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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface ICompoundStatement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ICatchStatement, IConditionalStatement, IForEachStatement, IIteratingStatement, IOtherwiseStatement, IScenarioStatement, ITransactionStatement, ITryStatement, IWhileStatement

public interface ICompoundStatement
extends IStatement

Container for multiple IStatements.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface oracle.wcps.conductor.scenario.syntax.IStatement


Field Summary
static java.lang.String INDEX_SEPARATOR
static java.lang.String INDEX_SEPARATOR_REGEX


Method Summary
 void addStatement(int index, IStatement statement)
          Add a statement to the body of this compound statement at the specified position/index.
 void addStatement(IStatement statement)
          Add a statement to the body of this compound statement.
 void afterUnmarshalJson(ICompoundStatement object)
 void deleteStatement(int index)
          Delete a statement at the specified index.
 java.util.List<IStatement> getBodyStatements()
          Returns the body of this compound statement.
 java.lang.String getFirstErrorMessage()
          Returns the error message of the first statement that has an error.
 IStatement getStatement(int index)
          Retrieves a statement at the specified index.
 IStatement getStatementByIndex(java.lang.String statementIndex)
          Returns a statement by index id.
 java.lang.Integer indexOfStatement(IStatement statement)
          Returns the index of the first instance of the specified statement.
 void raiseError(IStatement.ErrorLevel errorLevel)
          Used to identify a compound statement that contains statements with errors.
 void setBodyStatements(java.util.List<IStatement> body)
          Sets the body of this compound statement.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.wcps.conductor.scenario.syntax.IStatement
getComments, getContainerScenario, getErrorLevel, getErrorMessage, getId, getLabel, getNodeName, getParentStatement, getScenarioStatementIndex, getStatementIndex, raiseError, setComments, setId, setLabel


Field Detail


static final java.lang.String INDEX_SEPARATOR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String INDEX_SEPARATOR_REGEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void addStatement(IStatement statement)
Add a statement to the body of this compound statement.


void addStatement(int index,
                  IStatement statement)
Add a statement to the body of this compound statement at the specified position/index.


void deleteStatement(int index)
Delete a statement at the specified index.


IStatement getStatement(int index)
Retrieves a statement at the specified index.


java.util.List<IStatement> getBodyStatements()
Returns the body of this compound statement.


void setBodyStatements(java.util.List<IStatement> body)
Sets the body of this compound statement.


java.lang.Integer indexOfStatement(IStatement statement)
Returns the index of the first instance of the specified statement.


IStatement getStatementByIndex(java.lang.String statementIndex)
Returns a statement by index id.

If unable to retrieve a statement by the specified statement index, null will be returned.

See Also:


void raiseError(IStatement.ErrorLevel errorLevel)
Used to identify a compound statement that contains statements with errors.


java.lang.String getFirstErrorMessage()
Returns the error message of the first statement that has an error.


void afterUnmarshalJson(ICompoundStatement object)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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