5 Understanding WebCenter Portal Framework Applications

This chapter introduces the architecture, components, and features of a WebCenter Portal Framework application.


Oracle recommends creating new portals using Portal Builder, rather than Portal Framework. While custom Portal Framework applications may provide a greater degree of flexibility when developing your portal solution, such flexibility typically forfeits product supportability and the ability to upgrade to new WebCenter Portal releases. Using Portal Builder avoids these constraints without sacrificing complexity or scalability. Building portals using Portal Builder is covered in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

This chapter includes the following topics:

5.1 What Is a WebCenter Portal Framework Application?

A WebCenter Portal Framework application is a standard ADF web application that includes portal features, like navigation, pages, page templates, content, and more. This chapter discusses these features in detail.

5.2 Creating a WebCenter Portal Framework Application


Oracle recommends creating new portals using Portal Builder, rather than Portal Framework. While custom Portal Framework applications may provide a greater degree of flexibility when developing your portal solution, such flexibility typically forfeits product supportability and the ability to upgrade to new WebCenter Portal releases. Using Portal Builder avoids these constraints without sacrificing complexity or scalability. Building portals using Portal Builder is covered in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

JDeveloper makes it easy to create a new WebCenter Portal Framework application. A wizard guides you through the details and creates a workspace with the required project structures and files. You develop, deploy, and test your portal from within this workspace.

The basic steps for creating a framework application and the resulting project structures are described in Chapter 6, "Creating WebCenter Portal Framework Applications."

5.3 Exploring the Features of a WebCenter Portal Framework Application

Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework adds a number of portal-specific features to an ADF web application. These features are included by default when you create a new application using the WebCenter Portal Framework Application template.

This section discusses some of the main portal features you'll need to know about.

5.3.1 Summary of Features

The basic features provided in a Portal Framework application include:

JDeveloper tooling includes editors for creating and modifying page hierarchies, navigation models, catalogs and the catalog registry, page templates, page styles, skins, and delegated administration. In addition, browser-based tools are provided to allow end users and administrators to perform some of these functions. See also Section 5.10.2, "Browser-Based WebCenter Portal Administration Console."

5.3.2 Understanding Pages, Page Templates, and the Portal Page Hierarchy

This section introduces three related pieces of an Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework application: pages, page templates, and page hierarchies.

A portal consists of one or more pages, and pages play a crucial role in a portal's structure and organization. Generally, a page is a container for one or more entities like task flows, portlets, and content. Pages also typically include a navigation interface, like a navigation tree, tabs, or bread crumbs. In a Portal Framework application, you can find a set of default pages in the Portal project under the folder oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages, as shown in Figure 5-1.


For important information on the organization of files in Portal Framework applications, see Section 5.4, "How are WebCenter Portal Framework Application Files Organized?"


For pages to be used in the page hierarchy, they must be located under oracle/webcenter/portalapp.

Figure 5-1 Contents of the pages Folder

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-1 Contents of the pages Folder''

A page template lets you specify view elements that you wish to be common to all of your pages. A page template is a JSPX file that includes ADF layout components and other elements. Typically, page templates define a page layout, with headers, footers, and content areas. In addition, the page template usually specifies the positioning and style of the navigation UI for your pages. For example, if you want all of your pages to include the same set of tabs, or if you want each page to have a tree navigation panel and bread crumbs, you can add these components to the template.


Page templates are referenced by the pages that use them. If you change the underlying page template, all the pages that reference the template automatically inherit the change.

You can find the page template folder in oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pagetemplates, as shown in Figure 5-2. Notice that the folder contains two default page templates that are included out of the box.

Figure 5-2 Contents of the pagetemplates Folder

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-2 Contents of the pagetemplates Folder''

A page hierarchy is a logical structure that arranges pages through a set of parent-child relationships, where any page can have one or more sub pages. This hierarchical model not only helps define the overall structure of the portal, but also allows child pages to inherit the security policies specified by their parent. The ability for pages to propagate security policies down the hierarchy is particularly convenient for very large portals with dozens or even hundreds of pages: you don't have to set security for every page. Note that when you create a new page, its security policy is automatically set based on where it resides in the page hierarchy.

You can find the page hierarchy files in the oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pagehierarchy folder, as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Contents of the pagehierarchy Folder

Description of Figure 5-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-3 Contents of the pagehierarchy Folder''


The page hierarchy files are XML files that contain the metadata that define the page hierarchy structure. It is not recommended that you attempt to edit these files directly; rather, use the Page Hierarchy editor to create and work with page hierarchies, as explained below.

A basic page hierarchy model is included with applications created from the WebCenter Portal Framework Application template. You can modify the page hierarchy with the Page Hierarchy editor in JDeveloper. To access this editor:

  1. Open the portal project in the Application Navigator, as shown in Figure 5-3.

  2. Right-click the pagehierarchy folder.

  3. Select Edit Page Hierarchy from the menu.


You can also bring up the Page Hierarchy editor by right-clicking a portal page file (JSPX file) and selecting Edit Page Hierarchy from the menu or by opening a page hierarchy file directly.

After you have created pages for your portal, use the editor to build up the site structure. You can drag and drop pages (one or several at a time) from anywhere in the oracle/webcenter/portalapp folder in the Application Navigator directly into the Page Hierarchy editor and position them in the hierarchy as you wish.

Alternatively, you can use the Add button located above the hierarchy pane. Clicking this button pops up a dialog that allows you to choose a page from within your project. This page is added as a child of the page that is currently selected in the editor, as shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4 Adding a Page to the Page Hierarchy

Description of Figure 5-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-4 Adding a Page to the Page Hierarchy''

In the editor, you can rearrange page nodes within the tree display simply by dragging and dropping them. For large hierarchies, you may also find it useful to use the Change Parent dialog by right-clicking a page in the hierarchy and choosing Change Parent Page. This dialog allows you to choose a new parent for the selected page from a separate window, instead of having to scroll through a hierarchy that may be too large to view all at once.


Right-click a node in the Page Hierarchy editor and select Go to Page to open the associated JSPX (portal page) file.


For each new level you create in the page hierarchy, a pagehierarchy/pages/*Pages.xml file is created. These files contain a reference to the pages in that level. For more information, see Section 74.6.2, "Building a Page Hierarchy."

Figure 5-5 shows the structure of a simple human resources site that includes top level pages Benefits, Careers, Payroll, and Location. The Benefits, Careers, and Location pages each have multiple child pages.

Figure 5-5 Page Hierarchy Editor

Description of Figure 5-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-5 Page Hierarchy Editor''

Notice how this hierarchy is realized when you run the portal, shown in Figure 5-6. In this example, the pages use the default page template, which includes a navigation bar. The bar is rendered as tab-like links across the page. Because this navigation UI was added to the page template, it will appear consistently on all pages that use the template. In addition to the default navigation component, you could add a navigation tree, bread crumbs, or other styles of navigation UI to the page template. In many cases, the template will include two or more navigation components.

For more information on page templates, see Section 5.6, "Developing Your Portal's Look and Feel." For more information on the default navigation model and on creating navigation models and user interfaces, see Section 10, "Developing a Navigation Model."

Figure 5-6 Portal Navigation Bar

Description of Figure 5-6 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-6 Portal Navigation Bar''

For more information on page hierarchies, see Section 74.6.2, "Building a Page Hierarchy."

5.3.3 Securing WebCenter Portal Framework Pages

At design time, you can set up security for your portal's pages in the Page Hierarchy editor. As mentioned previously, the page hierarchy defines the structural relationships between pages (parent-child) and it allows for child pages to inherit the security policies of their parents.


You can secure pages either through the ADF page security model or through the hierarchical WebCenter Portal page security model. When a page is added to the page hierarchy, it implies that it's secured through the hierarchical security model. See also Section 74.6, "Using the Page Hierarchy Security Editor."

As shown in Figure 5-7, the Page Hierarchy editor includes a Security section that lets you specify role-based security policies for pages. The security interface lets you decide whether you want the policies to be inherited or delegated. If you specify inheritance, then the security policies for that page will be inherited from its parent page. If you delegate security, then that policy will override the parent's security and the policy will be propagated to all child pages that are inheriting security.


A small padlock icon appears next to pages for which the inherited security settings are overwritten. In other words, you'll see this icon to indicate pages that have delegated security set on them.

For example, in Figure 5-7, the Payroll page is configured so that Administrators have full access to the page, while authenticated users can only view and personalize the page. Anonymous users cannot access the page at all. Later, in Section 5.3.4, "Understanding the Navigation Model and the Navigation Registry," we'll discuss how the security policy set for a page also affects the appearance of the navigation UI. In this example, because the Payroll page is only available to Administrators and authenticated users, the navigation UI will only show the Payroll page link to authenticated users and Administrators. For all other users, the Payroll link will not show up at all.

Figure 5-7 Security Setting for the Payroll Page

Description of Figure 5-7 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-7 Security Setting for the Payroll Page''

5.3.4 Understanding the Navigation Model and the Navigation Registry

It's important to distinguish the navigation model from the page hierarchy. First, the page hierarchy specifies a parent-child relationship between pages. As discussed previously, pages can have one or more child pages. Secondly, the page hierarchy allows for security policies to be inherited from parent pages to child pages, or sub pages, down through the hierarchy. Note that page hierarchy only specifies a relationship between pages; other resources, like task flows, portlets, and external links cannot be included in a page hierarchy.

The page hierarchy provides a security inheritance model that allows administrators to easily control security on portals that have a very large number of pages. For example, if your portal has 100 pages, you can specify security policies on the root of the page hierarchy, and all 100 pages will inherit those policies. Then, if you wish to modify the settings on any page below the root, you can do that, and those settings will propagate to any of that page's sub-pages. You can also override the inherited settings and apply security settings to individual pages anywhere in the hierarchy.

The navigation model, by contrast, defines a navigational structure, keeps track of navigational data, and provides that data to the view layer of the application. While a page hierarchy only consists of pages, a navigation model can consist of a variety of resources, like task flows, pages, external links, and others.

It's important to note that the navigation model is aware of the security policies that have been applied to the elements (pages, links, task flows, and so on) that the navigation model controls. If the authenticated user is not authorized to see a particular page, the navigation model, by default, hides any navigational links to that page. For any resources that do not have security defined in the portal, like external links, the developer has to control visibility manually. One way to do this is to add an EL expression to the page or page template to control visibility (show/hide) of the resource. For more information, see Chapter 10, "Developing a Navigation Model."

For example, if your portal pages include a tree navigation UI, that UI asks the navigation model questions like: what pages or other elements can the user navigate to and what is the current navigational state of the portal. The first question informs which links the UI can display. The second informs the UI how to display those links. If the navigation view is a tree, the model tells the UI, for example, which page is currently selected. This allows the tree UI to display the node representing that page correctly, as an open folder for example, or as a selected page.

In JDeveloper, use the Navigation Editor to modify the navigation model. To open the editor, double-click the file default-navigation-model.xml in the navigations folder, shown in Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8 Contents of the navigations Folder

Description of Figure 5-8 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-8 Contents of the navigations Folder''

The navigation-registry.xml file is used by the Resource Manager when a user creates or edits a navigation model. The registry defines the superset of all items that are available to be included in a model that you create or edit. You can create multiple navigation models for an application, but an application can only have one navigation registry file. For more information on the navigation model, the Navigation Editor, and the registry, see Chapter 10, "Developing a Navigation Model."

The default navigation model, shown in Figure 5-9, includes one node called Page Hierarchy. By default, this node points to the default page hierarchy file, pages.xml, in the pagehierarchy folder. This node tells the navigation model to refer to the page hierarchy's structure and communicate that structure to the navigation UI so that it can be rendered. As seen previously in Figure 5-6, the default UI displays the page hierarchy as tab-like links. The information provided by the model allows each link to display its sub-page links in a drop-down menu whenever the mouse pointer hovers over it.

Figure 5-9 The Default Navigation Model

Description of Figure 5-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-9 The Default Navigation Model''

The navigation model can include several kinds of navigation elements. As we've seen, the model can include both page hierarchies and single pages. But you can also create navigation to other elements, like links to external web pages or specific content.

Figure 5-10 Adding a Link to the Navigation Model

Description of Figure 5-10 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-10 Adding a Link to the Navigation Model''

For more information, see Chapter 10, "Developing a Navigation Model."

5.3.5 Understanding Resource Catalogs and the Catalog Registry

A catalog specifies a collection of an otherwise unrelated group of elements, like layout components, task flows, portlets, documents, and others, that an authorized user can add to a portal at runtime. Oracle WebCenter Portal's Composer uses catalogs at runtime to determine which elements an authorized user can add to a portal page.

The Portal Framework application template includes a default resource catalog (default-catalog.xml) and a catalog registry file (catalog-registry.xml). These files are located in oracle/webcenter/portalapp/catalogs.

When a user edits pages at runtime using Composer, the default catalog file specifies all of the items that are available to be added to a page. The catalog registry file is used by the Resource Manager when a user creates or edits a resource catalog. The registry defines the superset of all items that are available to be included in a catalog that you create or edit.

You can create multiple catalogs for an application, but an application can only have one catalog registry file. For more information, see Chapter 14, "Developing Resource Catalogs."

At development time, you can edit existing catalogs using the Resource Catalog editor. To open the editor, open the catalog file (for example, default-catalog.xml) in the catalogs folder in Application Navigator, as shown in Figure 5-11.

To create a new catalog, select New from the File menu. In the New Gallery dialog, select the All Technologies tab, then select Portal Framework under the Web Tier node. Then, select Resource Catalog and click OK. Use the Create Application Resource Catalog dialog to create the new catalog.


You can also edit navigation registries using the Resource Catalog editor.

Figure 5-11 Contents of the catalogs Folder

Description of Figure 5-11 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-11 Contents of the catalogs Folder''

The Resource Catalog editor is shown in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12 Resource Catalog Editor in JDeveloper

Description of Figure 5-12 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-12 Resource Catalog Editor in JDeveloper''

Figure 5-13 shows the resource catalog editor in the runtime administration tool.

Figure 5-13 Resource Catalogs Editor at Runtime

Description of Figure 5-13 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-13 Resource Catalogs Editor at Runtime''

For example you can create separate catalogs for each of several departments.


Individual catalog entries can be shown or hidden based on user roles.

5.4 How are WebCenter Portal Framework Application Files Organized?

When you run through the Portal Framework application wizard, a large number of project artifacts are configured and installed in the project directory. JDeveloper presents a streamlined view of your project in the Application Navigator. You can also view your portal project directly on your filesystem.

5.4.1 Understanding the Organization of a WebCenter Portal Framework Application

This section explains how a Portal Framework application is organized, and why it is organized the way it is. How Is a WebCenter Portal Framework Application Organized?

When you create a new Portal Framework application in JDeveloper, a large number of files are automatically placed in the project. You can see these files organized in the Application Navigator view in JDeveloper.

Looking at the Application Navigator, the first thing you will notice is that a Framework application consists of two projects. The first is called (by default) Portal, as shown in Figure 5-14. You can change this name when you create the application or anytime afterwards. Most of the files in a project are placed in the <application_root>/<project_root>/public_html/oracle/webcenter/portalapp directory.

The second project is called PortalWebAssets. The PortalWebAssets project includes static application resources like HTML and image files. By separating the static resources into a separate project, it is possible to deploy those resources to a dedicated server. For more information, see Section 6.4, "Understanding the PortalWebAssets Project."

Figure 5-14 WebCenter Portal Framework Application in the Application Navigator

Description of Figure 5-14 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-14 WebCenter Portal Framework Application in the Application Navigator'' Why Is a WebCenter Portal Framework Application Organized the Way It Is?

It is important to understand the following distinctions between files that are stored in your application:


It is important to understand these distinctions because some files, like XML files, you might not expect to find under public_html. (Because in a standard Web application, most files under this directory are directly URL accessible from a browser once the application is deployed.) Developers must keep in mind that portal files require this particular structure; you must not attempt to create portal artifacts in other locations.
  • Files located in the <application_root>/<project_root>/public_html/oracle/webcenter/portalapp directory:

    • are deployed to the Metadata Services (MDS) repository.

    • can be registered as portal resources and managed at runtime with the Resource Manager.

    • are generally secured using WebCenter Permissions (if they are portal resources).

  • Files located elsewhere under <application_root>/<project_root>/public_html:

    • are deployed to the application WAR file.

    • cannot be registered as portal resources and therefore cannot be managed with the Resource Manager.

    • are secured using the native permission class of the artifact.

It is important to understand that a Portal Framework application is structured this way so that you can make informed decisions when you create your own pages. In some cases, specifically with JSPX pages, you might not want to create a page under oracle/webcenter/portalapp. It depends on the intended use of the page in your application.

5.4.2 Viewing Your Portal Project on the Filesystem

The simplest way to locate your project files on the file system is to select a file or folder in the Application Navigator and then select Copy Path from the Edit menu. This function places the path to the file or folder on the clipboard, which you can then paste into a command shell or file browser.

Figure 5-15 shows the filesystem organization of a sample Portal Framework application. Many of the project's files are organized under the public_html folder.

Figure 5-15 Sample WebCenter Portal Framework Application on the Filesystem

Description of Figure 5-15 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-15 Sample WebCenter Portal Framework Application on the Filesystem''

As you will see, JDeveloper presents a somewhat different, more streamlined view of your project, as discussed in the next section, Section 5.4.3, "Viewing Your Portal Project in JDeveloper."

5.4.3 Viewing Your Portal Project in JDeveloper

The intent of the project view in JDeveloper is to present the project files that a developer is likely to work with. These files include pages, page hierarchies, navigation models, page templates, catalogs, XML configuration files, Java source files, images, and so on.

In JDeveloper, portal projects are organized into two folders: Application Sources and Web Content, as shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16 Organization of a Portal Project in JDeveloper

Description of Figure 5-16 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-16 Organization of a Portal Project in JDeveloper''

The Application Sources folder is primarily a repository for source code and page definition files. In addition to any Java classes you write for your application, Application Sources includes:

  • oracle.webcenter.portalapp – Includes XML definition files for pages, page templates, page catalogs, navigations. A page definition file specifies ADF bindings, page parameters, and permission settings. For example, the page definition file specifies the page's parent and child pages, if any. The file also specifies security policy information, like the operations that are permitted on the page. Default page definition files are created automatically when you add a portal page to a page hierarchy.

  • portal – Includes resource bundles, source code, and other Java artifacts.

  • META-INF – Includes files for specifying data bindings and page template metadata.

The Web Content folder contains all of the files that make up your web project, like pages, page hierarchies, navigation models, and so on. These are the files that you will actively create and modify as you develop your Portal Framework application.

Figure 5-17 shows the basic structure of the Web Content folder. Note that many of the files you will create and modify are located in the oracle/webcenter/portalapp sub folder. This folder's contents – catalogs, navigations, page hierarchy, pages, skins, and pagetemplates – make up the basic components of a portal. For detailed information on these portal components, see Section 5.4.1, "Understanding the Organization of a WebCenter Portal Framework Application."

Figure 5-17 The Web Content Folder

Description of Figure 5-17 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-17 The Web Content Folder''


If you prefer to view the local file system hierarchy in the Application Navigator, click the Navigator Display Options icon in the Projects panel and select Group by Directory.

The PortalWebAssets project includes static application resources like HTML and image files. By separating the static resources into a separate project, it is possible to deploy those resources to a dedicated server. For more information, see Section 6.4, "Understanding the PortalWebAssets Project."

5.4.4 Showing Hidden Files in the Application Navigator

By default, a few files are excluded from view in the Application Navigator. These files are excluded because it is unlikely you'll ever need to edit them. However, because there are some use cases where you might want to edit them, you need to be able to add them back to the JDeveloper UI.

To locate the excluded files:

  1. Right-click the project folder and select Project Properties from the menu.

  2. In the Project Properties dialog, select Web Application under the Project Source Paths node.

  3. Select the Excluded tab, as shown in Figure 5-18.

  4. Select an element from the excluded list and click Remove to remove it from the excluded list. As a result, the element is automatically included in the appropriate folder in the Application Navigator.

As an example, the navigation-renderer.jspx file is used to render resources in the context of a page template. If you wanted to change the way an external URL is displayed within a page, you would first remove the navigation-renderer.jspx file from the excluded list in order for it to appear under the pages folder in the Application Navigator. Then, you could open the page and edit it as desired.

5.5 What Is the Portal Life Cycle?

The portal life cycle describes the creation process of a portal from development through staging and testing to a production server. Many actors participate in the life cycle including software developers, content modelers, content contributors, IT administrators, portal site administrators. For detailed information on managing all the stages of the portal life cycle, see Chapter 8, "Understanding the WebCenter Portal Framework Application Life Cycle."

5.6 Developing Your Portal's Look and Feel

You can design the look and feel by adding certain presentation elements, such as banners, navigations, and footers, around the content area. Once you settle on a look and feel that is suitable for your portal structure, you can save these settings as a page template, which can be used to create a portal. In addition, you may want use the same settings across pages in your portal. With the use of page templates and page styles, you can achieve some consistency across pages in your portal. See Chapter 5, "Developing Your Portal's Look and Feel."

You can also develop custom skins for your portal. A skin is a style sheet based on the CSS 3.0 syntax specified in one place for an entire application. Instead of providing a style sheet for each component in your application or inserting a style sheet on each page, you can create one skin for the entire application. Every component automatically uses the styles as described by the skin. When you use a skin, you do not have to make design-time changes to portal pages to change their appearance. See Chapter 13, "Developing Skins."

Although the basic look and feel design can be created in JDeveloper at design time, the Resource Manager enables administrators and users with the appropriate privileges to continue developing the portal's look and feel after the application has been deployed. For example, the Resource Manager lets you add and remove pages, add navigation user interfaces, and change the page templates, skins, and page styles. For more information about these and other Resource Manager features, see Chapter 15, "Creating Pages and Adding Resources."

5.7 Changing Default Portal Preferences

A Portal Framework application includes a set of preferences that specify certain default portal components. This section describes these preferences and explains how to change their default values.

5.7.1 What Are the Default Portal Preferences?

Table 5-1 lists the portal preferences and their default configuration files.

Table 5-1 Default Preferences

Preference Default Setting

Navigation Model


Resource Catalog


Page Template


Navigation Renderer




5.7.2 How to Change the Default Preferences in JDeveloper

To change the default preferences in JDeveloper, directly edit the adf-config.xml file. To locate this file in JDeveloper, open the Application Resources part of the Application Navigator. Then, open the Descriptors folder and the ADF META-INF folder, as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19 Location of the adf-config.xml File in JDeveloper

Description of Figure 5-19 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-19 Location of the adf-config.xml File in JDeveloper''

For example, to change the default navigation model file, edit the value of this preference:

<portal:preference id="oracle.webcenter.portalapp.navigation.model"
   desc="Default Navigation Model"
   resourceType="navigation" display="true"

Preferences can also be changed at runtime under the Configurations tab of the Administration page. From this page, you can configure the default page template, skin, resource catalog, and navigation component in a runtime application. For details, see the "Configuring Defaults for Portal Framework Applications" section in the Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

5.8 Using Iterative and Round-Trip Development Techniques

Iterative development is a productivity feature that helps speed up the development process. Iterative development lets you make and save changes to your Portal Framework application in JDeveloper while the app is running on the Integrated WebLogic Server and immediately see the effect of those changes simply by refreshing the current page in your browser. The iterative development feature is enabled by default in a Framework application. For information on enabling the iterative development feature in Portal Framework applications, see Section 2.3.1, "Preparing for Iterative Development in a Portal Framework Application." See also Section 8.7, "Understanding Iterative Development."

Round-trip development refers to features and techniques that allow you to retrieve resources from a deployed, runtime portal back to JDeveloper for maintenance or enhancement. After modifying a resource in JDeveloper, you can use the Resource Manager to upload the resource back to the deployed portal. WebCenter Portal's round-trip development features provide a simple, convenient way to modify portal resources without redeploying the entire application.

5.9 Running and Testing a Portal

JDeveloper provides several ways to run a Portal Framework application for testing purposes in the Integrated WebLogic Server in JDeveloper:

5.10 WebCenter Portal Framework Applications at Runtime

Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework provides a number of interesting runtime features. Runtime features refer to features that are accessible from a browser.

5.10.1 Preserving Runtime Customizations on the Integrated WebLogic Server

If you are using the Integrated WebLogic Server in a development environment (running the portal through JDeveloper) any changes you make to the portal at runtime (using the Resource Manager) are discarded upon redeployment by default. For example, if you use the Resource Manager to make changes like adding entitlements to a page, changing the layout, or modifying the navigation model, these changes will not be preserved the next time you redeploy the application. For more information on the Resource Manager, see Chapter 15, "Creating Pages and Adding Resources."


The information in this section only applies to a portal that is running with the Integrated WebLogic Server in a development environment. When you deploy the portal to a production environment, runtime changes are never discarded.


Customizations are not preserved by default as a convenience for developers working in the JDeveloper environment. When you modify a file at runtime, a new version of the file is written to the MDS write directory. This new version then takes precedence over the version in JDeveloper. At that point, if you change a setting in JDeveloper and refresh your browser, the change will not show up. Therefore, while you're working in JDeveloper, it's much more convenient and natural not to preserve runtime customizations.

It is possible to change the default behavior, and preserve runtime customizations between runs. For example, you may wish to do this to enable certain testing scenarios. To allow customizations to be preserved between application deployments (runs):

  1. Select Application Properties from the Application Menu.

  2. In the Application Properties dialog, select MDS under the Run node.

  3. Under Directory Content, select Preserve customizations across application runs to disable the default, which is to discard customizations before each run. See Figure 5-22.

    Figure 5-22 Selecting Preserve Customizations Across Application Runs

    Description of Figure 5-22 follows
    Description of ''Figure 5-22 Selecting Preserve Customizations Across Application Runs''

5.10.2 Browser-Based WebCenter Portal Administration Console

WebCenter Portal Framework applications include a WebCenter Portal Administration Console that lets you work with resources, services, security, and portal configurations. The WebCenter Portal Administration Console is located at this URL: http://server:port/context_root/admin, and is shown in Figure 5-23.

Figure 5-23 The WebCenter Portal Administration Console

Description of Figure 5-23 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-23 The WebCenter Portal Administration Console''


You can change the default URL for the WebCenter Portal Administration Console by editing the <url-pattern> attribute of the <servlet-mapping> element in the web.xml file. The default <url-pattern> is admin, but you can change it to something else if you want.

For more information on the Resource tab (the Resource Manager), see Section 5.10.4, "Editing of Portal Resources Using Browser-Based Tools" and Chapter 15, "Creating Pages and Adding Resources." Security topics are discussed in Chapter 74, "Securing Your WebCenter Portal Framework Application."

5.10.3 How Security Settings Affect the Runtime Portal

Role based security policies control which pages, resources, and navigational elements visitors can see and manipulate (create, delete, update, and so on). The design time (JDeveloper) page editor lets you set these policies on pages or hierarchies of pages, as discussed in Section 5.3.3, "Securing WebCenter Portal Framework Pages." Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework respects these security polices in the following ways:

  • Pages (and certain other resources, like task flows) can only be viewed by users who are authorized to see them. The same principle holds for operations users can perform on pages, like Grant, Create, Delete, Update, and Personalize.

  • Navigation to a resource (like a page or task flow) is hidden if that page is unavailable to the authenticated user. For example, if a user is not authorized to visit the Payroll page, the link to that page will not show up in any of the navigational user interfaces.

  • Resources that are available within a Resource Catalog are adjusted based on security policies. If a user is not authorized to access a particular resource, such as a task flow, that resource will not appear in the Resource Catalog.

5.10.4 Editing of Portal Resources Using Browser-Based Tools

The WebCenter Portal Administration Console includes a Resources tab that lets you work with several portal-specific features at runtime:

  • Pages

  • Page templates

  • Navigation models

  • Resource Catalogs

  • Skins

  • Page styles

  • Content Presenter display templates

  • Mashup styles

  • Data controls

  • Task flows

Using the Resource Manager, portal users can also download resources, or an entire application, from the runtime environment, edit them in JDeveloper, and then upload them back into the deployed application.

The Edit Source feature in the Resource Manager lets you edit the source code of resources in the runtime application. For example, if you upload a portal resource (like a page template), you can then edit it directly in the Resource Manager. Just select the resource, and choose Edit Source from the Edit menu. A source editing window appears, as shown in Figure 5-24.


Some resources, like the default-navigation-model, are not editable. If you want to edit these resources, make a copy first and edit the copy.

Figure 5-24 Editing a Page Template Source File at Runtime

Description of Figure 5-24 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-24 Editing a Page Template Source File at Runtime''

5.11 Changing the Default Home Page and Login/Logout Target Pages

The file oracle/portalapp/pages/home.jspx is the default home page for a new Portal Framework application. This section explains how to change this default home page to another page or any navigable resource like a URL, portlet, or task flow.

5.11.1 Understanding How the Home Page Is Specified

The default Portal Framework application includes an index.html file, which is located in the portal project directory. This index file contains the following redirect statement:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=./faces/wcnav_defaultSelection" />


The redirect statement in index.html refers to the portal navigation model, not to a page as you might expect. Pointing the redirect to the navigation model allows the currentSelection attribute to be set properly, which allows the current selection to be highlighted in the user interface.

The URL element pages_home refers to the "home" page specified in the page hierarchy. (The prefix "pages_" is added to the folder name simply to ensure a unique ID.) As Figure 5-25 shows, the Insert Folder Contents checkbox is selected in the Navigation dialog. The Insert Folder Contents option replaces the specified folder ("home" in this case) with the contents of the folder. Therefore, in this example, the portal looks for a folder called "home" in the page hierarchy. Note too that Page Hierarchy is specified as an element in the navigation model.

To help you understand how the default portal home page is specified, note that in the navigation model a default node called pages is created by default. This node's navigation path points to the page hierarchy file, pages.xml, as shown in Figure 5-25.

Figure 5-25 The Default Navigation Model

Description of Figure 5-25 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-25 The Default Navigation Model''

Upon navigating to pages.xml, the node called home is located, and that node's path is /oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/home.jspx, as shown in Figure 5-26.

Figure 5-26 The Default Page Hierarchy

Description of Figure 5-26 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-26 The Default Page Hierarchy''

5.11.2 How to Change the Default Home Page

To change the default home page, simply change the redirect statement in index.html to the pretty URL of another resource that is referenced in the navigation model. For example, you might create a new home page and redirect to it – a common use case. Simply specify the new page to be your portal's home page by changing the redirect in index.html to the new page's pretty URL. (You can drag the new page in the navigation model to create a page link element.) For example, if the link ID in the navigation model is TheHomePage:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=./faces/wcnav_defaultSelection" />

where.faces/wcnav_defaultSelection is the pretty URL that points to the link element defined in the navigation model.

Figure 5-27 Navigation Model with New Home Page Element

Description of Figure 5-27 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-27 Navigation Model with New Home Page Element''

Using this example, if access the portal in a browser using this URL:


the portal will render a home page that contains the content from the new home page, as shown in Figure 5-28.

Figure 5-28 The Oracle Website Displays as the Content for the Portal Home Page

Description of Figure 5-28 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-28 The Oracle Website Displays as the Content for the Portal Home Page''

5.11.3 How Is the Default Index Page Specified?

The default index page for the Integrated Weblogic Server instance is index.html. A new portal project includes this file, by default, in the Web Content folder.

To change the default index file, index.html, to another file, you have two choices. One way to change this default index file is to edit the <welcome-file-list> element in the web.xml file:


Another way to change the default index page is to use the Edit Run Configuration "Default" dialog box. To access this dialog, open the project properties dialog, then, select the Run/Debug/Profile option. Click Edit to bring up the Edit Run Configuration "Default" dialog where you can change the default index page, as shown in Figure 5-29.

Figure 5-29 Edit Run Configuration "Default" Dialog

Description of Figure 5-29 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-29 Edit Run Configuration "Default" Dialog''

5.11.4 Specifying the Target Page After a Login or Logout

To specify the target page after a login or logout, edit the <navigation-rule> element in the WebContent/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml configuration file in your portal project, as shown in Example 5-1. You can change the target pages to any other navigation resource's pretty URL or Faces page.

Example 5-1 Specifying the Target Page for Login and Logout


For example, to redirect the user to a post-logout page follow these steps:

  1. Create the post-logout page and add content to it. For example:

  2. Modify the navigation rule in faces-config.xml. For example:


After a successful logout, the user is redirected to the specified page.

5.12 Customizing Session Timeouts

You can customize session timeout popups in a Portal Framework application by configuring the default timeout value. You can also customize the text that appears in the popup by modifying the resource strings.

This section contains the following topics:

5.12.1 Customizing the Session Timeout Default Value

For better performance, Oracle recommends that the HTTP session timeout value for Portal Framework applications be set to a lower value (for example, 10 minutes) than the out-of-the-box value of 45 minutes. The lower number helps the server's performance, particularly during significant load. The longer the session time, the longer the server will have to hold memory until the inactive sessions expire.

Configuring the session timeout value to a lower number, for example, 10 minutes, can be done through the web.xml file:


After this value is set, a warning popup appears, with a default value of two minutes, before the session is set to expire (Figure 5-30).

Figure 5-30 Timeout Warning Popup

Timout warning popup

After the warning has expired, the message that the page has expired appears (Figure 5-31).

Figure 5-31 Page Expired Popup

Page expired warning popup

Although these messages are usually valid in many Portal Framework deployments, in the majority of Portal Framework applications, a session is equivalent to being logged in. For example, in the instance of a public user, the appearance of these messages may not be expected behavior. However, you can easily configure to disable these messages and keep them from appearing.

When a request is sent to the server, a session timeout value is written to the page and the session timeout warning interval is defined by the context parameter oracle.adf.view.rich.sessionHandling.WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT.

Use the oracle.adf.view.rich.sessionHandling.WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT context parameter to set the number of seconds prior to the session time out when a warning message is displayed. If the value of WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT is less than 120 seconds, if client state saving is used for the page, or if the session has been invalidated, the feature is disabled. The session time-out value is taken directly from the session.

In Example 5-2, the STATE_SAVING_METHOD value is set to client, and the value correlates to the value needed for a page's af:document tag. This tag, has the stateSaving property set to default, which means it gets the value from the init-context-param. Notice that the WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT value has been set to 0. Out-of-the-box, the default value is 120 seconds.

Example 5-2 Session Timeout Warning Configuration



Any value less than the default value of 120 seconds will disable the popup.

This configuration only prevents the warning message from appearing. Any subsequent page action, partial-page event, or navigation through an af:commandLink will produce the un-handled, ViewExpiredException (ADF_FACES-60098) in the Faces, RESTORE_VIEW, lifecycle (Figure 5-32):

Figure 5-32 Inactivity Timeout Message

Inactivity timeout message

The following log shows the details of this issue:

javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/programs – ADF_FACES-30108:The view state of the page has expired because of inactivity. Reload the page.
at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._restoreView(LifecycleImpl.java:650)
at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(LifecycleImpl.java:301)
at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:186)
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:265)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26)


For a Portal Framework application, the use of goLinks that use the pretty URL navigation model as the destination is preferred. goLinks will not have this particular issue, since the framework will handle creating a new state.

A way of handling this issue is to extend the Portal Framework application to support a custom exception handler. However, an alternative approach is discussed.

The solution is to use a servlet filter to handle the exception and then enable the application to control the recovery destination. For example, one scenario is to be able to either return to the page that the user was previously on, or navigate to the page that the user chooses through one of the (navigation model) page links. The following code supports this scenario:

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class SessionExpiryFilter implements Filter {
    private FilterConfig _filterConfig = null;
    public SessionExpiryFilter() {
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        _filterConfig = filterConfig;
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest,
                         ServletResponse servletResponse,
                         FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException,
                                                         ServletException {
        String requestedSession =
        String currentWebSession =
        String requestURI =
        boolean sessionOk =
        System.out.println("currentWebSession == requestedSession? : " + sessionOk);
        if (!sessionOk && requestedSession != null) {
            System.out.println("redirecting to : " + requestURI);
        } else {
            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
            System.out.println("session is OK");
    public void destroy() {
        _filterConfig = null;

The code essentially compares the value of the session IDs. If the IDs do not match, then a redirect executes to the page that is determined by the getRequestURI(). Otherwise, the request is handled normally.

The following is how the servlet filter is registered with the application through the web.xml file:

   <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>


Both the popup and inactive session error messages can be easily managed. However, since WebCenter ADF is an application framework, once the session has been timed out (invalidated), the state of the application is lost as well. This means any managed beans, ADF bindings, and so on, is reset to the initial state. In addition, any information that was being persisted in a managed bean is also lost.

5.12.2 Customizing the Session Timeout Default Message

To customize the session timeout default messages, you need to customize the default strings provided in the out-of-the-box session timeout popups. The steps to create custom resource strings, which will override the default values, are detailed in this section.

The default session timeout messages are shown in Figure 5-30 and Figure 5-31.

All the text-based resource strings (for example, Expiration Warning, and so on) are customizable. These resource strings are contained in a bundle (RichBundle.java), which is declared in the skin (CSS). In order to override the defaults, a custom resource bundle must be created and then declared in a custom skin.


The custom skin declaration in the trindad-skins.xml should also declare to extend the default skin, so the other default resource strings can be picked up.

Example 5-3 is an example of the trinidad-skins.xml, which declares the custom resource bundle:

Example 5-3 Custom Resource Bundle in trinidad-skins.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<skins xmlns="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/skin">

After the skin is declared and selected in the trinidad-skins.xml, the last step is to create the resource bundle file that will hold the custom strings.

For this example, a java-based version for declaring the strings in the resource bundle is created. There are also other ways to declare the strings (for example, .properties and .xliff).

After the configuration to override the default bundle is done, the next step is to declare the strings themselves.

The five default resource strings used are as follows:

af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_CONFIRM_TITLE = Expiration Warning

af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG = This page will expire unless a response is received within {0} minutes. Click OK to prevent expiration.

af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG_SECOND = This page will expire unless a response is received within {0} seconds. Click OK to prevent expiration.

af_document.POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG = The page has expired af_document.POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG_CONTINUE = Click OK to continue.


Example 5-4 shows an example of MyBundleOverride.java, which contains the custom resource strings.

Example 5-4 Example of Custom Resource Strings

public class MyBundleOverride extends ListResourceBundle {
    public Object[][] getContents() {
        return _CONTENTS;
    static private final Object[][] _CONTENTS =
        "af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_CONFIRM_TITLE : Custom Expiry Warning" },
      { "af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG",
        "PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG : Custom: within {0} minutes. Click OK to prevent expiration." },
      { "af_document.PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG_SECOND",
        "PRE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG_SECOND : Custom: This page will expire unless a response is received within {0} seconds. Click OK to prevent expiration." },
      { "af_document.POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG",
        "POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG : This is a custom message from MyOverride Bundle" },
        "POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MSG_CONTINUE : Custom continue Message" },
        "POST_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ALERT_TITLE : Custom Page Expired Title" }

Based on the examples provided in this section, the customized messages before and after a session timeout appear, as shown in Figure 5-33 and Figure 5-34:

Figure 5-33 Custom Warning Message Before Timeout

custom session timeout message

Figure 5-34 Custom Message After Timeout

Custom timeout message


Clear the browser cache if you cannot view the updated strings.

5.13 Basic Portal Development Tasks

This section lists some of the basic tasks involved with developing Portal Framework applications.

  • Set up an integrated team development environment with source control, a common database, and common content repository.

  • Create a Portal Framework application using the WebCenter Portal Framework Application template.

  • Design the overall structure of your portal, sketching out the top level pages and sub pages that will comprise your portal.

  • Consider security for your portal. Decide which pages users will be allowed to visit. Create appropriate roles to accommodate these decisions.

  • Begin thinking about your portal's overall look and feel, and begin working on a page template.

  • Consider which WebCenter Portal features you want to include in your portal. For example, do you want to add a wiki or a blog or an activity stream? See Section 4.1, "Understanding WebCenter Portal Tools and Services."

  • Create pages based on your overall portal structure. The pages can be blank at this point, but creating them now allows you to begin assembling the page hierarchy.

  • Create a page hierarchy using the Page Hierarchy editor.

  • Create a navigation model. Think about the kinds of resources you want users to be able to navigate to. Examples include pages, external URLs, task flows, and content folders.

  • Add navigation UI to the page template. Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework provides several options for navigation UI. The most commonly used option is to use EL directly in the page template. WebCenter also provides navigation task flows and a Java API for navigation.

  • Begin applying security policies to the page hierarchy. Start by applying policies to the root node of the hierarchy. Those policies will be inherited by all other pages in the hierarchy. Then, fine-tune the security settings on individual pages or on sub-branches of the overall hierarchy.

  • Work on the pages themselves, adding and configuring portlets, task flows, content, and other features.