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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface LikesManager

public interface LikesManager

Method Summary
 LikesSummary createLikesSummary(ActivityElement activity, int count)
          Create the LikesSummary.
 LikesSummary createLikesSummary(ActivityObject object, int count)
          Create the LikesSummary.
 void deleteLike(java.lang.String likeId)
          Delete the Like.
 Like getLike(ActivityElement activity)
          Retrieve the Like voted by the current user on an activity.
 Like getLike(ActivityElement activity, java.lang.String votedBy)
          Retrieve the Like voted by a user on an activity.
 Like getLike(ActivityObject object)
          Retrieve the Like voted by the current user on an object.
 Like getLike(ActivityObject object, java.lang.String votedBy)
          Retrieve the Like voted by a user on an object.
 java.lang.Object getLikeById(java.lang.String likeId)
 java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityElement activity)
          Retrive the list of Like voted on an activity.
 java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityElement activity, int startIndex, int itemsPerPage)
          Retrive the list of Like voted on an activity.
 java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityObject object)
          Retrive the list of Like voted on an object.
 java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityObject object, int startIndex, int itemsPerPage)
          Retrive the list of Like voted on an object.
 LikesSummary getLikesSummary(ActivityElement activity)
          Retrieve the LikesSummary.
 LikesSummary getLikesSummary(ActivityObject object)
          Retrieve the LikesSummary.
 Like like(ActivityElement activity, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          Express like on an activity by the current user;
 Like like(ActivityElement activity, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope, java.lang.String activityId)
          Express like on an activity by the current user;
 Like like(ActivityElement activity, java.lang.String votedBy, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          Express like on an activity by the a user;
 Like like(ActivityElement activity, java.lang.String votedBy, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope, java.lang.String activityId)
          Express like on an activity by the a user;
 Like like(ActivityObject object, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          Express like on an object by the current user;
 Like like(ActivityObject object, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope, java.lang.String activityId)
          Express like on an object by the current user;
 Like like(ActivityObject object, java.lang.String votedBy, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          Express like on an object by the a user;
 Like like(ActivityObject object, java.lang.String votedBy, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope, java.lang.String activityId)
          Express like on an object by the a user;
 void unlike(ActivityElement activity)
          Reverse the like on an activity by the current user.
 void unlike(ActivityElement activity, java.lang.String votedBy)
          Reverse the like on an activity by the user.
 void unlike(ActivityObject object)
          Reverse the like on an object by the current user.
 void unlike(ActivityObject object, java.lang.String votedBy)
          Reverse the like on an object by the user.


Method Detail


java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityObject object)
                              throws LikesException
Retrive the list of Like voted on an object.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String)on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
The list of Like.


java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityObject object,
                              int startIndex,
                              int itemsPerPage)
                              throws LikesException
Retrive the list of Like voted on an object.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String)on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
startIndex - The start index for the query (1 based)
itemsPerPage - The number of items to return
The list of Like.


Like getLike(ActivityObject object,
             java.lang.String votedBy)
             throws LikesException
Retrieve the Like voted by a user on an object.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
votedBy - The user ID who voted.
The Like


Like getLike(ActivityObject object)
             throws LikesException
Retrieve the Like voted by the current user on an object.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
The Like


Like like(ActivityObject object,
          java.lang.String votedBy,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope,
          java.lang.String activityId)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an object by the a user;
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
votedBy - The user who like the object.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs
activityId - An optional activity ID representing the original activity which led the user to like this object. The timestamp of the original activity is advanced to move the activity to the top of the user's activity stream.
The Like


Like like(ActivityObject object,
          java.lang.String votedBy,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an object by the a user;
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
votedBy - The user who like the object.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs
The Like


Like like(ActivityObject object,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an object by the current user;
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs.
The Like being creatd.


Like like(ActivityObject object,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope,
          java.lang.String activityId)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an object by the current user;
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs.
activityId - An optional activity ID representing the original activity which led the user to like this object. The timestamp of the original activity is advanced to move the activity to the top of the user's activity stream.
The Like being creatd.


void unlike(ActivityObject object,
            java.lang.String votedBy)
            throws LikesException
Reverse the like on an object by the user.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
votedBy - The user who unlike this object.


void unlike(ActivityObject object)
            throws LikesException
Reverse the like on an object by the current user.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents. Reverse the like on an object by the current user.


LikesSummary createLikesSummary(ActivityObject object,
                                int count)
                                throws LikesException
Create the LikesSummary.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
count - The likes count.
The LikesSummary


LikesSummary getLikesSummary(ActivityObject object)
                             throws LikesException
Retrieve the LikesSummary.
object - Object carrying information identifying the WebCenter object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
The LikesSummary


java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityElement activity)
                              throws LikesException
Retrive the list of Like voted on an activity.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
The list of Like.


java.util.List<Like> getLikes(ActivityElement activity,
                              int startIndex,
                              int itemsPerPage)
                              throws LikesException
Retrive the list of Like voted on an activity.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
startIndex - The start index for the query (1 based)
itemsPerPage - The number of items to return
The list of Like.


Like getLike(ActivityElement activity,
             java.lang.String votedBy)
             throws LikesException
Retrieve the Like voted by a user on an activity.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
votedBy - The user ID who voted.
The Like


Like getLike(ActivityElement activity)
             throws LikesException
Retrieve the Like voted by the current user on an activity.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
The Like


Like like(ActivityElement activity,
          java.lang.String votedBy,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope,
          java.lang.String activityId)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an activity by the a user;
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
votedBy - The user who like the object.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs
activityId - An optional activity ID representing the original activity which led the user to like this object. The timestamp of the original activity is advanced to move the activity to the top of the user's activity stream.
The Like


Like like(ActivityElement activity,
          java.lang.String votedBy,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an activity by the a user;
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
votedBy - The user who like the object.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs
The Like


Like like(ActivityElement activity,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an activity by the current user;
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs.
The Like being creatd.


Like like(ActivityElement activity,
          oracle.webcenter.framework.service.Scope scope,
          java.lang.String activityId)
          throws LikesException
Express like on an activity by the current user;
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
scope - The WebCenter scope to which the object belongs.
activityId - An optional activity ID representing the original activity which led the user to like this object. The timestamp of the original activity is advanced to move the activity to the top of the user's activity stream.
The Like being creatd.


void unlike(ActivityElement activity,
            java.lang.String votedBy)
            throws LikesException
Reverse the like on an activity by the user.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
votedBy - The user who unlike this object.


void unlike(ActivityElement activity)
            throws LikesException
Reverse the like on an activity by the current user.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the acvitity object for which likes are to be retreived. Reverse the like on an object by the current user.


LikesSummary createLikesSummary(ActivityElement activity,
                                int count)
                                throws LikesException
Create the LikesSummary.
activity - Object carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived.
count - The likes count.
The LikesSummary


LikesSummary getLikesSummary(ActivityElement activity)
                             throws LikesException
Retrieve the LikesSummary.
object - activity carrying information identifying the activity object for which likes are to be retreived. The key properties needed to be specified on it are the service ID, the object type, and the object ID. It can be constructed by calling ActivityStreamingService.createObject(java.lang.String, oracle.webcenter.framework.service.ServiceObjectType, java.lang.String) passing in the appropriate object ID and object type, and then calling ActivityObject.setServiceID(java.lang.String) on it. The display name on the ActivityObject can be any non-null non-empty string, and need not even be the correct display name of the actual WebCenter object it represents.
The LikesSummary


void deleteLike(java.lang.String likeId)
                throws LikesException
Delete the Like.
likeId - The like ID.


java.lang.Object getLikeById(java.lang.String likeId)
                             throws LikesException

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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