OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces



Class Element


public abstract class Element
extends Node
Apart from text, Element nodes are the most common objects in every XML document.

The Element interface represents an Element in an HTML or XML document. Elements may have attributes associated with them; since the Element interface inherits from Node, the generic Node interface attribute attributes may be used to retrieve the set of all attributes for an element. There are methods on the Element interface to retrieve either an Attr object by name or an attribute value by name. In XML, where an attribute value may contain entity references, an Attr object should be retrieved to examine the possibly fairly complex sub-tree representing the attribute value. On the other hand, in HTML, where all attributes have simple string values, methods to directly access an attribute value can safely be used as a convenience.

Note that this object is implemented and supported by the web browser and results of its use may vary.

Field Summary

public String
The class attribute of the element.
public String
Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text and the directionality of tables.
public String
public String
public String
The name of the element.
public String

Fields inherited from org.w3c.dom.core.Node

ATTRIBUTE_NODE, attributes, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, childNodes, COMMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, ELEMENT_NODE, ENTITY_NODE, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, firstChild, lastChild, localName, namespaceURI, nextSibling, nodeName, nodeType, nodeValue, NOTATION_NODE, ownerDocument, parentNode, prefix, previousSibling, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE

Fields inherited from org.ecmascript.object.Object

constructor, prototype

Method Summary

public String
getAttribute(String name)
Retrieves an attribute value by name.
public Attr
getAttributeNode(String name)
Retrieves an attribute node by name.
public Attr
getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)
Retrieves an Attr node by local name and namespace URI.
public String
getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)
Retrieves an attribute value by local name and namespace URI.
public NodeList
getElementsByTagName(String name)
Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
public NodeList
getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)
Returns a NodeList of all the descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.
public Boolean
hasAttribute(String name)
Returns true when an attribute with a given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
public Boolean
hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)
Returns true when an attribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.
public void
removeAttribute(String name)
Removes an attribute by name.
public Attr
removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr)
Removes the specified attribute node.
public void
removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)
Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI.
public void
setAttribute(String name, String value)
Adds a new attribute.
public Attr
setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr)
Adds a new attribute node.
public Attr
setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)
Adds a new attribute.
public void
setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value)
Adds a new attribute.

Methods inherited from org.w3c.dom.core.Node

appendChild, cloneNode, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, replaceChild

Field Detail


public String className

The class attribute of the element. This attribute has been renamed due to conflicts with the "class" keyword exposed by many languages. See the class attribute definition in HTML 4.01.


public String dir

Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text and the directionality of tables.

This attribute specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text (i.e., text that doesn't have inherent directionality as defined in [UNICODE]) in an element's content and attribute values. It also specifies the directionality of tables. Possible values:

  • LTR: Left-to-right text or table.
  • RTL: Right-to-left text or table.

In addition to specifying the language of a document with the lang attribute, authors may need to specify the base directionality (left-to-right or right-to-left) of portions of a document's text, of table structure, etc. This is done with the dir attribute.

The [UNICODE] specification assigns directionality to characters and defines a (complex) algorithm for determining the proper directionality of text. If a document does not contain a displayable right-to-left character, a conforming user agent is not required to apply the [UNICODE] bidirectional algorithm. If a document contains right-to-left characters, and if the user agent displays these characters, the user agent must use the bidirectional algorithm.

Although Unicode specifies special characters that deal with text direction, HTML offers higher-level markup constructs that do the same thing: the dir attribute (do not confuse with the DIR element) and the BDO element. Thus, to express a Hebrew quotation, it is more intuitive to write

<Q lang="he" dir="rtl"


public String id


public String lang


public String tagName

The name of the element. For example, in:
 <elementExample id="demo"> ... </elementExample> , 
tagName has the value "elementExample". Note that this is case-preserving in XML, as are all of the operations of the DOM. The HTML DOM returns the tagName of an HTML element in the canonical uppercase form, regardless of the case in the source HTML document.

This is a readonly attribute

<div id="doc">
Text in the first DIV.
<div id="DDD" class="secondClass">
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span id="SSS">element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
JavaScript Code Example:
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var output = main.tagName;


public String title

Method Detail


public String getAttribute(String name)

Retrieves an attribute value by name.

<div id="doc">
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
JavaScript Code Example:
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var output1 = main.getAttribute('id');
var output2 = main.getAttribute('class');

name  -  The name of the attribute to retieve.
String - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified or default value.


public Attr getAttributeNode(String name)

Retrieves an attribute node by name. To retrieve an attribute node by qualified name and namespace URI, use the getAttributeNodeNS method.

<div id="doc">
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var output = main.getAttributeNode('id').value;

name  -  The name (nodeName) of the attribute to retrieve.
Attr - The Attr node with the specified name (nodeName) or null if there is no such attribute.


public Attr getAttributeNodeNS(String namespaceURI,
                               String localName)

Retrieves an Attr node by local name and namespace URI. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg id="logo" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="60">
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('logo');
var elem1 = main.getElementsByTagName('svg:a')[0];
var output1 = elem1.getAttributeNS('', 'type');
var output2 = elem1.getAttribute('xlink:type');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the attribute to retrieve.
localName  -  The local name of the attribute to retrieve.
Attr - The Attr node with the specified attribute local name and namespace URI or null if there is no such attribute.


public String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI,
                             String localName)

Retrieves an attribute value by local name and namespace URI. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('logo');
var elem1 = main.getElementsByTagName('svg:a')[0];
var output1 = elem1.getAttributeNS('', 'type');
var output2 = elem1.getAttribute('xlink:type');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the attribute to retrieve.
localName  -  The local name of the attribute to retrieve.
String - The Attr value as a string, or the empty string if that attribute does not have a specified or default value.


public NodeList getElementsByTagName(String name)

Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree.

<div id="doc">
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var collection = main.getElementsByTagName('div');
var output1 = collection.length;
var output2 = collection[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

name  -  The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags.
NodeList - A list of matching Element nodes.


public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String namespaceURI,
                                       String localName)

Returns a NodeList of all the descendant Elements with a given local name and namespace URI in the order in which they are encountered in a preorder traversal of this Element tree. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('logo');
var elem1 = main.getElementsByTagName('svg:a')[0];
var output1 = elem1.getAttributeNS('', 'type');
var output2 = elem1.getAttribute('xlink:type');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the elements to match on. The special value "*" matches all namespaces.
localName  -  The local name of the elements to match on. The special value "*" matches all local names.
NodeList - A new NodeList object containing all the matched Elements.


public Boolean hasAttribute(String name)

Returns true when an attribute with a given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.

<div id="doc">
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var elem1 = document.getElementById('doc');
var elem2 = document.getElementById('DDD');
var output1 = elem1.hasAttribute('class');
var output2 = elem2.hasAttribute('class');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

name  -  The name of the attribute to look for.
Boolean - true if an attribute with the given name is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise.


public Boolean hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI,
                              String localName)

Returns true when an attribute with a given local name and namespace URI is specified on this element or has a default value, false otherwise. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div  xmlns:svg="">
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('svg:a')[0];
var output = elem.hasAttributeNS('', 'type');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the attribute to look for.
localName  -  The local name of the attribute to look for.
Boolean - True if an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI is specified or has a default value on this element, false otherwise.


public void removeAttribute(String name)

Removes an attribute by name. If the removed attribute is known to have a default value, an attribute immediately appears containing the default value as well as the corresponding namespace URI, local name, and prefix when applicable.

To remove an attribute by local name and namespace URI, use the removeAttributeNS(String, String) method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var output = main.getAttribute('id');

name  -  The name of the attribute to remove.
void - null
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.


public Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr oldAttr)

Removes the specified attribute node. If the removed Attr has a default value it is immediately replaced. The replacing attribute has the same namespace URI and local name, as well as the original prefix, when applicable.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var attr = main.attributes[0];
var attrOut = main.removeAttributeNode(attr);
var output1 = main.getAttributeNode('id');
var output2 = attrOut.value;

oldAttr  -  The Attr node to remove from the attribute list.
Attr - The Attr node that was removed.
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.


public void removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI,
                              String localName)

Removes an attribute by local name and namespace URI. If the removed attribute has a default value it is immediately replaced. The replacing attribute has the same namespace URI and local name, as well as the original prefix.

HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div  xmlns:svg="">
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('svg:a')[0];
elem.removeAttributeNS('', 'href');
var output = elem.getAttributeNS('', 'href');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the attribute to remove.
localName  -  The local name of the attribute to remove.
void - null
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
DOMException NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if oldAttr is not an attribute of the element.


public void setAttribute(String name,
                         String value)

Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that name is already present in the element, its value is changed to be that of the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out. In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an Attr node plus any Text and EntityReference nodes, build the appropriate subtree, and use setAttributeNode(Attr) to assign it as the value of an attribute.

To set an attribute with a qualified name and namespace URI, use the setAttributeNS(String, String, String) method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
main.setAttribute('attr', 'temp');
var output = main.getAttribute('attr');

name  -  The name of the attribute to create or alter.
value  -  Value to set in string form.
void - null
DOMException INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified name contains an illegal character.
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.


public Attr setAttributeNode(Attr newAttr)

Adds a new attribute node. If an attribute with that name (nodeName) is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.

To add a new attribute node with a qualified name and namespace URI, use the setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) method.

<div >
Text in the first DIV.
<div >
Some text in the second DIV.
<div class="thirdClass">
Some text and <span >element</span> in the third DIV.
<div class="fourthClass">
We can try <i>another elements</i>.
It will be much more <b>interesting</b>.
Text in the last DIV.
var main = document.getElementById('doc');
var collection = main.getElementsByTagName('div');
var elem = collection[0];
var attr = collection[2].getAttributeNode('class');
var output = elem.getAttributeNode('class').value;

newAttr  -  The Attr node to add to the attribute list.
Attr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute, the replaced Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
DOMException WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newAttr was created from a different document than the one that created the element.
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
DOMException INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if newAttr is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.


public Attr setAttributeNodeNS(Attr newAttr)

Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with that local name and that namespace URI is already present in the element, it is replaced by the new one.

HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div  xmlns:svg="">
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var elem = document.getElementById('doc');
var attr = document.createAttributeNS('', 'zvon:temp');
attr.value = 'temporary';
var output = elem.getAttributeNodeNS('', 'zvon:temp').value;

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

newAttr  -  The Attr node to add to the attribute list.
Attr - If the newAttr attribute replaces an existing attribute with the same local name and namespace URI, the replaced Attr node is returned, otherwise null is returned.
DOMException WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if newAttr was created from a different document than the one that created the element.
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
DOMException INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if newAttr is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements.


public void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI,
                           String qualifiedName,
                           String value)

Adds a new attribute. If an attribute with the same local name and namespace URI is already present on the element, its prefix is changed to be the prefix part of the qualifiedName, and its value is changed to be the value parameter. This value is a simple string; it is not parsed as it is being set. So any markup (such as syntax to be recognized as an entity reference) is treated as literal text, and needs to be appropriately escaped by the implementation when it is written out. In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an Attr node plus any Text and EntityReference nodes, build the appropriate subtree, and use setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) or setAttributeNode(Attr) to assign it as the value of an attribute.

HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method.

<div  xmlns:svg="">
Text in the first DIV.
<svg:svg >
<svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
<svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">
<svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle"></svg:text>
<apply xmlns="">
<ci> x </ci>
<ci> a </ci>
<ci> b </ci>
<ci> x &lt/ci>
Text in the last DIV.
var elem = document.getElementById('doc');
elem.setAttributeNS('', 'attr', 'temporary');
var output = elem.getAttributeNS('', 'attr');

Introduced in DOM Level 2.

namespaceURI  -  The namespace URI of the attribute to create or alter.
qualifiedName  -  The qualified name of the attribute to create or alter.
value  -  The value to set in string form.
void - null
DOMException INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name contains an illegal character.
DOMException NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this node is readonly.
DOMException NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed, if the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is different from "", or if the qualifiedName is "xmlns" and the namespaceURI is different from "".



Generated on 2014.03.27 12:59 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.