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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (
Class PredicateUtils

  extended by

public class PredicateUtils
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides some utility methods around Predicates that developers may find useful.

Since: Beta 2

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
<T> Predicate
addAttributePredicate(Predicate predicate, QName attrName, java.lang.String comparator, T attrValue)
          Joins new attribute predicates with an existing one, returning the joined result.
<T> Predicate
addAttributePredicate(Predicate predicate, QName attrName, java.lang.String comparator, T attrValue, ComplexPredicate.ConjunctionOp conjunctionOp)
          Joins new attribute predicates with an existing one, returning the joined result.
static void convertAllSinceNumDaysComparator(Predicate predicate, java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
          Convert all SinceNumDays comparators and their operands in the predicate tree
static void filterTextPredicate(Predicate predicate, java.lang.String filterString)
          Filter text predicate by the filterString which is a regular expression.
<T extends Predicate>
findPredicates(java.lang.Class<T> type, Predicate predicate)
          Returns a list of Predicates that matches the class passed in.
static void flatten(ComplexPredicate predicate)
          Compacts the ComplexPredicate by flattening.
static java.util.List<ComplexPredicate> getAttributePredicateParents(Predicate predicate, QName attributeName)
          Returns a list of parents of the given attribute predicate
<T extends Predicate>
getFirst(java.lang.Class<T> type, Predicate predicate)
          Extracts the first Predicate it finds in the descendents of a Predicate that matches the type passed in.
static java.lang.String getFirstKeywordsFromPredicate(Predicate predicate)
          Extracts the first keywords it finds in the Predicate by looking into TextPredicates.
static java.lang.String getQueryPredicateScope(Predicate predicate)
          Get scope from query predicate.
static boolean isQueryPredicateExecutable(Predicate predicate, java.lang.String serviceId, boolean singleScope)
          Determine if the query is executable by analyzing the Query Predicate predicate top predicate of the query serviceId service Id to see if there is match in the service Id attribute predicate singleScope boolean to specify if only single scope is supported


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public PredicateUtils()

Method Detail


public static final java.lang.String getFirstKeywordsFromPredicate(Predicate predicate)
Extracts the first keywords it finds in the Predicate by looking into TextPredicates.
predicate - a Predicate that can be either Text of Complex.
the first string in navigating down the Predicate.


public static final <T extends Predicate> Predicate getFirst(java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                                             Predicate predicate)
Extracts the first Predicate it finds in the descendents of a Predicate that matches the type passed in.
type - The Class object we want to match from the descendents of the passed in predicate
predicate - the Predicate whose descendents (via ComplexPredicate) we wish to discover Predicates of the type passed in
the first item in a List of Predicates that matches the type criterion


public static final java.util.List<ComplexPredicate> getAttributePredicateParents(Predicate predicate,
                                                                                  QName attributeName)
Returns a list of parents of the given attribute predicate


public static final <T extends Predicate> java.util.List<T> findPredicates(java.lang.Class<T> type,
                                                                           Predicate predicate)
Returns a list of Predicates that matches the class passed in.
type - The Class object we want to match from the descendents of the passed in predicate
predicate - the Predicate whose descendents (via ComplexPredicate) we wish to discover Predicates of the type passed in
a List of Predicates that matches the type criterion


public static final void flatten(ComplexPredicate predicate)
Compacts the ComplexPredicate by flattening. This means, collapsing any unnecessary hierarchies of ANDs and ORs if they are the same.
predicate - the ComplexPredicate to be flattened


public static void convertAllSinceNumDaysComparator(Predicate predicate,
                                                    java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
Convert all SinceNumDays comparators and their operands in the predicate tree
predicate - of the query


public static void filterTextPredicate(Predicate predicate,
                                       java.lang.String filterString)
Filter text predicate by the filterString which is a regular expression. For example, in the SearchServiceRowQueryFederator, the filterString used is WILDCARD_PUNCTUATION_SYMBOLS which is [\\*].
predicate - of the query
filterString - the regular expression String to filter the text in the predicate by.


public static <T> Predicate addAttributePredicate(Predicate predicate,
                                                  QName attrName,
                                                  java.lang.String comparator,
                                                  T attrValue)
Joins new attribute predicates with an existing one, returning the joined result. Example: Calling addAttributePredicate with an AttributePredicate(DCMI_MODIFIED, ComparatorConstants.EQUALS, someDate), DCMI_CREATOR, ComparatorConstants.CONTAINS, and "foo" will create and return a top level ComplexPredicate with ComplexPredicate.ConjunctionOp.And that contains two children, one the original AttributePredicate(DCMI_MODIFIED, ComparatorConstants.EQUALS, someDate), and the other AttributePredicate(DCMI_CREATOR, ComparatorConstants.CONTAINS, "foo")
predicate - The existing predicate to add this new attribute predicate to
attrName - the name of the attribute
comparator - the comparator of the predicate
attrValue - the value used in the predicate one
a ComplexPredicate joining the new attribute predicate and an old or just the new attribute predicate if the old one is null


public static <T> Predicate addAttributePredicate(Predicate predicate,
                                                  QName attrName,
                                                  java.lang.String comparator,
                                                  T attrValue,
                                                  ComplexPredicate.ConjunctionOp conjunctionOp)
Joins new attribute predicates with an existing one, returning the joined result. Example: Calling addAttributePredicate with an AttributePredicate(DCMI_MODIFIED, ComparatorConstants.EQUALS, someDate), DCMI_CREATOR, ComparatorConstants.CONTAINS, "foo", ComplexPredicate.ConjunctionOp.Or will create and return a top level ComplexPredicate with ComplexPredicate.ConjunctionOp.Or that contains two children, one the original AttributePredicate(DCMI_MODIFIED, ComparatorConstants.EQUALS, someDate), and the other AttributePredicate(DCMI_CREATOR, ComparatorConstants.CONTAINS, "foo")
predicate - The existing predicate to add this new attribute predicate to
attrName - the name of the attribute
comparator - the comparator of the predicate
attrValue - the value used in the predicate
conjunctionOp - how to join the new attribute predicate with the old one
a ComplexPredicate joining the new attribute predicate and an old or just the new attribute predicate if the old one is null


public static boolean isQueryPredicateExecutable(Predicate predicate,
                                                 java.lang.String serviceId,
                                                 boolean singleScope)
Determine if the query is executable by analyzing the Query Predicate predicate top predicate of the query serviceId service Id to see if there is match in the service Id attribute predicate singleScope boolean to specify if only single scope is supported


public static java.lang.String getQueryPredicateScope(Predicate predicate)
Get scope from query predicate.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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