Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
12c Release 1 (12.1.2)

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EBR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.setup.TechnologyName
Enum value representing the EBR technology on Oracle Database.
EKM - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.KMType
For internal use only.
EMPTY_SCHEDULING - Static variable in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.SchedulingInfo
Represents a scheduling info without any task planned.
enableInterfaceUpgrade() - Static method in class
EncodingOptions - Class in oracle.odi.impexp
This class is used to specify the encoding options when exporting ODI entities.
EncodingOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.impexp.EncodingOptions
Construct a new EncodingOptions using the default values that could be overriden using bean-style configuration.
EncodingOptions(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.impexp.EncodingOptions
Constructs a new EncodingOptions with the given parameters.
END_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.ScdType
The column represents the valid end date and time for the record version.
ENTERPRISE_ROLE - Static variable in class
ENTERPRISE_USER - Static variable in class
EnterprisePrincipalIsNotRoleMemberException - Exception in
EnterprisePrincipalIsNotRoleMemberException(String, String) - Constructor for exception
EnterpriseUserOrRoleDoesNotExistException - Exception in
EnterpriseUserOrRoleDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPointRole
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MappingDataType
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.model.KeyColumn.KeyColumnId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.model.ReferenceColumn.ReferenceColumnId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder.ReleaseTag
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLine.OdiProcedureLineId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLineCmd
Determines if the pOdiProcedureLineCmd equals this.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.root.RootIssue
EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiCaseWhen.ComparisonOperator
= Equals
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.Tag
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.ExplicitDate
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.Period
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfMonth
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.TimeOfDay
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.Year
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.TimeRange
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiTrackedSequenceValue
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiTrackedVariableValue
EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.VariableOperator
Correspond to operator =.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.startup.StartupParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.OdiVariableValue.OdiVariableValueId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualAgentMapping.OdiContextualAgentMappingId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualSchemaMapping.OdiContextualSchemaMappingId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLanguageElementImpl.OdiLanguageElementImplId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLanguageImpl.OdiLanguageImplId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceId
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.AliasedColumnCrossRef
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.CrossRef
Override Object.equals(Object).
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.Expression
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.interfaces.basic.MappingDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.InterfaceObjectModification
Returns true if the modified object and modification are the same as the modified object and modification of this InterfaceObjectModification object.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.StartupParams
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.ObjTrace.TraceSeverity
Indicating an error trace message.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLine.LogCounter
Execution will increment the ERROR counter.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.Step.LogLevel
This step execution will be logged only in case of error.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.root.RootIssue.Level
The message logged is an error message.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlan.SessionLogsBehavior
Remove on success only: Remove logs when it is successful, keep errors only
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlan.SessionStepLogsBehavior
Remove on success only: Remove logs when it is successful, keep errors only
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.Status
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionTaskLog.LogCounter
Execution will increment the ERROR counter.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.Status
The status for failed execution.
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.validation.ValidationRecord.Type
ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.ExecutionInfo.SessionStatus
Session ended with an error.
ERROR_TABLE_PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology
Max length of error table prefix.
ErrorTableRemoverImpl - Class in
This is a helper class to drop error tables defined in a given data server.
ErrorTableRemoverImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
Constructor that sets the OdiInstance OdiInstance.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if the object's issue severity level matches the predicate.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if the object's issue severity level is greater than or equal to the predicate.
EVALUATE_VARIBALE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
Evaluate Variable step type.
evaluateCondition(Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
evaluateCondition(String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
evaluateExpression1(Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
evaluateExpression2(Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
evaluateIntegerExpression(String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
eventOccurred() - Method in interface oracle.odi.missingref.MissingRefsListener
Tells that an event occurred.
Note that this interface is very basic, because we don't need much more for now.
EX_UNIT_BEGIN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IProcedureLine.LineType
Line type that is executed at the start of processing, before MAP_BEGIN, and is .
EX_UNIT_END - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IProcedureLine.LineType
Line type that is executed after execution unit load.
EX_UNIT_MAIN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IProcedureLine.LineType
Line type for the the main execution unit target loading lines.
ExecutableHelper - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common
Static helper classes for runtime executable objects.
ExecutableHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
executableLocationEquals(ILocation, IContext) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology.ILocation
Checks if this location can run same code as another location.
executableLocationEquals(ILocation, IContext) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema
ExecutableTextHolderFactory - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This is the factory class to create the text holder object for different types of interface sub-component, including filter, join, target mapping and target column.
ExecutableTextHolderFactory() - Constructor for class
ExecutableTextHolderFilter - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The text holder for filters.
This particular text holder is always in a DataSet and has 1 attached SourceDataStore.
ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This is the abstract common implementation for source clauses (Joins and Filters). It wraps the generic clause and provides all basic implementations.
ExecutableTextHolderJoin - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The text holder for joins.
This particular text holder is always in a DataSet and has 2 attached SourceDataStores.
Note that on Lookup Joins, the second attached source datastore cannot be set, as it is tightly bound to the SourceDataStore of the Lookup.
ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The text holder for target columns (mapped on TARGET).
This particular text holder is never in a DataSet and has no attached SourceDataStore.
ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The text holder for target mappings (mapped on SOURCE or WORK).
This particular text holder is always in a DataSet and has 1 attached SourceDataStore.
execute(ITransactionCallback) - Method in class
Execute the action specified by the given callback object within an ODI transaction.
EXECUTE - Static variable in class
EXECUTE privileges, to execute.
executeSQL() - Method in class
Execute the SQL query to fetch source and target data that is associated with an interface.
ExecutionInfo - Class in oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation
Simple class holding execution information.
ExecutionInfo(long) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.ExecutionInfo
Constructs an ExecutionInfo object.
ExecutionInfo(long, int, long, int, String, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.ExecutionInfo
Constructs an ExecutionInfo object.
ExecutionInfo.SessionStatus - Class in oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation
The various status possible.
ExecutionMode - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Enumeration representing execution mode of an OdiSession.
ExecutionUnit - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical
A class representing a set of physical graph tree nodes that whose functionality is executed by a single agent KM process and ETL executing process.
ExecutionUnitGroup - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical
A class to represent a group of execution units in the ODI physical deployment spec that can be executed in parallel with each other.
EXISTING - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema
The schema used will be the same as the datastore, since this is an actual datastore and is not temporary.
ExplicitDate - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
ExplicitDate is a value object representing date and time in the scheduling package.
ExplicitDate(RecurrenceAttributes.Year, RecurrenceAttributes.MonthOfYear, RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfMonth, RecurrenceAttributes.TimeOfDay) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.ExplicitDate
Constructs the instance of ExplicitDate with specified year, month, day and time.
ExplicitDate(Calendar) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.ExplicitDate
Constructs the instance of ExplicitDate from java.util.Calendar object.
exportAllScenarii(IOdiScenarioSourceContainer, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
exportAllScenarii(IOdiScenarioSourceContainer, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
exportAllScenarios(IOdiScenarioSourceContainer, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Export all the scenarios contained in this scenario source container.
exportAllScenarios(IOdiScenarioSourceContainer, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
exportExecutionEnvironmentInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the execution environment objets into a given folder.
Execution Environment objects include : Technologies, Connections, Contexts, Agents, Generical Actions.
exportExecutionEnvironmentInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportExecutionEnvironmentInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the execution environment objects into a given zip file.
Execution Environment objects include : Technologies, Connections, Contexts, Agents, Generical Actions.
exportExecutionEnvironmentInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportLogicalTopologyInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the logical topology objets into a given folder.
Logical Topology objects include : Technologies, Logical Agents, Logical Schemas, Actions Groups, Actions, Datatypes, Datatype conversions.
exportLogicalTopologyInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportLogicalTopologyInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the logical topology objects into a given zip file.
Logical Topology objects include : Technologies, Logical Agents, Logical Schemas, Actions Groups, Actions, Datatypes, Datatype conversions.
exportLogicalTopologyInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportLogsInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date, IExportService.ExportLogType) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the execution logs (load plan runs, sessions and related objects) by given parameters into the specified folder.
exportLogsInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date, IExportService.ExportLogType) - Method in class
exportLogsInZipFile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date, IExportService.ExportLogType) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the execution logs (load plan runs, sessions and related objects) by given parameters into the specified zip file.
exportLogsInZipFile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date, IExportService.ExportLogType) - Method in class
exportMasterInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the master objets into a given folder.
Master objects include : Objects, Methodes, Profiles, Users, Languages, Versions, Solutions, Open Tools, Password rules & polices, Entities, Links, Fields, Lookups.
exportMasterInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
exportMasterInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the master objects into a given zip file.
Master objects include : Objects, Methodes, Profiles, Users, Languages, Versions, Solutions, Open Tools, Password rules & polices, Entities, Links, Fields, Lookups.
exportMasterInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
exportSecurityInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the security objets into a given folder.
Security objects include : Objects, Methods, Users, Profiles, Instances of Objects, Hosts, Password rules & policies.
exportSecurityInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportSecurityInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the security objects into a given zip file.
Security objects include : Objects, Methods, Users, Profiles, Instances of Objects, Hosts, Password rules & policies.
exportSecurityInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
ExportServiceImpl - Class in
Default IExportService implementation.
ExportServiceImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
Constructs an ExportServiceImpl object.
exportSessionsInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
use exportLogsInFolder instead
exportSessionsInFolder(String, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in class
exportSessionsInZipFile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
use exportLogsInZipFile instead
exportSessionsInZipFile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions, String, String, Status, String, String, Date, Date) - Method in class
exportTopologyInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the topology objets into a given folder.
Topology objects include : Entity IDs, Lacal Repositories, Connections, Hosts, Logical Agents, Agents, Generical Actions, Technologies, Datatypes, Datatypes conversions.
exportTopologyInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportTopologyInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the topology objects into a given zip file.
Topology objects include : Entity IDs, Lacal Repositories, Connections, Hosts, Logical Agents, Agents, Generical Actions, Technologies, Datatypes, Datatypes conversions.
exportTopologyInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportToXml(IExportable, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the given object to a XML file.
exportToXml(List, String, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, List) - Method in class oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.impl.SmartExportServiceImpl
exportToXml(List, String, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions, boolean, List) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.ISmartExportService
This method performs a Smart Export on a list of objects and writes the data to an XML file.
exportToXml(IExportable, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportToXmlWithParents(IExportable, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Exports the given object to a XML file along with its parent objects.
exportToXmlWithParents(IExportable, String, boolean, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportWorkInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Export the work objects into a given folder.
exportWorkInFolder(String, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
exportWorkInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in interface oracle.odi.impexp.IExportService
Export the work objects into a given zip file.
exportWorkInZipfile(String, String, boolean, EncodingOptions) - Method in class
EXPRESSION - Static variable in class
Property that stores an expression value.
Expression - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
An Expression is an object level expression that may contains references to ODI objects as CrossRefs.
Expression(String, CrossRef[], Expression.SqlGroupType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.Expression
Construct a new Expression.
Expression(Expression) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.Expression
Copy constructor for expression.
Expression.SqlGroupType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
Type safe enumeration that represents SQL group function type an Expression can hold.
expression1 - Variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology.IDataType.ConvertedDataType
expression2 - Variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology.IDataType.ConvertedDataType
EXPRESSION_IN_SELECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.LookupComponent.LookupType
EXPRESSION_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapAttribute
The first expression metadata field can be accessed as a property of the attribute, using this property key name.
ExpressionComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
Delegate class for the expression mapping component.
ExpressionComponent(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.ExpressionComponent
Creates a new persistent expression component.
ExpressionStringBuilder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
Helps in the construction of an Expression instance.
ExpressionStringBuilder(SnpsLanguage) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.ExpressionStringBuilder
ExpressionStringParser - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
Expression string parser that create an Expression instance from its string representation.
ExpressionStringParser(SnpsLanguage, IExpressionContext) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.ExpressionStringParser
ExpressionUtils - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
Helper class to manage Expression usage within domain objects implementation.
ExpressionUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.ExpressionUtils
EXTRACT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLogicalSchema.OggProcessType
EXTRACT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema.OggProcessType
EXTRACT_TYPE_SELECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Extract type for a typical source node.
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
12c Release 1 (12.1.2)


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