38 Creating Databound Gantt Chart and Timeline Components

This chapter describes how to create Gantt charts and timelines from data modeled with ADF Business Components, using ADF data controls and ADF Faces components in a Fusion web application. Specifically, it describes how you can use ADF Data Visualization projectGantt, resourceUtilizationGantt, schedulingGantt, and timeline components to create Gantt charts and timelines that visually represent business data. It describes how to use ADF data controls to create these components with data-first development.

If you are designing your page using simple UI-first development, then you can add the Gantt chart or timeline to your page and configure the data bindings later. For information about the data requirements, tag structure, and options for customizing the look and behavior of the Gantt chart and timeline components, see the "Using Gantt Chart Components" and "Using Timeline Components" chapters in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

This chapter includes the following sections:

38.1 About ADF Data Visualization Components

ADF Data Visualization components provide extensive graphical and tabular capabilities for visually displaying and analyzing business data. Each component needs to be bound to data before it can be rendered since the appearance of the component is dictated by the data that is displayed.

There are three types of ADF Gantt chart components; a project Gantt chart used for project management, a scheduling Gantt chart used for resource scheduling, and a resource utilization Gantt chart used for displaying resource metrics. All Gantt charts display two regions combined with a splitter. The list region displays a list of tasks or resources, and the chart region displays task progress, resource utilization, or resource progress graphed over time.

The ADF timeline is an interactive data visualization tool that allows users to view events in chronological order and easily navigate forwards and backwards within a defined time range. Events are represented as timeline items using simple ADF components to display information such as text and images, or supply actions such a links. A dual timeline can be configured to display two series of events to allow a side-by-side comparison of related information.

The prefix dvt: occurs at the beginning of each data visualization component name indicating that the component belongs to the ADF Data Visualization Tools (DVT) tag library.

38.1.1 Data Visualization Components Use Cases and Examples

For detailed descriptions of each data visualization use cases and examples, see the following:

38.1.2 End User and Presentation Features

Visually compelling data visualization components enable end users to understand and analyze complex business data. The components are rich in features that provide out-of-the-box interactivity support. For detailed descriptions of the end user and presentation features for each component, see the following:

38.1.3 Additional Functionality for Data Visualization Components

You may find it helpful to understand other Oracle ADF features before you data bind your data visualization components. Additionally, once you have added a data visualization component to your page, you may find that you need to add functionality such as validation and accessibility. Following are links to other functionality that data visualization components use:

  • Partial page rendering: You may want a data visualization component to refresh to show new data based on an action taken on another component on the page. For more information, see the "Rerendering Partial Page Content" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

  • Personalization: Users can change the way the data visualization components display at runtime, those values will not be retained once the user leaves the page unless you configure your application to allow user customization. For more information, see the "Allowing User Customization on JSF Pages" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

  • Accessibility: By default, data visualization components are accessible. You can make your application pages available to screen readers. For more information, see the "Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

  • Skins and styles: You can customize the appearance of data visualization components using an ADF skin that you apply to the application or by applying CSS style properties directly using a style-related property (styleClass or inlineStyle). For more information, see the "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

  • Placeholder data controls: If you know the data visualization components on your page will eventually use ADF data binding, but you need to develop the pages before the data controls are ready, then you should consider using placeholder data controls, rather than manually binding the components. Using placeholder data controls will provide the same declarative development experience as using developed data controls. For more information, see Chapter 19, "Designing a Page Using Placeholder Data Controls."

38.2 Creating Databound Gantt Charts

A Gantt chart is a type of bar graph displayed on the horizontal axis. It is used in planning and tracking projects to show tasks or resources in a time frame with a distinct beginning and end.

When you create a Gantt chart, you can choose from the following types:

  • Project

    A project Gantt chart lists tasks vertically and shows the duration of each task as a bar on a horizontal time line.

  • Resource Utilization

    A resource utilization Gantt chart shows graphically whether resources are over or under allocated. It shows resources vertically while showing their allocation and, optionally, capacity on the horizontal time axis.

  • Scheduling

    A scheduling Gantt chart is based on manual scheduling boards and shows resources vertically with corresponding activities on the horizontal time axis. Examples of resources include people, machines, or rooms.

38.2.1 How to Create a Databound Project Gantt Chart

For a project Gantt chart, you must specify values for tasks. Optionally, you can specify values for split tasks, subtasks, recurring tasks, and dependencies between tasks, if your data collection has accessors for this additional information.

The project Gantt chart is displayed with default values for overall start time and end time and for the major and minor time axis values. In a project Gantt chart, the setting for the major time axis defaults to weeks and the setting for the minor time axis defaults to days.

Figure 38-1 shows a project Gantt chart in which each task is an order to be filled. The list region on the left side of the splitter shows columns with the name of the person responsible for the order and columns for the order date and ship date. In the chart region on the right side of the splitter, the Gantt chart displays a horizontal bar from the order date to the ship date for each order.

Figure 38-1 Project Gantt Chart for Orders Shipped

Project Gantt chart for orders shipped

To create a project Gantt chart using a data control, bind the project Gantt chart component to a data collection. JDeveloper allows you to do this declaratively by dragging and dropping a collection from the Data Controls panel.


You can also create a project Gantt chart by dragging a project Gantt chart component from the Components window and completing the Create Project Gantt dialog. This approach allows you to design the Gantt chart user interface before binding the component to data.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of databound Gantt charts. For more information, see Section 38.2, "Creating Databound Gantt Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other Oracle ADF features. For more information, see Section 38.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Data Visualization Components."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Create an application module that contains instances of the view objects that you want in your data model, as described in Section 13.2, "Creating and Modifying an Application Module."

    For example, the data source for the project Gantt chart in Figure 38-1 comes from a view object representing shipping orders including their shipping and delivery dates, in the Summit sample application for ADF DVT components.

  • Create a JSF page as described in the "How to Create JSF Pages" section of Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

To create a project Gantt chart using the Data Controls panel:

  1. From the Data Controls panel, select a data collection. Select a row set collection that produces a flat list of tasks, or a basic tree collection that produces a hierarchical list of tasks.

    Figure 38-2 shows an example where you could select the OrderEmployee1 collection in the Data Controls panel to create a project Gantt chart that displays the progress of order shipping.

    Figure 38-2 Data Collection for Shipping Orders

    Data collection for shipping orders
  2. Drag the collection onto a JSF page and, from the context menu, choose Gantt > Project.

  3. In the Create Project Gantt dialog, in the Tasks page, select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Task Id: The unique Id for the tasks represented in the Gantt chart.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the task.

    • Task Type: The type used to specify the appearance of the task bar when it is rendered in the Gantt chart. If you do not bind the type to a column in your data collection, then all tasks default to Normal. Task types include:

      • Normal: The basic task type, a plain horizontal bar that shows the start time, end time, and duration of the task.

      • Summary: Shows start time and end time for a group of tasks, typically subtasks. A summary task cannot be moved or extended. However, your application should recalculate the summary task times when the dates of any subtask changes.

      • Milestone: Shows a specific date in the Gantt chart. There is only one date associated with a milestone task. A milestone task cannot be extended but it can be moved.

  4. Click Show More to select additional columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes for the specified task type:

    • Actual Start and Actual End: When these attributes are specified, instead of drawing one bar, two bars are drawn. One bar indicates the base start and end date, the other bar indicates the actual start and end date. This is applicable to normal and milestone task types.

    • % Complete: When specified, an additional inner bar is drawn to indicate the percentage complete for the task.

    • Completed Through: Allows you to specify a date rather than a percentage. When specified, an additional inner bar is drawn to indicate the percentage complete based on the date that the attribute references.

    • Critical: Changes the color of the bar to red to mark it as critical. This is applicable to normal, summary, and milestone task types.

    • Edits Allowed: Boolean value to specify if the task start date, end date, or duration is supported in the chart region.

    • Is Container: Boolean value to specify if the node definition is a container.

  5. If the data collection has an accessor for subtasks, use the Subtasks page to select the Subtasks Accessor from the dropdown list, and then the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Subtask ID: The unique Id for the list of subtasks in the data collection.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the subtask.

    • End Time: The ending time of the subtask.

    • Subtask Type: The type used to specify the appearance of the subtask bar when it is rendered in the Gantt chart. If you do not bind the type to a column in your data collection, then all tasks default to Normal. Task types include:

      • Normal: The basic task type, a plain horizontal bar that shows the start time, end time, and duration of the task.

      • Summary: Shows start time and end time for a group of tasks, typically subtasks. A summary task cannot be moved or extended. However, your application should recalculate the summary task times when the dates of any subtask changes.

      • Milestone: Shows a specific date in the Gantt chart. There is only one date associated with a milestone task. A milestone task cannot be extended but it can be moved.

    If you do not bind subtasks, then the Gantt chart cannot render a hierarchy view of tasks. If you bind subtasks, you can drill from tasks to subtasks in the hierarchy view of the Gantt chart.

  6. If the data collection has an accessor for dependent tasks, use the Dependent Tasks page to select the Dependent Task accessor from the dropdown list, and then the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Dependency Type: Specifies the type of the dependency. Valid values are start-start, start-finish, finish-finish, finish-start, start-before, start-together, finish-after, and finish-together.

    • From Task Id: Specifies the first task in the dependent relationship.

    • To Task Id: Specifies the last task in the dependent relationship.

  7. If the data collection has an accessor for split tasks, use the Split Tasks page to select the Split Task accessor from the dropdown list, and then the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Split Task Id: The unique Id for a task split into two horizontal bars, usually linked by a line. The time between the bars represents idle time due to traveling or down time.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the split task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the split task.

  8. If the data collection has an accessor for recurring tasks, use the Recurring Tasks page to select the Recurring Tasks accessor from the dropdown list, and then the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Recurring Task Id: A unique Id for a task repeated in a Gantt chart, each instance with its own start and end date. Individual recurring tasks can optionally contain a subtype. All other properties of the individual recurring tasks come from the task which they are part of. However, if an individual recurring task has a subtype, this subtype overrides the task type.

    • Type: Specifies the type of the recurring task.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the recurring task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the recurring task.

  9. In the Appearance page, specify the attributes that correspond to the Label of the task bar, and up to three icons to associate with the task bar.

  10. In the Table Columns section, specify the columns to display for each row in the list region of the Gantt chart. Use the New icon to add new rows, the Delete icon to remove rows, and the arrow icons to arrange the rows in the sequence that you want the columns to appear in the Gantt chart list.


    The first row that you specify in the Table Columns section designates the nodestamp column for the list region. If you specify a subtask accessor, this row is used as the parent in a hierarchical relationship that can be expanded or collapsed.

    For each row, specify the following:

    • Display Label: Select the values for the headers of the columns in the Gantt chart list. If you select <default>, the text for the header is automatically retrieved from the data binding.

    • Value Binding: Select the columns in the data collection to use for the columns in the Gantt chart list. The available values are the same as those for the tasks group.

    • Component to Use: Select the type of component to display in the cell of the Gantt chart list. You can specify that a cell is editable by using an ADF input component. The default is the ADF Output Text component.

  11. Click OK.

    Figure 38-3 shows the dialog used to create the project Gantt chart in Figure 38-1 from the data collection for shipping orders.

    Figure 38-3 Create Project Gantt Dialog for Orders Shipped

    Create Project Gantt Dialog for Orders Shipped
  12. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:projectGantt component and select Go to Properties.

  13. In the Properties window, expand the Common section, and specify the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) for the StartTime and EndTime attributes representing the start and end dates respectively for the time period of the Gantt chart data.

    The dates that you specify determine the initial view that appears in the project Gantt chart at runtime.

  14. If you want to include a legend in the Gantt chart, right-click the project Gantt chart node in the Structure window and choose Insert Inside Project Gantt > Legend.

    The legend shows information about each symbol and color coded bar used to represent different task types. It also shows detailed information about the task selected in the Gantt chart.

After creating the project Gantt chart, use the Properties window to specify values for additional attributes. For detailed information about Gantt chart use cases, end user and presentation features, tag structure, and adding special features to Gantt charts, see the "Using Gantt Chart Components" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

38.2.2 What Happens When You Create a Project Gantt Chart from a Data Control

Dragging and dropping a view object from the Data Controls panel to create a project Gantt chart has the following effect:

  • Creates the bindings for the Gantt chart and adds the bindings to the page definition file

  • Adds the necessary code for the UI components to the JSF page

Example 38-1 displays the row set bindings generated for the project Gantt chart in Figure 38-1 to display shipped orders. This code example shows the node defined for tasks with attributes for task Id, start date, and end dates. There are also nodes defined for subtasks, dependent tasks, split tasks, and recurring tasks with no defined attributes.

Example 38-1 Bindings for a Project Gantt Chart

  <gantt IterBinding="OrderEmployee1Iterator" id="OrderEmployee1"
         xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/dvt">    <ganttDataMap>      <nodeDefinition DefName="model.OrderEmployee" type="Tasks">        <AttrNames>
          <Item Value="TaskId" type="taskId"/>
          <Item Value="StartDate" type="startTime"/>
          <Item Value="EndDate" type="endTime"/>
          <Item Value="TaskType" type="taskType"/>
      <nodeDefinition type="subTasks">
      <nodeDefinition type="Dependents">
      <nodeDefinition type="SplitTasks">
      <nodeDefinition type="RecurringTasks">

Example 38-2 shows the code generated on the JSF page for the project Gantt chart. This tag code contains settings for the overall start and end time for the project Gantt chart. It also shows the default time axis settings for the major axis in weeks and the minor axis in days. Finally, it lists the specifications for each column that appears in the list region of the Gantt chart.

Example 38-2 Code on the JSF Page for a Project Gantt Chart

<dvt:projectGantt id="gantt1" value="#{bindings.OrderEmployee1.projectGanttModel}"
                  startTime="2012-03-31" endTime="2012-06-30">
  <f:facet name="major">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="weeks" id="ta1"/>
  <f:facet name="minor">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="days" id="ta2"/>
  <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
      <af:outputText value="#{row.FirstName}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="LastName" sortable="false"
      <af:outputText value="#{row.LastName}"/>
    <af:column sortProperty="OrderDate" sortable="false"
       <af:outputText value="#{row.OrderDate}">
     <af:column sortProperty="ShippedDate" sortable="false"
       <af:outputText value="#{row.ShippedDate}">
     <af:column sortProperty="TaskType" sortable="false"
       <af:outputText value="#{row.TaskType}"/>

38.2.3 How to Create a Databound Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

For a resource utilization Gantt chart, you must supply identification for resources, identification for time, and start and end times for resource usage. Optionally, you can provide data values for subresources.

The resource utilization Gantt chart is displayed with default values for the major and minor time axis values. In a resource utilization Gantt chart, the setting for the major time axis defaults to weeks and the setting for the minor time axis defaults to days.

Figure 38-4 shows a resource utilization Gantt chart that lists each resource and an associated calendar that can display when the resource is in use.

Figure 38-4 Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

Resource utilization Gantt chart

To create a resource utilization Gantt chart using a data control, you bind the resource utilization component to a data collection. JDeveloper allows you to do this declaratively by dragging a collection from the Data Controls panel and dropping it on a JSF page.


You can also create a resource utilization Gantt chart by dragging a resource utilization Gantt chart component from the Components window and completing the Create Resource Utilization Gantt dialog. This approach gives you the option of designing the Gantt chart user interface before binding the component to data.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of databound Gantt charts. For more information, see Section 38.2, "Creating Databound Gantt Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other Oracle ADF features. For more information, see Section 38.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Data Visualization Components."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Create an application module that contains instances of the view objects that you want in your data model, as described in Section 13.2, "Creating and Modifying an Application Module."

    For example, the data source for the Gantt chart in Figure 38-4 comes from view objects in the Summit ADF DVT sample application. Use the SalesRepViewObj1 view object representing the sales personnel with a view link to the SOrdView2 view object that includes the time bucket accessor and attributes for order and ship dates.

  • Create a JSF page as described in the "How to Create JSF Pages" section of Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

To create a resource utilization Gantt chart using the Data Controls panel:

  1. From the Data Controls panel, select a data collection. For a Gantt chart, you can select a row set collection or a basic tree collection.

    Figure 38-5 shows an example where you could select the SalesRepViewObj1 collection in the Data Controls panel to create a resource utilization Gantt chart to display the usage of a resource.

    Figure 38-5 Data Collection for Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

    Data Collection for Resource Utilization Gantt Chart
  2. Drag the collection onto a JSF page and, from the context menu, choose Gantt > Resource Utilization.

  3. In the Create Resource Utilization Gantt dialog, select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Resource Id: The unique identifier of the resource, for example Id representing the sales representatives in the view object.

    • Is Container: Boolean. Specify whether or not the node definition is a container.

  4. In the Time Buckets page, select a value from the Bucket Accessor dropdown list that contains the time buckets assigned to the resource, and select a value from the Bucket Date dropdown list that corresponds to a unit of time.

    For example, the SOrdView2 view object includes attributes representing the date ordered and date shipped for each order assigned to a sales representative. Figure 38-6 shows the view object used for the bucket accessor.

    Figure 38-6 Resource Utilization Gantt Chart Bucket Accessor

    Resource utilizaztion Gantt chart bucket accessor
  5. In the Bucket Metrics list, specify attributes that appear as bars within the time bucket. Use the New icon to add new rows, the Delete icon to remove rows, and the arrow icons to arrange the rows in the sequence that you want the metrics to appear in the Gantt chart region.

    Each attribute that you specify in the Bucket Metrics list must be of type Number as the value of the attribute is used to calculate the height of the bar.

  6. In the Table Columns section, specify the columns to display for each row in the list region of the Gantt chart. Use the New icon to add new rows, the Delete icon to remove rows, and the arrow icons to arrange the rows in the sequence that you want the columns to appear in the Gantt chart list.


    The first row that you specify in the Table Columns section designates the nodestamp column for the list region. If you specify a subresource accessor, this row displays the parent in a hierarchical relationship that can be expanded or collapsed.

    For each row, specify the following:

    • Display Label: Select the values for the headers of the columns in the Gantt chart list. If you select <default>, the text for the header is automatically retrieved from the data binding.

    • Value Binding: Select the columns in the data collection to use for the columns in the Gantt chart list. The available values are the same as those for the tasks group.

    • Component to Use: Select the type of component to display in the cell of the Gantt chart list. You can specify that a cell is editable by using an ADF input component. The default is the ADF Output Text component.

  7. If the data collection has an accessor for subresources, use the Subresources page to select a Subresources accessor from the dropdown list, and then select a unique identifier for the subresource from the Resource Id dropdown list.

  8. In the Appearance page, specify the attributes that correspond to the Label of the task bar.

  9. Click OK.

    Figure 38-7 shows the dialog used to create a resource utilization Gantt chart from the data collection for resources available for a project.

    Figure 38-7 Create Resource Utilization Gantt Chart Dialog

    Create Resource Utilization Gantt Chart
  10. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt component and select Go to Properties.

  11. In the Properties window, expand the Common section, and specify the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) for the StartTime and EndTime attributes representing the start and end dates respectively for the time period of the Gantt chart data.

    The dates that you specify determine the initial view that appears in the resource utilization Gantt chart at runtime.

  12. If you want to include a legend in the Gantt chart, right-click the resource utilization Gantt chart node in the Structure window and choose Insert Inside Resource Utilization Gantt > Legend.

    The legend shows information about each symbol and color coded bar used to represent different tasks. It also shows detailed information about the task selected in the Gantt chart.

After creating the resource utilization Gantt chart, use the Properties window to specify values for additional attributes. For detailed information about Gantt chart use cases, end user and presentation features, tag structure, and adding special features to Gantt charts, see the "Using Gantt Chart Components" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

38.2.4 What Happens When You Create a Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

Dragging and dropping a view object from the Data Controls panel onto a JSF page to create a resource utilization Gantt chart has the following effects:

  • Creates bindings for the resource utilization Gantt chart and adds the bindings to the page definition file

  • Adds the necessary code for the UI components to the JSF page

Example 38-3 shows the row set bindings that were generated for the resource utilization Gantt chart illustrated in Figure 38-7.

Example 38-3 Binding XML for a Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

  <gantt IterBinding="SalesRepViewObj1Iterator" id="SalesRepViewObj1"
      <nodeDefinition DefName="model.SalesRepViewObj" type="Resources">
          <Item Value="Id" type="resourceId"/>
          <Item Value="SOrdView" type="timeBuckets"/>
      <nodeDefinition type="TimeBuckets" DefName="model.SOrdView">
          <Item Value="DateOrderedDay" type="time"/>
          <Item type="metric" Value="Total"/>
      <nodeDefinition type="Subresources">

Example 38-4 shows the code generated on the JSF page for the resource utilization Gantt chart. This tag code contains settings for the overall start and end time for the resource utilization Gantt chart. These settings have to be edited manually. The code also shows the time axis settings for the major time axis (in weeks) and the minor time axis (in days). Finally, it lists the specifications for each column to appear in the list region of the resource utilization Gantt chart.

Example 38-4 Code on the JSF Page for a Resource Utilization Gantt Chart

<dvt:resourceUtilizationGantt id="gantt1"
            var="row" metrics="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.metrics}"
            startTime="2012-05-09" endTime="2013-05-15"
  <f:facet name="major">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="weeks" id="ta1"/>
  <f:facet name="minor">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="days" id="ta2"/>
  <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.FirstName.name}"
      <af:outputText value="#{row.FirstName}"
    <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.LastName.name}"
      <af:outputText value="#{row.LastName}"
    <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.Email.name}"
      <af:outputText value="#{row.Email}"

38.2.5 How to Create a Databound Scheduling Gantt Chart

For a scheduling Gantt chart, you must supply identification for resources, identification for tasks, and start and end times for tasks. Optionally, you can provide data values for subresources, recurring tasks, split tasks, and dependencies between tasks.

The scheduling Gantt chart is displayed with default values for overall start and end time and for the major and minor time axis values. In a scheduling Gantt chart, the setting for the major time axis defaults to weeks and the setting for the minor time axis defaults to days.

Figure 38-8 shows a scheduling Gantt chart that lists each resource and all the orders for which that resource is responsible. In contrast to a project Gantt chart, the scheduling Gantt chart shows all the tasks for a given resource on the same line, while the project Gantt chart lists each task on a separate line.

Figure 38-8 Scheduling Gantt Chart for Order Shipping

Scheduling Gantt chart for order shipping

To create a scheduling Gantt chart using a data control, you bind the schedulingGantt tag to a data collection. JDeveloper allows you to do this declaratively by dragging and dropping a collection from the Data Controls panel.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of databound Gantt charts. For more information, see Section 38.2, "Creating Databound Gantt Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other Oracle ADF features. For more information, see Section 38.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Data Visualization Components."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Create an application module that contains instances of the view objects that you want in your data model, as described in Section 13.2, "Creating and Modifying an Application Module."

    For example, the data source for the Gantt chart in Figure 38-8 comes from view objects in the Summit ADF DVT sample application. Use the SalesRepViewObj1 view object representing the sales personnel with a view link to the SOrdView2 view object that includes the tasks accessor and attributes for order and ship dates.

  • Create a JSF page as described in the "How to Create JSF Pages" section of Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

To create a scheduling Gantt chart using the Data Controls panel:

  1. From the Data Controls panel, select a data collection. For a Gantt chart, you can select a row set collection or a basic tree collection.

    Figure 38-9 shows an example where you could select the SalesRepViewObj1 data collection to create a scheduling Gantt chart that displays the orders each sales representative is responsible for managing.

    Figure 38-9 Data Collection for Scheduling Gantt Chart

    Data collection for scheduling Gantt chart
  2. Drag the collection onto a JSF page and, from the context menu, choose Gantt > Scheduling.

  3. In the Create Scheduling Gantt dialog, select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Resource Id: The unique Id for the resource represented in the scheduling Gantt chart.

    • Working Start Time: The work start date of the scheduling Gantt chart.

    • Working End Time: The work end date of the scheduling Gantt chart.

    • Working Days of Week: Specifies a list of the working days of the week.

    • Is Container: Boolean. Specify whether or not the node definition is a container.

  4. In the Tasks page, select the Task Accessor from the dropdown list, and then select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Task Id: The unique Id for the task associated with a resource in the Gantt chart.

    • Task Type: The type used to specify the appearance of the task bar when it is rendered in the Gantt chart. If you do not bind the type to a column in your data collection, then all tasks default to Scheduled.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the task.

    • Startup Time: The time to start up the task before beginning.

    • Shutdown Time: The time to shut down the task after completion.

    For example, the SOrdView2 view object includes attributes representing the date ordered and date shipped for each order assigned to a sales representative. Figure 38-10 shows the view object used for the task accessor.

    Figure 38-10 Scheduling Gantt Chart Task Accessor

    Scheduling Gantt chart task accessor
  5. If the data collection has an accessor for dependent tasks, use the Dependent Tasks page to select the Dependent Task accessor, and then select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Dependency Type: Specifies the type of the dependency. Valid values are start-start, start-finish, finish-finish, finish-start, start-before, start-together, finish-after, and finish-together.

    • From Task Id: Specifies the first task in the dependent relationship.

    • To Task Id: Specifies the last task in the dependent relationship.

    Dependent tasks are linked by their associations with the finish and start times between them.

  6. If the data collection has an accessor for split tasks, use the Split Tasks page to select the Split Tasks accessor, and then select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Split Task Id: The unique Id for a task split into two horizontal bars, usually linked by a line. The time between the bars represents idle time due to traveling or down time.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the split task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the split task.

  7. If the data collection has an accessor for recurring tasks, use the Recurring Tasks page to select the Recurring Tasks accessor from the dropdown list, and then select the columns in the data collection that correspond to the following attributes:

    • Recurring Task Id: A unique Id for a task repeated in a Gantt chart, each instance with its own start and end date. Individual recurring tasks can optionally contain a subtype. All other properties of the individual recurring tasks come from the task which they are part of. However, if an individual recurring task has a subtype, this subtype overrides the task type.

    • Type: Specifies the type of the recurring task.

    • Start Time: The starting time of the recurring task.

    • End Time: The ending time of the recurring task.

  8. If the data collection has an accessor for subresources, use the Subresources page to select the Subresources Accessor from the dropdown list, and then select the column in the data collection that corresponds to the Subresource Id, the unique Id for the list of subresources in the data collection.

    If you do not bind subresources, then the Gantt chart cannot render a hierarchy view of resources. If you bind subresources, then you can drill from resources to subresources in the hierarchy view of the Gantt chart.

  9. In the Appearance page, specify the attributes that correspond to the Label of the task bar, and up to three icons to associate with the task bar.

  10. In the Table Columns section, specify the columns that will appear in the list region of the Gantt chart on the left side of the splitter. Specify one row of information for each column that is to appear. Use the New icon to add new rows. Use the arrow icon to arrange the rows in the exact sequence that you want the columns to appear in the Gantt chart list. For each row, you provide the following specifications:

    • Display Label: Select the values for the headers of the columns in the Gantt chart list. If you select <default>, then the text for the header is automatically retrieved from the data binding.

    • Value Binding: Select the columns in the data collection to use for the column in the Gantt chart list. The available values are the same as those for the tasks group.

    • Component to Use: Select the type of component to display in the cell of the Gantt chart list. The default is the ADF Output Text component.

  11. Click OK.

    Figure 38-11 shows the dialog used to create the scheduling Gantt chart from the data collection for sales representatives responsible for shipping orders.

    Figure 38-11 Create Scheduling Gantt Dialog

    Create Scheduling Gantt Chart Duia
  12. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:schedulingGantt component and select Go to Properties.

  13. In the Properties window, expand the Common section, and specify the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) for the StartTime and EndTime attributes representing the start and end dates respectively for the time period of the Gantt chart data.

    The dates that you specify determine the initial view that appears in the scheduling Gantt chart at runtime.

  14. If you want to include a legend in the Gantt chart, right-click the scheduling Gantt chart node in the Structure window and choose Insert Inside Scheduling Gantt > Legend.

    The legend shows information about each symbol and color coded bar used to represent different tasks. It also shows detailed information about the task selected in the Gantt chart.

38.2.6 What Happens When You Create a Scheduling Gantt Chart

Dropping a scheduling Gantt chart from the Data Controls panel has the following effect:

  • Creates the bindings for the Gantt chart and adds the bindings to the page definition file

  • Adds the necessary code for the UI components to the JSF page

Example 38-5 shows the row set bindings that were generated for the scheduling Gantt chart that displays resources and orders shipped.

Example 38-5 Binding XML for a Scheduling Gantt Chart

  <gantt IterBinding="SalesRepViewObj1Iterator" id="SalesRepViewObj1"
      <nodeDefinition DefName="model.SalesRepViewObj" type="Resources">
          <Item Value="Id" type="resourceId"/>
          <Item Value="SOrdView" type="tasks"/>
      <nodeDefinition type="Tasks" DefName="model.SOrdView">
          <Item Value="Id" type="taskId"/>
          <Item Value="DateOrdered" type="startTime"/>
          <Item Value="DateShipped" type="endTime"/>
      <nodeDefinition type="Dependents">
      <nodeDefinition type="SplitTasks">
      <nodeDefinition type="RecurringTasks">
      <nodeDefinition type="Subresources">

Example 38-6 shows the code generated on the JSF page for the scheduling Gantt chart. This tag code contains settings for the overall start and end time for the scheduling Gantt chart. It also shows the time axis settings for the major time axis in weeks and the minor time axis in days. Finally, it lists the specifications for each column that appears in the list region of the Gantt chart.

Example 38-6 Code on the JSF Page for a Scheduling Gantt Chart

<dvt:schedulingGantt id="gantt1"
                     var="row" startTime="2012-04-15" endTime="2013-05-15"
  <f:facet name="major">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="weeks" id="ta1"/>
  <f:facet name="minor">
    <dvt:timeAxis scale="days" id="ta2"/>
<f:facet name="nodeStamp">
  <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.FirstName.name}"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.FirstName}"
  <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.LastName.name}"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.LastName}"
  <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.Email.name}"
             headerText="#{bindings.SalesRepViewObj1.hints.Email.label}" id="c3">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.Email}"

38.2.7 What You May Need to Know About Data Change Event Handling

When you use ADF data controls to data bind project and scheduling Gantt charts, a data change listener is automatically provided for data change events that require an update to row attributes, for example:

  • DURATION_CHANGE: End time of a task; resize task bar

  • PROGRESS_CHANGE: Progress of task; resize progress bar

  • TIME_CHANGE: Start and end time of a task; move the task bar

At design time, the data change listener provides a built-in processDataChange method for project and scheduling Gantt bindings as illustrated in Example 38-7.

Example 38-7 Sample Code for Default dataChangeListener

<dvt:projectGantt id="gantt1"

Data change events requiring row insertion or deletion are not supported, for example:

  • TASK_SPLITTED: Split a task

  • TASK_MERGED: Merge task with another task

  • LINK: Link two tasks together

  • UNLINK: Unlink two tasks linked together

  • COPY: Copy one or more tasks or resources

  • CREATE: Create a new task

  • CREATE_RESOURCE: Create a new resource

  • CUT: Cut one or more tasks or resources

  • PASTE: Paste tasks or resources

  • UPDATE: Update a task

  • UPDATE_RESOURCE: Update a resource

  • TASKS_PROPERTIES_UPDATE: Task properties dialog event

  • INDENT: Indent a task or resource

  • OUTDENT: Outdent a task or resource

  • DELETE: Delete one or more tasks or resources

If you wish to configure your application to handle events that do not have a default implementation, specify a method in a backing bean and delegate to the built-in processDataChange method. For example, Example 38-8 shows a dataChangeListener configured to use a handleDataChange method to handle a TASK_PROPERTIES_UPDATE event using the backing bean shown in Example 38-9.

Example 38-8 Sample Code for Custom dataChangeListener Method

<dvt:projectGantt id="gantt1"

Example 38-9 Sample Code for Backing Bean

public void handleDataChange(DataChangeEvent evt)
    // handle events not supported by built-in "processDataChange" method
    int _type = evt.getActionType();
    if (_type == DataChangeEvent.TASK_PROPERTIES_UPDATE)
        // handle event.
    else  // delegate to built-in "processDataChange" method.
        String expression =
        ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        MethodExpression methodExp = elFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext,
            expression, null, new Class[] {DataChangeEvent.class});
        methodExp.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {evt});


The project and scheduling Gantt chart's default implementation of a dataChangeListener for ADF data controls will not perform commit or rollback changes to the database. You must configure your application to handle those operations.

38.3 Creating Databound Timelines

A timeline is an interactive data visualization tool that allows users to view date-based events in chronological order and easily navigate forwards and backwards within a defined time range. A dual timeline can be used for a side-by-side comparison of events. For example, you can use a timeline to display the hire dates of employees, or use a dual timeline to compare multiple human resource events between two employees.

A timeline is composed of the display of events as timeline items along a time axis, a movable overview window that corresponds to the period of viewable time in the timeline, and an overview time axis that displays the total time increment for the timeline. A horizontal zoom control is available to change the viewable time range. Timeline items corresponding to events display associated information or actions and are connected to the date of the event in the time axis. Timelines items are represented by a marker in the overview panel. No more that two series of events are supported by the timeline component.

Figure 38-12 shows a timeline displaying the chronological order of the hire dates of employees in the Summit ADF DVT sample application. In this example, timeline items representing each event display information about the employee using an image and text with labels. When selection is configured, the timeline item, line feeler, and the event marker in the overview panel are highlighted.

Figure 38-12 Timeline of Employee Hire Dates

Timeline of Employee Hire Dates

Figure 38-13 shows a dual timeline comparing multiple human resource events between two employees. The time axis is positioned between the two series of events and the overview panel displays at the bottom of the timeline.

Figure 38-13 Dual Timeline Events Between Employees

Timeline Comparing Events Between Employees

The content of timeline items, marker display, and time axis are configurable. For detailed information about timeline use cases, end user and presentation features, tag structure, and adding special features to timelines, see the "Using Timeline Components" chapter in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

38.3.1 How to Create a Timeline Using ADF Data Controls

The data displayed in a timeline is based on data collections. The timeline component uses a model to access the data in the underlying list. The specific model class is oracle.adf.view.rich.model.CollectionModel. You can also use other model instances, for example, java.util.List, java.util.Array, and javax.faces.model.DataModel. The data layer will automatically convert the instance into a CollectionModel.

Stamping is used to associate information about a timeline event with a row of data in a data collection. Using stamping, each row of data in the data model can be displayed for an event. When you use stamping, child components are not created for every item in the timeline. Rather, the content of the component is repeatedly rendered, or stamped, once per data attribute.

Using data controls in Oracle ADF, JDeveloper makes this a declarative task. You drag and drop a data collection from the Data Controls panel that generates one (up to two) series of events onto the JSF page.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of databound timelines. For more information, see Section 38.3, "Creating Databound Timelines."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other Oracle ADF features. For more information, see Section 38.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Data Visualization Components."

You will need to complete these tasks:

  • Create an application module that contains instances of the view objects that you want in your data model, as described in Section 13.2, "Creating and Modifying an Application Module."

    For example, the data source for the timeline in Figure 38-12 comes from a single table in the Summit ADF DVT sample application. Use the SEmp table to create a view object representing the employees including their hire dates.

  • Create a JSF page as described in the "How to Create JSF Pages" section of Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

To create a timeline using the Data Controls panel:

  1. From the Data Controls panel, select a collection.

    Figure 38-14 shows an example where you could select the SEmpView1 collection in the Data Controls panel to create a timeline that displays the hire dates of employees.

    Figure 38-14 Data Collection for Timeline of Employee Hire Dates

    Sample data collection for timeline
  2. Drag the collection onto the JSF page, and from the context menu choose Timeline.

  3. In the Configure Timeline Series Data page of the Create Timeline wizard, configure the timeline data model for at least one (at most two for a dual timeline), by setting the following values:

    1. Series Value: Use the dropdown list to select the data collection to use in the timeline. By default, the data collection you inserted from the Data Controls panel is displayed. JDeveloper automatically lists any collection from the application module that includes at least one qualifying date-based attribute from which to choose.

    2. Item Date Value: Use the dropdown list to select the date-based attribute to use for the timeline items stamped in the timeline. JDeveloper automatically lists all qualifying attributes in the collection referenced in the Series Value from which to choose.

    3. Group: Optionally use the dropdown list to select the attribute to use to group timeline items when the item date values are identical. JDeveloper automatically lists all data collection attributes from which to choose.

      You can also choose Expression Builder and create an EL Expression to specify grouping of attributes at runtime. If you need help press F1 or click Help.

  4. For each timeline series that you configured as a data model, select the series, and set the following values for the timeline item display attributes:

    1. Image: Optionally, enter the relative path to the image file to stamp in the timeline item, or use the Search icon to open the Select Image File dialog to navigate to the image source.

      You can also choose Expression Builder to configure an EL Expression that evaluates at runtime to locate the image file.


      if you need to change the size of the image in the timeline item, specify the InlineStyle attribute of the af:image component in source code or declaratively in the Property window. For example, in the Summit ADF DVT sample, specify inlineStyle="width:85px;height:100px;".

    2. Component: From the dropdown list, select the ADF Faces component to use to display the attribute text in the timeline item. You can choose from outputText, which displays unformatted text, and outputFormatted, which displays text and can include a limited range of formatting options. You can also choose to associate a label with either output text option in the Label value.

    3. Value: From the dropdown list select the attribute value to display in the timeline item. JDeveloper automatically lists all attributes in the data collection for the selected timeline series.

    4. Label: This option is available if you specify an ADF Faces component with a label in the Component value for the display attribute. You can use the default Use Attribute Name text, specify a text resource from a resource bundle, or use the EL Expression builder to evaluate the label text at runtime. The label displays in the timeline item at runtime.

    For example, to specify the timeline series and display attributes for the Summit ADF DVT sample in Figure 38-12, complete the Configure Timeline Series Data page of the Create Timeline wizard as shown in Figure 38-15.

    Figure 38-15 Configure Timeline Series Data Page of Create Timeline Wizard

    Configure timeline series page of Create Timeline Wizard
  5. Select Next to advance to the next page of the wizard or Cancel to end the creation of the timeline.

  6. In the Configure Event Marker page of the Create Timeline Wizard, for each timeline series that you configured as a data model, select the series, and set the following optional values for the event marker:

    1. Color: Specify the fill color for the event marker. You can use the dropdown list to select available colors, or click the icon to display a color picker dialog. By default, no color is specified.

    2. Opacity: Specify the opacity of the fill color of the marker. Valid values range from 0 percent for transparent, to 100 percent for opaque.

    3. Standard Shape: Specify the shape of the overview marker for each selected timeline series value. From the dropdown list, select one of seven prebuilt shapes to style the overview marker shape. Valid values are circle (default), diamond, human, plus, square, triangleDown, and triangleUp.

    4. ScaleX/ScaleY: Enter the horizontal (scaleX) and vertical (scaleY) scale factor to modify the overview marker from its default size. Valid values are numerical percentages. JDeveloper will automatically resize a marker to fit within the timeline overview area if the marker is too large.

    For example, to specify the timeline overview series markers for the Summit ADF DVT sample in Figure 38-12, complete the Configure Event Marker page of the Create Timeline wizard as shown in Figure 38-16.

    Figure 38-16 Configure Event Marker Page of Create Timeline Wizard

    Configure event marker page of create timeline wizard
  7. Select Back to return to the last page of the wizard, Next to advance to the next page of the wizard, or Cancel to end the creation of the timeline.

  8. In the Configure Time Range and Scale of the Create Timeline Wizard, configure the time axis and overview axis by setting the following values:

    1. Start Time: Enter the starting date to use for the time range of the timeline using the format yyyy-mm-dd. Select a start date that will include events in the data collection you wish to display on the timeline. From the dropdown list you can select Current Date. You can also click the Calendar icon to display a date picker dialog. The default value is set for three months before the current date.

    2. End Time: Enter the ending date to use for the timeline time range using the format yyyy-mm-dd. Select an end date that will include events in the data collection you wish to display on the timeline. From the dropdown list you can select Current Date. You can also click the Calendar icon to display a date picker dialog. The default value is twelve months after the default Start Time value.

    3. Axis Scale: Use the dropdown list to select the time scale to use for the timeline time axis. The time axis shows the user the current time increment for the timeline.

      You must use a smaller time scale than the Overview Scale. For example, you cannot set the axis scale to years if the overview scale is set to months. You can also specify a custom axis scale.

      Valid values are twoyears, years, halfyears, quarters (default), twomonths, months, twoweeks, weeks, days, sixhours, threehours, hours, halfhours, and quarterhours. You can also specify a custom axis scale. For more information, see "How to Add a Custom Time Scale to a Timeline" in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

    4. Overview Scale: Use the dropdown list to select the time scale to use for the timeline overview axis. The overview axis shows the user the total time increment covered by the timeline.

      Valid values are twoyears, years (default), halfyears, quarters, twomonths, months, twoweeks, weeks, days, sixhours, threehours, hours, halfhours, and quarterhours. You can also specify a custom axis scale. For more information, see "How to Add a Custom Time Scale to a Timeline" in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.

    For example, to specify the timeline axis and overview time range for the Summit DVT ADF sample in Figure 38-12, complete the Configure Time Range and Scale page in the Create Timeline wizard as show in Figure 38-17.

    Figure 38-17 Configure Time Range and Scale Page of Create Timeline Wizard

    Create time range and scale of create timeline wizard.
  9. Select Back to return to the last page of the wizard, Finish to complete the definition of the data binding, or Cancel to end the creation of the timeline.

38.3.2 What Happens When You Use Data Controls to Create a Timeline

When you use ADF data controls to create a timeline, JDeveloper:

  • Defines the bindings for the timeline in the page definition file of the JSF page, and

  • Inserts code in the JSF page for the DVT timeline components.

Example 38-10 shows the bindings defined in the page definition file of the JSF page for the Summit ADF DVT sample timeline in Figure 38-12.

Example 38-10 XML Bindings in Page Definition File

  <tree IterBinding="SEmpView1Iterator" id="SEmpView1" ChangeEventPolicy="ppr">
    <nodeDefinition DefName="model.SEmpView" Name="SEmpView1">
        <Item Value="DeptId"/>
        <Item Value="FirstName"/>
        <Item Value="Id"/>
        <Item Value="LastName"/>
        <Item Value="StartDate"/>

Example 38-11 shows the code inserted in the JSF page for the example timeline in Figure 38-12.

Example 38-11 Sample Code for Timeline Component

<dvt:timeline id="tl1" startTime="2010-01-01" endTime="2012-12-31"
  <dvt:timelineSeries id="ts1" var="evt"
    <dvt:timelineItem value="#{evt.StartDate}" id="ti1" group="#{evt.DeptId}">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg1" layout="horizontal">
        <af:image id="img1" source="images/#{evt.Id}.png"
        <af:spacer width="3" id="s1"/>
          <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg2" layout="vertical">
            <af:panelLabelAndMessage id="plam1"
            <af:outputText id="ot1" value="#{evt.Id}" noWrap="true">
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern=
            <af:panelLabelAndMessage id="plam2"
            <af:outputText id="ot2" value="#{evt.FirstName}" noWrap="true"/>
            <af:panelLabelAndMessage id="plam3"
            <af:outputText id="ot3" value="#{evt.LastName}" noWrap="true"/>
            <af:panelLabelAndMessage id="plam4"
            <af:outputText id="ot4" value="#{evt.DeptId}" noWrap="true">
            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern=
            <f:facet name="overviewItem">
              <dvt:marker id="m1" fillColor="#ff0000"/>
       <dvt:timeAxis id="ta1" scale="months"/>
       <dvt:timelineOverview id="ov1">
       <dvt:timeAxis id="ta2" scale="halfyears"/>

38.3.3 What You May Need to Know About Using Data Controls to Create a Dual Timeline

When you use the Data Controls panel to create a dual timeline, you can configure the same or different data collections to configure the two timeline series and specify the timeline item display attributes and overview marker for each one. JDeveloper automatically lists any data collection from the application module that includes at least one qualifying date-based attribute from which to choose in the Create Timeline wizard.

Example 38-12 show the sample code for the dual timeline displayed in Figure 38-13.

Example 38-12 Sample Code for a Dual Timeline

<dvt:timeline id="tl1" startTime="2000-01-01" endTime="2011-12-31"
      inlineStyle="width:1024px;height:500px" itemSelection="single"
  <dvt:timelineSeries id="ts1" var="evt" value="#{timeline.firstModel}"
    <dvt:timelineItem id="ti1" value="#{evt.date}" group="#{evt.group}">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg1" layout="horizontal">
        <af:image id="img1" inlineStyle="width:30px;height:30px"
        <af:spacer width="3"/>
          <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg2" layout="vertical">
            <af:outputText id="ot1" inlineStyle="color:#084B8A"
                  value="#{evt.description}" noWrap="true"/>
            <af:outputText id="ot2" value="#{evt.date}"
                  inlineStyle="color:#6e6e6e" noWrap="true">
            <af:convertDateTime dateStyle="medium"/>
        <f:facet name="overviewItem">
          <dvt:marker id="m1" shape="circle" fillColor="#ff0000"/>
  <dvt:timelineSeries id="ts2" var="evt" value="#{timeline.secondModel}"
    <dvt:timelineItem id="ti2" value="#{evt.date}">
      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg2" layout="horizontal">
        <af:image id="img2" inlineStyle="width:30px;height:30px"
        <af:spacer width="3"/>
          <af:panelGroupLayout id="pg3" layout="vertical">
            <af:outputText id="ot3" inlineStyle="color:#084B8A"
                  value="#{evt.description}" noWrap="true"/>
            <af:outputText id="ot4" value="#{evt.date}"
                  inlineStyle="color:#6e6e6e" noWrap="true">
            <af:convertDateTime dateStyle="medium"/>
        <f:facet name="overviewItem">
          <dvt:marker id="m2" shape="circle" fillColor="#0000ff"/>
    <dvt:timeAxis id="ta1" scale="quarters"/>
      <dvt:timelineOverview id="ov1">
        <dvt:timeAxis id="ta2" scale="years"/>

For information about the data requirements, tag structure, and options for customizing the look and behavior of the component, see the "Using Timeline Components" chapter in the Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.