18 Creating Custom Components

This chapter describes how to create custom components to use with Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

This chapter includes the following sections:

18.1 About Creating Custom Components

Custom components can alter defaults for your system, add new functionality, or streamline repetitive functions. You can create and use custom components to modify a Content Server instance without compromising the system integrity.

18.2 Creating Resources for a Component

You can use the following types of resources to customize Content Server:

  • HTML includes

  • Dynamic data tables

  • String resources

  • Dynamic tables

  • Static tables

  • Queries

  • Services

  • Templates

  • Environment resources

18.2.1 HTML Includes

An include is defined within <@dynamichtml name@> and <@end@> tags in an HTM resource file. The include is then called using this syntax:

<$include name$>

Includes can contain Idoc Script and valid HTML code, including JavaScript, Java applets, cascading style sheets, and comments. Includes can be defined in the same file as they are called from, or they can be defined in a separate HTM file. Standard HTML includes are defined in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/idoc files.

HTML includes, strings, and static tables can be present in the same HTM file. An HTML include resource does not require merge rules. The Super Tag

The super tag is used to define exceptions to an existing HTML include. The super tag tells the include to start with an existing include and then add to it or modify using the specified code.

The super tag is particularly useful when making a small customization to large includes or when you customize standard code that is likely to change from one software version to the next. When you upgrade to a new version of Content Server, the super tag ensures that your components are using the most recent version of the include, modifying only the specific code you need to customize your instance.

The super tag uses the following syntax:

<@dynamichtml my_resource@>
    <$include super.my_resource$>
    exception code

You can use the super tag to refer to a standard include or a custom include. The super tag incorporates the include that was loaded last.


The placement of a super tag will determine how the Idoc Script is evaluated.

Example 18-1 shows the use of a super tag.

Example 18-1 super Tag

In this example, a component defines the my_resource include as follows:

<@dynamichtml my_resource@>
    <$a = 1, b = 2$>

Another component that is loaded later enhances the my_resource include using the super tag. The result of the following enhancement is that a is assigned the value 1 and b is assigned the value 3:

<@dynamichtml my_resource@>
    <$include super.my_resource$>
    <!--Change "b" but not "a" -->
    <$b = 3$>
<@end@> Editing an HTML Include Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing HTML include resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource in the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. If the resource file contains multiple types of resources, click the Includes tab on the right.

  4. Modify the includes in the Custom HTML Includes list.

    • To edit an existing include, choose the include, click Edit, modify the code, and then click OK.

    • To add an include to the resource file, click Add.

    • To remove an include, choose the include, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

18.2.2 Dynamic Data Tables

A dynamic data table resource is a dynamicdata table. This type of resource enables you to define tables of data from within Idoc Script to load an HTML table definition, interface menu actions, or information about metadata fields or from within Java code as an alternative to static tables loaded into SharedObjects.

While tables loaded into SharedObjects are static and rarely change, a lot of code within Content Server will modify the contents of a dynamicdata table when it is loaded into a user's context. You can use dynamicdata resources to display different data to users depending on anything from their security attributes to the specific actions they are performing. Components can do targeted merging into tables created with this resource type, and Idoc Script pages can select and sort rows.

You can declare a dynamicdata resource in any resource file that can contain dynamichtml constructions, as Example 18-2 shows.

Example 18-2 dynamicdata Resource

<@dynamicdata NameOfTable@>
<?formatoftable properties-of-table?>

A dynamicdata table is defined within <@dynamicdata name@> and <@end@> tags in a resource file. To reference dynamicdata tables, you need to use the Idoc Script functions whose names begin with dd, such as ddLoadResultSet, which loads a merged dynamicdata table and creates a ResultSet in the current data binder.

The IdcHomeDir/resources/core/idoc files define standard dynamicdata resources. Specifying Table Formats

For the formatoftable parameter in a dynamicdata resource, you can specify either of two format types:

  • commatable

  • htmltable

The default format is commatable.


The commatable format is for tables with values that do not have line feeds or carriage returns. In this format, you enter a comma-separated list of field names on one line followed by a comma-separated list of values on the following lines, one line for each field, as Example 18-3 shows.

Example 18-3 commatable Format

<@dynamicdata SampleTable@>
col1,   col2
val1_1, val1_2
val2_1, val2_2

If you need to insert a comma (,) into a value, then use a circumflex (^) instead of the comma. If you need to insert a circumflex, then enter the escape sequence pound sign-circumflex (#^, and if you need to insert a pound sign (#) that is followed by a pound sign or a circumflex, then enter the escape sequence pound sign-pound sign (##), as Example 18-4 shows.

Example 18-4 Special Characters in Values

<@dynamicdata SampleTable@>
field1, field2
A^B,    C##^D#^E#F^G

This dynamicdata resource would load a table row whose value for field1 would be A,B and for field2 would be C#^D^E#F,G.

You cannot escape line feeds or carriage returns. If you need to specify a value that contains either of those characters, then you should use the htmltable format.


The htmltable format is the same as the format used for static HTML table constructs in Content Server, as Example 18-5 shows.

Example 18-5 htmltable Format

<@dynamicdata SampleTable@>
<@end@> Editing a Dynamic Data Table Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing dynamicdata resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. If the resource file contains multiple types of resources, click the Includes tab on the right.

  4. You can modify any of the dynamicdata tables in the custom resource definition, add a dynamicdata table, or remove a dynamicdata table:

    • To edit an existing dynamicdata table, choose the table, click Edit, modify the code, and then click OK.

    • To add a dynamicdata table to the resource file, click Add.

    • To remove a dynamicdata table, choose the table, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm. Specifying Table Properties

The properties-of-table parameter in a dynamicdata resource has this format:

field1="value1" field2="value2" . . .

The properties are like attributes defined in an XML node. Example 18-6 shows a typical table declaration.

Example 18-6 Table Properties in a Table Definition

<@dynamicdata ExampleTable@>
<?commatable mergeField="fieldA" indexedColumns="fieldA,fieldB"?>
fieldA, fieldB
1,      2
3,      4

The quotation marks that enclose the values are optional for values that have no spaces, and you can use either single or double quotation marks. Also, the default property value is 1, so you can omit the assignment of a value for a table property if it is 1.

Omitting the value is useful for Boolean properties such a notrim and mergeBlanks. Example 18-7 shows a declaration specifying a table that is not to trim its values.

Example 18-7 notrim Property

<@dynamicdata ExampleTable@>
<?commatable mergeField="fieldA" indexedColumns="fieldA,fieldB" notrim?>
fieldA, fieldB
1, 2
3, 4

In this example, the space would not be trimmed before the 2 or the 4. (Field names are always trimmed.)

You can specify the following kinds of table properties:

  • Merge properties

  • Assembly properties

  • Sort properties

  • Filter and dynamicdata table properties Merge Properties

The dynamicdata tables can be merged together automatically, which is part of the power of using these tables. If two dynamicdata tables have the same name but are in separate resource files, they will be automatically merged. You can use the mergeOtherData option to merge another existing table into the current existing table. Using this technique, you can build very complicated tables all merged from various other tables. This merging can improve the readability of the data and enable you to have some tables as subsets of other tables.

You can specify one or more of the following merge properties in the properties-of-table parameter in a dynamicdata resource:

  • mergeKey: The name of the field to do a merge on. This value applies to both this and the existing tables when doing an overlay unless mergeNewKey is set in which case it only applies to the existing table. If this value is not set, then the merge key defaults to the first column of this table. If the mergeKey refers to a column in the existing table that does not exist, then the result will be to append this table to the existing table unless the mergeRule is set to a value that dictates a different outcome. This property has merge scope.

  • mergeNewKey: The name of the field in this table to use as a basis of comparison with the mergeKey column in the existing table. The default is to be the value of mergeKey. This property has merge scope.

  • mergeRule: The rule to use when performing a merge of two tables. This property has three possible values, the default being merge. This property has merge scope.

  • merge: Merge using the mergeKey (and if specified, the mergeNewKey) properties to perform the merge.

  • mergenoappend: Perform the merge, but do not append any new rows. If there is no valid merge to perform (for example, if the mergeKey does not refer to a valid column in the existing table), then the result is to not perform a merge at all and the overlaying table has no effect on the final result.

  • replace: Replace the existing table with this table. This option has the outcome of suppressing any prior table resource. This would be similar to not using the super include in a dynamichtml resource.

  • mergeBlanks: By default, when values are merged from this table to the existing table, any values that are blank in this table do not replace the overlaid value in the existing table. This allows for targeted replacement of column values in the existing table by this table. But if this option is enabled (set without a value, or set with the value 1 or true), then blanks in this table replace non-blank values in the existing table. The default is 0 (or false) and the property has merge scope.

  • mergeAppendColumns: This is a comma-separated list of columns in this table. For any column mentioned in the list, column values in this table for that column do not replace values in the existing table for that column but instead append or replace the new value (using comma as the separator) to the current value. Each of the subvalues in the comma-separated list is assumed to be of the form key=value with the =value part being optional. If this table has the same key in its comma-separated list, then that key=value pair will replace the value in the existing table. For example, if the existing table has a column value of the form a=1,b=2 and this table has the value b=3,c=4, then the merged result will be a=1,b=3,c=4. This property has merge scope.

  • cssStyleMergeAppendFormat: This is a boolean property and changes the separator values used for the mergeAppendColumns property. Normally the value of a field mentioned in the mergeAppendColumns is a comma separated list of name equal value pairs with the equal operator (=) being the assignment operator. If this property is enabled, then the lists separator becomes a semi-colon (;) and the name value pairs use a colon (:) for the assignment. So, instead of the field value looking like A=1,B=2, it would be A:1;B:2. The default is false, and the property has merge scope.

  • wildcard: Normally when a merge is performed, the merge test is a case insensitive match comparison. When this option is enabled, the comparison is a standard Content Server wildcard match (* = 0 or more of any character, ? = any single character). Typically the option is used with mergeNewKey being set to a column different from mergeKey and in many cases the mergeKey does not even refer to a valid column in this table. The default is 0 (or false) and the property has merge scope.

  • mergeOtherData: A comma-separated list of other dynamicdata resources to merge into this one. Each of the other dynamicdata resources is fully merged before it is merged into this resource. (If those other resources also are using mergeOtherData, then those merges are done first. The code has recursion detection.) If one of the referenced dynamicdata resources has multiple definitions in multiple files, then the merge keys used to merge into this resource are the ones defined that is highest in merge order (the one that is merged into last) for that other resource. If this dynamicdata resource (the one that has the mergeOtherData property on it) has multiple definitions in multiple files, the mergeOtherData parameter is produced by merging all the referenced named resources from all the resources in the merge stack. The default is null and has global scope. Assembly Properties

You can specify one or more of the following assembly properties in the properties-of-table parameter in a dynamicdata resource:

  • notrim: This option only applies to the commatable format. Normally, all the values that are parsed for a table resource are trimmed. Setting this option prevents the values from being trimmed. It is presumed that this will be a rarely used option. The default is 0 (or false) and the property has local table scope.

  • indexedColumns: This property lists columns that should be optimized for indexed lookup. Specialized Idoc Script functions exist to take advantage of the any of the indexed columns. When a lookup is done against an indexed column, the column name and a value must be specified. A filtered table consisting of just the rows whose values for the indexed column match (case insensitive) the value passed in to the function is returned. Note that these indexed column lookups are all computed at load and merge time and stored in a hash table for fast retrieval. The list of indexed column values for all the overlaying tables are merged together and the index computations are done after the merge is finished. This property has global table scope.

  • countColumn: This value specifies a column in the fully merged table into which the values of a row count is put. The count starts at 1 and increments for each row in the table. Any existing values in that column of the merged table are replaced by the count value. This property can be used to create a quick unique key for each row. The default value for this property is count, so any table with the column name count that does not specify a different countColumn will automatically have counter values put into that column. If the value of this property does not match a column name in the final merged table, then it is ignored. If an overlaying table resource specifies a different countColumn from one specified in a prior table resource, then the overlaying one will be used. The property has global table scope.

  • defaultValues -- This property specifies a comma-separated list of default values to apply to the table. Each default value in this list is of the format fieldname:value. If the value is an empty string then the colon can be dropped. For example, the string field1:val1,field2:val2,field3 specifies the default value val1 for field1, val2 for field2, and the empty string for field3. A colon can be escaped with an asterisk (*), and an asterisk can be escaped by preceding it with a pound sign (#). If either a pound sign or an asterisk follows a pound sign, then the pound sign can be escaped by adding another pound sign (see the similar rule for escaping commas given earlier). If a field specified in a default value construction does not exist in the final merged table, then it is added as a new field and given the default value for all rows in that table. If the field exists, then the default value will override any blank values in that table for that field. The definitions of defaultValues from the newer overlaying tables are collated with the active definition of the existing table. If there is a conflict in the definition of a particular default value, the newer overlaying table wins. The default for this property is null, and it has global table scope.

  • derivedColumns: This property specifies columns to be built up from values from other columns. The general syntax is a comma separated list of derived column definitions of the form derivedColumnDef1,derivedColumnDef2,... with each column definition being of the form fieldName:sourceField1+sourceField2+.... The fieldName value refers to the name of the field to be created, and the sourceFieldN values refer to fields whose values will be sourced to create the derived column. The derived value will hold the values of the source fields separated by a double colon (::). If the derived column exists and has a non empty value, then it is not replaced. As with the defaultValues property, there is a second pass after the final table is assembled to determine whether any derived values still need to be filled in. The most typical usage for derived columns is to allow one dynamicdata resource to use multiple columns for specifying a merge criteria instead of just one. The derived column is used as the target of a merge and is defined in the definition of the existing table. The derived column definitions are inherited into the newer overlaying tables and if there is a conflict in definition of a particular derived column then the newer table's definition wins. Otherwise, the definitions of derived columns from the existing and new tables are collated together. The default value for this property is null and it has global table scope. Sort Properties

You can specify one or more of the following sort properties in the properties-of-table parameter in a dynamicdata resource:

  • sortColumn: Specifies a column to sort on. If an overlaying table resource specifies a different sortColumn value from one specified in a prior table resource, then the value from the overlaying table resource will be used. If the name of the column does not match any column name in the final merged table, then no sort is performed. The default value is sortOrder. So, creating a column with this name will cause the table to be automatically sorted. This property has global table scope.

  • sortType: Specifies what data type should be assumed for the column being sorted. This type applies to both sortColumn and sortParentColumn. The value can be int, string, or date. The default value for this property is int. Rules for overlaying tables both specifying this property are identical to sortColumn. This property has global table scope.

  • sortOrder: Specifies what sort order to use when performing a sort. The possible values are asc (for ascending) and desc (for descending). The default is asc. Rules for overlaying tables both specifying this property are identical to sortColumn. This property has global table scope.

  • sortIsTree: Specifies whether the sort is actually a tree sort with a sortParentColumn being sorted along with the sortChildColumn. The assumption is that the child to parent row mapping relationship is done by using the child row's value in the sortParentColumn to the find the parent row with a matching value in its sortChildColumn field. The sort is performed so that the top-level parents are sorted first, then the children of each parent are sorted as a subgroup for each parent, and so on recursively for all the children of the children. The default value is 0 (or false). Rules for overlaying tables both specifying this property are identical to sortColumn. This property has global table scope.

  • sortParentColumn: This value must be specified if the sortIsTree option is enabled. If the value of this property is missing or specifies an invalid column, then the sortIsTree option is ignored and has no effect. For more information about what it does, see the preceding description of the sortIsTree property. The default for the sortParentColumn property is null. Rules for overlaying tables both specifying this property are identical to sortColumn. This property has global scope.

  • sortChildColumn: This value must be specified if the sortIsTree option is enabled. If the value of this property is missing or specifies an invalid column, then the sortIsTree option is ignored and has no effect. For more information about what it does, see the preceding description of the sortIsTree property. The default for the sortChildColumn property is null. Rules for overlaying tables both specifying this property are identical to sortColumn. This property has global scope.

  • sortNestLevelColumn: This value is available only if the sortIsTree option is enabled. If the value of this property references an invalid column then it has no effect. If a valid column is specified, then that column will get an integer value that specifies its nest level (starting at 0). The nest level is defined as the number of immediate parents that have to be traversed before reaching a parent that itself has no parent. The default value for this property is nestLevel and it has global scope. Filter and Include Properties

You can specify one or more of the following filter and include properties in the properties-of-table parameter in a dynamicdata resource:

  • filterInclude: This property specifies an include to be executed for each row of a table (or subtable if an indexed column is being used to select a subtable). This execution will happen when the table is loaded into the current user's context. Its main purpose is either to create a side effect or to determine if the row should be excluded. To prevent the row from being loaded into the final ResultSet, you can set the variable ddSkipRow to 1 (<$ddSkipRow=1$>). During execution of this include, the table is made active, allowing for easy access and replacement of values in the table. The default value of this property is null, and it has global scope.

  • includeColumns: This property specifies a comma-separated list of columns whose row values are the names of resource includes to be executed. After the resource includes are executed, the result is fed back into the ResultSet to become the new value for that column for that row. The timing and rules for execution are similar to filterInclude except that includeColumns cannot suppress the loading of a row. If a filter include is specified and there are active include columns, then during the looping of the temporary active ResultSet, the include column values are executed first and then the filter include. If one of the specified include columns in not present in the final merged table, then it will have no effect. Empty values in an include column are ignored. The includeColumns attribute is commonly combined with the defaultValues attribute to create columns whose values are derived from other columns. The default value of this property is null, and it has global scope.


    Using includeColumns may not be as useful as it first appears. The resource includes are executed at the time the Idoc Script function is executed to load the table, but a component that customizes output may determine the value for the column only after further processing (after other tables are merged into this table, summaries of row statistics are calculated, and so on). Using Dynamicdata Idoc Script Functions

For dynamic data tables, you can use the following dynamicdata Idoc Script functions:

  • ddAppendIndexedColumnResultSet

  • ddAppendResultSet

  • ddApplyTableSortToResultSet

  • ddGetFieldList

  • ddIncludePreserveValues

  • ddLoadIndexedColumnResultSet

  • ddLoadResultSet

  • ddMergeIndexedColumnResultSet

  • ddMergeResultSet

  • ddMergeUsingIndexedKey

  • ddSetLocal

  • ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRow

  • ddSetLocalByColumnsFromFirstRowIndexed

  • ddSetLocalEmpty

  • ddSetLocalEmptyByColumns

18.2.3 String Resources

A string resource defines locale-sensitive text strings that are used in error messages and on Content Server web pages and applets. Strings are resolved by Content Server each time a web page is assembled, an applet is started, or an error message is displayed.

A string is defined in an HTM file using the following format:

<@stringID=Text string@>

A string is called from an HTM template file using the following Idoc Script format:



On Content Server web pages, you should use only the strings in the ww_strings.htm file.

Standard English strings are defined in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/lang directory. Strings for other supported languages are provided by the Localization component.

HTML includes, strings, and static tables can be present in the same HTM file. A string resource does not require merge rules.

You must use HTML escape encoding to include the following special characters in a string value.

Escape Sequence Character
&at; @
\&lf; line feed (ASCII 10)
\&cr; carriage return (ASCII 13)
\&tab; tab (ASCII 9)
\&eatws; Eats white space until the next nonwhite space character.
\&lt; < (less than)
\&gt; > (greater than)
\&sp; space (ASCII 32)
\&#xxx; ASCII character that a decimal number represents (nnn)

You can specify strings for multiple languages in the same resource file using the language identifier prefix, if the languages all have single-byte characters or all have multibyte characters. Example 18-8 shows prefixes for strings in several languages in a resource file.

Example 18-8 Multiple Languages in the Same Resource File

<@myString=Thank you@>


Do not specify single-byte strings and multibyte strings in the same resource file. You should create separate resource files for single-byte and multibyte strings.

If you are specifying multibyte strings in your custom string resource, ensure that the character set specification on your HTML pages changes to the appropriate encoding. Resource files should have a correct http-equiv charset tag so that Content Server reads them correctly. String Parameters

Text strings can contain variable parameters, which are specified by placing the parameter argument inside curly braces (for example, {1}). When a string is localized, the arguments are passed along with the string ID and the ExecutionContext value that contains the locale information. The following table describes the syntax for parameterized strings.

Syntax Meaning Examples
{{} Opening curly brace. (Note that only the opening curly brace must be expressed as a literal.) {{}Text in braces}
{n} Substitute the nth argument. Content ID {1} not found
{ni} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as an integer. dID {1i} does not exist
{nx} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as an integer in hexadecimal.  
{nd} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as a date. The release date is {1d}
{nD} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as a date. The argument should be ODBC-formatted. The release date is {1D}
{nt} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as a date and time. The release date is {1t}
{ne} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as elapsed time.  
{nT} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as a date and time. The argument should be ODBC-formatted. The release date is {1T}
{nfm} Substitute the nth argument, formatted as a float with m decimal places. The distance is {1f3} miles.
{nk} Substitute a localized string using the nth argument as the string ID. Unable to find {1k} revision of {2}
{nm} Localize the nth argument as if it were a string-stack message. (For example, the argument could include concatenated text strings and localized string IDs.) Indexing internal error: {1m}
{nl} Substitute the nth argument as a list. The argument must be a list with commas (,) and carets (^) as the separators. Add-ons: {1l}
{nK} Takes a list of localization key names, separated by commas, and localizes each key into a list. Unsupported byte feature(s): {1K}
{nM} Takes a list of message strings and localizes each message into a list. {1q} component, version {2q}, provides older versions of features than are currently enabled. {3M}
{nq} If the nth argument is non-null and nonzero in length, substitute the argument in quotation marks. Otherwise, substitute the string "syUndefined". Content item {1q} was not successfully checked in
{no} Performs ordinal substitution on the nth argument. For example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on. The argument must be an integer. "I am {1o}." with the argument 7 would localize into "I am 7th."
{n?text} If the value of the nth argument is not 1, substitute the text. {1} file{1?s} deleted
  • If the value of the nth argument is not 1, substitute text1.
  • If the value of the nth argument is 1, substitute text2.

The (n?) function can be extended with as many substitution variables as required. The last variable in the list always corresponds to a value of 1.

There {1?are:is} currently {1} active search{1?es}.
  • If the value of the nth argument is not 1 or 2, substitute text1.
  • If the value of the nth argument is 2, substitute text2.

  • If the value of the nth argument is 1, substitute text3.

The (n?) function can be extended with as many substitution variables as required. The last variable in the list always corresponds to a value of 1.

Contact {1?their:her:his} supervisor. Editing a String Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing string resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. If the resource file contains multiple types of resources, click the Strings tab on the right.

  4. Modify the strings in the Custom Strings list.

    • To edit an existing string, select the string, click Edit, modify the string text, and then click OK.

    • To add a string to the resource file, click Add.

    • To remove a string, select the string, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

18.2.4 Dynamic Tables

Dynamic table resources are defined in the HDA file format. For more information and an example of an HDA ResultSet table, see Section, "Elements in HDA Files." Merge Rules for Dynamic Tables

Merge rules are required for a dynamic table resource if data from the custom resource replaces data in an existing table. Merge rules are not required if data from the custom resource is to be placed in a new table. Editing a Dynamic Table Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing dynamic table resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource file from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. Click Launch Editor.

  4. Modify the table in the text editor.

  5. Save and close the resource file.

    Changes are reflected on the right of the Resource Definition tab.

18.2.5 Static Tables

Static tables, HTML includes, and strings can be present in the same HTM file. Merge Rules for Static Tables

Merge rules are required for a static table resource if data from the custom resource replaces data in an existing table. Merge rules are not required if data from the custom resource is to be placed in a new table. Editing a Static Table Resource

Use this procedure to edit an existing static table resource with the Component Wizard:

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource file from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. Click Launch Editor.

  4. Modify the table in the text editor.

  5. Save and close the resource file. Changes are reflected in the Resource Tables list.

18.2.6 Queries

A query resource defines SQL queries, which are used to manage information in the Content Server database. Queries are used with service scripts to perform tasks such as adding to, deleting, and retrieving data from the database.

The standard Content Server queries are defined in the QueryTable table in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/query.htm file. You can also find special-purpose queries in the indexer.htm and workflow.htm files that are stored in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables directory. Merge rules are not required for a query resource.

A query resource is defined in an HTM file using a ResultSet table with three columns: name, queryStr, and parameters.

  • The name column defines the name for each query. To override an existing query, use the same name for your custom query. To add a new query, use a unique query name. When naming a new query, identify the type of query by starting the name with one of the following characters.

    First Character Query Type
    D Delete
    I Insert
    Q Select
    U Update

  • The queryStr column defines the query expression. Query expressions are in standard SQL syntax. If there are any parameter values to pass to the database, their place is held with a question mark (?) as an escape character.

  • The parameters column defines the parameters that are passed to the query from a service. A request from a web browser calls a service, which in turn calls the query. It is the responsibility of the web browser to provide the values for the query parameters, which are standard HTTP parameters The browser can pass query parameters from the URL or from FORM elements in the web page. For example, the QdocInfo query requires the dID (revision ID) to be passed as a parameter, so the value is obtained from the service request URL. Query Example

The standard QdocInfo query, which Figure 18-1 shows, is defined in the IntradocDir/core/config/resources/query.htm file. This query obtains the metadata information to display on the DOC_INFO template page, which is the page displayed when a user clicks the Information icon on a search results page.

Figure 18-1 Standard QDocInfo Query

Description of Figure 18-1 follows
Description of "Figure 18-1 Standard QDocInfo Query"

The parameter passed from the web browser URL is the dID, which is the unique identification number for the content item revision. The query expression selects the data that matches the dID for the primary revision from the Revisions, Documents, and DocMeta database tables, if the revision does not have the DELETED status.

Example 18-9 shows the contents of a query.htm file.

Example 18-9 query.htm File

<META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
<TITLE>Query Definition Resources</TITLE>
<@table QueryTable@>
<table border=1><caption><strong>Query Definition Table</strong></caption>
    <td>SELECT Revisions.*, Documents.*, DocMeta.*
    FROM Revisions, Documents, DocMeta
    WHERE Revisions.dID=? AND Revisions.dID=Documents.dID AND DocMeta.dID = Documents.dID AND Revisions.dStatus<>'DELETED' AND Documents.dIsPrimary<>0</td>
    <td>dID int</td>
</HTML> Editing a Query Resource

Use the following procedure to edit a query resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. If there are multiple tables in the resource, choose the query table to edit from the Table Name list.

  4. Modify the selected query table.

    • To add a query to the table, click Add.

    • To edit an existing query, select the query, click Edit, modify the query expression or parameters or both, and then click OK.

    • To remove a query, select the query, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

18.2.7 Services

A service resource defines a function or procedure that is performed by Content Server. A service call can be performed from either the client or server side, so services can be performed on behalf of the web browser client or within the system itself. For example:

  • Client-side request: When you click a Search link on a Content Server web page, the standard search page is delivered to your web browser by the GET_DOC_PAGE service, using the following URL segment:

  • Server-side request: You can use the START_SEARCH_INDEX service to update or rebuild the search index automatically in a background thread.

Services are the only way a client can communicate with the server or access the database. Any program or HTML page can use services to request information from Content Server or perform a specified function.

The standard Content Server services are defined in the StandardServices table in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/std_services.htm file. You can also find special-purpose services in the workflow.htm file in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables/ directory. For more information about standard and special-purpose services that Content Server provides, see the Services Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

Services depend on other resource definitions to perform their functions. Any service that returns HTML requires a template to be specified. A common exception is the PING_SERVER service, which does not return a page to the browser.

Most services use a query. A common exception is the SEARCH service, which sends a request directly to the search collection. Merge rules are not required for a service resource.

Figure 18-2 shows an example of a service definition.

Figure 18-2 Service Definition Example

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Service Definition Example"

A service resource is defined in an HTM file using a ResultSet table with the following three columns:

  • The Name column defines the name for each service. For client-side service requests, this is the name called in the URL. To override an existing service, use the same name for your custom service. To add a new service, use a unique service name.

  • The Attributes column defines the following attributes for each service.

    Attribute Description Example (attributes from the DELETE_DOC service)
    Service class Determines, in part, what actions can be performed by the service.
    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)
    Access level Assigns a user access level to the service. This number is the sum of the following possible bit flags:







    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)
    Template page Specifies the template that presents the results of the service. If the results of the service do not require presentation, this attribute is null.
    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)
    Service type If the service is to be executed inside another service, this attribute is SubService; otherwise, this attribute is null.
    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)
    Subjects notified Specifies the subjects (subsystems) to be notified by the service. If no subjects are notified, this attribute is null.
    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)
    Error message Defines the error message returned by the service if no action error message overrides it. This can be either an actual text string or a reference to a locale-sensitive string. For more information, see Section 1.5.5, "Localized String Resolution."
    DocService 4 MSG_PAGE null documents !csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)

  • The Actions column defines the actions for each service. An action is an operation to be performed as part of a service script. The action can execute an SQL statement, perform a query, run code, cache the results of a query, or load an option list. Each service includes one or more actions, which specify what happens upon execution.

    The <br> tags in the Actions column are for browser display purposes only, so they are optional. However, the </td> tag must occur immediately after the actions, without a line break in between. An action is defined using the following format:

    type:name:parameters:control mask:error message
    Section Description Example (first action from the DELETE_DOC service)
    type Defines the type of action:

    QUERY_TYPE = 1


    CODE_TYPE = 3



    name Specifies the name of the action.
    parameters Specifies parameters required by the action. If no parameters are required, leave this part empty (two colons in a row).
    control mask Controls the results of queries to the database. This number is the sum of the following possible bit flags:

    No control mask = 0






    Error message Defines the error message to be displayed by this action. This error message overrides the error message provided as an attribute of the service. This can be either an actual text string or a reference to a locale-sensitive string. For more information, see Section 1.5.5, "Localized String Resolution."
    5:QdocInfo:DOC_INFO:6:!csUnableToDeleteItem(dDocName)!csRevisionNoLongerExist Service Example

The DOC_INFO service provides a good example of how services, queries, and templates work together. Figure 18-3 shows the actions that the DOC_INFO service can take.

Figure 18-3 DOC_INFO Service

Description of Figure 18-3 follows
Description of "Figure 18-3 DOC_INFO Service"

Example 18-10 shows the definition of the DOC_INFO service in the IntradocDir/config/resources/std_services.htm file.

Example 18-10 DOC_INFO Service Definition in std_services.htm File

    <META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
    <TITLE>Standard Scripted Services</TITLE>
    <@table StandardServices@>
    <table border=1><caption><strong>Scripts For Standard Services</strong></caption>
    </HTML> Attributes

The following table describes the attributes of the preceding DOC_INFO service.

Attribute Value Description
Service class DocService This service is providing information about a content item.
Access level 33 32 = This service can be executed with the executeService Idoc Script function.

1 = The user requesting the service must have Read privilege for the content item.

Template page DOC_INFO This service uses the DOC_INFO template (doc_info.htm file). The results from the actions are merged with this template and presented to the user.
Service type null This service is not a subservice.
Subjects notified null No subjects are affected by this service.
Error message !csUnableToGetRevInfo If this service fails on an English Content Server system, it returns this error message string: Unable to retrieve information about the revision Actions

The DOC_INFO service executes the following actions:

  • 5:QdocInfo:DOC_INFO:2:!csItemNoLongerExists2

    Action Definition Description
    5 Cached query action that retrieves information from the database using a query.
    QDocInfo This action retrieves content item information using the QDocInfo query in the query.htm file.
    DOC_INFO The result of the query is assigned to the parameter DOC_INFO and stored for later use.
    2 The CONTROL_MUST_EXIST control mask specifies that either the query must return a record, or the action fails.
    !csItemNoLongerExists2 If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns this error message string: This content item no longer exists

  • 3:mapNamedResultSetValues:DOC_INFO,dStatus,dStatus,dDocTitle,dDocTitle:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    mapNamedResultSetValues This action retrieves the values of dStatus and dDocTitle from the first row of the DOC_INFO ResultSet and stores them in the local data. (This increases speed and ensures that the correct values are used.)
    DOC_INFO,dStatus,dStatus,dDocTitle,dDocTitle Parameters required for the mapNamedResultSetValues action.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:checkSecurity:DOC_INFO:0:!csUnableToGetRevInfo2(dDocName)

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    checkSecurity This action retrieves the data assigned to the DOC_INFO parameter and evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action.
    DOC_INFO Parameter that contains the security information to be evaluated by the checkSecurity action.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    !csUnableToGetRevInfo2(dDocName) If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns this error message string: Unable to retrieve information for ''{dDocName}."

  • 3:getDocFormats:QdocFormats:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getDocFormats This action retrieves the file formats for the content item using the QdocFormats query in the query.htm file. A comma-delimited list of the file formats is stored in the local data as dDocFormats.
    QdocFormats Specifies the query used to retrieve the file formats.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:getURLAbsolute::0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getURLAbsolute This action resolves the URL of the content item and stores it in the local data as DocUrl.
    blank This action takes no parameters.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:getUserMailAddress:dDocAuthor,AuthorAddress:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getUserMailAddress This action resolves the email address of the content item author.
    dDocAuthor,AuthorAddress This action passes dDocAuthor and AuthorAddress as parameters.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:getUserMailAddress:dCheckoutUser,CheckoutUserAddress:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getUserMailAddress This action resolves the email address of the user who has the content item checked out.
    dCheckoutUser,CheckoutUserAddress This action passes dCheckoutUser and CheckoutUserAddress as parameters.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:getWorkflowInfo:WF_INFO:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getWorkflowInfo This action evaluates whether the content item is part of a workflow. If the WF_INFO ResultSet exists, then workflow information is merged into the DOC_INFO template.
    WF_INFO This action passes WF_INFO as a parameter.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 3:getDocSubscriptionInfo:QisSubscribed:0:null

    Action Definition Description
    3 Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
    getDocSubscriptionInfo This action evaluates if the current user has subscribed to the content item:
    • If the user is subscribed, an Unsubscribe button is displayed.

    • If the user is not subscribed, a Subscribe button is displayed.

    QisSubscribed Specifies the query used to retrieve the subscription information.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    null No error message is specified.

  • 5:QrevHistory:REVISION_HISTORY:0:!csUnableToGetRevHistory(dDocName)

    Action Definition Description
    5 Cached query action that retrieves information from the database using a query.
    QrevHistory This action retrieves revision history information using the QrevHistory query in the query.htm file.
    REVISION_HISTORY The result the query is assigned to the parameter REVISION_HISTORY. The DOC_INFO template uses this parameter in a loop to present information about each revision.
    0 No control mask is specified.
    !csUnableToGetRevHistory(dDocName) If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns the error message string:

    Unable to retrieve revision history for ''{dDocName}.'' Editing a Service Resource

Use the following procedure to edit a service resource using the Component Wizard:

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. If there are multiple tables in the resource, choose the service table to edit from the Table Name list.

  4. Modify the selected service table.

    • To add a service to the table, click Add.

    • To edit an existing service, select the service, click Edit, modify the service attributes or actions or both, and then click OK.

    • To remove a service, select the service, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

18.2.8 Templates

A template resource defines the names, types, and locations of custom template files to be loaded for the component.

The actual template pages are separate.htm files that are referenced in the template resource file. Template HTM files contain the code that Content Server uses to assemble web pages. HTML markup in a template file defines the basic layout of the page, while Idoc Script in a template file generates additional HTML code for the web page at the time of the page request. Because HTM template files contain a large amount of script that is not resolved by Content Server until the final page is assembled, these files are not viewable web pages.

The template type of HTM file is used to define the following component files:

  • Template pages: Standard template pages are located in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates directory.

  • Report pages: Standard report pages are located in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/reports directory.

A template resource (templates.hda) is defined in the HDA file format. The standard templates are defined in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/templates.hda file. For more information and an example of an HDA ResultSet table, see Section, "Elements in HDA Files."

Merge rules are required for merging the new template definition into the IntradocTemplates table or SearchResultTemplates table. Typically, the merge is on the name column. Example 18-11 shows a MergeRules ResultSet for a template.

Example 18-11 MergeRules ResultSet

@ResultSet MergeRules

The standard templates.hda file defines three ResultSet tables:

  • The IntradocTemplates ResultSet table defines the template pages for all Content Server web pages except search results pages. This table consists of five columns:

    • The name column defines the name for each template page. This name is how the template is referenced in the Content Server CGI URLs and in code.

    • The class column defines the general category of the template. The most common class type is Document.

    • The formtype column defines the specific type of functionality the page is intended to achieve. The formtype is typically the same as the name of the form, except in lowercase characters.

    • The filename column defines the path and file name of the template file. The location can be an absolute path or can be relative to the template resource file when the template page is in the same directory as the template resource file.

    • The description column defines a description of the template.

  • The VerifyTemplates ResultSet table is no longer used by Content Server, but this table remains in the templates.hda file as legacy code for reverse compatibility.

  • The SearchResultTemplates table defines the template pages for search results pages. Template pages define how query results are displayed on the search results pages in the Library. Query result pages are a special type of search results page. This table consists of six columns:

    • The name column defines the name for each template page. This name is how the template is referenced in the Content Server CGI URLs, in code, and in the Web Layout Editor utility.


      The StandardResults template (search_results.htm file) is typically used as the global template for standard search results pages and the query results pages in the Library. You can create a new template or change the flexdata value for the StandardResults template through the Web Layout Editor, but these changes are saved in a separate file (IntradocDir/data/results/custom_results.hda) rather than in the SearchResultTemplates table in the templates.hda file.
    • The formtype column defines the specific type of functionality the page is intended to achieve. ResultsPage is the only form type currently supported for search results pages.

    • The filename column defines the path and file name of the template file. The location can be an absolute path or can be relative to the template resource file when the template page is in the same directory as the template resource file.

    • The outfilename column is for future use; the value is always null.

    • The flexdata column defines the metadata to be displayed for each row on the search results page. The format of text in the flexdata column follows:

      Text1 "text 1 contents"%<Tab>Text2 "text 2 contents"%

      In the format, the Text1 value appears on the first line in each search results row, and the Text2 value appears on the second line. <Tab> represents a literal tab character.

      Idoc Script can be used to define the contents in the flexdata field. You can also change the flexdata value for the StandardResults template through the Web Layout Editor, but these changes are saved in a separate file (IntradocDir/data/results/custom_results.hda) rather than in the SearchResultTemplates table in the templates.hda file.

    • The description column defines a description of the template.

Example 18-12 shows a custom template resource file that points to a custom Content Management page (multicheckin_doc_man.htm) and a custom search results page (MultiCheckin_search_results.htm).

Example 18-12 Custom Template Resource File

<?hda version="5.1.1 (build011203)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM
@ResultSet MultiCheckinTemplates
Page containing links to various document management functions
@ResultSet MultiCheckin_2
Text2 <$dDocTitle$> <$dInDate$>%       Text1 <$dDocName$>%
@end Template and Report Pages

Template pages and report pages are also called presentation pages, because Content Server uses them to assemble, format, and present the results of a web page request.

The standard template pages are located in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates directory. The standard report pages are located in the IdcHomeDir/resource/core/reports directory. Template Page Example

The template file for the standard Content Management page is doc_man.htm. Example 18-13 shows the contents of this file.

Example 18-13 The doc_man.htm File

<$include std_doctype_html_decl$>
        <$include std_html_head_declarations$>
<$include body_def$>
<$include std_page_begin$>
<$include std_header$>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="450" summary="">
<$include std_doc_man_pages$>
<table  cellpadding="7" cellspacing="7" summary="">
<$if showQuickHelp$>
<tr><td><form><INPUT type=Button onClick="QuickHelp('<$getHelpPage("QH_DocMan")$>', 'QH_DocMan')" 
<$include std_page_end$>

In the example, the std_doctype_html_decl include references the standard Content Server document type. The <head> element references the page title, and the code for the head section is built using the std_html_head_declarations include code from the std_page.htm resource file. Other elements of the page definition follow:

  1. Page elements common to most Content Server web pages are built using the body_def, std_page_begin, and std_header include code from the std_page.htm resource file.

  2. The links on the Content Management page are built using include code from the std_page.htm resource file.

  3. The <table> element in the example defines whether a Quick Help button should appear on the Content Management page.

  4. The code at the end of the page is built using the std_page_end include code from the std_page.htm resource file.

Figure 18-4 shows a Content Management page.

Figure 18-4 Content Management Page

Description of Figure 18-4 follows
Description of "Figure 18-4 Content Management Page" Report Page Example

The template file for the standard Document Types report page is in the doc_types.htm file. Example 18-14 shows the contents of this file.

Example 18-14 The doc_types.htm File

<$include std_doctype_html_decl$>
        <$include std_html_head_declarations$>
<$include body_def$>
<$include std_page_begin$>
<$include std_header$>
<!--Directory Title--->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
        <td width="75"><$if PageParent$><a href="<$PageParent$>">
        <td colspan="2" width="390"><span class=title><$PageTitle$></span></td>
<$if IsSavedQuery$>
<!---Parameters for historical reports-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
        <td width="75" height="45">&nbsp;</td><!---Indent-->
        <td><strong><span class=highlightField><$lc("wwReportCreated")$></span> <$ReportCreationDate$></strong></td>
<!--Directory Header--->
<table  border="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
        <td width="75" height="45">&nbsp;</td><!---Indent-->
        <td colspan="2" width="390"><$HeaderText$></td>
<!---Doc types report-->
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary="">
        <td align=center width=<$StdPageWidth$>>
                <h1 class="underlinePageTitle"><$lc("wwDocumentTypes")$></h1>
<$if IsMultiPage$>
<!---Navigation Bar-->
        <td width=565 align="center"><$include std_page_nav_bar$></td>
        <table class="xuiTable" width=<$StdPageWidth$> summary="<$stripXml(lc("wwReportResultsTable"))$>">
                <tr class="xuiAltHeader">
                        <td width=12% class="xuiAltHeader" scope="col"></td>
                        <td width=29% class="xuiAltHeader" scope="col"><$lc("wwDocumentType")$></td>
                        <td width=49% class="xuiAltHeader" scope="col"><$lc("wwDescription")$></td>
                        <td width=12% class="xuiAltHeader" scope="col"><$lc("wwImageFileName")$></td>
                <$loop DocTypes$>
                <$if rowCount%2 == 0$>
                <tr class="<$rowClass$>">
                        <!--Document types are localized to each instance, so we must use direct path to images directory.-->
                        <td><img src="<$HttpWebRoot$>images/docgifs/<$dGif$>" alt="<$stripXml(lc("wwDoctypeIcon"))$>" border=0></td>
<$include std_page_end$>

In the example, the std_doctype_html_decl include references the standard Content Server document type. The <head> element in the example references the page title and metadata, and the code for the head section is built using the std_html_head_declarations include code from the std_page.htm resource file. Other elements of the page definition follow:

  1. Page elements common to most Content Server web pages are built using the body_def, std_page_begin, and std_header include code from the std_page.htm resource file.

  2. The Directory Title section in the example displays the open folder image, links it to the parent page, and displays the page title.

  3. The Parameters for historical reports section displays the original query date for a historical report.

  4. The Directory Header section displays the report description.

  5. The Doc types report section displays the table title.

  6. The Navigation Bar section displays the page navigation bar if a historical report requires more than one page.

  7. In the next <table> element, the first part displays the table column headers.

  8. The last part of the <table> element loops on the document types to create the rows of the report table.

  9. The code at the end of the page is built using the std_page_end include code from the std_page.htm resource file. Editing a Template Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing template resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. To remove a template definition table or edit a template definition manually, click Launch Editor in the Custom Resource Definition area.

  4. If there are multiple tables in the resource, choose the template table to edit from the Table Name list.

  5. Modify the selected template table.

    • To add a template definition to the table, click Add.

    • To edit an existing template definition, select the definition, click Edit, modify the parameters, and then click OK.

    • To remove a template definition, select the definition, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

18.2.9 Environment Resources

An environment resource defines configuration variables, either by creating new variable values or replacing existing values. Because custom resources are loaded after the standard config.cfg file is loaded, the variable values defined in the custom environment resource replace the original variable values.

An environment resource is defined in a CFG file using a name/value pair format:


After defining a variable value, you can reference the variable in templates and other resource files with the following Idoc Script tag:


Environment resource files can include comment lines, which are designated with a # symbol:

#Set this variable to true to enable the function. Environment Resource Example

Example 18-15 shows the contents of an environment resource file.

Example 18-15 Environment Resource File

# Use this to turn on or off alternate row coloring

# These are the nested search field definitions.

nsFld1Caption=Document Text
nsFld5Caption=Option List
nsFld6Caption=Info Topic

The colored_search_resource.htm template resource file in the Nested Search component references the nsUseColoredRows variable as follows:

<$if isTrue(#active.nsUseColoredRows)$>
    <$useColoredRows=1, bkgHighlight=1$>

Standard configuration variables are defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file. For a complete list of configuration variables, see the Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content. Editing an Environment Resource

Use the following procedure to edit an existing environment resource using the Component Wizard.

  1. In the Component Wizard, open the component that contains the resource to edit.

  2. Choose the resource file from the Custom Resource Definition list.

  3. Click Launch Editor.

  4. Modify the configuration variables in the text editor.

  5. Save and close the resource file.

    Changes are reflected in the Custom Environment Parameters list.


    The configuration settings might not appear in the Custom Environment Parameters list in the order they actually appear in the resource file. For easier viewing, launch the text editor.

18.3 Creating a Component Definition File

You can use the Component Wizard to create a component definition file or make changes to it.

Example 18-16 shows a component definition file that points to an environment resource file called customhelp_environment.cfg.

Example 18-16 Component Definition File for an Environment Resource

<?hda version="5.1.1 (build011203)" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?>
@Properties LocalData
blDateFormat=M/d{/yy} {h:mm[:ss] {aa}[zzz]}!tAmerica/Chicago!mAM,PM
@ResultSet ResourceDefinition

18.4 Restarting Content Server to Apply a Component

Before you can apply a custom component to Content Server, you need to restart it. You can restart Content Server by restarting the WebCenter Content Managed Server with the Administration Console, shutdown and startup scripts, or Fusion Middleware Control.

The following example shows how to restart WebCenter Content with the stopManagedWebLogic and startManagedWebLogic scripts.

For more information, see "Managing System Processes" in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

To restart the WebCenter Content Managed Server with scripts on the command line:

  1. Stop the WebCenter Content Managed Server with the stopManagedWebLogic script.

    • UNIX script:
      /bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh UCM_server1

    • Windows script:
      DomainHome\bin\stopManagedWebLogic.cmd UCM_server1

  2. Stop the Administration Server with the stopWebLogic script.

    • UNIX script: DomainHome/bin/stopWebLogic.sh

    • Windows script: DomainHome\bin\stopWebLogic.cmd

  3. Start the Administration Server with the startWebLogic script.

    • UNIX script: DomainHome/bin/startWebLogic.sh

    • Windows script: DomainHome\bin\startWebLogic.cmd

  4. Start the WebCenter Content Managed Server with the startManagedWebLogic script.

    • UNIX script:
      /bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh UCM_server1

    • Windows script:
      DomainHome\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd UCM_server1