4 Configuring Fusion Middleware Domains

This chapter describes the configuration wizard workflow for WebLogic Server installations in which other Fusion Middleware products are also installed in the same Oracle home.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Creating a WebLogic Domain for Fusion Middleware Products

To create a new WebLogic domain which includes Fusion Middleware products installed with WebLogic Server, start the Configuration Wizard as described in Starting the Configuration Wizard.


In situations where you cannot run the Configuration Wizard in GUI mode, Oracle recommends that you use a WLST script to create or extend a domain. For more information, see "Creating and Using a Domain Template (Offline)" in Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

The Configuration Wizard displays a sequence of screens, in the order listed in Table 4-1. For more information on each screen, refer to the related section in Chapter 5, "Configuration Wizard Screens," or click the link in the Screen column.

Table 4-1 Configuration Screens for Creating a New WebLogic Domain

Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Perform the Following Action

Configuration Type


Select Create a new domain.

In the Domain Location box, enter the path to the new domain, or click Browse to create the domain directory.

Click Next to continue.



Do one of the following:

  • Select Create Domain Using Product Templates, and then select the check box for each product to include in the domain.

  • Select Create Domain Using Custom Template, and then click Browse to locate the template on your local drive or network.

Click Next to continue.

Application Location

Only if one or more of the selected templates define an application.

Specify the directory in which the domain's applications are to be stored.

Click Next to continue.

Administrator Account


Specify the username and password for the domain's administrator account.

Click Next to continue.

Domain Mode and JDK


Select the startup mode to use.

Select the JDK to use in the domain or click Browse to navigate to the JDK you want to use.

Click Next to continue.

Database Configuration Type

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

Select whether you want to use RCU parameters for schema configuration, or you want to manually configure the schemas.

If you elect to use RCU parameters, complete the fields on the screen and click Get RCU Configuration.

Click Next to continue.

Schema configuration

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

See Configuring Schemas, for information about these screens.

Data source configuration

Only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources or Oracle RAC multi data sources

See Configuring Data Sources, for information about these screens.


Only if a selected template includes definitions for OPSS security credentials

Specify the username and password for each security store/key.

Click Next to continue.


Only if a selected template includes a definition for an OPSS keystore

Select the security store/key to configure.

In the top table, enter the path for the trusted certificate to use.

In the bottom table, enter the path for the private key and the password for the private key.

Repeat for each store/key.

When done, click Next to continue.

Advanced Configuration


Select the check box for each category (if any) for which you want to perform advanced configuration tasks

The available check boxes depend on the resources that are configured in the selected products or template.

Click Next to continue.

Administration Server

Only if you selected Administration Server on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Change the settings for the Administration Server as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Node Manager

Only if you selected Node Manager on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Select the Node Manager Type.

Enter the username and password for accessing the Node Manager.

Click Next to continue.

Managed Servers

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Add, delete, clone, or reconfigure Managed Servers as needed.

Click Next to continue.


Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Add, delete, or reconfigure clusters as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Assign Servers to Clusters

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and your domain includes at least one cluster

Add servers to or remove servers from the clusters in your domain.

Click Next to continue.

HTTP Proxy Applications

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and your domain includes at least one cluster, and at least one Managed Server that is not assigned to a cluster

For each cluster, specify whether or not you want to create an HTTP proxy application for the cluster. If you select the Create HTTP Proxy check box for a cluster, select the proxy server to use for that cluster. a

Click Next to continue.

Coherence Clusters

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Advanced Configuration screen, and Coherence is installed with WebLogic Server

Accept the default cluster name or type a new name for the Coherence cluster.

Enter the port number to use as the Coherence cluster listen port.

Click Next to continue.


Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Advanced Configuration screen

Select the Machine tab (Windows) or Unix Machine tab (UNIX).

Add machines as needed.

Configure the settings for each machine.

Click Next to continue.

Assign Servers to Machines

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and there is at least one machine configured in the domain

Assign the Administration Server and Managed Servers to the appropriate machines.

Click Next to continue.

System Components

Only if a system component, such as OHS or OID, is installed.

Click Add to add system components to the domain.

Configure each system component.

Click Next to continue.

OHS Server

Only if OHS is installed.

Select an OHS server to configure.

Specify the settings for that server.

Repeat for each server.

Click Next to continue.

ODI Server Configuration

Only if ODI is installed.

Select the ODI server to configure.

Specify the settings for that server.

Repeat for each server.

Click Next to continue.

Assign System Components to Machines

Only if a system component, such as OHS or OID, is installed.

Assign the system component servers to the appropriate machines.

Click Next to continue.

Deployments Targeting

Only if you selected Deployments and Services on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and a selected product or template contains J2EE applications or libraries

Select the target server or cluster on which you want to deploy applications or libraries.

Select the check box for each application or library you want to deploy on the selected target.

Click Next to continue.

Services Targeting

Only if you selected Deployments and Services on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Select the target server or cluster.

Select the check box for each service you want to target to it.

Click Next to continue.

JMS File Stores

Only if you selected JMS File Store on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Change the settings for each JMS file store as needed, and select the synchronous write policy for each file store.

Click Next to continue.

Configuration Summary


Review the configuration for your domain by selecting a Summary View, and then selecting individual items in the list for that view.

If the domain is configured as you want it, click Create to create the domain.

If you need to make changes to the configuration, click Previous to return to the appropriate screen for the settings you want to change.

Configuration Progress


Shows the progress of the domain creation.

When the process completes, click Next.

Configuration Success


Review the domain creation results.

Click Finish to exit the Configuration Wizard.

Configuring Schemas

The screens described in this section are displayed in the Configuration Wizard only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas. Table 4-2 lists the sequences of schema-related screens. For more information on each screen, refer to the related section in Chapter 5, "Configuration Wizard Screens," or click the link in the Screen column.

After configuring the screens in this section, return to row 9 in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Schema Configuration Screens

Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Perform the Following Action

Database Configuration Type

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

Enter connection information for connecting to the database server from which service table information is to be retrieved.

Click Next to continue.

JDBC Component Schema

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

There are two versions of this screen, depending on whether or not the selected templates contain multi data source definitions or GridLink data source definitions.

Configure the schema owner and password for each component schema listed on this screen. Changes to any of the fields on this screen are applied to all selected component schemas in the table.

For example, if all of your schemas reside on the same database, select all of the schemas in the table, then specify the appropriate database values for the schemas (DBMS/Service, Host Name, and Port).

If, for example, you have a different password for each schema, then you must select each schema individually and specify the password for the selected schema only.

Click Next to continue.

GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas, and you selected the Convert to GridLink option

Configure the schema owner and password for each component schema listed on this screen. Changes to any of the fields on this screen are applied to all selected component schemas in the table.

For example, if all of your schemas reside on the same database, select all of the schemas in the table, then specify the appropriate database values for the schemas (including Service Name, Service Instance, ONS Host, wallet file, and wallet password).

If, for example, you have a different password for each schema, then you must select each schema individually and specify the password for the selected schema only.

Click Next to continue.

Oracle RAC Multi Data Source Component Schema

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas, and you selected the Convert to RAC multi data source option

Configure the schema owner and password for each component schema listed on this screen. Changes to any of the fields on this screen are applied to all selected component schemas in the table.

For example, if all of your schemas reside on the same database, select all of the schemas in the table, then specify the appropriate database values for the schemas (Service Name, Host Name, Instance Name, and Port).

If, for example, you have a different password for each schema, then you must select each schema individually and specify the password for the selected schema only.

Click Next to continue.

Test Component Schema

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schema

Test the configurations that you specified for the data sources in the previous screen.

Click Next to continue.

After configuring the screens described in this section, return to Table 4-1.

Configuring Data Sources

The screens described in this section are displayed in the Configuration Wizard only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources or Oracle RAC multi data sources. Table 4-3 lists the sequences of schema-related screens. For more information on each screen, refer to the related section in Chapter 5, "Configuration Wizard Screens," or click the link in the Screen column.

Table 4-3 Data Source Configuration Screens

Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Perform the Following Action

JDBC Data Sources

Only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources

Select a data source to configure, and then do one of the following:

  • Configure the fields for the data source

  • Select the Configure selected data sources as RAC multi data sources option

Click Next to continue.

GridLink Oracle RAC Data Sources

Only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources, and you selected the Convert to GridLink option for at least on data source on the Configure JDBC Data Source screen

Configure the fields for the Gridlink RAC data source, including the Service Name, Service Instance, ONS Host, wallet file, and wallet password.

Click Next to continue.

Oracle RAC Multi Data Sources

Only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources, and you selected the Convert to RAC multi data source option for at least on data source on the Configure JDBC Data Source screen

Configure the fields for the Oracle RAC multi data source, including the Oracle RAC host name, instance name, and port.

Click Next to continue.

JDBC Data Sources Test

Only if the domain includes components that require JDBC data sources

Select the data sources to test, and click Test Connection. Wait for the connection test(s) to complete.

Note: In order to test connections, the database to which you are trying to connect must be running.

If you do not want to test connections at this time, deselect all data sources.

Click Next to continue.

Database Scripts

Only if the selected products or template includes a set of SQL files organized by database type

Select the data sources for which you want to run the database scripts.

Select the database version.

Click Run Scripts.

After running all necessary scripts, click Next to continue.

Updating a WebLogic Domain That Includes Fusion Middleware Products

To update a new WebLogic Domain that includes Fusion Middleware products, start the Configuration Wizard as described in Starting the Configuration Wizard.


In situations where you cannot run the Configuration Wizard in GUI mode, Oracle recommends that you use a WLST script to create or update a domain. For more information, see "Creating and Using a Domain Template (Offline)" in Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

The Configuration Wizard displays a sequence of screens, in the order listed in Table 4-4. For more information on each screen, refer to the related section in Chapter 5, "Configuration Wizard Screens," or click the link in the Screen column.

Table 4-4 Configuration Screens for Updating an Existing WebLogic Domain

Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Perform the Following Action

Configuration Type


Select Update an Existing Domain.

Select the domain directory from the Existing Domain Directory drop-down list, or click Browse to navigate to and select the domain directory.

Click Next to continue.



Do one of the following:

  • Select Update Domain Using Product Templates, and then select the check box for each product to add to the domain.

  • Select Update Domain Using Custom Template, and then click Browse to locate the template on your local drive or network.

Click Next to continue.

Application Location

Only if one or more of the selected templates define an application.

Specify the directory in which the domain's applications are to be stored.

Click Next to continue.

Database Configuration Type

Only if the domain includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

Select whether you want to use RCU parameters for schema configuration, or you want to manually configure the schemas.

If you elect to use RCU parameters, complete the fields on the screen and click Get Defaults.

Click Next to continue.

Schema configuration

Only if the selected products or template includes components that require the use of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to load database schemas

See Configuring Schemas, for information about these screens.

Data source configuration

Only if the selected products or template includes components that require JDBC data sources or Oracle RAC multi data sources

See Configuring Data Sources, for information about these screens.


Only if a selected template includes definitions for OPSS security credentials and keystores

Specify the username and password for each security store/key.

Click Next to continue.


Only if a selected template includes definitions for OPSS security credentials and keystores,

Select the security store/key to configure.

In the top table, enter the path for the trusted certificate to use.

In the bottom table, enter the path for private key and the password for the private key.

Repeat for each store/key.

When done, click Next to continue.

Advanced Configuration


Select the check box for each category (if any) for which you want to perform advanced configuration tasks

The available check boxes depend on the resources that are configured in the selected products or template.

Note: When extending a domain, the you cannot change the Administration Server and Node Manager configurations. Therefore, these options are not available.

Click Next to continue.

Managed Servers

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Add, delete, or reconfigure Managed Servers as needed.

Click Next to continue.


Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen

Add, delete, or reconfigure clusters as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Assign Servers to Clusters

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and your domain includes at least one cluster

Add servers to or remove servers from the clusters in your domain.

Click Next to continue.

HTTP Proxy Applications

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and your domain includes at least one cluster, and at least one Managed Server that is not assigned to a cluster

For each cluster, specify whether or not you want to create an HTTP proxy application for the cluster. If you select the Create HTTP Proxy check box for a cluster, select the proxy server to use for that cluster. a

Click Next to continue.


Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen.

Add, delete, or reconfigure machines as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Assign Servers to Machines

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Coherence on the Select Advanced Configuration screen, and there is at least on machine configured in the domain

Assign the Administration Server and Managed Servers to the appropriate machines.

Click Next to continue.

System Components

Only if a system component, such as OHS, is installed.

Click Add to add system components to the domain.

Configure each system component.

Click Next to continue.

OHS Server

Only if OHS is installed.

Note: A similar screen is displayed for other installed system components.

Select a system component to configure.

Specify the settings for that component.

Click Next to continue.

Assign System Components to Machines

Only if a system component, such as OHS, is installed.

Assign the system component servers to the appropriate machines.

Click Next to continue.

Deployments Targeting

Only if you selected Deployments and Services on the Select Optional Configuration screen, and a selected product or template contains J2EE applications or libraries

Select the target server or cluster on which you want to deploy applications or libraries.

Select the check box for each application or library you want to deploy on the selected target.

Click Next to continue.

Services Targeting

Only if you selected Deployments and Services on the Select Optional Configuration screen

Select the target server or cluster.

Select the check box for each service you want to target to it.

Click Next to continue.

JMS File Stores

Only if you selected JMS File Store on the Select Optional Configuration screen

Change the settings for each JMS file store as needed, and select the synchronous write policy for each file store.

Click Next to continue.

Configuration Summary


Review the configuration for your domain by selecting a Summary View, and then selecting individual items in the list for that view.

If the domain is configured as you want it, click Update to extend the domain.

If you need to make changes to the configuration, click Previous to return to the appropriate screen for the settings you want to change.

Configuration Progress


Shows the progress of the domain creation.

When the process completes, click Next.

Configuration Success


Click Finish to exit the Configuration Wizard.