.6.2
logging and debugging, 10.6.6
not supported on non-Oracle databases, 10.6.1
recreating tables with open composite instances and reclaiming database space, 10.6
running, 10.6.5
truncate script
removing records from runtime tables without dropping the tables, 10.5


UDDI Registry
configuring the publishing of web services to, 38.2.1
inquiry URL, 3.1
properties, 3.1
publishing to, 38.2
publishing web services to, 38.2.2
See Oracle User Messaging Service
deleting a partition and all its composites, 7.4
from SSO-enabled Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 7
guidelines, 7.4
of a composite revision, 7.5.1
of all composites in a partition, 7.4
of an application instance does not cause the instance to complete, 14.7, 17.3.2
of default composite revision, 7.4
of default composite revision when no other active, available revisions exist, 7.4, 7.5.1
SOA composite applications, 7.4
updating instance, fault, and rejected message states to stale during, 7.2
unit tests
distinguishing unit test instances from other instances, 1.2.3, 7.6
of SOA composite applications,
running, 7.6
test cases,
test suites,
user access auditing, 34.1.2
audit log, 34.3
configuring, 34.2
healthcare UI activities, 34.1.1
demo user community, A.1, A.2
seeding with LDAP tools, 21.12


verification script
executing, 10.4.5
for partitioning, 10.4.3
not provided for business rules, 10.4.5
VoiceXML driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,


creating, 12.5
creating to identify if processing delays exceed a specified time limit, 12.5.4
creating to identify the elapsed time of web service binding calls, 12.5.3
enabling preconfigured rules and watches, 12.5.1
web browsers
Copy details to clipboard link does not appear with Mozilla Firefox, 14.1
limitation on using the Safari Browser to view WSDL file content, B.9.1
supported, 2.1
web service binding properties, 3.1
web services
configuring, 36.1.1
WebLogic Diagnostic Framework
definition, 12.1.1
creating partitions, 7.9.1
deploying drivers, 29.1.1
deployment, 7.1.3
Diagnostic Framework commands, 12.1.2
enabling preconfigured rules and watches, 12.5.1
invoking custom MBeans, 2.2.1
starting, 12.2
workflow custom classpath URL
configuring, 21.3
workflow service session timeout
configuring, 21.3
worklist driver
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,
installing on the IBM WebSphere platform,
deploying drivers, 29.1.4
WSDL files
displaying the WSDL files of all external services, 7.5.2
human workflow, 5.9
specifying during instance creation, 8.1
specifying RPC/literal style WSDL files, 8.1.1
specifying the default revision, 8.1
WSDL URL that does not contain the revision number is processed by the default composite, 8.1
WS-Reliable Messaging
restrictions, 7.7.1


XML definition
of SOA composite applications, 7.5.2
XML payload data
specifying during instance creation, 8.1
prerequisites for rebuilding, 10.6.3
XMPP driver
application archive (EAR),
client API,
common properties,
custom properties,