Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
12c (12.1.3)

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ChangePolicy - Enum in oracle.adf.controller.config
For controller properties defined in adf-config.xml, defines when a property change will take affect at runtime.
cleanup() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.savepoint.SavePointManager
Cleanup resources used by the save point manager.
clearException() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.ViewPortContext
Clear any exception held by the view port.
clearSavePoints() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.savepoint.SavePointManager
Removes all save points for the current user.
CollectionEntry - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.beans
Represents an entry in a Collection.
Constants - Class in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.binding
Sets of constants used for the taskFlow and multiTaskFlow binding xml metadata.
ControlFlowCase - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
A single case in a control flow rule.
ControlFlowCaseMobile - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
Represents a control flow case in a mobile task flow
ControlFlowRule - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
An instance of a control flow rule.
ControlFlowRuleBase - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
ControlFlowRuleMobile - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
CONTROLLER_CONFIG_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.adf.controller.config.ControllerConfig
The element name for controller configuration.
CONTROLLER_CONFIG_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.controller.config.ControllerConfig
The namespace used by adf controller config.
CONTROLLER_CONFIG_PARAMS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.adf.controller.util.StateParams
Key for storing controller config parameter map in the application scope.
CONTROLLER_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.controller.config.ControllerSettings
Element name for <lifecycle>.
CONTROLLER_PHASE_LISTENER - Static variable in class oracle.adf.controller.config.ControllerSettings
Element name for <phase-listener>.
ControllerConfig - Class in oracle.adf.controller.config
Provides access to the initialization parameters for ADF Controller.
ControllerConstants - Class in oracle.adf.controller
Public Controller constants.
ControllerConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.controller.ControllerConstants
ControllerContext - Class in oracle.adf.controller
Context class for per request per web application Controller information.
ControllerContext() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.controller.ControllerContext
ControllerException - Exception in oracle.adf.controller
Exception from the ADF Controller.
ControllerException() - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException
ControllerException(ExceptionKey) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException
ControllerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException
ControllerException(ExceptionKey, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException
ControllerException(ExceptionKey, Throwable, Object...) - Constructor for exception oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException
Constructs the ControllerException with the given error Throwable cause, message lookup key and message substitution arguments that are used for message formatting.
ControllerProperty - Enum in oracle.adf.controller.config
The set of known initialization parameters.
ControllerSecurityManager - Interface in
Provides a mechanism to check security using EL.
ControllerSettings - Class in oracle.adf.controller.config
Provides access to the initialization parameters for ADF Controller.
Converter - Interface in oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model
Desbribes a method expression for a parameter converter.
convertToString() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.MethodCall
Indicates whether a value returned from a method should be converted to Java String.
createBookmark() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new bookmark element.
createControlFlowCase(ActivityId) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new control flow case with matching target activity id.
createControlFlowRule(List<ControlFlowCase>) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new control flow rule that can be later added to the task flow definition.
createInputPageParameter(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new page input parameter for a view activity.
createInputParameter(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new input parameter for a task flow call activity.
createListEntry(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new list-entry for a managed bean.
createManagedBean(String, String, ManagedBeanScopeType) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new managed bean definition with a given name, type & scope.
createManagedProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new property definition for a managed bean.
createMapEntry(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a map-entry element for a managed bean.
createMethodCall(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new method call activity with a specified method and outcome.
createMobileControlFlowCase(ActivityId) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
createMobileControlFlowRule(List<ControlFlowCaseMobile>) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
createMobileTaskFlowDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
createOutcome(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new outcome for a task flow return activity.
createParameter(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new parameter for a method call activity.
createParentAction(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new parent action activity with a given outcome.
createReturnValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new return value for a task flow call activity.
createRouter(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new router activity definition.
createRouterCase(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new router case for a router activity.
createSavePoint() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.savepoint.SavePointManager
Creates a save point with no custom attributes.
createSavePoint(SavePointAttributes, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.savepoint.SavePointManager
createSavePoint(SavePointAttributes) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.savepoint.SavePointManager
Creates a save point for the current root view port and stores it.
createSavePoint(String, SavePointAttributes) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.ViewPortContext
As of release, replaced by SavePointManager.createSavePoint(SavePointAttributes, boolean) Custom save point ids are no longer supported.
createSavePoint() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.ViewPortContext
createSavePointRestore(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new save point restore activity definition.
createTaskFlowCall() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow call activity.
createTaskFlowDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow definition.
createTaskFlowInputParameter(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow input parameter with a given name.
createTaskFlowReentry(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow reentry for a task flow definition.
createTaskFlowReturn(Outcome) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow return activity with a given outcome.
createTaskFlowReturnValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new task flow return value.
createTrainStop() - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates an empty train stop element.
createUrlParameter(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a url parameter with a matching name and a value expression.
createUrlView(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new url view activity.
createView(String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new view activity definition with a matching page name.
createVisibility(VisibilityType) - Method in interface oracle.adf.controller.metadata.model.AdfcElementFactory
Creates a new visibility for a task flow definition.
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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Controller
12c (12.1.3)


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