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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface InvitationsManager

public interface InvitationsManager

The access point for all operations related to sending and receiving invitations among users for forming social connections.

An instance of this can be obtained via a call to ConnectionsServiceFactory.getInvitationsManager().

release specific (what release of product did this appear in)

Method Summary
 void acceptInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId)
          Allows the current user to accept a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.
 void addInvitationListener(InvitationListener listener)
          Registers all the InvitationListeners to an arraylist of InvitationListener
 java.util.List<InvitationListener> getAllInvitationListeners()
          Returns List contatining all instances of class implementing InvitationListeners
 java.util.List<Invitation> getReceivedInvitations()
          Returns the pending invitations that have been received by the current user.
 java.util.List<Invitation> getSentInvitations()
          Returns the pending invitations that have been sent by the current user.
 void ignoreInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId)
          Allows the current user to ignore a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.
 void inviteUser(java.lang.String userGuid, java.lang.String invitationMessage)
          Allows the current user to invite another user to form a connection.
 void inviteUser(java.lang.String userGuid, java.lang.String invitationMessage, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> connectionListNames)
          Allows the current user to invite another user to form a connection and additionally get the user added to specified connection lists belonging to the current user upon forming the connection.
 void rejectInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId, java.lang.String rejectionMessage)
          Allows the current user to decline a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.
 void removeInvitationListener(InvitationListener listener)
          Removes the InvitationListeners from the arraylist of InvitationListener


Method Detail


void addInvitationListener(InvitationListener listener)
                           throws ConnectionsException
Registers all the InvitationListeners to an arraylist of InvitationListener
object - of a class that implements InvitationListener
ConnectionsException - If proper object of class implementing ConnectionListener is missing.


void removeInvitationListener(InvitationListener listener)
                              throws ConnectionsException
Removes the InvitationListeners from the arraylist of InvitationListener
object - of a class that implements InvitationListener
ConnectionsException - If proper object of class implementing ConnectionListener is missing.


java.util.List<InvitationListener> getAllInvitationListeners()
                                                             throws ConnectionsException
Returns List contatining all instances of class implementing InvitationListeners
void -
ConnectionsException - If any error occurs while fetching different instances of class implementing InvitationListener


void inviteUser(java.lang.String userGuid,
                java.lang.String invitationMessage)
                throws ConnectionsException
Allows the current user to invite another user to form a connection.

Calling this method has the same effect as calling #inviteUser(String, String, Collection<String>) passing userGuid, invitationMessage, null.

userGuid - GUID of a user in the system
invitationMessage - An optional personal message intended for the user being invited (may be null)
ConnectionsException - If the GUID of the user is null or invalid, or any error occurs initiating the invitation.


void inviteUser(java.lang.String userGuid,
                java.lang.String invitationMessage,
                java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> connectionListNames)
                throws ConnectionsException
Allows the current user to invite another user to form a connection and additionally get the user added to specified connection lists belonging to the current user upon forming the connection.

If the call to this method executes successfully, the invited user will see an invitation from the current user in his/her received invitations screen. However, if that user's connections settings have configured such that invitations are to be automatically accepted, then upon successful execution of this method, a connection would be created between the users and no invitation will show up in the invited user's received invitations screen.

userGuid - GUID of a user in the system
invitationMessage - An optional personal message intended for the user being invited (may be null)
connectionListNames - An optional list of names of connection lists belonging to the current user
ConnectionsException - If the GUID of the user is null or invalid, or any error occurs initiating the invitation.


void acceptInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId)
                      throws ConnectionsException
Allows the current user to accept a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.

If the call to this method goes through successfully, a connection would be created between the user who initiated the invitation and the current user.

invitationId - The ID of the invitation to be accepted
ConnectionsException - If the invitation ID is null or any error occurs accepting the invitation.


void rejectInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId,
                      java.lang.String rejectionMessage)
                      throws ConnectionsException
Allows the current user to decline a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.

Once the invitation has been declined, it is possible for the user who initiated the invitation to be aware of the decline (such as by noticing its disappearance from his/her sent invitations screen).

invitationId - The ID of the invitation to be declined
rejectionMessage - An optional personal message intended for the user who initiated the invitation, with the intent of describing why the invitation is being declined (Note: as of now this is not being used)
ConnectionsException - If the ID of invitation ID is null or any error occurs declining the invitation.
See Also:


void ignoreInvitation(java.lang.String invitationId)
                      throws ConnectionsException
Allows the current user to ignore a specific invitation that was sent to him/her previously by some other user.

The effect of ignoring the invitation is that the current user stops seeing it in the received invitations screen. The invitation still stays active in the system and the user who initiated the invitation is not made aware of it being ignored and he/she still continues to see it in the sent invitations screen.

invitationId - ID of the invitation to be ignoreda
ConnectionsException - If the invitation ID is null or any error occurs ignoring the invitation.
See Also:
rejectInvitation(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


java.util.List<Invitation> getReceivedInvitations()
                                                  throws ConnectionsException
Returns the pending invitations that have been received by the current user.
The list of invitations received by the current user (from other users) that are still active i.e. that have not been accepted or declined
ConnectionsException - If any error occurs retrieving invitations.


java.util.List<Invitation> getSentInvitations()
                                              throws ConnectionsException
Returns the pending invitations that have been sent by the current user.
The list of invitations sent by the current user (to other users) that are still active i.e. that have not been accepted or declined
ConnectionsException - If any error occurs retrieving invitations.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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