Fusion Middleware Control Help for WebLogic Server

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Create a Multi Data Source

Use this page to create a JDBC multi data source. A multi data source is a data source object that provides load balancing and failover processing for database connection requests between other data source objects.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Data Source Name

A unique name that identifies this data source object in the domain.

The name must be unique among all JDBC data sources and multi data sources in the domain.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


The JNDI path to where this data source object is bound. By default, the JNDI name is the name of the data source.

To specify multiple JNDI names for the data source, enter each JNDI name on a separate line.

Applications that look up the JNDI path will get a javax.sql.DataSource instance that corresponds to this data source.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Algorithm Type

The algorithm determines the connection request processing for the multi data source.

You can specify one of the following algorithm types:

  • Failover

    Connection requests are sent to the first data source in the list; if the request fails, the request is sent to the next data source in the list, and so forth. The process is repeated until a valid connection is obtained, or until the end of the list is reached, in which case an exception is thrown.

  • Load balancing

    The multi data source distributes connection requests evenly to its member data sources. With this algorithm, the multi data source also provides failover processing. That is, if a request fails, the multi data source sends the request to the next data source in the list until a valid connection is obtained, or until the end of the list is reached, in which case an exception is thrown.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Select Targets

Select the servers and clusters on which you want to deploy your new multi data source. The targets you select will determine the data sources you can select for the multi data source to use to handle connection requests. All data sources must be deployed on the same targets as the new multi data source.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Select Data Source Type

Select the type of data source that you want the multi data source to use when processing connection requests: data sources that use an XA JDBC driver or those that use a non-XA JDBC driver to create database connections.

The selection you make will determine which data sources you can select for this multi data source to use. It is important that all data sources used by the multi data source use the same transaction protocol so that WebLogic Server can properly handle transaction processing.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Add Data Sources

Select the data sources that you want the new multi data source to use when handling connection requests. The multi data source will route connection requests to the data sources you select in the order specified in the Selected list and according to the Algorithm Type previously selected.

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