What's New in This Guide for Release

For Release this guide has been updated in several ways. The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed.


This version of the guide may not contain the most recent content. To view the latest version, access the guide directly from the library on OTN. To see what has been added to this newer version, compare the What's New sections of each guide.

For changes made to Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) for this release, see the New Features page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/overview/index.html.

Sections Changes Made
Section 9.8.4, "About richTextEditor for UIWebView User-Agent" Section added to describe support for default UIWebView user-agent for richTextEditor in ADF Faces applications.
Section 13.3, "Controlling Display Behavior of Popups" Section added to describe how you can control the display behavior of popups and how much time a popup component should be visible before it is automatically dismissed by using the AutoDismissalTimeout property.
Section 15.1, "Introduction to Creating a Calendar Application" Section revised to describe support for printing of calendar for all types of views.
Section 20.8, "Using Scalar Vector Graphics Image Files" Section added to describe support for using Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) image files to render icons.