Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
12c (12.1.3)

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W_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
west-resize cursor
WAIT_CURSOR - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.ViewController
Waiting for a process to be over.
WaitData - Class in oracle.dss.util
A substitute for data that has not been fetched locally.
WaitData(String) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.WaitData
Constructor that specifies a message to display, instead of data, in the cell.
waitDataAvailable(WaitDataAvailableEvent) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ModelAdapter
Notifies listeners that a slow data fetch has been completed.
waitDataAvailable(WaitDataAvailableEvent) - Method in interface oracle.dss.util.DataDirectorListener
Responds when data is available to replace a WaitData.
WaitDataAvailableEvent - Class in oracle.dss.util
Describes a fetch of data that was previously unavailable.
WaitDataAvailableEvent(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.dss.util.WaitDataAvailableEvent
WEDNESDAY - Static variable in interface
WEEKS - Static variable in interface
WHITE_SPACE_KEY - Static variable in class
WHITE_SPACE_NORMAL - Static variable in class
WHITE_SPACE_NOWRAP - Static variable in class
width - Variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.PaginationRecord
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WINDOWHEIGHT_KEY - Static variable in class
WINDOWWIDTH_KEY - Static variable in class
WORD_WRAP_ENABLED_KEY - Static variable in class
WORDWRAPENABLED - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewStyle
WordWrapEnabled - Interface in oracle.dss.dataView
This interface defines methods that you use to access WordWrap attributes.
wordWrapEnabled - Variable in class oracle.dss.graph.O1TickLabel
WORKING_DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK - Static variable in interface
WORKING_END_TIME - Static variable in interface
WORKING_START_TIME - Static variable in interface
WORKINGTIME_COLOR_KEY - Static variable in class
worksheet_ref - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
WORKSHEET_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.dss.dataView.managers.DrillOutLink
Type: The Value is a Worksheet Reference
WORKSHEET_WITH_CROSSTAB_AND_GRAPH_PRINTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
WORKSHEET_WITH_CROSSTAB_PRINTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
WORKSHEET_WITH_GRAPH_PRINTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
WORKSHEET_WITH_TABLE_AND_GRAPH_PRINTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
WORKSHEET_WITH_TABLE_PRINTER - Static variable in interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIViewPrinter
writeAnimationAttributes() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes all animation related attributes into the xml.
writeAnimationAttributes() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Writes all animation related attributes into the xml.
writeAttribute(String, Color) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Write a color as an attribute on the current element.
writeBevelAttribute(Color, Color, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Integer, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes the bevel attribute.
writeCachedAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes a cached attribute.
writeCachedAttribute(String, int, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes a cached attribute.
writeCachedAttribute(String, double, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes a cached attribute.
writeCachedAttribute(String, boolean, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes a cached attribute.
writeCachedAttribute(String, Color, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes a cached attribute.
writeCompTypeAttributes() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Write the attributes related to the component type.
writeCustomPropertyAttribute() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
writeFillAttributes(Map, Shape, Color, GradientObj) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Calculate the value for the fill attribute for the given component.
writeFillChildren(Shape, GradientObj) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Write the fill-related children for the given component.
writeFontIndexAttribute(int) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes the fontIndex attribute.
writeGlowAttribute(Color, Double, Double, Double, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes the glow attribute.
writeGradientElement(GradientObj, Shape) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Write a gradient element to XML.
writeGradientStopAttributes(GradientObj) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Write gradient stop attributes to XML.
writeImagemapXML(OutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the graph.
writeImagemapXML(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the graph.
writeImagemapXML(OutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the gauge.
writeImagemapXML(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.Gauge
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the gauge.
writeImagemapXML(OutputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the graph.
writeImagemapXML(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class oracle.dss.graph.Graph
Writes an XML representation of information about specific kinds of components that are currently in use and visible on the graph.
writeLinkScript() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeSVGWriter
Write javascript related to specifying Links
writeMetadataElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
writeMetadataElement() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Write a metadata tag with the min, max, metric value, and metric label.
writeOpacityAttribute(Color, String) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeSVGWriter
Write a fill-opacity attribute to SVG.
writeShadowAttribute(Color, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Writes the shadow attribute.
writeShapeAttributes() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeSVGWriter
Write optional ShapeAttributes for the current element.
writeShapeAttributesElement() - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Write optional ShapeAttributes for the current element.
writeShapeAttributesScript() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeSVGWriter
Write javascript related to specifying ShapeAttributes.
writeTooltipAttribute(String[]) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.ImageViewExportXMLWriter
Write a tooltip for the current element using the tooltip attribute.
writeTooltipAttribute(String[]) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
writeToolTipFormatting() - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
writeVisualEffectsAttributes(Map) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeExportXMLWriter
Writes the shadow and bevel attributes based on the input Map.
writeXML(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.dataView.Dataview
Writes XML for this Dataview to an output stream.
writeXML(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.dss.gauge.CommonGauge
Writes XML for this Dataview to an output stream.
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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
12c (12.1.3)


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