B ADF Desktop Integration EL Expressions

This appendix describes the syntax for EL expressions in ADF Desktop Integration, provides guidelines for writing EL expressions, and how to use attribute control hints in EL expressions.

This appendix includes the following sections:

B.1 Guidelines for Creating EL Expressions

EL expressions that you write in your integrated Excel workbook can include:

  • Literal values that evaluate correctly to the type expected for the Oracle ADF component property. The following list describes some examples:

    • Boolean values true and false

    • Integer values such as -1, 0, and 100

    • String values such as hello world

  • Binding expressions to evaluate control binding values or hints. For example, #{row.bindings.ProductId.inputValue}.

  • Component expressions to evaluate component properties. For example, #{components.TAB416222534.rowCount}.

  • Resource bundle expressions to evaluate locale specific resources defined on the server. For example: #{res['excel.saveButton.label']}

    For more information about the supported binding, component, and resource bundle expression syntax, see EL Syntax for ADF Desktop Integration Components.

  • A valid Excel formula. An Excel formula string must start with the = character. If the literal string includes an #{...} expression, ADF Desktop Integration evaluates this expression first and inserts the resulting value into the Excel formula string. Excel then evaluates the Excel formula.

    Note the following points if you write an EL expression:

    • Excel formula elements must not be used inside an #{...} expression.

    • EL expressions should not contain references to Excel cells because EL expressions are managed within ADF configuration. Excel cannot update the ADF configuration if the referenced cell moves. A better strategy is to define a named cell reference or range using the Name box in the Excel Formula Bar. You can reference the named cell reference or named cell range reference from an EL expression. For information about defining named cell references or ranges, see Excel's documentation.

    • Excel formulas that include EL expressions

      Ensure that any Excel formula that includes EL expression has no more than 255 characters. This also applies to formulas used to set conditional values to component properties.

B.2 EL Syntax for ADF Desktop Integration Components

Table B-1 lists supported expression properties for the ADF Desktop Integration components that support EL expressions.

The EL expressions use the following syntax to reference these properties:


where componentID references the ID of the component and property references the property (for example, rowCount).

Table B-1 Expression Properties for ADF Desktop Integration Components

Property Component Type Property Type Expected Runtime Values Value at Design Time



Read-only Table






Read-only Table


>= 0 AND < RowCount (zero based index)














Write EL expressions with the following syntax to retrieve:

Table B-2 describes the supported syntax and properties for Oracle ADF control bindings. For information about the attribute control hints (controlHint) that ADF Desktop Integration supports, see Table B-3 .

You can use the expression builder described in Using the Expression Builder to generate some of the EL expressions described in Table B-2 .

Table B-2 Expression Properties and Syntax for Oracle ADF Control Bindings

Syntax Component Type Object Property Value at Design Time

Use the expression builder to generate EL expressions with the following syntax:


You can also write the previous EL expressions in addition to the following EL expression:



Attribute control hint


Use the expression builder to generate EL expressions with the following syntax:



Attribute control hint


Write EL expressions with the following syntax for a column in a table-type component


Write an EL expression with the following syntax when adding a dynamic column to an ADF Table component as described in Adding a Dynamic Column to Your ADF Table Component:


A value for AttributeNamePrefix and [TreeNodeID] is optional while * is required.




B.3 Attribute Control Hints in ADF Desktop Integration

ADF Desktop Integration can read the values of the attribute control hint names described in Table B-3 . You write EL expressions that ADF Desktop Integration uses to retrieve the value of an attribute control hint from your Fusion web application. Table B-2 describes the EL expression syntax that retrieves the values of attribute control hints at runtime.

You configure attribute control hints in your Fusion web application. Information about how to add an attribute control hint to an entity object can be found in the "Defining Attribute Control Hints for Entity Objects" section of Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework. Information about how to add an attribute control hint to a view object can be found in the "Defining UI Hints for View Objects" section of the Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Table B-3 Attribute Control Hints Used by ADF Desktop Integration

Attribute Control Hint Type Value to configure in the Fusion web application



Returns the value of the label attribute control hint configured for an entity or view object.



Returns true if the associated attribute binding is updatable.



This attribute control hint is unique to ADF Desktop Integration. Returns true if the associated attribute binding is not updatable.

To optimize the performance of an integrated Excel workbook when it evaluates Excel formulas in EL expressions, you should write an EL expression with the following syntax for a component's ReadOnly property:


rather than:


Note that the attribute control hint readOnly property differs to the ReadOnly property of ADF Desktop Integration components described in Frequently Used Properties in the ADF Desktop Integration.



Returns true if a value for the associated attribute binding is required.



Returns the data type of the attribute control hint. A Fusion web application can support many data types with complex names. The dataType attribute control hint was introduced in ADF Desktop Integration to simplify the writing of EL expressions. It maps the data types that a Fusion web application supports to the values supported by ADF Desktop Integration listed here:

  • string

  • number

  • date

  • boolean

  • other



Returns the message value of the Tooltip attribute control hint configured for an entity or view object.



Returns the value of the Width attribute control hint configured for an entity or the view object. The value represents the width in number of characters.

The displayWidth hint can be used in a table column's Width property when ResizeMode for that column is set to SpecifiedWidth.

For more information about display width, see the "How to Set User Interface Hints on View Criteria to Support Search Forms" section in Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

The ADF Desktop Integration attribute control hints are based on information available in the web application's model configuration. ADF Desktop Integration supports view object or entity object hint values, but does not support programmatic overrides of hint values if they are calculated at a row-by-row level at runtime.

ADF Desktop Integration also supports custom attribute properties in table EL-based properties. For more information, see Using ADF Desktop Integration EL-based Properties with Custom Attribute Properties.