Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13945-07
Interface JMSMessageLogFileMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, LogFileMBean

public interface JMSMessageLogFileMBean
extends LogFileMBean

This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX."

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 String getFileName()
          The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages.
 void setFileName(String fileName)
          The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages.
Methods inherited from interface
getBufferSizeKB, getDateFormatPattern, getFileCount, getFileMinSize, getFileTimeSpan, getLogFileRotationDir, getRotateLogOnStartup, getRotationTime, getRotationType, isNumberOfFilesLimited, setBufferSizeKB, setDateFormatPattern, setFileCount, setFileMinSize, setFileTimeSpan, setFileTimeSpanFactor, setLogFileRotationDir, setNumberOfFilesLimited, setRotateLogOnStartup, setRotationTime, setRotationType
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getName, getNotes, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet

Method Detail


String getFileName()

The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages. Usually it is a computed value based on the name of the parent of this MBean. For example, for a JMS server log, it is jmsserverName.log.

However, if the name of the parent cannot be obtained, the file name is weblogic.log. If you specify a relative pathname, it is interpreted as relative to the server's root directory.

To include a time and date stamp in the file name when the log file is rotated, add java.text.SimpleDateFormat variables to the file name. Surround each variable with percentage (%) characters.

For example, if the file name is defined to be myjmsserver_%yyyy%_%MM%_%dd%_%hh%_%mm%.log, the log file will be named myserver_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm.log.

When the log file is rotated, the rotated file name contains the date stamp. For example, if the log file is rotated on 2 April, 2005 at 10:05 AM, the log file that contains the old messages will be named myserver_2005_04_02_10_05.log.

If you do not include a time and date stamp, the rotated log files are numbered in order of creation. For example, myjmsserver.log00007.

Specified by:
getFileName in interface LogFileMBean
The fileName value


void setFileName(String fileName)
                 throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages. Usually it is a computed value based on the name of the parent of this MBean. For example, for a JMS server log, it is jmsserverName.log.

However, if the name of the parent cannot be obtained, the file name is weblogic.log. If you specify a relative pathname, it is interpreted as relative to the server's root directory.

To include a time and date stamp in the file name when the log file is rotated, add java.text.SimpleDateFormat variables to the file name. Surround each variable with percentage (%) characters.

For example, if the file name is defined to be myjmsserver_%yyyy%_%MM%_%dd%_%hh%_%mm%.log, the log file will be named myserver_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm.log.

When the log file is rotated, the rotated file name contains the date stamp. For example, if the log file is rotated on 2 April, 2005 at 10:05 AM, the log file that contains the old messages will be named myserver_2005_04_02_10_05.log.

If you do not include a time and date stamp, the rotated log files are numbered in order of creation. For example, myjmsserver.log00007.

Specified by:
setFileName in interface LogFileMBean
fileName - The new fileName value
See Also:
LogFileMBean.getFileName(), MachineMBean

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13945-07