32 Using Treemap and Sunburst Components

This chapter describes how to use the ADF Data Visualization treemap and sunburst components to display hierarchical data in treemaps and sunbursts using simple UI-first development. The chapter defines the data requirements, tag structure, and options for customizing the look and behavior of the components.

If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can also use data controls to create treemaps and sunbursts. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

This chapter includes the following sections:

32.1 Introduction to Treemaps and Sunbursts

Use treemaps and sunbursts to display quantitative hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented visually by size and color. For example, you can use a treemap or sunburst to display quarterly regional sales and to identify sales trends, using the size of the node to indicate each region's sales volume and the node's color to indicate whether that region's sales increased or decreased over the quarter.

Treemaps and sunbursts use a shape called a node to reference the data in the hierarchy. The appearance and content of the nodes is configurable at each level of the hierarchy.

32.1.1 Treemap and Sunburst Use Cases and Examples

Treemaps display nodes as a set of nested rectangles. Each branch of the tree is given a rectangle, which is then tiled with smaller rectangles representing sub-branches. Figure 32-1 shows a treemap displaying United States census data grouped by regions, with the color attribute used to indicate median income levels. States with larger populations display in larger-sized nodes than states with smaller populations.

Figure 32-1 Treemap Displaying United States Population and Median Income by Regions

Treemap of US Regional Population and Median Income

Sunbursts display the nodes in a radial rather than a rectangular layout, with the top of the hierarchy at the center and deeper levels farther away from the center. Figure 32-2 shows the same census data displayed in a sunburst.

Figure 32-2 Sunburst Displaying United States Population and Median Income by Regions

Sunburst of US Regional Population and Median Income

Both treemaps and sunbursts can display thousands of data points in a relatively small spatial area. These components are a good choice for identifying trends for large hierarchical data sets, where the proportional size of the nodes represents their importance compared to the whole. Color can also be used to represent an additional dimension of information.

Use treemaps if you are primarily interested in displaying two metrics of data using size and color at a single layer of the hierarchy. Use sunbursts instead if you want to display the metrics for all levels in the hierarchy. Drilling can be enabled to allow the end user to traverse the hierarchy and focus in on key parts of the data.

If your application uses a smaller data set or you wish to emphasize the parent/child relationship between the nodes, then consider using the tree, treeTable, or hierarchyViewer component. For information about using trees and tree tables, see Chapter 10, "Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components." For information about using hierarchy viewers, see Chapter 31, "Using Hierarchy Viewer Components."

32.1.2 End User and Presentation Features of Treemaps and Sunbursts

The ADF Data Visualization treemap and sunburst components provide a range of features for end users, such as drilling, grouping, and filtering. They also provide a range of presentation features, such as layout variations, legend display, and customizable colors and label styles.

To use and customize treemap and sunburst components, it may be helpful to understand these features and components: Treemap and Sunburst Layouts

You define the initial layout of the treemap or sunburst when you insert the component on the page from either the Data Controls panel to bind a data collection to the treemap or sunburst component or from the Component Palette to insert the component.

The sunburst component has only one layout, as shown in Figure 32-2.

The layout of nodes in a treemap component is configurable and includes the following types of layouts:

  • Squarified, nodes are laid out to be as square as possible.

    The squarified layout is optimized so that the user can most easily compare the relative sizes of the nodes and is the layout displayed in Figure 32-1.

  • Slice and dice horizontal, nodes are first laid out horizontally across the width of the treemap and then vertically across the height of the treemap.

    This layout is optimized for animation because the relative ordering of the nodes remains constant. Figure 32-3 displays the sample United States census data in the slice and dice horizontal layout.

    Figure 32-3 Treemap Displaying United States Census Data in Slice and Dice Horizontal Layout

    Treemap Using Slice and Dice Horizontal Layout
  • Slice and dice vertical, nodes are first laid out vertically across the height of the treemap and then horizontally across the width of the treemap.

    This layout is also optimized for animation because the relative ordering of the nodes remains constant. Figure 32-4 displays the sample United States census data in the slice and dice vertical layout.

    Figure 32-4 Treemap Displaying United States Census Data in Slice and Dice Vertical Layout

    Treemap Using Slice and Dice Vertical Layout Attribute Groups

Treemaps and sunbursts support the use of the dvt:attributeGroups tag to generate stylistic attribute values such as colors for each unique group in the data set.

In treemaps and sunbursts, the data values determine which color to display. Both components display continuous data by selecting a color across a gradient, in which the nodes change color gradually based on the data values. The treemap in Figure 32-1 uses gradients to display the median income as a range of data.

For discrete data, treemaps and sunbursts display a specific color, also based on the data value. Figure 32-5 shows the same United States census population using two colors to distinguish between high and low median incomes.

Figure 32-5 Treemap Displaying Discrete Attribute Groups

Treemap Using Discrete Attribute Groups Legend Support

Treemaps and sunbursts display legends below the components to provide a visual clue to the type of data controlling the size and color. If the component uses attribute groups to specify colors based on conditions such as income levels, the legend can also display the colors used and indicate what value each color represents.

The treemap in Figure 32-5 displays a legend for a treemap using discrete attribute groups. The legend makes it easy to determine which colors are used to indicate low or high median incomes.

If your treemap uses continuous attribute groups, the legend displays the colors used as a gradient. The treemap in Figure 32-1 shows a legend for a treemap using continuous attribute groups to indicate median income levels. Pattern Support

Treemaps and sunbursts display patterns when values are specified for the fillPattern attribute on the child nodes. The pattern is drawn with a white background, and the fillColor value determines the foreground color.

Figure 32-6 shows a sunburst configured with an assortment of fill patterns.

Figure 32-6 Sunburst Illustrating Pattern Fill

Sunburst with Patten Fill Node Selection Support

Treemaps and sunbursts support the ability to respond to user clicks on one or more nodes to display information about the selected node(s).

Figure 32-7 shows a treemap configured for multiple selection support.

Figure 32-7 Treemap Illustrating Multiple Selection Support

Treemap With Multiple Selection Support Tooltip Support

Treemaps and sunbursts support the ability to display additional information about a node when the user moves the mouse over a node.

Figure 32-8 shows the tooltip that is displayed when the user moves the mouse over the Alaska node.

Figure 32-8 Treemap Displaying a Tooltip

Treemap Tooltip

The tooltip permits the user to see information about the data that may not be obvious from the visual display. Configuring tooltips on treemaps and sunbursts is recommended due to the space-constrained nature of the components. Popup Support

Treemap and sunburst components can be configured to display popup dialogs, windows, and menus that provide information or request input when the user clicks or hovers the mouse over a node. Figure 32-9 shows a sample popup displayed when a user hovers the mouse over one of the treemap nodes.

Figure 32-9 Treemap Popup on Mouse Hover

Treemap Popup on Mouse Hover

Figure 32-10 shows a similar popup window that is displayed when the user clicks on one of the sunburst nodes.

Figure 32-10 Sunburst Popup on Mouse Click

Sunburst Popup on Click Context Menus

Treemaps and sunbursts support the ability to display context menus to provide additional information about the selected node. Figure 32-11 shows a context menu displayed when the user right-clicks on one of the sunburst nodes.

Figure 32-11 Sunburst Context Menu

Sunburst Context Menu Drilling Support

Treemap and sunburst components support drilling to navigate through the hierarchy and display more detailed information about a node.

Figure 32-12 shows the treemap that is displayed when a user clicks on the West Region header text in Figure 32-5. The user can navigate back up the hierarchy by clicking on the United States > West Region breadcrumb.

Figure 32-12 Treemap Drilled on a Group Node Header

Treemap Drilled on Group Header

The user can also double-click on a node to set the node as the root of the hierarchy as shown in Figure 32-13.

Figure 32-13 Treemap Drilled on a Node

Treemap Drilled on Node

To drill on a sunburst component, the user double-clicks a sunburst node to set it as the root of the hierarchy as shown in Figure 32-14. The user can navigate back up the hierarchy by clicking the United States > West Region breadcrumb or by pressing the shift key and double-clicking the West Region node.

Figure 32-14 Sunburst Drilled on a Node

Sunburst Drilled on Node

Sunbursts also provide the ability to expand or collapse the children of a selected node. Users click the Expand icon that appears when the user moves the mouse over the node to expand it. To collapse the children, users click Collapse.

Figure 32-15 shows a sunburst configured for asymmetric drilling.

Figure 32-15 Sunburst Configured for Asymmetric Drilling

Sunburst Showing Asymmetric Drilling Other Node Support

Treemap and sunburst components provide the ability to aggregate data if your data model includes a large number of smaller contributors in relation to the larger contributors.

Figure 32-16 shows the census treemap displayed in Figure 32-5 with the Other node configured. In this example, the South Carolina, Delaware, West Virginia, and District of Columbia nodes in the South Atlantic region are represented by the Other node.

Figure 32-16 Treemap Displaying Other Node

Treemap Displaying Other Node Drag and Drop Support

Treemap and sunburst components support drag and drop both as a drop source and a drop target.

Figure 32-17 shows a treemap configured as a drag source. When the user drags one of the nodes to the text on the right, the text changes to reflect which node was dragged.

Figure 32-17 Treemap Configured as a Drag Source

Treemap Configured as Drag Source

Figure 32-18 shows a treemap configured as a drop target. When the user drags the text on the right to one of the nodes, the text changes to reflect which node received the text.

Figure 32-18 Treemap Configured as a Drop Target

Treemap Configured as Drop Target Sorting Support

Treemap and sunburst components support sorting to display nodes with the same parent by size. This feature is useful if your data model is not already sorted because it makes comparison of the nodes easier.

Figure 32-19 shows a sorted treemap. The nodes are arranged in decreasing size, making it easy to see which regions have the largest population.

Figure 32-19 Sorted Treemap

Sorted Treemap


Treemaps support sorting in the slice and dice layouts only. Treemap and Sunburst Image Formats

Treemaps and sunbursts support the following image formats: HTML5, Flash, and Portable Network Graphics (PNG).

By default, treemaps and sunbursts will display in the best output format supported by the client browser. If the best output format is not available on the client, the application will default to an available format. For example, if the client does not support HTML5, the application will use:

  • Flash, if the Flash Player is available.

    You can control the use of Flash content across the entire application by setting a flash-player-usage context parameter in adf-config.xml. For more information, see Section A.4.3, "Configuring Flash as Component Output Format."

  • PNG output format. Although static rendering is fully supported when using a PNG output format, certain interactive features are not available including:

    • Animation

    • Context menus

    • Drag and drop gestures

    • Popup support

    • Selection Advanced Node Content

Treemaps and sunbursts provide a content facet on the nodes to add content that would not normally fit into a text label. For sunbursts, the advanced content is displayed on the root node. For treemaps, the advanced content is displayed on the leaf nodes.

Figure 32-20 shows an example of a sunburst using advanced node content on the root node. In this example, the root node displays an image and title in addition to the node text.

Figure 32-20 Sunburst Displaying Advanced Root Node Content

Sunburst Showing Advanced Root Node Content

Figure 32-21 shows an example of a treemap using advanced node content.

Figure 32-21 Treemap Displaying Advanced Node Content

Treemap Displaying Advanced Node Content Printing and Email Support

ADF Faces allows you to output your JSF page in a simplified mode for printing or for emailing. For example, you may want users to be able to print a page (or a portion of a page), but instead of printing the page exactly as it is rendered in a web browser, you want to remove items that are not needed on a printed page, such as scroll bars and buttons. If a page is to be emailed, the page must be simplified so that email clients can correctly display it. For more information, see Chapter 36, "Using Different Output Modes." Active Data Support (ADS)

Treemaps and sunbursts support ADS by sending a Partial Page Refresh (PPR) request when an active data event is received. The PPR response updates the components, animating the changes as needed. Supported ADS events include:

  • Node size updates

  • Node color updates

  • Node label updates

  • Node insertion

  • Node deletion

  • Enhanced node content changes Isolation Support (Treemap Only)

Treemaps provide isolation support to focus on comparisons within groups of displayed data. Users click the Isolate icon that appears when the user moves the mouse over the group header to maximize the group.

Figure 32-22 shows the Isolate icon that appears when the user moves the mouse over the South Atlantic group header.

Figure 32-22 Isolate Icon Displayed on Treemap Group Header

Treemap Isolate Icon

Figure 32-23 shows the treemap that is displayed when the users click Isolate for the South Atlantic region in Figure 32-22.

To restore the treemap to the original view, users click Restore.

Figure 32-23 Treemap Isolated on a Group

Isolated Treemap Group Node Treemap Group Node Header Customization (Treemap Only)

When the treemap displays multiple levels, the parent level is displayed in a group header. By default, the group header is displayed with a white background, and the group's title is aligned to the left in left-to-right mode and displayed with black text.

Figure 32-24 shows a portion of a treemap with node headers. In this example, the South Region and South Atlantic headers are formatted with the default formatting.

Figure 32-24 Treemap Showing Default Node Header Formatting

Treemap Default Group Node Header

You can customize the headers to use the node's color, change the text alignment or customize the font.

Figure 32-25 shows the same treemap with the node header formatted to use the node's color, align the title to the center and change the font size and color.

Figure 32-25 Treemap Showing Formatted Group Node Headers

Treemap with Formatted Headers

In this example, the treemap nodes are displayed in red when the income levels are lower than $50,000, and the treemap nodes are displayed in blue when the income levels are higher than $50,000.

The South Atlantic node header is displayed in blue because the color is calculated from the same rules that were used to calculate the color of the individual nodes. In this case, the income levels of all nodes contained within the South Atlantic division are higher than $50,000. However, the South Region node header is displayed in red because it also includes the West South Central and East South Central divisions. In this case, the income levels of all nodes contained within the South Region are less than $50,000.

32.2 Using the Treemap and Sunburst Components

To use the treemap and sunburst components, define the data, add the treemap or sunburst to a page and complete the additional configuration in JDeveloper.

32.2.1 Treemap and Sunburst Data Requirements

Treemap and sunburst components require data collections where a master-detail relationship exists between one or more detail collections and a master detail collection. Both components use the same data model as the ADF Faces tree component. For more information about the tree component, see Section 10.5, "Displaying Data in Trees."

Treemaps and sunbursts require that the following attributes be set in JDeveloper:

  • value: the size of the node

  • fillColor: the color of the node

  • label: a text identifier for the node

The values for the value and label attributes must be stored in the treemap's or sunburst's data model or in classes and managed beans if you are using UI-first development. You can specify the fillColor values in the data model, classes, and managed beans, or declaratively in the Property Inspector.

Figure 32-26 shows a subset of the data used to generate the treemap in Figure 32-1. This is the same data used to generate the sunburst in Figure 32-2.

Figure 32-26 Treemap and Sunburst Sample Data

Treemap Sample Data

In this example, United States is the root node with three child levels: region, division, and state.

In order to configure a treemap or sunburst successfully, ensure that the data adheres to the following rules:

  • Each child node can have only one parent node.

  • There can be no skipped levels.

To create a treemap or sunburst model in UI-first development, use classes and managed beans to define the tree node and tree model, populate the tree with data and add additional methods as needed to configure the treemap or sunburst.

Example 32-1 shows a code sample defining the tree node in the census data example. Note that the required settings for label, size, and color are passed in as parameters to the tree node.

Example 32-1 Code Sample to Create a Treemap or Sunburst Tree Node

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TreeNode {
  private final String m_text;
  private final Number m_size;
  private final Color m_color;
  private final List<TreeNode> m_children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
  public TreeNode(String text, Number size, Color color) {
    m_text = text;
    m_size = size;
    m_color = color;
  public String getText() {
    return m_text;
  public Number getSize() {
    return m_size;
  public Color getColor() {
    return m_color;
  public void addChild(TreeNode child) {
  public void addChildren(List<TreeNode> children) {
  public List<TreeNode> getChildren() {
    return m_children;
  public String toString() {
    return m_text + ": " + m_color + " " + Math.round(m_size.doubleValue());

To supply data to the treemap or sunburst in UI-first development, add a class or managed bean to your application that extends the tree node in Example 32-1 and populates it with data. The class to set up the tree model must be an implementation of the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel class. Once the tree model is defined, create a method that implements the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChildPropertyTreeModel to complete the tree model. See Example 32-2 for the class that sets up the root and child node structure, populates the child levels with data and defines the color and node sizes in the census data example.

Example 32-2 Code Sample Creating Census Data Model for Treemap and Sunburst

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChildPropertyTreeModel;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel;

public class CensusData {

  public static TreeModel getUnitedStatesData() {
    return getModel(ROOT);
  public static TreeModel getRegionWestData() {
    return getModel(REGION_W);
  public static TreeModel getRegionNortheastData() {
    return getModel(REGION_NE);
  public static TreeModel getRegionMidwestData() {
    return getModel(REGION_MW);
  public static TreeModel getRegionSouthData() {
    return getModel(REGION_S);
  public static TreeModel getDivisionPacificData() {
    return getModel(DIVISION_P);

  private static TreeModel getModel(DataItem rootItem) {
    TreeNode root = getTreeNode(rootItem);
    return new ChildPropertyTreeModel(root, "children");

  private static TreeNode getTreeNode(DataItem dataItem)
    // Create the node itself
    TreeNode node = new CensusTreeNode(dataItem.getName(),
                        getColor(dataItem.getIncome(), MIN_INCOME, MAX_INCOME),
    // Create its children
    List<TreeNode> children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
    for(DataItem childItem : dataItem.children) {
    // Add the children and return
    return node;
  private static Color getColor(double value, double min, double max) {
    double percent = Math.max((value - min) / max, 0);
    if(percent > 0.5) {
      double modifier = (percent - 0.5) * 2;
      return new Color((int)(modifier*102), (int)(modifier*153), (int)(modifier*51));
    else {
      double modifier = percent *2;
      return new Color((int)(modifier*204), (int)(modifier*51), 0);

  public static class DataItem {
    private final String name;
    private final int population;
    private final int income;
    private final List<DataItem> children;

    public DataItem(String name, int population, int income) {
      this.name = name;
      this.population = population;
      this.income = income;
      this.children = new ArrayList<DataItem>();
    public void addChild(DataItem child) {
    public String getName() {
      return name;
    public int getPopulation() {
      return population;
    public int getIncome() {
      return income;
    public List<CensusData.DataItem> getChildren() {
      return children;

  private static final int MIN_INCOME = 0;
  private static final int MAX_INCOME = 70000;
  private static final DataItem ROOT = new DataItem("United States", 301461533, 51425);
  private static final DataItem REGION_NE = new DataItem("Northeast Region", 54906297, 57208);
  private static final DataItem REGION_MW = new DataItem("Midwest Region", 66336038, 49932);
  private static final DataItem REGION_S = new DataItem("South Region", 110450832, 47204);
  private static final DataItem REGION_W = new DataItem("West Region", 69768366, 56171);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_NE = new DataItem("New England", 14315257, 61511);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_MA = new DataItem("Middle Atlantic", 40591040, 55726);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_ENC = new DataItem("East North Central", 46277998, 50156);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_WNC = new DataItem("West North Central", 20058040, 49443);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_SA = new DataItem("South Atlantic", 57805475, 50188);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_ESC = new DataItem("East South Central", 17966553, 41130);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_WSC = new DataItem("West South Central", 34678804, 45608);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_M = new DataItem("Mountain", 21303294, 51504);
  private static final DataItem DIVISION_P = new DataItem("Pacific", 48465072, 58735);

  static {
    // Set up the regions

    // Set up the divisions

    // Set up the states
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("Connecticut", 3494487, 67721));
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("Maine", 1316380, 46541));
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("Massachusetts", 6511176, 64496));
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("New Hampshire", 1315419, 63033));
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("Rhode Island", 1057381, 55569));
    DIVISION_NE.addChild(new DataItem("Vermont", 620414, 51284));

    DIVISION_MA.addChild(new DataItem("New Jersey", 8650548, 68981));
    DIVISION_MA.addChild(new DataItem("New York", 19423896, 55233));
    DIVISION_MA.addChild(new DataItem("Pennsylvania", 12516596, 49737));

    DIVISION_ENC.addChild(new DataItem("Indiana", 6342469, 47465));
    DIVISION_ENC.addChild(new DataItem("Illinois", 12785043, 55222));
    DIVISION_ENC.addChild(new DataItem("Michigan", 10039208, 48700));
    DIVISION_ENC.addChild(new DataItem("Ohio", 11511858, 47144));
    DIVISION_ENC.addChild(new DataItem("Wisconsin", 5599420, 51569));

    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("Iowa", 2978880, 48052));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("Kansas", 2777835, 48394));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("Minnesota", 5188581, 57007));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("Missouri", 5904382, 46005));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("Nebraska", 1772124, 47995));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("North Dakota", 639725, 45140));
    DIVISION_WNC.addChild(new DataItem("South Dakota", 796513, 44828));

    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("Delaware", 863832, 57618));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("District of Columbia", 588433, 56519));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("Florida", 18222420, 47450));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("Georgia", 9497667, 49466));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("Maryland", 5637418, 69475));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("North Carolina", 9045705, 45069));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("South Carolina", 4416867, 43572));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("Virginia", 7721730, 60316));
    DIVISION_SA.addChild(new DataItem("West Virginia", 1811403, 37356));

    DIVISION_ESC.addChild(new DataItem("Alabama", 4633360, 41216));
    DIVISION_ESC.addChild(new DataItem("Kentucky", 4252000, 41197));
    DIVISION_ESC.addChild(new DataItem("Mississippi", 2922240, 36796));
    DIVISION_ESC.addChild(new DataItem("Tennessee", 6158953, 42943));

    DIVISION_WSC.addChild(new DataItem("Arkansas", 2838143, 38542));
    DIVISION_WSC.addChild(new DataItem("Louisiana", 4411546, 42167));
    DIVISION_WSC.addChild(new DataItem("Oklahoma", 3610073, 41861));
    DIVISION_WSC.addChild(new DataItem("Texas", 23819042, 48199));

    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Arizona", 6324865, 50296));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Colorado", 4843211, 56222));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Idaho", 1492573, 46183));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Montana", 956257, 43089));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Nevada", 2545763, 55585));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("New Mexico", 1964860, 42742));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Utah", 2651816, 55642));
    DIVISION_M.addChild(new DataItem("Wyoming", 523949, 51990));

    DIVISION_P.addChild(new DataItem("Alaska", 683142, 64635));
    DIVISION_P.addChild(new DataItem("California", 36308527, 60392));
    DIVISION_P.addChild(new DataItem("Hawaii", 1280241, 64661));
    DIVISION_P.addChild(new DataItem("Oregon", 3727407, 49033));
    DIVISION_P.addChild(new DataItem("Washington", 6465755, 56384));

  public static class CensusTreeNode extends TreeNode {
    private int income;

    public CensusTreeNode(String text, Number size, Color color, int income) {
      super(text, size, color);
      this.income = income;

    public int getIncome() {
      return income;

Finally, to complete the tree model in UI-first development, add a managed bean to your application that references the class or bean that contains the data and, optionally, add any other methods to customize the treemap or sunburst.

Example 32-3 shows a code sample that will instantiate the census treemap and populate it with census data. The example also includes a sample method (convertToString) that will convert the treemap node's row data to a string for label display. To use this code on a sunburst, substitute sunburst for every reference to treemap in the sample code below.

Example 32-3 Managed Bean Example to Set Census Data Treemap

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXHierarchy;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel;
import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.treemap.UITreemap;
public class SampleTreemap {
  // Data Model Attrs
  private TreeModel currentModel;
  private final CensusData censusData = new CensusData();
  private String censusRoot = "United States";
  private UITreemap treemap;
  public TreeModel getCensusRootData() {
    return censusData.getUnitedStatesData();
  public TreeModel getCensusData() {
    if ("West Region".equals(censusRoot))
      return censusData.getRegionWestData();
    else if ("South Region".equals(censusRoot))
      return censusData.getRegionSouthData();
    else if ("Midwest Region".equals(censusRoot))
      return censusData.getRegionMidwestData();
    else if ("Northeast Region".equals(censusRoot))
      return censusData.getRegionNortheastData();
    else if ("Pacific Division".equals(censusRoot))
      return censusData.getDivisionPacificData();
      return censusData.getUnitedStatesData();
  public TreeModel getData() {
    // Return cached data model if available
    if(currentModel != null)
      return currentModel;
    currentModel = getCensusData();
    return currentModel;
  public void setCensusRoot(String censusRoot) {
    this.censusRoot = censusRoot;
  public String getCensusRoot() {
    return censusRoot;
  //Converts the rowKeySet into a string of node text labels.
  public static String convertToString(RowKeySet rowKeySet,
                                       UIXHierarchy hierarchy) {
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
    // save the current rowkey because we will lose this state in the for-loop
    // when we setRowKey and then get the rowData
    Object savedKey = hierarchy.getRowKey();
    try {
      if (rowKeySet != null) {
        for (Object rowKey : rowKeySet) {
          TreeNode rowData = (TreeNode)hierarchy.getRowData();
          s.append(rowData.getText()).append(", ");
      // Remove the trailing comma
      if (s.length() > 0)
        s.setLength(s.length() - 2);
    } finally {
        return s.toString();
  public void setTreemap(UITreemap treemap) {
        this.treemap = treemap;
  public UITreemap getTreemap() {
        return treemap;

32.2.2 Using the Treemap Component

To use the treemap component, add the treemap to a page and complete the additional configuration in JDeveloper. Configuring Treemaps

The treemap component has configurable attributes and child components that you can add or modify to customize the display or behavior of the treemap. The prefix dvt: occurs at the beginning of each treemap component name indicating that the component belongs to the ADF Data Visualization Tools (DVT) tag library.

You can configure treemap child components, attributes, and supported facets in the following areas:

  • Treemap (dvt:treemap): Wraps the treemap nodes. Configure the following attributes to control the treemap display.

    • Labels: Use the colorLabel and sizeLabel attributes to identify the color and size metrics for the treemap. Treemaps require these labels for legend display.

    • Legend source (legendSource): Use this attribute to display a legend for treemaps configured with attribute groups. Specify the id of the attribute group.

    • Display child levels (displayLevelsChildren): Specify the number of child levels to display. By default, treemaps display the root and the first two child levels.

    • Animation: Use the animationOnDisplay attribute to control the initial animation and the animationOnDataChange attribute to control subsequent animations. To change the animation duration from the default duration of 500 milliseconds, modify the animationDuration attribute.

    • Empty text (emptyText): Use the emptyText attribute to specify the text to display if a treemap node contains no data.

    • Group gaps (groupGaps): Specify the gaps to display between groups. By default, this attribute is set to outer, and the treemap displays gaps between the outer nodes only. You can remove all gaps by setting this attribute to none or add gaps between all groups by setting this attribute to all.

    • Sorting (sorting): Use this attribute to sort all nodes having the same parent in descending size.

    • Other group: Use the otherThreshold, otherThresholdBasis,otherColor, and otherPattern attributes to aggregate child data into an Other node.

  • Treemap node (dvt:treemapNode): child of the treemap component. This tag defines the size and color for each node in the treemap and is stamped for each row in the data model. If you want to vary the stamp by row, use the ADF Faces af:switcher component, and insert a treemap node for each row. Configure the following attributes to control the node display:

    • value (required): Specify the value of the treemap node. The value determines the relative size of the node within the treemap.

    • fillColor (required): Specify the fill color for the node in RGB hexadecimal. This value is also required for the treemap to display properly.

    • fillPattern: Specify an optional fill pattern to use. The pattern is drawn with a white background and the foreground color uses the color specified in the fillColor attribute.

    • groupLabelDisplay: Specify where you want the group label to appear. By default this value is set to header which will display the label on the group header. You can also set it to off to turn off the label display or node to display the label inside the node.

    • label: Specify the label for the node.

    • labelDisplay: Specify where you want the node label to appear. By default, this attribute is set to node which will display the label inside the node, but you can also set it to off to turn off the label display.

      You can further customize the label display by setting the labelHalign, labelStyle, and labelValign attributes.

  • Treemap node header (dvt:treemapNodeHeader): optional child of the treemap node. Add this attribute to configure the following node header attributes:

    • isolate: By default, this attribute is set to on, but you can set it to off to disable isolation support.

    • labelStyle: Specify the font style.

    • useNodeColor: By default, this attribute is set to off. Set this to on to display the node's color in the header.

    • titleHalign: Specify where you want the title to appear in the header. By default, this attribute is set to start which aligns the title to the left in left-to-right mode and aligns it to the right in to right-to-left mode.

  • Attribute group (dvt:attributeGroup): optional child of the treemap node. Add this attribute to generate fillColor and fillPattern values automatically based on categorical bucketing or continuous classification of the data set.

  • Supported facets: optional children of the treemap or treemap node. The treemap component supports facets for displaying popup components, and the treemap's node component supports a content facet for providing additional detail when the treemap node's label is not sufficient.

Treemaps also share much of the same functionality and tags as other DVT components. For a complete list of treemap tags, consult the Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces. How to Add a Treemap to a Page

When you are designing your page using simple UI-first development, you use the Component Palette to add a treemap to a JSF page. When you drag and drop a treemap component onto the page, a Create Treemap dialog displays. Figure 32-27 shows the Create Treemap dialog.

Figure 32-27 Create Treemap Dialog Using UI-First Development

Create Treemap Dialog - UI First

If you click OK, the treemap is added to your page, and you can use the Property Inspector to specify data values and configure additional display attributes. Alternatively, you can choose to bind the data during creation and use the dialog to configure the associated node data.

In the Property Inspector you can use the dropdown menu for each attribute field to display a property description and options such as displaying an EL Expression Builder or other specialized dialogs. Figure 32-28 shows the dropdown menu for a treemap value attribute.

Figure 32-28 Treemap Value Attribute Dropdown Menu

Treemap value attribute dropdown menu


If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can use data controls to create a treemap and the binding will be done for you. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and treemap child tags can affect functionality. For more information, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

You must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create an application workspace as described in Section 2.2, "Creating an Application Workspace."

  2. Create a view page as described in Section 2.4, "Creating a View Page."

To add a treemap to a page:

  1. In the ADF Data Visualization page of the Component Palette, from the Common panel, drag and drop a Treemap component onto the page to open the Create Treemap dialog.

  2. In the Create Treemap dialog, click OK to add the treemap to the page.

    Optionally, use the dialog to bind the treemap by selecting Bind Data Now and navigating to the ADF data control that represents the data you wish to display on the treemap. If you choose this option, the data binding fields in the dialog will be available for editing. For help with the dialog, press F1 or click Help.

  3. In the Property Inspector, view the attributes for the treemap. Use the help button to display the complete tag documentation for the treemap component.

  4. Expand the Appearance section, and enter values for the following attributes:

    • Layout: Use the attribute's dropdown menu to change the default layout from squarified to sliceAndDiceHorizontal or sliceAndDiceVertical.

      See Section, "Treemap and Sunburst Layouts" for sample images of treemap layouts.

    • Summary: Enter a summary of the treemap's purpose and structure for screen reader support. What Happens When You Add a Treemap to a Page

JDeveloper generates only a minimal set of tags when you drag and drop a treemap from the Component Palette onto a JSF page and choose not to bind the data during creation. Example 32-4 shows the generated code.

Example 32-4 Treemap Sample Code in UI-First Development

<dvt:treemap id="t1">
  <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1"/>

If you choose to bind the data to a data control when creating the treemap, JDeveloper generates code based on the data model. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

32.2.3 Using the Sunburst Component

To use the sunburst component, add the sunburst to a page and complete the additional configuration in JDeveloper. Configuring Sunbursts

The sunburst component has configurable attributes and child components that you can add or modify to customize the display or behavior of the treemap. The prefix dvt: occurs at the beginning of each treemap component name indicating that the component belongs to the ADF Data Visualization Tools (DVT) tag library.

You can configure sunburst child components, attributes, and supported facets in the following areas:

  • Sunburst (dvt:sunburst): Wraps the sunburst nodes. Configure the following attributes to control the sunburst display.

    • Labels: Use the colorLabel and sizeLabel attributes to identify the color and size metrics for the sunburst. Sunbursts require these labels for legend display.

    • Legend source (legendSource): Use this attribute to display a legend for sunbursts configured with attribute groups. Specify the id of the attribute group.

    • Display child levels (displayLevelsChildren): Specify the number of child levels to display. By default, sunbursts display the root and the first two child levels.

    • Animation: Use the animationOnDisplay attribute to control the initial animation and the animationOnDataChange attribute to control subsequent animations. To change the animation duration from the default duration of 500 milliseconds, modify the animationDuration attribute.

    • Rotation (rotation): Use this attribute to enable client-side sunburst rotation.

    • Start angle (startAngle): Specify the starting angle of the sunburst.

    • Empty text (emptyText): Use the emptyText attribute to specify the text to display if a sunburst node contains no data.

    • Sorting (sorting): Use this attribute to sort all nodes having the same parent in descending size.

    • Other group: Use the otherThreshold, otherThresholdBasis,otherColor, and otherPattern attributes to aggregate child data into an Other node.

  • Sunburst node (dvt:sunburstNode): child of the sunburst component. This tag defines the size and color for each node in the sunburst and is stamped for each row in the data model. If you want to vary the stamp by row, use the ADF Faces af:switcher component, and insert a sunburst node for each row. Configure the following attributes to control the node display:

    • value (required): Specify the value of the sunburst node. The value determines the relative size of the node within the sunburst.

    • fillColor (required): Specify the fill color for the node in RGB hexadecimal. This value is also required for the sunburst to display properly.

    • fillPattern: Specify an optional fill pattern to use. The pattern is drawn with a white background and the foreground color uses the color specified in the fillColor attribute.

    • label: Specify the label for the node.

    • labelDisplay: Specify how you want the node label to appear. By default, this attribute is set to auto, and the sunburst will display rotated labels inside the node if the client supports rotated text. If the client does not support rotated text, the sunburst will display horizontal labels inside the node instead. You can also set it to off to turn off the label display, to on to display horizontal labels within the nodes, or to rotated to display rotated labels.


      Rotated text is not supported on all client technologies. In particular, rotated text is not supported on clients using the Flash image format. If the client does not support rotated text and the labelDisplay attribute is set to auto or rotated, the sunburst will display horizontal labels within the nodes.
    • labelHalign: Specify the label alignment for the node. By default, this attribute is set to center which aligns the label in the center of a node slice. You can also set this to inner which aligns the label to the inner side of a slice, or outer which aligns the label to the outer side of a slice.

    • radius: Specify the radius of the node relative to the other nodes. By default, this attribute is set to 1. You can specify a value or enter an El Expression that returns the radius for the node.

  • Attribute group (dvt:attributeGroup): optional child of the sunburst node. Add this attribute to generate fillColor and fillPattern values automatically based on categorical bucketing or continuous classification of the data set.

  • Supported facets: optional children of the sunburst or sunburst node. The sunburst component supports facets for displaying popup components, and the sunburst's node component supports a content facet for providing additional detail when the sunburst node's label is not sufficient.

Sunbursts also share much of the same functionality and tags as other DVT components. For a complete list of sunburst tags, consult the Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces. How to Add a Sunburst to a Page

When you are designing your page using simple UI-first development, you use the Component Palette to add a sunburst to a JSF page. When you drag and drop a sunburst component onto the page, a Create Sunburst dialog displays. Figure 32-29 shows the Create Sunburst dialog.

Figure 32-29 Create Sunburst Dialog Using UI-First Development

Create Sunburst Dialog - UI First

If you click OK, the sunburst is added to your page, and you can use the Property Inspector to specify data values and configure additional display attributes. Alternatively, you can choose to bind the data during creation and use the dialog to configure the associated node data.

In the Property Inspector you can use the dropdown menu for each attribute field to display a property description and options such as displaying an EL Expression Builder or other specialized dialogs. Figure 32-30 shows the dropdown menu for a sunburst value attribute.

Figure 32-30 Sunburst Value Attribute Dropdown Menu

Sunburst value attribute dropdown menu


If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can use data controls to create a sunburst and the binding will be done for you. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how sunburst attributes and sunburst child tags can affect functionality. For more information, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create an application workspace as described in Section 2.2, "Creating an Application Workspace."

  2. Create a view page as described in Section 2.4, "Creating a View Page."

To add a sunburst to a page:

  1. In the ADF Data Visualization page of the Component Palette, from the Common panel, drag and drop a Sunburst component onto the page to open the Create Sunburst dialog.

  2. In the Create Sunburst dialog, click OK to add the treemap to the page.

    Optionally, use the dialog to bind the sunburst by selecting Bind Data Now and navigating to the ADF data control that represents the data you wish to display on the treemap. If you choose this option, the data binding fields in the dialog will be available for editing. For help with the dialog, press F1 or click Help.

  3. In the Property Inspector, view the attributes for the sunburst. Use the help button to display the complete tag documentation for the sunburst component.

  4. Expand the Appearance section, and set a value for the Summary attribute.

    Enter text to describe the sunburst's purpose and structure for screen reader support. Alternatively, choose Select Text Resource or Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to select a text resource or EL expression.

  5. Expand the Other section, and set a value for the following attributes:

    • Rotation: Use the dropdown menu to specify whether or not rotation is enabled on the sunburst. By default, this rotation is set to on, but you can also set it to off to disable rotation. Alternatively, choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to create an EL expression that sets the rotation.

    • StartAngle: Enter a value for the start angle of the sunburst. By default, the angle is set to 90, but you can enter any value between 0 and 360. Alternatively, choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to create an EL expression that sets the start angle. What Happens When You Add a Sunburst to a Page

JDeveloper generates only a minimal set of tags when you drag and drop a sunburst from the Component Palette onto a JSF page and choose not to bind the data during creation. Example 32-5 shows the generated code.

Example 32-5 Sunburst Sample Code in UI-First Development

<dvt:sunburst id="s1">
  <dvt:sunburstNode id="sn1"/>

If you choose to bind the data to a data control when creating the sunburst, JDeveloper generates code based on the data model. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

32.3 Adding Data to Treemap and Sunburst Components

To add data to the treemap or sunburst using UI-first development, create the classes, managed beans, and methods that will create the tree model and reference the classes, beans, or methods in JDeveloper.

32.3.1 How to Add Data to Treemap or Sunburst Components

Because treemaps and sunbursts use the same data model, the process for adding data to the treemap or sunburst is similar.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

Add a treemap or sunburst to your page. For help with adding a treemap to a page, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page." For help with sunbursts, see Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

To add data to the treemap or sunburst in UI-first development:

  1. Create the classes and managed beans that will define the treemap's tree model and supply the data to the treemap. See Section 32.2.1, "Treemap and Sunburst Data Requirements" for additional information and examples. For help with managed beans, see Section 2.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

  2. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go To Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, in the Appearance section, enter a value for the DisplayLevelsChildren attribute to change the number of child levels displayed on the treemap. By default, this value is set to 2.

    For example, the treemap and sunburst in the census data example have three child levels to represent regions, divisions, and states, and you would set this value to 3 to duplicate the example.

  4. In the Common section, set the following attributes:

    • Value: Specify an EL expression for the object to which you want the treemap or sunburst to be bound. This must be an instance of org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel.

      For example, reference the managed bean you created to instantiate the treemap or sunburst. In the census data example, the treemap managed bean is named treemap, and the census data is instantiated when the treemap is referenced. To use the census data example with a treemap, enter the following in the Value field for the EL expression: #{treemap.censusData}.

      For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 2.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

    • Var: Enter the name of a variable to be used during the rendering phase to reference each element in the treemap collection. This variable is removed or reverted back to its initial value once rendering is complete.

      For example, enter row in the Var field to reference each element in the census data example.

    • VarStatus: Optionally, enter the name of a variable during the rendering phase to access contextual information about the state of the component, such as the collection model or loop counter information. This variable is removed or reverted back to its initial value once rendering is complete.

  5. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node or dvt:sunburstNode and choose Go To Properties.

  6. In the Common section, use the Value attribute's dropdown menu to choose Expression Builder.

  7. In the Expression Builder dialog, create the EL expression that will reference the size data for the treemap or sunburst node, using the variable you specified for the Var attribute when creating your component and the method you created to return the size of the node.

    For example, in the census data example, the Var attribute is named row and the size is stored in the m.size variable which is returned by the getSize() method in the TreeNode class shown in Example 32-1, "Code Sample to Create a Treemap or Sunburst Tree Node". To reference the size data in the census data example, create the following expression: #{row.size}.

  8. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section and enter values for the following attributes:

    • FillColor: Specify the fill color of the node. You can enter the color in RGB hexadecimal or use the attribute's dropdown menu to choose Expression Builder and create an EL expression.

      For example, you could enter #FF0000 to set the node's fill color to red. However, you might want your treemap or sunburst node to change color based on the color metric. In the census data example in Section 32.1.1, "Treemap Displaying United States Population and Median Income by Regions," the fill color is calculated from income data.

      Example 32-6 shows the sample method used by the census data example. To reference this example in the Expression Builder, create the following expression: #{row.color}.

      Example 32-6 Sample Method to Set Treemap or Sunburst Node Fill Color

      import java.awt.Color;
      private static Color getColor(double value, double min, double max) {
        double percent = Math.max((value - min) / max, 0);
        if(percent > 0.5) {
          double modifier = (percent - 0.5) * 2;
          return new Color((int)(modifier*102), (int)(modifier*153), (int)(modifier*51));
        else {
          double modifier = percent *2;
          return new Color((int)(modifier*204), (int)(modifier*51), 0);
    • Label: Specify the node's label. You can enter text or use the attribute's dropdown menu to choose Expression Builder and create an EL expression.

      For example, the census data example uses a method that converts the node data into strings for label display. See Example 32-3 for the convertToString () method. The TreeNode class uses the output from the convertToString() method to set the text variable which is used for the label display. To reference this example in the Expression Builder dialog, create the following expression: #{row.text}.


You can also use attribute groups to set the fillColor and label attribute. Attribute groups are optional, but you must use them if you want your treemap or sunburst to change color or pattern based on a given condition, such as high versus low income. For information about configuring attribute groups, see Section, "How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Discrete Attribute Groups."

32.3.2 What You May Need to Know about Adding Data to Treemaps and Sunbursts

The examples in this chapter use classes and managed beans to provide the data to the treemap and sunburst. If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can use data controls to create a sunburst and the binding will be done for you. For more information, see the "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Alternatively, if you know the UI components on your page will eventually use ADF data binding, but you need to develop the pages before the data controls are ready, then you should consider using placeholder data controls, rather than manually binding the components. Using placeholder data controls will provide the same declarative development experience as using developed data controls. For more information, see the "Designing a Page Using Placeholder Data Controls" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

32.4 Customizing Treemap and Sunburst Display Elements

You can configure treemap and sunburst display elements, including patterns, attribute groups, legends, labels, animation, aggregation of smaller data contributors, skinning, sizing, and ordering of the nodes by size.

32.4.1 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Display Size and Style

You can configure the treemap or sunburst's size and style using the inlineStyle or styleClass attributes. Both attributes are available in the Style section in the Property Inspector for the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst component. Using these attributes, you can customize stylistic features such as fonts, borders, and background elements.

For additional information about using the inlineStyle or styleClass attributes, see Chapter 20, "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins."

The page containing the treemap or sunburst may also impose limitations on the ability to change the size or style. For more information about page layouts, see Chapter 8, "Organizing Content on Web Pages." What You May Need to Know About Skinning and Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Display Size and Style

Treemaps and sunbursts also support skinning to customize the color and font styles for the top level components as well as the nodes, node headers, and icons used for treemap isolation and sunburst expansion and collapse. You can also use skinning to define the styles for a treemap or sunburst node or a treemap node header when the user hovers the mouse over or selects a node or node header. If the node or node header is drillable, you can use skinning to define the styles when the user hovers the mouse over or selects it.

Example 32-7 shows the skinning key for a sunburst configured to show the node's text in bold when the user selects it.

Example 32-7 Using a Skinning Key to Change Font Weight When Node is Selected

    -tr-font-weight: bold;

For the complete list of treemap and sunburst skinning keys, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces Skin Selectors. For additional information about customizing your application using skinning and styles, see Chapter 20, "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins."

32.4.2 Configuring Pattern Display

You can configure the treemap or sunburst node to display patterns. The available patterns are:

  • none (default)

  • smallChecker

  • smallCrosshatch

  • smallDiagonalLeft

  • smallDiagonalRight

  • smallDiamond

  • smallTriangle

  • largeChecker

  • largeCrosshatch

  • largeDiagonalLeft

  • largeDiagonalRight

  • largeDiamond

  • largeTriangle

To configure the treemap or sunburst node to display patterns, specify the fillPattern attribute on the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode node. You can also use discrete attribute groups to specify the fill pattern. For more information about discrete attribute groups, see Section, "How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Discrete Attribute Groups."

32.4.3 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Attribute Groups

Use attribute groups to generate stylistic attribute values such as colors or shapes based on categorical bucketing of a data set. Treemaps and sunbursts support both discrete and continuous attribute groups for setting the color and pattern of the child nodes.

Use a discrete attribute group if you want the color or pattern to depend upon a given condition, such as high or low income levels. Use the continuous attribute group if you want the color to change gradually between low and high values. How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Discrete Attribute Groups

Configure discrete attribute groups by adding the dvt:attributeGroups tag to your treemap or sunburst and defining the conditions under which the color or pattern will be displayed.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To configure a treemap or sunburst discrete attribute group:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:<component>Node > Attribute Groups.

    For example, to configure a treemap discrete attribute group, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:treemapNode > Attribute Groups.

  2. Right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section.

  4. From the Value attribute's dropdown menu, choose Expression Builder and create an expression that references the color metric and the condition that will control the color display.

    For example, if you want your treemap to display different colors for median income levels higher or lower than $50,000 as shown in Figure 32-5, create an expression similar to the following expression for the Value field:

    #{row.income > 50000}

    For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 2.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

  5. From the Label attribute's dropdown menu, choose Expression Builder and create an expression for the legend that describes what the discrete colors or patterns represent.

    For example, to let the user know that the colors represent high and low median income levels, create an expression similar to the following expression for the Label field:

    #{row.income > 50000 ? 'High Income' : 'Low Income'}
  6. From the Type attribute's dropdown menu, choose Edit.

  7. From the Edit Property dialog, choose color, pattern, or both, and click OK.

    If you choose both color and pattern and build the page now, the treemap or sunburst will use default colors and patterns for the discrete attribute group.

    Figure 32-31 shows the treemap that displays if you accept the default colors and patterns in the census data example.

    Figure 32-31 Treemap Discrete Attribute Group with Default Colors and Patterns

    Treemap attribute group with default color and pattern
  8. Optionally, to change the attribute group's default colors, do the following:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeGroups > Attribute Match Rule.

      The dvt:attributeMatchRule tag is used to replace an attribute when the data matches a given condition. In the census data example, the condition is median income higher than $50,000.

    2. Right-click the dvt:attributeMatchRule element and choose Go to Properties.

    3. In the Group field, enter true if you want the color to display when the condition is true, or enter false if you want the color to display when the condition is false.

      For example, enter true to choose the color to display in the census data example when the median income level is higher than 50000.

    4. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeMatchRule element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeMatchRule > Attribute.

    5. In the Insert Attribute dialog, enter color for the name field and a color in the value field, and click OK.

      The value field accepts a six-digit RGB hexadecimal value. For example, to set the value to green, enter the following in the value field: #00AA00.

    6. Repeat step 1 through step 5 if you want to change the default color for the other half of the condition.

      For example, add another match rule to define the color that displays when the income is under 50000, and set the Group field to false.

  9. Optionally, to change the attribute group's default patterns, do the following:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeGroups > Attribute Match Rule.

    2. Right-click the dvt:attributeMatchRule element and choose Go to Properties.

    3. In the Group field, enter true if you want the pattern to display when the condition is true, or enter false if you want the pattern to display when the condition is false.

    4. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeMatchRule element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeMatchRule > Attribute.

    5. In the Insert Attribute dialog, enter pattern for the name field and a supported pattern in the value field, and click OK.

      For example, enter smallDiamond in the value field to change the pattern to small diamonds. For the list of available patterns, see Section 32.4.2, "Configuring Pattern Display."

    6. Repeat step 1 through step 5 if you want to change the default color for the other half of the condition.

      For example, add another match rule to define the color that displays when the income is under 50000, and set the Group field to false.

Example 32-8 shows the code on the JSF page if you configure a discrete attribute group for the treemap shown in Figure 32-5, "Treemap Displaying Discrete Attribute Groups".

Example 32-8 Sample Code on JSF Page for Discrete Attribute Group

<dvt:treemap id="t1" summary="SampleTreemap" value="#{treemap.censusData}"
             var="row" colorLabel="Median Household Income" sizeLabel="Population"
             displayLevelsChildren="3" emptyText="No Data to Display"
  <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" label="#{row.text}">
    <dvt:attributeGroups id="ag1" value="#{row.income > 50000}"
                     label="#{row.income > 50000 ? 'High Income' : 'Low Income'}"
      <dvt:attributeMatchRule id="amr1" group="true">
        <f:attribute name="color" value="#00AA00"/>
      <dvt:attributeMatchRule id="amr2" group="false">
        <f:attribute name="color" value="#AA0000"/>
    <f:facet name="content"/>
</dvt:treemap> How to Configure Treemap or Sunburst Continuous Attribute Groups

Configure continuous attribute groups by adding the dvt:attributeGroups tag to your treemap or sunburst and defining the colors to be displayed at the minimum and maximum levels of the data range. The attribute group will use the data to determine the data range and display labels in the legend with corresponding values, but you can also configure the attribute group to use different ranges or labels.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To configure a treemap or sunburst continuous attribute group:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:<component>Node > Attribute Groups.

    For example, to configure a treemap continuous attribute group, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:treemapNode > Attribute Groups.

  2. Right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section.

  4. From the Value attribute's dropdown menu, choose Expression Builder and enter an expression that references the color metric.

    For example, to specify an EL expression that returns the income data from the census example, choose Expression Builder and enter the following value in the Value field: #{row.income}. For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 2.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

  5. In the Type field, enter color.

  6. In the AttributeType field, use the attribute's dropdown menu to choose continuous.

  7. Optionally, set values for the following minimum or maximum range and labels:

    • MinValue: Enter the minimum boundary for the range. Alternatively, choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu and enter the expression that returns the minimum boundary.

      For example, enter 35000 in the MinValue field to set the lower boundary of the range to 35,000.

    • MaxValue: Enter the maximum boundary for the range. Alternatively, choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu and enter the expression that returns the maximum bound.

    • MinLabel: Enter the label for the minimum value to be displayed in the legend. Alternatively, choose Select Text Resource or Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to select a text resource or EL expression.

      For example, enter $35000 in the MinLabel field to set the label displayed in the legend to $35000.

    • MaxLabel: Enter the label for the maximum value to be displayed in the legend. Alternatively, choose Select Text Resource or Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to select a text resource or EL expression.

  8. To define the colors used for the minimum and maximum bounds of the range, do the following:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeGroups > Attribute.

    2. In the Insert Attribute dialog, enter color1 for the name and a value for the minimum boundary, and click OK.

      The value field accepts a six-digit RGB hexadecimal value. For example, to set the value of the minimum bound to black, which is the color used in the attribute group in Figure 32-1, enter the following in the value field: #000000.

    3. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:attributeGroups element and choose Insert inside dvt:attributeGroups > Attribute.

    4. In the Insert Attribute dialog, enter color2 for the name and a value for the maximum boundary, and click OK.

      The value field accepts a six-digit RGB hexadecimal value. For example, to set the value of the maximum bound to a light green, which is the color used in the attribute group in Figure 32-1, enter the following in the value field: #00AA00.

Example 32-9 shows the code on the JSF page if you configure the continuous attribute group shown in Figure 32-1.

Example 32-9 Sample Code on JSF Page for Continuous Attribute Group

<dvt:treemap id="t1" summary="SampleTreemap" value="#{treemap.censusData}"
             var="row" colorLabel="Median Household Income" sizeLabel="Population"
             displayLevelsChildren="3" emptyText="No Data to Display"
  <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" label="#{row.text}">
    <dvt:attributeGroups id="ag1" value="#{row.income}" type="color"
                         attributeType="continuous" minValue="35000"
                         maxValue="70000" minLabel="$35000" maxLabel="$70000">
      <f:attribute name="color1" value="#000000"/>
      <f:attribute name="color2" value="#00AA00"/>
    <f:facet name="content"/>
</dvt:treemap> What You May Need to Know About Configuring Attribute Groups

If you use the Other node to aggregate nodes for display, the Other node will not use the color or pattern of the configured attribute group. For more information, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Configuring the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node."

32.4.4 How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Legends

Legends display automatically when you specify values for the following attributes:

  • sizeLabel: Specify the text that describes the size metric of the component. Alternatively, choose Select Text Resource or Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to select a text resource or EL expression.

  • colorLabel: Specify the text that describes the color metric of the component. Alternatively, choose Select Text Resource or Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to select a text resource or EL expression.

  • legendSource: Optionally, specify the id of the attribute group used in the treemap or sunburst display.

    If your treemap or sunburst does not use attribute groups, the legend display will be limited to the text descriptions that you specified for the size and color labels.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To configure a treemap or sunburst legend:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section.

  3. In the SizeLabel field, enter the text that the legend will display to describe the size metric.

    For example, enter Population in the SizeLabel field to indicate that the size of the nodes in the treemap or sunburst is based on population.

    You can also use the dropdown menu to choose a text resource or EL expression from the Expression Builder dialog. For example, to specify an EL expression that returns the size from the census data example, choose Expression Builder and enter the following value in the SizeLabel field: #{row.size}. For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 2.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

  4. In the ColorLabel field, enter the text that the legend will display to describe the color metric.

    For example, enter Median Household Income in the ColorLabel field to indicate that the size of the nodes in the treemap or sunburst is based on population.

    Alternatively, use the dropdown menu to enter a text resource or select an expression from the Expression Builder. For example, to specify an EL expression that returns the color from the census data example, choose Expression Builder and enter the following value in the ColorLabel field: #{color.size}.

  5. If your treemap or sunburst uses attribute groups, reference the id of the attributeGroups component as follows:

    1. From the LegendSource property's dropdown menu, choose Edit.

    2. In the Edit Property: LegendSource dialog, expand each component and locate the attributeGroups component.

    3. Select the attributeGroups component and click OK.

32.4.5 Configuring the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node

Use the Other node to aggregate smaller data sets visually into one larger set for easier comparison. You can aggregate the data sets based on the size of the node's parent or the size of the treemap or sunburst component's root node. How to Configure the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node

Configure the treemap or sunburst Other node by setting values for the following attributes:

  • otherThreshold: Specify the percentage of the parent or root node under which a node would be aggregated into the Other node. Valid values range from 0 (default) to 1.

    For example, a value of 0.1 would cause all nodes which are less than 10% of their parent's value to be aggregated into the Other node. In Figure 32-16, the otherThreshold is set to .08 or eight percent which aggregated the South Carolina, Delaware, West Virginia, and District of Columbia nodes in the South Atlantic region.

    If you increase the value to 0.1 or 10%, the Maryland node is added to the aggregation. Figure 32-32 shows the same treemap with the otherThreshold attribute set to 0.1.

    Figure 32-32 Treemap Showing Other Node With otherThreshold Set to 10 Percent

    Treemap Other Node at 10 percent
  • OtherThresholdBasis: Specify the basis used to apply the otherThreshold value as either a percentage of the root node or as a percentage of the sunburst or treemap node's parent node. Valid values are:

    • parentPercentage: Nodes are compared against the size of the parent node when applying otherThreshold. This is the default behavior and the setting used for the figures in this section.

      For example, if one of the nodes in the treemap has a parent in the Other node, the child node will also be aggregated into the Other node when you drill down to its level, regardless of the node's value. If two child nodes have the same value but one node's parent is in the Other node, that child node will be aggregated into the Other node.

    • rootPercentage Nodes are compared against the size of the treemap or sunburst's root when applying otherThreshold.

      For example, if you set the OtherThreshold to 0.1, all nodes whose value is less than 10% of the total sunburst display will be included in Other regardless of the size of their parents.

  • otherColor: Specify a reference to a method that takes the RowKeySet of all nodes contained within the current Other node and returns a String for the color of the Other node.

    For example, the census data example uses a method to calculate the mean income of all the nodes contained within the Other node. If the mean household income is less than 50,000, the method returns the same color value used to display low income as the non-aggregated nodes in the treemap. Notice how the color changed on the Other node in Figure 32-32 to reflect the higher mean income when the Maryland node is included in the Other node.

    Example 32-10 shows the sample method to specify the otherColor value based on the mean income in the census data example.

    Example 32-10 Sample Method to Set Treemap otherColor Value

    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.TreeModel;
    public String otherColor(RowKeySet set) {
      // The color should be the mean income of the contained regions.  Note that it should actually
      // be the median, but we can't calculate that with the available information.
      TreeModel tree = getCensusRootData();
      // Loop through and get the population + average income
      double population = 0;
      double average = 0;
      for(Object rowKey : set) {
        CensusData.CensusTreeNode item = (CensusData.CensusTreeNode) tree.getRowData(rowKey);
        population += item.getSize().doubleValue();
        average += item.getSize().doubleValue() * item.getIncome();
      // Calculate the average
      average = average / population;
      // Match the attr groups used by the demos
      return average > 50000 ? "#CC3300" : "#003366";
  • otherPattern: Optionally, specify a reference to a method that takes the RowKeySet of all nodes contained within the current Other node and returns a String for the pattern of the Other node.

    Example 32-11 shows the sample code for a method that sets the pattern fill to smallDiamond on the Other node.

    Example 32-11 Sample Method to Set Treemap or Sunburst otherPattern Value

    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
    public String otherPattern(RowKeySet rowKeySet) {
      return "smallDiamond";

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To add the Other node to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Other section and enter a value for the following attributes:

    • OtherThreshold: Enter the percentage of nodes to be aggregated as a value between 0 and 1.

    • OtherThresholdBasis: To change the default basis used to apply the otherThreshold value to a percentage of the size of the sunburst or treemap component's root node, choose rootPercentage from the dropdown list. Valid values are:

    • OtherColor: Choose Edit from the dropdown menu and select the managed bean and method that sets the otherColor attribute.

      For example, for a managed bean named treemap and a method named otherColor, enter the following in the OtherColor field: #{treemap.otherColor}.

    • OtherPattern: Choose Edit from the dropdown and select the managed bean and method that sets the otherPattern attribute.

      For example, for a managed bean named treemap and a method named otherPattern, enter the following in the OtherPattern field: #{treemap.otherPattern}. What You May Need to Know About Configuring the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node

Because the Other node is an aggregation of individual nodes, its behavior will be different than other treemap and sunburst child nodes when managing children, attribute groups, selection, tooltips, and popup support. Specifically, you should be aware of the following differences:

  • Child nodes: Children of the aggregated nodes are not displayed unless you set the treemap or sunburst component's otherThresholdBasis attribute.

  • Other node display with attribute groups: If you use attribute groups to specify a color or pattern, that color or pattern will not be displayed on the Other node. If you want the Other node to display the same color or pattern as the attribute group, you must create methods in a managed bean to return a color or pattern that makes sense.

  • Selection behavior: Other nodes are not selectable if you change node selection support from the default value of multiple selection to single node selection.

  • Tooltips: Tooltips display the number of nodes within the Other node and are not customizable.

  • Popups: By default, popups will not display on the Other node.

    When a user invokes a popup on a node, that node is made current on the component (and its model), allowing the application to determine context. Treemaps and sunbursts use the af:showPopupBehavior tag to determine context, but this tag does not support making multiple nodes current. If you want your treemap or sunburst to display a popup on the Other node, you must create a method in a managed bean that calls the getPopupContext() method on the UITreemap or UISunburst component to determine the context of the aggregated nodes.

32.4.6 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Sorting

Sorting is enabled by default if your treemap or sunburst uses the Other node. Otherwise you must enable it by setting the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst sorting attribute to on in the Property Inspector.

Treemaps support sorting in the slice and dice layouts only.

32.4.7 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Advanced Node Content

Configure advanced node content by defining a content facet on the treemap or sunburst node.

Both treemaps and sunbursts support the following Oracle Application Development Framework tags:

  • af:image

  • af:outputText

  • af:panelGroupLayout

  • af:spacer

Only a single child is supported for layout reasons, and you must use af:panelGroupLayout to wrap multiple child components. Interactive behaviors are also not supported for components within this facet. How to Add Advanced Node Content to a Treemap

Configure advanced node content on a treemap by defining the content facet on the dvt:treemapNode node.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

Add a treemap to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page."

To add advanced node content to a treemap:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode and choose Insert inside dvt:treemapNode > Facet content.

  2. To configure the facet, in the Structure window, right-click the f:facet - content node and choose to Insert inside f:facet - content one of the following: How to Add Advanced Root Node Content to a Sunburst:

Configure advanced node content on a treemap by defining the rootContent facet on the dvt:sunburstNode node.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

Add a sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

To add advanced root node content to a sunburst:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:sunburst node and choose Insert inside dvt:sunburstNode > Facet root Content.

  2. To configure the facet, in the Structure window, right-click the f:facet - content node and choose to Insert inside f:facet - rootContent one of the following: What You May Need to Know About Configuring Advanced Node Content on Treemaps

Treemaps are meant to display two dimensions of data using size and color. Node content should be used to identify the treemap node, such as with labels or images, and should not be relied upon to display many additional dimensions of data. Applications should consider using popups for additional content since they will not have aspect ratio or small size issues like treemap nodes.

32.4.8 How to Configure Animation in Treemaps and Sunbursts

Treemaps and sunbursts support multiple types of animations. By default, no animation is displayed, but you can add animation to the treemap or sunburst when it initially displays. You can also customize the animation effects when a data change occurs on the component.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

Add a treemap or sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page" or Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

To add animation effects to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section and set a value for the following attributes:

    • AnimationDuration: Specify the duration of the animation in milliseconds. The default value is 500. For data changes, the animation occurs in stages, and the default value is 500 for each stage of the animation.

    • AnimationDisplay: Use the dropdown menu to specify the type of animation to apply when the component is initially rendered. By default, this is set to none.

    • AnimationOnDataChange: Use the dropdown menu to specify the type of animation to apply when data is changed in the treemap or sunburst. By default, this is set to activeData for Active Data Service data change events.

      For treemap and sunburst, the auto type is recommended because it will apply animation for both Partial Page Refresh and Active Data Service Events.

Table 32-1 shows the list of supported animation effects.

Table 32-1 Treemap and Sunburst Animation Effects

Animation Effect AnimationOnDisplay AnimationOnDataChange















x (treemap only)



x (treemap only)


x (sunburst only)




x (sunburst only)



x (sunburst only)
















32.4.9 Configuring Labels in Treemaps and Sunbursts

Treemaps and sunbursts support customization of label display for the following elements: How to Configure Treemap Leaf Node Labels

Configure treemap node labels by setting label attributes on the treemap node.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

Add a treemap to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page."

To configure treemap leaf node labels:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section and set a value for the following attributes:

    • LabelDisplay: Use the dropdown menu to specify whether or not labels are displayed on the leaf nodes. The default is node which displays the label inside the leaf node. To turn off the label display, choose off.

    • LabelHalign: Use the dropdown menu to specify the horizontal alignment for labels displayed within the node. The default value is center. To align the title to the left in left-to-right mode and to the right in right-to-left more, set this value to start.You can also set this to end which aligns the title to the right in left-to-right mode and to the left in right-to-left mode.

    • LabelValign: Use the dropdown menu to specify the vertical alignment for labels displayed within the node. The default value is center. You can change this to top or bottom.

    • LabelStyle: Specify the font style for the label displayed in the header. This attribute accepts CSS style attributes such as font-size or color.

      For example, to change the size of the title to 14 pixels and the color to white, enter the following value for LabelStyle:

      font-size:14px;color: #FFFFFF

      For the complete list of CSS attributes, visit the World Wide Web Consortium's web site at:


    • GroupLabelDisplay: Use the dropdown menu to specify the label display behavior for group nodes. The default value is header which will display the group node label in the node header. You can also set this to off or to node which will display the label inside the node. How to Configure Sunburst Node Labels

Configure sunburst node labels by setting label attributes on the sunburst node.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

Add a sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

To configure sunburst node labels:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section and set a value for the following attributes:

    • LabelStyle: Specify the font style for the label displayed in the header. This attribute accepts CSS style attributes such as font-size or color.

      For example, to change the size of the title to 14 pixels and the color to white, enter the following value for LabelStyle:

      font-size:14px;color: #FFFFFF

      For the complete list of CSS attributes, visit the World Wide Web Consortium's web site at:


    • LabelDisplay: Use the dropdown menu to specify the label display for the nodes. The default value is auto which displays rotated labels within the nodes if the client's environment supports rotated text. If the client's environment does not support rotated text, the sunburst will display horizontal text inside the node. You can also set this to off to turn off the label display, to on to display horizontal labels within the nodes, or to rotated to display rotated labels within the nodes.


      If the labelDisplay attribute is set to rotated and the client's environment does not support rotated text, the sunburst will display horizontal labels within the nodes. This is the same behavior as the default auto setting.
    • LabelHalign: Use the dropdown menu to specify the alignment of node labels. The default value is center which aligns the labels in the center of the node slices. You can also set this to inner which aligns the label to the inner side of a slice or outer which aligns the label to the outer side of a slice.

32.4.10 Configuring Sunburst Node Radius

By default, sunbursts allocate the same amount of display area for each node in the sunburst. If you want to increase the display area allocated to one of the nodes, set the node's radius attribute.

Figure 32-3 shows a sunburst configured with two nodes, where the inner node represents states and the outer node represents cities within those states. The node radius is the straight line separating each member of the node and is a segment of the sunburst's total radius.

Figure 32-33 Sunburst Showing a Node With Radius Set to 2

Sunburst Showing Node with Radius Set to 2

A sunburst's total radius equals the radius of the longest subtree in the sunburst. A subtree represents the path from the root node to the leaf node and may consist of one or more nodes with one or more layers. In Figure 32-33, the subtree representing Massachusetts + Springfield is highlighted.

A sunburst's node radius is set to 1 by default, and a sunburst with two nodes representing two layers has a total radius of 2. To increase the display area for one of the nodes, increase the value of its radius. In Figure 32-33, the inner node is configured with its radius set to 2, and the leaf node's radius is set to 1. In this example, the sunburst's total radius is 3, and the inner node will use 2/3 of the available display area.


If your sunburst defines a single node for all layers in the sunburst, setting the radius attribute will have the effect of increasing the size of the root node's display to match the size of the other layers. If you want to vary the layers, use the ADF Faces af:switcher component, and insert a f:facet containing a dvt:node for each row. How to Configure a Sunburst Node Radius

Use the Property Inspector to set a value for the sunburst node radius.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

Add a sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

To configure a sunburst node radius:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Other section.

  3. In the Radius field, enter a numeric value for the radius or use the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an EL expression that returns the radius value. What You May Need to Know about Configuring the Sunburst Node Radius

When you change the sunburst's node radius, node labels may no longer display properly. You can adjust the alignment of the node labels using the labelHalign attribute. For additional information, see Section, "How to Configure Sunburst Node Labels."

32.4.11 Configuring Treemap Node Headers and Group Gap Display

Treemap node headers are displayed by default whenever there are two or more child levels in the treemap. Configure the node header if you wish to change the default display.

Group gaps are displayed between the outer group nodes by default. Configure group gaps if you wish to change the way group gaps are displayed between the nodes. How to Configure Treemap Node Headers

Configure treemap node headers by adding the dvt:treemapNodeHeader element to your treemap node and setting values for the following attributes:

  • labelStyle: Specify the font style for the label displayed in the header. This attribute accepts CSS style attributes such as font-size or color.

    For the complete list of CSS attributes, visit the World Wide Web Consortium's web site at:


  • titleHalign: Specify the horizontal alignment of the header's title. By default, this attribute is set to start which aligns the title to the left in left-to-right mode and to the right in right-to-left mode. You can set this to center which aligns the title to the center or to end which aligns the title to the right in left-to-right mode and to the left in right-to-left mode.

  • useNodeColor: Set this to on to have the header use the node color of the parent node.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To configure a treemap node header:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:treemapNode > Treemap Node Header.

  2. Right-click the dvt:treemapNodeHeader element and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, enter a value for the following attributes:

    • LabelStyle: Enter the style for the node header title.

      For example, to change the size of the title to 14 pixels and the color to white, enter the following value for LabelStyle:

      font-size:14px;color: #FFFFFF
    • TitleHalign: Use the attribute's dropdown menu to change the default alignment to center or end.

    • UseNodeColor: Use the attribute's dropdown menu to change the default to on. What You May Need to Know About Treemap Node Headers

When you choose to use the node color in the header, the node color used is the color that would have been displayed in the treemap if that node was the bottom level of the treemap.

If your treemap is using the same color scheme across all hierarchical levels, then using the node color in the header can provide useful information. However, if you have specified a different color scheme for different levels of the hierarchy, using the node color may not make sense. How to Customize Treemap Group Gaps

Customize the group gaps displayed between nodes by setting a value for the groupGaps attribute.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

Add a treemap to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page."

To customize treemap group gap display:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Appearance section.

  3. Use the dropdown menu to select a value for the group gap display. Valid values are:

    • outer (default): Gaps are displayed between the outer group nodes.

    • all: Gaps are displayed between all group nodes.

    • none: No gaps are displayed between group nodes.

32.5 Adding Interactive Features to Treemaps and Sunbursts

You can add interactive features to treemaps and sunbursts, including tooltips, popups, selection support, context menus, and drilling. Treemaps also provide support for isolation of group nodes.

32.5.1 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Tooltips

Define tooltips by specifying a value for the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode shortDesc attribute. You can specify simple text in this attribute, or you can specify an EL expression that pulls data from the treemap or sunburst and displays the additional detail about the node.

Figure 32-34 shows a sunburst displaying the name and size of one of the sunburst nodes.

Figure 32-34 Sunburst Tooltip

Sunburst Tooltip

To configure the tooltip to display detail about the node's label and size data, reference the label and size attributes in an EL expression. The EL expression pulls data from the managed bean that references the methods for setting the label and size attributes.

For example, to specify the values for the label and size attributes in the United States census example, enter the following for the shortDesc attribute in JDeveloper:


32.5.2 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Popups

Define popups in treemaps or sunbursts using the af:popup and af:showPopupBehavior tags.

Using the af:popup component with treemap and sunburst components, you can configure functionality to allow your end users to show and hide information in secondary windows, input additional data, or invoke functionality such as a context menu. See Section 32.5.4, "Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Context Menus" to see how to display a context menu using the af:popup component. How to Add Popups to Treemap and Sunburst Components

With ADF Faces components, JavaScript is not needed to show or hide popups. The af:showPopupBehavior tag provides a declarative solution, so that you do not have to write JavaScript to open a popup component or register a script with the popup component. This section provides an example for configuring a sunburst or treemap component to display popups using the af:showPopupBehavior tag.

To configure a popup using the af:showPopupBehavior and af:popup tags, define the af:popup component and associated methods, insert the af:showPopupBehavior tag as a child of the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode component and configure the af:showPopupBehavior component's tags for the trigger type and reference to the af:popup component's id attribute.

Figure 32-35 shows a treemap configured to display a brief message and the name of the treemap node as the user hovers the mouse over the treemap.

Figure 32-35 Treemap Showing Popup on Mouse Hover

Treemap Popup on Mouse Hover

Example 32-12 shows the code on the page to declare the popup.

Example 32-12 Sample Code for Treemap Popup on Mouse Hover

<af:group id="g1">
  <af:outputText value="Hover on a node to show a popup."
                 inlineStyle="font-size:medium;" id="ot1"/>
  <af:panelGroupLayout layout="horizontal" id="pgl1">
    <dvt:treemap id="treemap" value="#{treemap.censusData}" var="row"
                 inlineStyle="width:450px; height:350px;"
                 summary="Treemap Popup"
       <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" fillColor="#{row.color}
          <af:showPopupBehavior popupId="::noteWindowPopup"
  <af:popup childCreation="deferred" autoCancel="disabled"
            id="noteWindowPopup" launcherVar="source" eventContext="launcher"
            clientComponent="true" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">
    <af:setListener from="#{source.currentRowData.text}"
                    to="#{treemap.noteWindowMessage}" type="popupFetch"/>
    <af:noteWindow id="nw1">
      <af:outputFormatted value="Hello from #{treemap.noteWindowMessage}"

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Add a treemap or sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page" or Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

  • If you did not bind the treemap or sunburst to a data control when you added the component to the page, add data to the treemap or sunburst. For information about adding data to treemaps or sunbursts using UI-first development, see Section 32.3, "Adding Data to Treemap and Sunburst Components."

  • Add the ADF Faces popup component to your page and insert the menu, dialog, or window that you want the popup to display.

    For example, the popup in Figure 32-35 uses a note window to display the "Hello from Texas" message. To use this example, insert the ADF Faces noteWindow component inside the popup component, and insert the ADF Faces outputFormatted component inside the note window. The sample code is displayed in Example 32-12.

    The example popup also includes the ADF Faces setListener component that retrieves the data from the treemap for use by the note window. In this example, the data is retrieved from the text attribute of the current node (source.currentRowData.text) and then stored in the noteWindowMessage string variable in the treemap managed bean. To use this example, add the code in Example 32-13 to the treemap bean:

    Example 32-13 Code Fragment to Add noteWindowMessage Variable to Treemap Managed Bean

    private String noteWindowMessage = null;
    public void setNoteWindowMessage(String noteWindowMessage) {
      this.noteWindowMessage = noteWindowMessage;
    public String getNoteWindowMessage() {
      return noteWindowMessage;

    If you need help with managed beans, see Section 2.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans." For additional details about using popup windows to display dialogs, menus, and windows, see Chapter 13, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows."

  • Create any additional components needed to display the selection.

    For example, the page in Figure 32-35 uses an af:outputText component to prompt the user to hover on a node to show a popup. For additional information about configuring af:outputText components, see Section 16.2, "Displaying Output Text and Formatted Output Text."

To add a popup to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:<component>Node > Show Popup Behavior.

    For example, to add the popup to a treemap, right-click the dvt:treemapNode node and choose Insert inside dvt:treemapNode > Show Popup Behavior.

  2. Right-click the af:showPopupBehavior node and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, enter a value for the following attributes:

    • TriggerType: Enter a value for the actions that will trigger the popup. Valid values are click and mouseHover.

    • PopupId: Reference the id of the popup component. You can enter the id directly or use the attribute's dropdown menu to choose Edit and select the id in the Edit Property: PopupId dialog.

      For example, to reference the popup in the census data example, enter the following value for the PopupId: ::noteWindowPopup. What You May Need to Know About Adding Popups to Treemaps and Sunburst Components

Treemaps and sunbursts currently support only the click and mouseHover trigger types.

Popups do not display on the Other node. For additional information, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Configuring the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node."

32.5.3 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Selection Support

The treemap and sunburst components support single or multiple node selection. If the component allows multiple selections, users can select multiple nodes using a Control+click operation. How to Add Selection Support to Treemap and Sunburst Components

When a user selects or deselects a node, the treemap or sunburst component invokes a selectionEvent event. You can register a custom selectionListener instance that can do post-processing on the treemap or sunburst component based on the selected node or nodes.

Figure 32-36 shows a simple example of a sunburst configured to use a custom selection listener. As the user makes single or multiple selections, the console displays the name of the node or nodes selected and the number of nodes added or removed from the selection.

Figure 32-36 Sunburst Illustrating Custom Selection Listener

Sunburst selectionListener Example

Example 32-14 shows the selectionListener method used to respond to the user clicks and generate the output to the console. Store this method in the sunburst's managed or backing bean.

Example 32-14 Code Sample for Sunburst selectionListener Method

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.sunburst.UISunburst;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;

public void selectionListener(SelectionEvent event) {
  UIComponent component = event.getComponent();
  if(component instanceof UISunburst) {
     UISunburst sunburst = (UISunburst) component;
     UIXHierarchy hierarchy = (UIXHierarchy) component;
     StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
       // Get the selected row keys and print
     RowKeySet selectedRowKeys = sunburst.getSelectedRowKeys();
     System.out.println(selectedRowKeys.size() + " Nodes Currently Selected:");
     if (selectedRowKeys != null) {
       for (Object rowKey : selectedRowKeys) {
          TreeNode rowData = (TreeNode)sunburst.getRowData (rowKey);
          s.append (rowData.getText()).append(", ");
       if (s.length() > 0)
         s.setLength (s.length() - 2);
       // Get the row keys that were just added to the selection
     RowKeySet addedRowKeys = event.getAddedSet();
     System.out.println(addedRowKeys.size() + " Nodes Added");
       // Get the row keys that were just removed from the selection
     RowKeySet removedRowKeys = event.getRemovedSet();
     System.out.println(removedRowKeys.size() + " Nodes Removed");

You declare the selection listener method in the treemap or sunburst component's selectionListener attribute and add any additional components to display the selection to the JSF page. In the example in this section, the listener is simply displaying the output to the console, and only the prompt to the user to make the selection is added to the page. Example 32-15 shows the portion of the page used to set up the sunburst. The selectionListener attribute is highlighted in bold font.

Example 32-15 Sunburst Sample Page Declaring Selection Listener

<af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl12">
  <af:group id="g5">
    <af:outputText value="Click on a node to make a selection. Use Ctrl-click for multiple nodes."
                   inlineStyle="font-size:large;" id="ot3"/>
    <dvt:sunburst id="s1" summary="SampleSunburst"
                  sizeLabel="Population" displayLevelsChildren="3"
       <dvt:sunburstNode id="sn1" value="#{row.size}" fillColor="#{row.color}"

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To add selection support to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Behavior section and set the following properties:

    • NodeSelection: Set to single to enable selection support for single nodes only. Multiple selection is enabled by default.

    • SelectionListener: Enter the name of the method to be called when the user clicks on the nodes.

      For example, for a managed bean named sunburst and a method named selectionListener, enter the following in the SelectionListener field: #{sunburst.selectionListener}. What You May Need to Know About Adding Selection Support to Treemaps and Sunbursts

Because treemaps and sunbursts use the same data model as the Tree component, selection events are defined in the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent library. For additional information about selection support in a tree model, see Section 10.5.3, "What Happens at Runtime: Tree Component Events."

For additional information about event handling in JDeveloper, see Chapter 5, "Handling Events."

32.5.4 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Context Menus

You can configure both treemaps and sunbursts to display context menus when a user right-clicks a node. How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Context Menus

Define treemap and sunburst context menus using these context menu facets:

  • bodyContextMenu: Specifies a context menu that is displayed on non-selectable elements in the treemap or sunburst component.

  • contextMenu: Specifies a context menu that is displayed on any selectable element in the treemap or sunburst component.

  • multiSelectContextMenu: Specifies a content menu that is displayed when multiple elements are selected in the treemap or sunburst component.

Each facet on a JSP or JSPX page supports a single child component. Facelets support multiple child components. For all of these facets to work, selection must be enabled in the treemap or sunburst's properties. Context menus are currently only supported in Flash.

You create a context menu by using af:menu components within an af:popup component. You can then invoke the context menu popup from another component, based on a specified trigger. For more information about configuring context menus, see Chapter 13, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows."

Figure 32-37 shows a sample treemap configured to display a context menu using the contextMenu facet when the user right-clicks on one of the treemap's regions, divisions, or nodes.

Figure 32-37 Treemap Context Menu

Treemap Context Menu

If the user selects View Details for Midwest Region, the application can provide additional information about the Midwest Region node.

Figure 32-38 shows the text output that is displayed below the treemap after the user chooses to view the details for the Midwest Region. In this example, the output simply verifies what the user clicked on, but this context menu could also be used to present additional details about the Midwest Region.

Figure 32-38 Context Menu Sample Output After Click

Context Menu Output Example

Example 32-16 shows the sample code used to configure the example treemap and the context menu.

Example 32-16 Code Sample for Treemap Context Menu

<af:group id="g1">
  <af:outputFormatted value="Right click to display context menu." id="of1"/>
  <dvt:treemap id="t1" displayLevelsChildren="3" summary="Sample Treemap"
               var="row" value="#{treemap.censusData}"
    <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" fillColor="#{row.color}"
    <f:facet name="contextMenu">
      <af:popup id="p1" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">
        <af:menu text="menu 1" id="m1">
          <af:commandMenuItem text="View Details for #{treemapContextMenu.selectionState}"
          <af:group id="g2">
            <af:commandMenuItem text="Add Task" id="cmi2"
            <af:commandMenuItem text="Add Notes" id="cmi3"
  <af:outputFormatted value="#{treemapContextMenu.status}" id="of2"

The example uses a backing bean named treemapContextMenu for the methods to set the treemap, return the selection state and respond to user clicks on the context menu. This example also uses the same classes and methods to set up the data for the treemap as described in Section 32.3, "Adding Data to Treemap and Sunburst Components." Example 32-17 shows the code for the ContextMenuSample class.

Example 32-17 ContextMenuSample Class Code

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.treemap.UITreemap;
import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.nav.RichCommandMenuItem;
import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.output.RichOutputFormatted;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext;
public class ContextMenuSample {
  private UITreemap treemap;
  private String status;
  private RichOutputFormatted outputFormatted;
  public ContextMenuSample() {
  public void setTreemap(UITreemap treemap) {
    this.treemap = treemap;
  public UITreemap getTreemap() {
    return treemap;
  public String getSelectionState() {
    if (treemap != null) {
      return TreemapSample.convertToString(treemap.getSelectedRowKeys(), treemap);
    } else
      return null;
  public String getStatus() {
    return status;
  public void setOutputFormatted(RichOutputFormatted outputFormatted) {
    this.outputFormatted = outputFormatted;
  public RichOutputFormatted getOutputFormatted() {
    return outputFormatted;
   * Called when a commandMenuItem is clicked.  Updates the outputText with information about the menu item clicked.
   * @param actionEvent
  public void menuItemListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    UIComponent component = actionEvent.getComponent();
    if (component instanceof RichCommandMenuItem) {
      RichCommandMenuItem cmi = (RichCommandMenuItem)component;
      // Add the text of the item into the status message
      StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
      s.append("You clicked on \"").append(cmi.getText()).append("\".  <br><br>");
      this.status = s.toString();
      // Update the status text component

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To add a context menu to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. If your application is using a backing bean, do the following:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Go to Properties.

    2. Expand the Advanced section and enter a value for the Binding attribute to associate the treemap with the managed bean that contains the methods for the context menu. Alternatively, choose Edit from the attribute's dropdown menu to create or select an existing bean and method.

    The binding attribute is needed for the census data example because it includes the code to set up the treemap, but it also uses the data and methods from the same classes and methods that were described in Section 32.3.1, "How to Add Data to Treemap or Sunburst Components." For example, for a backing bean named treemapContextMenu, enter the following in the Binding field: #{treemapContextMenu.treemap}.

  2. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap or dvt:sunburst node and choose Insert inside dvt:treemap > Facet.

  3. In the Insert Facet dialog, enter the name of the facet that corresponds to the type of context menu that you wish to create.

    For example, to define a contextMenu facet, enter the following in the Name field: contextMenu.

  4. Click OK.

    The facet is created as a child of the dvt:treemap node.

  5. In the Structure window, right-click the f:facet - contextMenu node and choose Insert inside f:facet - contextMenu > ADF Faces > Popup.

  6. Right-click the af:popup node and choose Go to Properties.

  7. In the Property Inspector, set the following properties:

    • ContentDelivery: Set this to LazyUncached.

    • AutoCancel: Set this to <default> enabled.

    • ChildCreation: Set this to <default> immediate.

  8. In the Structure window, right-click the af:popup node and choose Insert inside af:popup > Menu.

  9. In the Structure window, right-click the af:menu node and choose Insert inside af:menu > Menu Item to create a menu item.

  10. Right-click the af:commandMenuItem and choose Go to Properties.

  11. In the Property Inspector, expand the Common section and set the following properties:

    • Text: Enter the text to display in the menu.

      For example, to duplicate the treemap census data example, enter the following in the Text field: View Details for #{treemapContextMenu.selectionState}.

    • ActionListener: Enter the name of the method to be called when the user selects the menu item.

      For example, for a managed bean named treemapContextMenu and a method named menuItemListener, enter the following in the ActionListener field: #{treemapContextMenu.menuItemListener}.

  12. Repeat Step 10 through Step 12 for each menu item that you want the context menu to display.


    To group related menu items, wrap the ADF Faces af:group component around the af:commandMenuItem as shown in Example 32-16. For more information about the af:group component, see Section 8.16, "Grouping Related Items."
  13. To configure additional context menu facets, repeat Steps 1 through Step 13. What You May Need to Know About Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Context Menus

Context menus are supported in HTML5 and Flash image formats only. When context menus are rendered in Flash, the context menus use the Flash Player's context menu. This imposes several limitations defined by the Flash Player:

  • Flash does not allow for submenus it its context menu.

  • Flash limits custom menu items to 15. Any built-in menu items for the component, for example, a pie graph interactiveSliceBehavior menu item, will count towards the limit,

  • Flash limits menu items to text-only. Icons or other controls possible in ADF Faces menus are not possible in Flash menus.

  • Each menu caption must contain at least one visible character. Control characters, new lines, and other white space characters are ignored. No caption can be more than 100 characters long.

  • Menu captions that are identical to another custom item are ignored, whether the matching item is visible or not. Menu captions are compared to built-in captions or existing custom captions without regard to case, punctuation, or white space.

  • The following captions are not allowed, although the words may be used in conjunction with other words to form a custom caption: Save, Zoom In, Zoom Out, 100%, Show All, Quality, Play, Loop, Rewind, Forward, Back, Movie not loaded, About, Print, Show Redraw Regions, Debugger, Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Open, Open in new window, and Copy link.

  • None of the following words can appear in a custom caption on their own or in conjunction with other words: Adobe, Macromedia, Flash Player, or Settings.

Additionally, since the request from Flash for context menu items is a synchronous call, a server request to evaluate EL is not possible when the context menu is invoked. To provide context menus that vary by selected object, the menus will be pre-fetched if the context menu popup uses the setting contentDelivery="lazyUncached". For context menus that may vary by state, this means that any EL expressions within the menu definition will be called repeatedly at render time, with different selection and currency states. When using these context menus that are pre-fetched, the application must be aware of the following:

  • Long running or slow code should not be executed in any EL expression that may be used to determine how the context menu is displayed. This does not apply to af:commandMenuItem attributes that are called after a menu item is selected, such as actionListener.

  • In the future, if the Flash limitations are solved, the ADF context menu may be displayed in place of the Flash context menu. To ensure upgrade compatibility, you should code such that an EL expression will function both in cases where the menu is pre-fetched, and also where the EL expression is evaluated when the menu is invoked. The only component state that applications should rely on are selection and currency.

32.5.5 Configuring Treemap and Sunburst Drilling Support

Drilling support enables the user to navigate through the treemap or sunburst hierarchy by clicking the component's group headers or by double-clicking the individual nodes. How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Drilling Support

Enable drilling support through the treemap or sunburst node's drilling attribute.

JDeveloper includes the necessary code to support drilling. However, you may want the application to perform some other task when the node is drilled. You can define a method to perform the additional task and add it as a drill listener to the treemap's or sunburst's managed or backing bean.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

To add drilling support to a treemap or sunburst

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemapNode or dvt:sunburstNode node and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Advanced section, and use the Drilling attribute's dropdown menu to set the drilling attribute to one of the following values:

    • replace: allows the user to double-click a node to set it as the new root of the treemap or sunburst

    • insert (sunburst only): allows the user to expand or collapse the children of a node

    • insertAndReplace (sunburst only): allows the user to double-click a node to set it as the root of the hierarchy and allows the user to expand or collapse the children of a node

  3. If your application includes a drill listener, do the following:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:treemap node and choose Go to Properties.

    2. In the Property Inspector, expand the Behavior section.

    3. From the DrillListener attribute's dropdown menu, choose Edit.

    4. In the Edit Property dialog, use the search box to locate the treemap's managed bean.

    5. Expand the managed bean node and select the method that contains the drill listener.

    6. Click OK.

      The expression is created.

      For example, for a managed bean named sampleTreemap and a method named sampleDrillListener, the Expression Builder generates the code#{sampleTreemap.sampleDrillListener} as the value for the drill listener. What You May Need to Know About Treemaps and Drilling Support

Drilling is recommended when there are additional layers of data that can be displayed. Unlike isolation, it is a server side operation that will fetch additional data from the tree model. To focus on group data that is already displayed, use the treemap isolate feature. For more information, see Section 32.5.7, "Configuring Isolation Support (Treemap Only)."

32.5.6 How to Add Drag and Drop to Treemaps and Sunbursts

You can configure treemaps and sunbursts as drag sources and drop targets for drag and drop operations between supported components on a page.

To add drag support to a treemap or sunburst, add the af:dragSource tag to the treemap and add the af:dropTarget tag to the component receiving the drag. The component receiving the drag must include the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet data flavor as a child of the af:dropTarget and also define a dropListener method to respond to the drop event.

To add drop support to a treemap or sunburst, add the af:dropTarget tag to the treemap or sunburst and include the data flavors that the treemap or sunburst will support. Add a dropListener method to a treemap or sunburst managed bean that will respond to the drop event.

The following procedure shows how to set up a treemap or sunburst as a simple drag source or drop target. For more detailed information about configuring drag and drop on ADF Faces or ADF Data Visualization components, see Chapter 35, "Adding Drag and Drop Functionality."

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap and sunburst attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring treemap attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps." For information about configuring sunburst attributes and child tags, see Section, "Configuring Sunbursts."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Add a treemap or sunburst to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page" or Section, "How to Add a Sunburst to a Page."

  • If you did not bind the treemap or sunburst to a data control when you added the component to the page, add data to the treemap or sunburst. For information about adding data to treemaps or sunbursts using UI-first development, see Section 32.3, "Adding Data to Treemap and Sunburst Components."

  • Create any additional components needed to support the drag and drop.

    For example, the sample in Figure 32-17 uses an af:outputText component to prompt the user to drag a treemap node to the indicated text. When the user drags a node to the text, the page uses an af:outputFormatted component to display a message confirming which node the user dragged.

    Example 32-18 shows the sample code for the completed page. For additional information about af:outputText and af:outputFormatted components, see Section 16.2, "Displaying Output Text and Formatted Output Text."

    Example 32-18 Sample Code for Treemap Drag Source Example

    <af:group id="g1">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2" layout="horizontal">
        <af:outputText value="Drag Source Demo" inlineStyle="font-size:large;" id="ot2"/>
        <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s1"/>
        <af:outputText value="Drag a Treemap Node to the Text" id="ot1"/>
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl3" layout="horizontal">
        <dvt:treemap id="t1" value="#{treemap.censusData}" var="row"
                             colorLabel="Median Household Income"
                             sizeLabel="Population" summary="Discrete Treemap"
          <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" label="#{row.text}"
             shortDesc="#{row.text}&lt;br/>Population: #{row.size}&lt;br/>Income: #{row.income}">
            <dvt:attributeGroups id="ag1" value="#{row.income > 50000}"
                       label="#{row.income > 50000 ? 'High Income' : 'Low Income'}"
          <af:dragSource defaultAction="MOVE" actions="COPY MOVE LINK"/>
        <af:spacer width="20" id="s2"/>
        <af:outputFormatted value="#{treemap.dropText}" id="of1">
          <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{treemap.fromDropListener}">
            <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet"/>

    Example 32-19 shows the sample code for the page in Figure 32-18. In this example, the treemap is configured as the drop target.

    Example 32-19 Sample Code for Treemap Drop Target Example

    <af:group id="g1">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl4" layout="horizontal">
        <af:outputText value="Drop Target Demo" inlineStyle="font-size:large;"/>
        <af:spacer width="10" id="s2"/>
        <af:outputText value="Drag From the Text to the Treemap" id="ot1"/>
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl3" layout="horizontal">
        <dvt:treemap id="t1" value="#{treemap.censusData}" var="row"
                             colorLabel="Median Household Income"
                             sizeLabel="Population" summary="Discrete Treemap"
          <dvt:treemapNode id="tn1" value="#{row.size}" label="#{row.text}"
             shortDesc="#{row.text}&lt;br/>Population: #{row.size}&lt;br/>Income: #{row.income}">
            <dvt:attributeGroups id="ag1" value="#{row.income > 50000}"
                       label="#{row.income > 50000 ? 'High Income' : 'Low Income'}"
          <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{treemap.toDropListener}"
                                      actions="MOVE COPY LINK">
            <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="java.lang.Object"/>
        <af:spacer width="20" id="s1"/>
        <af:outputFormatted value="#{treemap.dragText}" id="of1"

To add drag and drop support to a treemap or sunburst:

  1. To configure the treemap or sunburst as a drop target, in the Component Palette, from the Operations panel, drag a Drop Target tag and drop it as a child to the treemap or sunburst component.

  2. In the Insert Drop Target dialog, enter the name of the drop listener or use the dropdown menu to choose Edit to add a drop listener method to the treemap's or sunburst's managed bean. Alternatively, use the dropdown menu to choose Expression Builder and enter an EL Expression for the drop listener.

    For example, to add a method named toDropListener() on a managed bean named treemap, choose Edit, select treemap from the dropdown menu, and click New on the right of the Method field to create the toDropListener() method.

    Example 32-20 shows the sample drop listener and supporting methods for the treemap displayed in Figure 32-18.

    Example 32-20 Sample Drop Listener for a Treemap

    // imports needed by methods
    import java.util.Map;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.dnd.DnDAction;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.event.DropEvent;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
    import oracle.adf.view.rich.datatransfer.Transferable;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ClientRowKeyManager;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.treemap.UITreemap;
    import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
    // variables need by methods
    private String dragText = "Drag this text onto a node";
    // drop listener
    public DnDAction toDropListener(DropEvent event) {
      Transferable transferable = event.getTransferable();
      DataFlavor<Object> dataFlavor = DataFlavor.getDataFlavor(Object.class);
      Object transferableObj = transferable.getData(dataFlavor);
      if(transferableObj == null)
        return DnDAction.NONE;
      // Build up the string that reports the drop information
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      // Start with the proposed action
      sb.append("Drag Operation: ");
      DnDAction proposedAction = event.getProposedAction();
      if(proposedAction == DnDAction.COPY) {
      else if(proposedAction == DnDAction.LINK) {
      else if(proposedAction == DnDAction.MOVE) {
      // Then add the rowKeys of the nodes that were dragged
      UIComponent dropComponent = event.getDropComponent();
      Object dropSite = event.getDropSite();
      if(dropSite instanceof Map) {
        String clientRowKey = (String) ((Map) dropSite).get("clientRowKey");
        Object rowKey = getRowKey(dropComponent, clientRowKey);
        if(rowKey != null) {
          sb.append("Drop Site: ");
          sb.append(getLabel(dropComponent, rowKey));
      // Update the output text
      this.dragText = sb.toString();
      return event.getProposedAction();
    public String getDragText() {
      return dragText;
    private String getLabel(UIComponent component, Object rowKey) {
      if(component instanceof UITreemap) {
        UITreemap treemap = (UITreemap) component;
        TreeNode rowData = (TreeNode) treemap.getRowData(rowKey);
        return rowData.getText();
      return null;
    private Object getRowKey(UIComponent component, String clientRowKey) {
      if(component instanceof UITreemap) {
        UITreemap treemap = (UITreemap) component;
        ClientRowKeyManager crkm = treemap.getClientRowKeyManager();
        return crkm.getRowKey(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), component, clientRowKey);
      return null;
  3. Click OK to enter the Insert Data Flavor dialog.

  4. In the Insert Data Flavor dialog, enter the object that the drop target will accept. Alternatively, use the dropdown menu to navigate through the object hierarchies and choose the desired object.

    For example, to allow the af:outputFormatted component to drag text to the treemap, enter java.lang.Object in the Insert Data Flavor dialog.

  5. In the Structure window, right-click the af:dropTarget component and choose Go to Properties.

  6. In the Property Inspector, in the Actions field, enter a list of the operations that the drop target will accept, separated by spaces. Allowable values are: COPY, MOVE, or LINK. If you do not specify a value, the drop target will use COPY.

    For example, enter the following in the Actions field to allow all operations:

  7. To use the treemap or sunburst as the drop target, do the following:

    1. In the Component Palette, from the Operations panel, drag and drop a Drag Source tag as a child to the component that will be the source of the drag.

      For example, drag and drop a Drag Source tag as a child to an af:outputFormatted component.

    2. In the component's value field, reference the public variable that you created in the drop listener for the treemap or sunburst in Step 2.

      For example, for a drop listener named toDropListener() and a variable named dropText, enter the following in the component's Value field:

  8. To configure the treemap or sunburst as a drag source, in the Component Palette, from the Operations panel, drag and drop a Drag Source tag as a child to the treemap or sunburst.

  9. In the Property Inspector, in the Actions field, enter a list of the operations that the drop target will accept, separated by spaces. Allowable values are: COPY, MOVE, or LINK.

    For example, enter the following in the Actions field to allow all operations:

  10. To specify the default action that the drag source will support, use the DefaultAction attribute's dropdown menu to choose COPY, MOVE, or LINK.

    The treemap in the drag and drop example in Figure 32-17, "Treemap Configured as a Drag Source" uses MOVE as the default action.

  11. To add the treemap or sunburst as a drop target to another component, do the following:

    1. In the Component Palette, from the Operations panel, drag and drop a Drop Target onto the component that will receive the drop.

      For example, the page in the drag and drop example in Figure 32-18, "Treemap Configured as a Drop Target" contains an af:outputFormatted component that displays the results of the drop.

    2. In the Insert Drop Target dialog, enter the name of the drop listener or use the dropdown menu to choose Edit to add a drop listener method to the appropriate managed bean. Alternatively, use the dropdown menu to choose Expression Builder and enter an EL Expression for the drop listener.

      For example, to add a method named fromDropListener() on a managed bean named treemap, choose Edit, select treemap from the dropdown menu, and click New on the right of the Method field to create the fromDropListener() method.

      Example 32-21 shows the sample drop listener for the treemap displayed in Figure 32-17. This example uses the same imports and helper methods used in Example 32-20, and they are not included here.

      Example 32-21 Sample Drop Listener for a Component Using a Treemap as a Drag Source

      // Additional import needed for listener
      import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;
      // Variables needed by method
      private String dropText = "Drop a node here";
      // Drop listener
      public DnDAction fromDropListener(DropEvent event) {
        Transferable transferable = event.getTransferable();
        DataFlavor<RowKeySet> dataFlavor = DataFlavor.getDataFlavor(RowKeySet.class);
        RowKeySet rowKeySet = transferable.getData(dataFlavor);
        if(rowKeySet == null || rowKeySet.getSize() <= 0)
          return DnDAction.NONE;
        // Build up the string that reports the drop information
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        // Start with the proposed action
        sb.append("Drag Operation: ");
        DnDAction proposedAction = event.getProposedAction();
        if(proposedAction == DnDAction.COPY) {
        else if(proposedAction == DnDAction.LINK) {
        else if(proposedAction == DnDAction.MOVE) {
        // Then add the rowKeys of the nodes that were dragged
        sb.append("Nodes: ");
        UIComponent dragComponent = event.getDragComponent();
        for(Object rowKey : rowKeySet) {
          sb.append(getLabel(dragComponent, rowKey));
          sb.append(", ");
        // Remove the trailing ,
        // Update the output text
        this.dropText = sb.toString();
        return event.getProposedAction();
    3. Click OK to enter the Insert Data Flavor dialog.

    4. In the Insert Data Flavor dialog, enter org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet.

      For example, to allow the af:outputFormatted component to drag text to the treemap, enter org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet in the Insert Data Flavor dialog.

    5. In the Structure window, right-click the af:dropTarget component and choose Go to Properties.

    6. In the Property Inspector, in the Actions field, enter a list of the operations that the drop target will accept, separated by spaces. Allowable values are: COPY, MOVE, or LINK. If you do not specify a value, the drop target will use COPY.

      For example, enter the following in the Actions field to allow all operations:

    7. In the component's value field, reference the public variable that you created in the drop listener for the treemap or sunburst in Step 2.

      For example, for a drop listener named fromDropListener() and a variable named dragText, enter the following in the component's Value field:


32.5.7 Configuring Isolation Support (Treemap Only)

Isolation allows the user to click a group header to maximize the display of the group's data. The isolation feature is enabled by default when the group header is displayed. How to Disable Isolation Support

If you wish to disable isolation, set the Isolate attribute of the dvt:treemapNodeHeader node to off.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how treemap attributes and treemap child tags can affect functionality. For more information, see Section, "Configuring Treemaps."

Add a treemap to your page. For more information, see Section, "How to Add a Treemap to a Page."

Add treemap node headers to your treemap. For more information, see Section, "How to Configure Treemap Node Headers."

To disable isolation support on a treemap group:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:treemapNode node.

  2. Right-click the dvt:treemapNodeHeader node and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Property Inspector, expand the Advanced section.

  4. From the Isolate attribute's dropdown menu, choose off.

  5. If your treemap has multiple nodes, repeat Step 1 through Step 4 to disable isolation support for each of the nodes. What You May Need to Know About Treemaps and Isolation Support

Isolation is a client-side operation that allows the user to focus on data that is already displayed. If your treemap has multiple child levels and you want the user to access levels that are not already displayed, use drilling instead. To add drilling support, see Section, "How to Configure Treemap and Sunburst Drilling Support."