Kodo 4.2.0 (DEPRECATED)

Package kodo.persistence

Kodo JPA


Interface Summary
Extent<T> Deprecated.  
FetchPlan Deprecated.  
Generator Deprecated.  
KodoEntityManager Deprecated.  
KodoEntityManagerFactory Deprecated.  
KodoQuery Deprecated.  
QueryResultCache Deprecated.  
StoreCache Deprecated.  

Class Summary
DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation Deprecated.  
KodoPersistence Deprecated.  

Annotation Types Summary
LockGroup Declares the lock group of a field.
LockGroups Pre-declares lock groups used in subclasses.

Package kodo.persistence Description

Kodo JPA

Kodo JPA extensions on top of OpenJPA. This API is compatiable to published API for Kodo 4.0. The compatibility allows applications compiled with Kodo 4.0 to be recompiled and run against Kodo 4.1 or later runtime.

Certain classes of published Kodo 4.0 have changed to interfaces in this version.

For the methods that returned a non-published class/interface in Kodo 4.0, this corresponding methods in this API return the replica OpenJPA class/interface.

Kodo 4.2.0 (DEPRECATED)

Copyright 2015 Oracle, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation is deprecated and will be removed in the next release of WebLogic Server.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Kodo 4.2.0 API Reference (DEPRECATED)
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)
Part Number E13950-03