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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface ITaskDictionaryMigrationHandler

public interface ITaskDictionaryMigrationHandler

Method Summary
 TaskDefinition addRuleOptimizationFeature(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
          Method to add RULESOPTIMIZATION feature to existing TaskDefinition.
 boolean isFeatureSetInTaskDefinition(TaskDefinition taskDefinition, java.lang.String featureToCheck)
          Check if feature such as RSCUSTOMIZATION or RULESOPTIMIZATION is set in "features" attribute in WorkflowConfiguration which is an element in TaskDefinition.
 boolean isOptimizedRuleExecutionSet(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
          Check if RULESOPTIMIZATION feature set in TaskDefinition
 boolean isRoutingCustomizationFeatureSet(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
          Check if RSCUSTOMIZATION feature set in TaskDefinition.
 boolean isRuleOptimizationMigrationAllowed(RuleDictionary baseDictionary, TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
          Check if opt-in for Rule Performance optimization allowed by checking Base Dictionary for Unified Decision Function and TaskDefinition for RSCUSTOMIZATION feature.
 RuleDictionary migrateCustomDictionary(RuleDictionary customRuleDictionary, java.lang.String ruleComponentName, TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
          Method to rename all existing List Builder Functions in the Custom Rule Dictionary with new List Builder function which have the following changes:
1) Include the new function parameter "dimensionId".


Method Detail


TaskDefinition addRuleOptimizationFeature(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Method to add RULESOPTIMIZATION feature to existing TaskDefinition. TaskDefinition with this new feature will be enabled for performance optimization between HWF and RULES. TaskDefinition first need to be migrated to the Unified Decision Service Model in order to opt-in for performance optimization.
taskDefinition - existing TaskDefinition which needs to add the new RULESOPTIMIZATION feature.

NULL if task definition does not have the RSCUSTOMIZATION feature in WorkflowConfiguration. It is a prerequisite to add the performance feature to TaskDefintion.
Otherwise, return TaskDefinition with an additional feature called RULESOPTIMIZATION


RuleDictionary migrateCustomDictionary(RuleDictionary customRuleDictionary,
                                       java.lang.String ruleComponentName,
                                       TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Method to rename all existing List Builder Functions in the Custom Rule Dictionary with new List Builder function which have the following changes:
1) Include the new function parameter "dimensionId".
2) Remove the existing "lists" parameter.
3) Change in the function body to assign ruleset name, dimensionId to list builder properties.
4) Look up "lists" variable from a singleton.
customRuleDictionary - RuleDictionary
ruleComponentName - It is the task componentName +"Rules" suffix.
taskDefinition - TaskDefnition which already has the new RULESOPTIMIZATION feature.


boolean isFeatureSetInTaskDefinition(TaskDefinition taskDefinition,
                                     java.lang.String featureToCheck)
Check if feature such as RSCUSTOMIZATION or RULESOPTIMIZATION is set in "features" attribute in WorkflowConfiguration which is an element in TaskDefinition.
taskDefinition - TaskDefinition which will be used to check for feature
featureToCheck - name of the feature to be checked
true if feature is set in "features" attribute in WorkflowConfiguration


boolean isRuleOptimizationMigrationAllowed(RuleDictionary baseDictionary,
                                           TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Check if opt-in for Rule Performance optimization allowed by checking Base Dictionary for Unified Decision Function and TaskDefinition for RSCUSTOMIZATION feature.
baseDictionary - RuleDictionary Base Dictionary
taskDefinition -
true if both Base Dictionary and TaskDefinition are already migrated to Unified Decision Service model which is a prerequisite for rule opt-in migration for performance optimization.


boolean isRoutingCustomizationFeatureSet(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Check if RSCUSTOMIZATION feature set in TaskDefinition.
taskDefinition - TaskDefinition which will be used to check for feature
true if RSCUSTOMIZATION is set. Otherwise, return false.


boolean isOptimizedRuleExecutionSet(TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Check if RULESOPTIMIZATION feature set in TaskDefinition
taskDefinition - TaskDefinition which will be used to check for feature
true if RULESOPTIMIZATION is set in TaskDefinition

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (

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