Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
12c (12.1.3)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 


b - Variable in class oracle.binding.util.DataChangeMultiCaster
b - Variable in class oracle.jbo.server.JboMultiCaster
backup(int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
BANG - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
bArray2nibbles(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.RepConversion
Byte array to nibbles.
bArray2String(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.common.RepConversion
Byte array to String.
Base64 - Class in oracle.jbo.common
Base64() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.Base64
BASE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.svc.ServiceContextProvider
BASE_COUNT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
BASE_QUERY_ALIAS_BASE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.ViewCriteria
BASE_URL - Static variable in class
BASE_VIEW_ATTR - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewAttributeDefImpl
BaseAttributeDefinition - Class in oracle.binding.metaimpl
A class for holding metadata of attributes.
BaseAttributeDefinition(String, NamedDefinition, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseAttributeDefinition
baseBuildSelectList(StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Creates a list of columns to be selected skipping the persistent and derived attributes.
BaseClient - Class in oracle.jbo.script.debug.client
A facade that provides access to the services provided by the JPDA front end (JDI).
BaseDataControlPolicyImpl - Class in oracle.adf.model
BaseDataControlPolicyImpl(String, String, DataControlPolicy.ReleasePolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.BaseDataControlPolicyImpl
BaseDataControlPolicyImpl(DataControlPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.BaseDataControlPolicyImpl
BaseLobDomain - Class in oracle.jbo.domain
This class provides a lightweight wrapper for oracle.sql.BLOB, the Java representation of the BLOB database type.
BaseLobDomain() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
Constructor for this object.
BaseLobDomain(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
Constructor for this object.
BaseLobDomain(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
Constructor for this class.
BaseLobDomain(Object, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
Creates an instance of this class with data as described in blobData and using the transaction context from blob to use the blob-locator in the database.
BaseLobDomain(BaseLobDomain, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
Creates an instance of this class with data as described in blobData and using the transaction context from blob to use the blob-locator in the database.
BaseLobDomain(ResponseValues) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
BaseLobDomain.BlobOutputStream - Class in oracle.jbo.domain
BaseLobDomain.BlobOutputStream() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain.BlobOutputStream
BaseLobDomain.BlobOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain.BlobOutputStream
baseNullForOperation(int, Class, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.expr.JIExpr
BaseOperationsScript - Class in oracle.jbo.common
all scripts now extend BaseGroovyScript directly.
BaseOperationsScript() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.BaseOperationsScript
BaseScriptGroovy - Class in oracle.jbo.common
BaseScriptGroovy() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.BaseScriptGroovy
BaseScriptViewObjectHelper - Class in oracle.jbo.server
BaseScriptViewObjectHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.BaseScriptViewObjectHelper
BaseSQLBuilderImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.server
Internal: Applications should not use this interface.
BaseSQLBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
BaseValidator - Interface in oracle.jbodt.common
BaseValueObjectDefinition - Class in oracle.binding.metaimpl
A class for holding metadata of variables.
BaseValueObjectDefinition(String, Definition, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.binding.metaimpl.BaseValueObjectDefinition
BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common
This class provides implementation for most of the ViewCriteriaManager interface for a View Object.
BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl(ViewCriteriaManagerOwner) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl
Creates an view criteria manager for the view criteria held by the owner.
BasicContextualLogger - Interface in oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual
This interface defines loggers that will work with the ContextualLoggingManager.
BasicFunctionalLogger - Interface in oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual.logger.functional
A functional logger is a special type of contextual logger in the following sense:
Log messages will be published using a special format which can be interpreted by the Oracle Diagnostic Log Analyzer tool (ODLA), currently available in JDeveloper. This special format supports delimitation of functional logging sections that can be nested.
BasicLogger - Interface in oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.logger
This interface defines a customized version of the Logger API exposing only its basic, most commonly used methods.
BATCH_ALLOW_CACHE - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_INFO - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_MASTER_DETL - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_PASSIVATION - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_RANGE - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_RANGE_SET - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_STRUCT - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_XML - Static variable in class
BATCH_ALLOW_XTN - Static variable in class
BATCH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
BATCH_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
BATCH_PARTS - Static variable in class
BatchDMLException - Exception in oracle.jbo
Indicates a failure to post data to a database.
BatchDMLException(ArrayList) - Constructor for exception oracle.jbo.BatchDMLException
Creates an exception to be localized using CSMessageBundle and error code EXC_DML_POST_ENTITY.
BC4J_CONFIG - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
Name of the tag, which in turn holds the AppModuleConfig nodes
BC4J_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
BC4J_CONFIG_NAMES - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
name of the property in the Config, which identifies the list of existing configurations.
BC4J_CONNECT_FAILOVER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
BC4J_CREATE_AM - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.EventGroup
BC4J_CREATE_COMPOBJ - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.EventGroup
BC4J_CREATE_ROOTAM - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.EventGroup
BC4J_CREATE_VIEWLINK - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.EventGroup
BC4J_CREATE_VIEWOBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.EventGroup
BC4J_DATACONTROL - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.DataControlDefinitionFactory
BC4J_DATASOURCE_NAMING_FACTORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
BC4J_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class
The BC4J namespace URL..
BC4J_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.PropertyManager
BC4J_PROPERTIES_RESOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.PropertyManager
BC4JDataControl - Static variable in class
BC4JDataControlDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j
BC4JDataControlDefinition(ApplicationModule) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j.BC4JDataControlDefinition
BC4JDataControlStructureDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j
BC4JDataControlStructureDefinition(BC4JDataControlDefinition) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j.BC4JDataControlStructureDefinition
BC4JViewObjectAccessorDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j
BC4JViewObjectAccessorDefinition(BC4JDataControlStructureDefinition, ViewObject) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j.BC4JViewObjectAccessorDefinition
BC4JViewObjectAttributeDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j
BC4JViewObjectAttributeDefinition(BC4JViewObjectStructureDefinition, AttributeDef) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j.BC4JViewObjectAttributeDefinition
BC4JViewObjectStructureDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j
BC4JViewObjectStructureDefinition(BC4JDataControlStructureDefinition, ViewObject) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.meta.bc4j.BC4JViewObjectStructureDefinition
BC4JXMLPatch - Class in oracle.xml.parser.v2
BC4JXMLPatch() - Constructor for class oracle.xml.parser.v2.BC4JXMLPatch
BC_DEF_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCLoggerUtil
BC_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCLoggerUtil
BC_REFRESH - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCLoggerUtil
bDebugMode - Static variable in class
BEAN_CLASS - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
Java bean specifics
BEAN_DEFINITION - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
BEAN_DEFINITION_URI - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
BEAN_MANAGED_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
BEAN_PROVIDER - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
bean DataControlStructureProvider identifier
BEAN_PROVIDER - Static variable in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanAdapter
bean DataControlStructureProvider identifier
BEAN_XMLNS - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
BeanAdapter - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
BeanAdapter() - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanAdapter
BeanAnnotationConstants - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.annotation
BeanAnnotationConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.annotation.BeanAnnotationConstants
BeanClass - Static variable in class
BeanCollectionModel<E> - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider
BeanCollectionModel() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider.BeanCollectionModel
BeanDataCollection<E> - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider
BeanDataCollection(RowContext, String, DataFilter) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider.BeanDataCollection
Constructor for accessor operation
BeanDataCollection(Map, OperationBinding, DataFilter) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider.BeanDataCollection
Constructor for method operation
BeanDataControl - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDataControl(BeanDefinition) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDataControl
Create bean data control provider
BeanDataControlDefinition - Interface in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
This interface defines bean metadata and extends from oracle.adf.model.meta.DataControlDefinition.
BeanDataProvider<K extends java.lang.String,V extends BeanDataCollection> - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider
BeanDataProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.provider.BeanDataProvider
BeanDCConfiguration - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCConfiguration() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCConfiguration
BeanDCDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCDefinition() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCDefinition
Default constructor required by the adapter framework.
BeanDCDefinition(DataControlStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCDefinition
Constructor used by the BeanAbstractAdapter.
BeanDCDefinitionDataControl - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCDefinitionDataControl(BeanDCDefinition) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCDefinitionDataControl
Create bean data control provider
BeanDCFactoryImpl - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCFactoryImpl
BeanDCHandler - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCHandler(DataControl) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCHandler
BeanDCInvocationHandler - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCInvocationHandler(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCInvocationHandler
BeanDCInvokeMethodHandler - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCInvokeMethodHandler(Map, OperationBinding) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCInvokeMethodHandler
BeanDCUtils - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
BeanDCUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
BeanDefinition - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanDefinition() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
Zero arg constructor required by the framework.
BeanDefinition(DataControlStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
Constructor used by the BeanAbstractAdapter.
BeanDefinition - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
BeanDefinition() - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
Required by the framework.
BeanDefinition(DataControlStructure) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDefinition
Constructor used by the BeanAdapter.
BeanFieldInfo - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
BeanFieldInfo() - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanFieldInfo
BeanFieldInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanFieldInfo
BeanFilterableDataControl - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean
BeanFilterableDataControl() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanFilterableDataControl
BeanHandler - Class in oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat
Format handler for BeanClass.
BeanHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.BeanHandler
Default constructor
BEANMANAGED_SERVICE_SB - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
BEANMANAGED_SESSIONBEAN - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.PropertyConstants
BeanManagedServiceBean - Class in
BaseClass for deploying an appmodule service methods as stateful bean session bean with bean managed transaction.
BeanManagedServiceBean() - Constructor for class
BeanMethodInfo - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
BeanMethodInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanMethodInfo
BeanMethodInfo(Constructor) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanMethodInfo
BeanMethodInfo(Method) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanMethodInfo
BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder - Class in oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean
Bean structure definition builder
BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder() - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
beanToStore(Object, Row) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl
Internal: Applications should not use this method.
BeanUtils - Class in oracle.adf.model.generic
BeanUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.generic.BeanUtils
BEFORE_COMMIT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
BEFORE_DML - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
BEFORE_PK_CHANGE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityEvent
An event type indicating that the Entity Object's primary key is about to change; that is, setAttribute() has been called on a primary key attribute for the Entity Object.
BEFORE_REMOVE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityEvent
An event type indicating that the Entity Object's row is to be removed.
BEFORE_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
beforeActionPerformed(JUCtrlActionBindingEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBindingAdapter
beforeActionPerformed(JUCtrlActionBindingEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBindingListener
Notifies all listeners, so that they may prepare any necessary data for the current action, before the action is performed
beforeActionPerformed(JUActionBindingEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUActionBindingAdapter
beforeActionPerformed(JUCtrlActionBindingEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUActionBindingAdapter
beforeActionPerformed(JUActionBindingEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUActionBindingListener
Notifies all listeners, so that they may prepare any necessary data for the current action, before the action is performed
beforeApplicationModuleRelease(ApplicationModule) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
beforeCommit(Row, TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BusLogicUnitBase
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Polls transaction listeners before a commit operation.
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.TransactionListener
Called to report that a Commit operation is imminent.
beforeCommit(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Handles events raised before a transaction is committed.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.ContainerManagedTxnHandlerImpl
beforeCompletion() - Method in class
Implementation of the SessionSynchronization interface.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.StatefulSessionBeanImpl
Implementation of the SessionSynchronization interface.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.JTATxnHandlerImpl
beforeCompletion() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.ejb.CMEJBApplicationModuleImpl
beforeCompletion() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.svc.ServiceJTATxnHandlerImpl
JTA synchronization call before transaction completion
beforeCurrencyChange(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
Notifies all JUPanelValidationListeners with the beforeCurrencyChange event.
beforeCurrencyChange(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationAdapter
beforeCurrencyChange(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationListener
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls a navigation event to display the next row data in the JClient controls.
beforeCurrencyChange(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
Calls beforeCurrencyChange(JUPanelValidationEvent)
beforeCurrencyChange(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
beforeCurrencyChange(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationListener
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls a navigation event to display the next row data in the JClient controls.
beforeDisconnect() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
Invoked before the application module database connection has been released.
beforeEntityRemove(Entity) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Notification handler called before an entity row is removed.
beforeInvokeMethod(DCInvokeMethodEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCInvokeMethodAdapter
beforeInvokeMethod(DCInvokeMethodEvent) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCInvokeMethodListener
Notifies all listeners, so that they may prepare any necessary data for the current action, before the action is performed
beforePassivateElement(PCollection, PCollPersistable) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection
beforePassivateElement(PCollection, PCollPersistable) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollListener
beforePassivateElement(PCollection, PCollPersistable) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection
beforePassivateState() - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.remote.ApplicationModuleImpl
beforePost(Row, TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BusLogicUnitBase
beforeReportException(DCBindingContainer, Exception) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl
beforeReportException(DCBindingContainer, Exception) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl
beforeResourceFinalized(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl
beforeResourceFinalized(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pool.ResourcePool
This method is invoked immediately before resource finalization.
beforeRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
beforeRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Polls transaction listeners before a rollback operation.
beforeRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.TransactionListener
Called to report that a Rollback operation is imminent.
beforeRollback(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Handles events raised before a transaction is rolled back.
beforeSaveTransaction(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
Notifies all JUPanelValidationListeners with the beforeSaveTransaction event.
beforeSaveTransaction(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationAdapter
beforeSaveTransaction(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationListener
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls commit() on the transaction to save any pending changes into the database.
beforeSaveTransaction(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
Calls beforeSaveTransaction(JUPanelValidationEvent)
beforeSaveTransaction(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
beforeSaveTransaction(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationListener
Invoked before a JClient binding object calls commit() on the transaction to save any pending changes into the database.
beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
Notifies all DCBindingContainerValidationListeners with the beforeSetAttribute event.
beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationAdapter
beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainerValidationListener
Invoked before a JClient Binding object calls Row.setAttribute() to update a value from a binding object into the corresponding Row object.
beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
Calls beforeSetAttribute(JUPanelValidationEvent)
beforeSetAttribute(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationAdapter
beforeSetAttribute(JUPanelValidationEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelValidationListener
since 9.0.5 use beforeSetAttribute(DCBindingContainerValidationListener)
beforeValidate(TransactionEvent) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
Callback from the transaction before starting a validation iteration.
beforeWriteChildren(PersistentDefinition) - Method in class
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ADFLoggerDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.ConsoleDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.FileDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.IASDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.IDiagnostic
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.PipeDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.SharedFileDiagnosticImpl
begin(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.SilentDiagnosticImpl
begin() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DefaultTxnHandlerImpl
begin() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.EJBTxnHandlerImpl
begin() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.TransactionHandler
beginActivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DefaultJTATxnHandlerImpl
beginActivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DefaultTxnHandlerImpl
beginActivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.EJBTxnHandlerImpl
beginActivation() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.TransactionHandler
beginActivity(Level, String) - Method in interface oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual.logger.functional.BasicFunctionalLogger
This method will start a new functional activity section in the log, if and only if the the logger is currently set to publish messages at the specified level.
beginActivity(Level, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual.logger.functional.BasicFunctionalLogger
This method will start a new functional activity section in the log, if and only if the the logger is currently set to publish messages at the specified level.
beginActivity(Level, String) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual.logger.functional.DefaultFunctionalLogger
beginActivity(Level, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.logging.contextual.logger.functional.DefaultFunctionalLogger
beginColumn - Variable in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginDataControls(BindingContext) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
*** For internal framework use only *** This method invokes beginRequest(null) on all datacontrols in the current bindingContext.
beginLine - Variable in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginPassivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DefaultJTATxnHandlerImpl
beginPassivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DefaultTxnHandlerImpl
beginPassivation() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.EJBTxnHandlerImpl
beginPassivation() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.TransactionHandler
beginRequest - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCHandler
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCHandler
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.JavaBeanDataControl
Invoked in some contexts to signal the beginning of a model request.
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.jpa.JPQLManagedDCHandler
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.bean.DCBeanDataControl
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl
Invoked in some contexts to signal the beginning of a model request.
beginRequest(ADFContext, HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
beginRequest(BindingContext, HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.dcframe.DataControlFrameImpl
beginRequest(TransactionHandle, Collection<DCDataControl>) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.dcframe.LocalTransactionHandler
Do the proper transactional setup for a new HTTP request, such as resuming a suspended transaction, if necessary.
beginRequest(TransactionHandle, Collection<DCDataControl>) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.dcframe.TransactionHandler
Do the proper transactional setup for a new HTTP request, such as resuming a suspended transaction, if necessary.
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.generic.DCGenericDataControl
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.placeholder.DCPlaceholderDataControl
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.url.csv.CSVDataControl
Perform request level initialization of the DataControl.
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in interface oracle.binding.ManagedDataControl
Invoked in some contexts to signal the beginning of a model request.
beginRequest(HashMap) - Method in class
BeginToken() - Method in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
beginTransaction(String, List<DataControlPolicy>, DataControlPolicy) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
Creates a new datacontrol frame with the given name if it does not exist, and begins a new transaction.
beginTransaction(TransactionProperties) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.DataControlFrame
Begin a new transaction.
beginTransaction(TransactionProperties) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.dcframe.DataControlFrameImpl
Begin a new transaction.
beginTransaction(String, TransactionProperties) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.dcframe.LocalTransactionHandler
Begin a new transaction.
beginTransaction(String, TransactionProperties) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.dcframe.TransactionHandler
Begin a new transaction.
beginTransaction() - Method in class
Starts the bean transaction using the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface and acquires the jdbc connection from the datasource.
beginTransaction() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ejb.StatefulSessionBeanImpl
If the bean is managing the transaction, starts the bean transaction using the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface and acquires the jdbc connection from the datasource.
BETWEEN - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.CommonCriteriaAdapter
BETWEEN - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.JboLengthValidator
BETWEEN - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.rules.ValidatorConstants
BETWEEN_S - Static variable in interface oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.jpa.JPQLConstants
BFileDomain - Class in oracle.jbo.domain
This class provides a lightweight wrapper for oracle.sql.BFILE, the Java representation of the BFILE database type.
BFileDomain() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BFileDomain
Constructor for this class.
BFileDomain(BFILE) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BFileDomain
Constructor for this class, given a BFILE object.
BFileDomain(BFILE, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BFileDomain
since 9.0.4 BFile domains cannot be updated.
BFileDomain(BFileDomain, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BFileDomain
since 9.0.4 BFile domains cannot be updated.
BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in interface oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.annotation.FormatterTypes
BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
BigDecimalResult - Interface in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BigDecimalResultImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BigDecimalResultImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.service.types.BigDecimalResultImpl
BigDecimalType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BigDecimalType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Char
Calls CHAR.bigDecimalValue() to convert this object into a Java BigDecimal.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Number
Calls NUMBER.bigDecimalValue() to convert internal Oracle Number into a Java BigDecimal.
BigIntegerResult - Interface in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BigIntegerResultImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BigIntegerResultImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.service.types.BigIntegerResultImpl
bigIntegerValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Char
Converts this data object into a BigInteger.
bigIntegerValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Number
Calls NUMBER.bigIntegerValue() to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java BigInteger.
BINARY_STREAM - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BINARY_STREAM - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
binaryOperation(Object, Object, int, JIValueSupplier) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.expr.JIParserNode
binaryOperation(Object, Object, int, JIValueSupplier, JIExpr) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.expr.JIParserNode
binaryOperation(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.expr.JIValueSupplier
binaryOperation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.expr.JIValueSupplierImpl
binaryOperation(Object, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.RowValueSupplier
*** For internal framework use only ***
BinaryStreamType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BinaryStreamType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
bind(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext
bind(Name, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext
bind(String, Object) - Method in class
bind(Name, Object) - Method in class
bind(Name, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DataSourceContext
bind(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DataSourceContext
bind(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.xml.XMLContextCustImpl
bind(Name, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.xml.XMLContextCustImpl
BIND_VARIABLE - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.utils.JSR227Util
bindChangeParentDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindChangeParentDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindChangeParentDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindConnection(Context, Reference) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.url.csv.CSVDCDef
Bind the underlying connection used by this data control into the context provided by the caller.
bindConnection(Context, Reference) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.url.xml.XMLDCDef
Bind the underlying connection used by this data control into the context provided by the caller.
bindControl(BindingContext, int, Object, String) - Method in interface oracle.adf.model.utils.ControlBindingHelper
bindDeleteAllDataRows(PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindDeleteAllDataRows(PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindDeleteAllDataRows(PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindDeleteDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindDeleteDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindDeleteDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindDeleteKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindDeleteKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindDeleteKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindDeleteOldChunksDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindDeleteOldChunksDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindDeleteOldChunksDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindDeleteStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindDeleteStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Binds the values in the entity attribute storage with the DELETE statement.
bindDMLStatement(int, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method binds current attribute values to the given jdbc PreparedStatement.
bindEffDtDateDayAddStatement(PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindEffDtDateDayAddStatement(PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Bind the statement with the values required to compute a date that is 'x' number of days apart from the specified date
bindEffDtDateDayAddStatement(PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.SQLServerSQLBuilderImpl
bindFinderRS(Object[], ViewRowSetImpl, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
BINDING_STYLE_JDBC - Static variable in class
BINDING_STYLE_JDBC - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Constant used to specify JDBC binding style while binding parameters to a statement object.
BINDING_STYLE_ORACLE - Static variable in class
BINDING_STYLE_ORACLE - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Constant used to specify Oracle binding style while binding parameters to a statement object.
BINDING_STYLE_ORACLE_NAME - Static variable in class
BINDING_STYLE_ORACLE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Constant used to specify Oracle Named Parameter binding style while binding parameters to a statement object.
BINDING_STYLE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Constant used to specify "Unknown" binding style while binding parameters to a statement object.
BindingContainer - Interface in oracle.adf.model
A map that provides a name-space to locate binding objects through which data is accessed on a view.
BINDINGCONTAINER - Static variable in interface oracle.adf.model.utils.BindingContextHelper
BindingContainer - Interface in oracle.binding
The BindingContainer contains the Control Bindings for a reusable unit of View technology.
BindingContainer - Static variable in class
BindingContainerChangeAdapterForCtxEvent - Class in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding
Extends DCBindingContainerChangeAdapter so that it can propage Ctx events when Attribute value is set or currency is changed or Transaction is saved.
BindingContainerChangeAdapterForCtxEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.BindingContainerChangeAdapterForCtxEvent
BindingContainerRef - Static variable in class
bindingContainers() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
bindingContainersIterator() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
BindingContainerValidator - Interface in oracle.binding
bindingContext() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer
BindingContext - Class in oracle.adf.model
BindingContext(int) - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
BindingContext() - Constructor for class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
BindingContextHelper - Interface in oracle.adf.model.utils
bindings - Static variable in class
BINDINGS_HELPER - Static variable in class oracle.adf.model.BindingContext
bindInsertDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindInsertDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindInsertDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindInsertKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindInsertKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindInsertKeyInfo(PreparedStatement, long, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindInsertStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindInsertStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
bindInsertStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Binds the entity attribute storage with the parameters in the INSERT statement.
bindOptUpdateWhereClause(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
This method binds the unfetched attributes or a changed attribute of an entity definition.
bindParametersForCollection(QueryCollection, Object[], PreparedStatement) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
bindParametersForStmt(int, Object[], PreparedStatement) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindParametersForStmt(int, Object[], PreparedStatement) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Bind parameter values for a SQL execution.
bindParamValue(int, Object, DBTransactionImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Binds a parameter value to the Statement's bind index dealing with Null values appropriately.
bindParamValue(int, Object, DBTransactionImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
bindRangePagingParams(PreparedStatement, ViewObjectImpl, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindRangePagingParams(PreparedStatement, ViewObjectImpl, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
bindRangePagingParams(PreparedStatement, ViewObjectImpl, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
bindRangePagingParams(PreparedStatement, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
If Applications override buildRangePaging() method to create a custom/wrapped query, they may also override this method to bind any/extra parameters that they add to the query.
bindRetrieveDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindRetrieveDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindRetrieveDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindRetrieveIdsWithKey(PreparedStatement, int, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindRetrieveIdsWithKey(PreparedStatement, int, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindRetrieveIdsWithKey(PreparedStatement, int, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindRowSetIterator(NavigatableRowIterator, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding
Use this method to bind a new instance of RowIterator from a Business Service to this binding.
bindRowSetIterator(DCIteratorBinding, RowSetIterator) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding
bindRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlScrollBinding
Associates the given RowSet iterator with this Binding object.
bindRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULovPanel
bindRowSetIterator(DCDataControl, RowSetIterator, String[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULovPanel
Sets display using data from this RowSet Iterator.
bindRowSetIterator(DCIteratorBinding, RowSetIterator) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULovButtonBinding
bindRowSetIterator(DCDataControl, RowSetIterator, String[]) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULovPanelInterface
Sets display using data from this RowSet Iterator.
bindRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator, String[]) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULovPanelInterface
since 9.0.5
bindRowSetIterator(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another ViewObject in the current application module identified by the given voInstanceName.
bindRowSetIterator(String, RowSetIterator) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
Binds the iterator identified by iterBindingName in this panel with another iterator.
bindRSIFromRowsWithKey(DCIteratorBinding, Key) - Static method in class oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding
bindServiceConnection(Context) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.webservice.WSDefinition
Bind the underlying connection used by this data control into the context provided by the caller.
bindToWorkingSet(WSApplicationModuleImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.remote.ApplicationModuleImpl
bindToWorkingSet(WSApplicationModuleImpl) - Method in interface
bindToWorkingSet(WSApplicationModuleImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
bindToWorkingSet(WSApplicationModuleImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.remote.AbstractRemoteApplicationModuleImpl
bindUIControl(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUPanelBinding
Used by generated code to bind a ui control to the defined binding object in this container identified by 'controlBindingName'.
bindUpdateDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.JDBCPersistManager
bindUpdateDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.DB2PersistManager
bindUpdateDataRow(PreparedStatement, long, long, int, int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.pcoll.pmgr.SQLServerPersistManager
bindUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
bindUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], HashMap, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Binds the entity attribute storage with the parameters in the UPDATE statement.
bindWhereAttrValue(EntityImpl, DBTransactionImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Binds an attribute value to the Statement's WHERE clause parameter index dealing with Null values appropriately.
bindWhereAttrValue(EntityImpl, DBTransactionImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OLiteSQLBuilderImpl
bindWhereAttrValue(EntityImpl, DBTransactionImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
bindWhereClause(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindWhereClause(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
bindWhereClause(PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
bindWhereClause(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
bindWhereClause(EntityImpl, PreparedStatement, AttributeDefImpl[], Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
BIT_AND - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
BIT_OR - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
BlobDomain - Class in oracle.jbo.domain
This class provides a lightweight wrapper for oracle.sql.BLOB, the Java representation of the BLOB database type.
BlobDomain() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
Constructor for this object.
BlobDomain(Blob) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
Constructor for this object.
BlobDomain(BLOB) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
use BlobDomain(Blob) instead.
BlobDomain(byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
Constructor for this class.
BlobDomain(Blob, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
Creates an instance of this class with data as described in blobData and using the transaction context from blob to use the blob-locator in the database.
BlobDomain(BLOB, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
use BlobDomain(Blob, byte[]) instead.
BlobDomain(BlobDomain, byte[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
since Use BlobDomain.BlobDomain(BlobDomain,byte[],OracleConnection) Constructor instead.
BlobDomain(BlobDomain, byte[], OracleConnection) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
Creates an instance of this class with data as described in blobData and using the given connection to create a new BLOB locator in the database.
BlobDomain(ResponseValues) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
BlobDomainDataSource - Class in oracle.jbo.common.sdo
BlobDomainDataSource(BlobDomain) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.sdo.BlobDomainDataSource
BlobDomainInterface - Interface in oracle.jbo.domain
Provides methods to save data to, and extract data from, LOB domain classes.
BLUJPX_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
BLUJPXREGISTRY - Static variable in class
boolArray - Variable in class oracle.jbo.common.remote.ObjectHandle
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
BooleanLiteral() - Method in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParser
BooleanResult - Interface in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BooleanResultImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BooleanResultImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.service.types.BooleanResultImpl
BooleanType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BooleanType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
booleanValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Char
Converts this data object into a boolean.
BOOLEANVALUEMAP - Static variable in class
BoundParameters - Class in oracle.jbo.server
BoundParameters(DefinitionManager, int) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.BoundParameters
BoundParameters(int) - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.BoundParameters
BREAK - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
breakpointDeferred(SpecEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi.SpecListener
breakpointDeleted(SpecEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi.SpecListener
breakpointError(SpecErrorEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi.SpecListener
breakpointResolved(SpecEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi.SpecListener
breakpointSet(SpecEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi.SpecListener
BreakpointSpec - Class in oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.bdi
breakStr(String) - Method in class
Breaks the String in to multiple lines by appending new line Characters.
bringNodeToRangeKeyPath(List<Key>, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierBinding
Find a node by KeyPath.
btnCancel - Variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULovDialog
btnHelp - Variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULovDialog
btnOK - Variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULovDialog
bufpos - Variable in class oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
build() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.xml.XMLSchemaDef
Builds the object and initialises the member variables for use.
build() - Method in class oracle.adf.model.adapter.dataformat.XSDHandler
Builds the object and initialises the member variables for use.
BUILD_RESULTSET - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.LoggerUtil
buildAttrSQLTypes() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Struct
Returns an array of the SQL datatypes of the attributes in this StructDomain object.
buildCompileContext(ExprEval, Object) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.EvaluateExprCompileContextImpl
buildConfigurationFileName(String) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
A helper function which hides the details of building a package qualified filename for the Configuration file.
buildConfigurationFileNameFromClassPath(String) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.client.Configuration
buildCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria, CriteriaAdapter) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.CriteriaClauses
buildDefaultFrom() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
Generates a "from" clause based on the entity references in this View Definition.
buildDefaultFrom(SQLBuilder) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
Generates a "from" clause based on the entity references in this View Definition.
buildDefaultFrom(AttributeDef[], SQLBuilder, BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildDefaultFromAttrs(AttributeDef[], AttributeDef[], List, SQLBuilder, BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildDefaultSelect(AttributeDef[]) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildDefaultSelect(AttributeDef[], AttributeDef[]) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause(StringBuffer, List) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause(StringBuffer, List, BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause(StringBuffer, List, BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause(StringBuffer, List, BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
This method is used to generate the "from" clause if the following conditions are met: The View Object definition does not have an expert mode query The View Object definition is set to generate "from" clause during runtime, either in metadata or by calling ViewDefImpl.setFromClauseFlags(ViewDefImpl.CLAUSE_GENERATE_RT)
buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause(StringBuffer, List) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
since 11.1.1. use buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause with 3 parameters instead.
buildDefaultViewObjectWhereClause(StringBuffer, List, List, EntityReference[][], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectWhereClause(StringBuffer, List, List, EntityReference[][], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildDefaultViewObjectWhereClause(StringBuffer, List, List, EntityReference[][], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
This method is used to generate the "where" clause if the following conditions are met: The View Object definition does not specify "where" clause The View Object definition is set to generate "where" clause during runtime, either in metadata or by calling ViewDefImpl.setWhereClauseFlags(ViewDefImpl.CLAUSE_GENERATE_RT)
buildDeleteStatement(EntityImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildDeleteStatement(EntityImpl) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildDeleteStatement(EntityImpl) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Build a DELETE SQL for the Entity Object.
buildDisplayValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULovButtonBinding
buildDMLStatement(int, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Advanced: Most applications should not use this method. This method constructs the DML statement and returns it as a StringBuffer.
buildDocumentName(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.service.catalog.internal.Helper
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DB2SQLBuilderImpl
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OLiteSQLBuilderImpl
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.SQL92SQLBuilderImpl
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Returns a statement that returns a date that is 'x' number of days apart from the specified date.
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.SQLServerSQLBuilderImpl
buildEffectiveDateFromClauseFragment(StringBuffer, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
This method is invoked in a Join VO scenario and ANSI Join Syntax is being followed.
buildEffectiveDateWhereClauseFragment(StringBuffer, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Generates the Effective date filter clause fragment.
buildFromClause() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildInsertStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildInsertStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildInsertStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Build a INSERT SQL for the Entity Object skipping non-persistent values.
buildKey(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildKeyValues(DataObject, ViewObject) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.sdo.SDOValueStoreHelper
Retrieve Key value.
buildLabel - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.Version
buildLinkEnds(ViewDefImpl, String, int, boolean, AttributeDefImpl[], String[], ViewDefImpl, String, int, boolean, AttributeDefImpl[], String[], Object, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewLinkDefImpl
Internal use only.
buildMinimalModel(Definition, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.adf.model.connection.webservice.util.MddsUtil
buildNewCollection(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildNumber - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.Version
buildNumMajor - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.Version
buildNumMinor - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.Version
buildOptUpdateWhereClause(EntityImpl, StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
This method binds the unfetched attributes in the list or the change indicator column of an entity definition.
buildOptUpdateWhereClause(EntityImpl, StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildOrderByClause(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Builds the order-by-clause part of the query and adds it into the string buffer.
buildParameterizedCollectionOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildQualifyingRowFilters(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildQuery(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildQuery(int, boolean, String, String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildRangePagingQuery(ViewObjectImpl, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildRangePagingQuery(ViewObjectImpl, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildRangePagingQuery(ViewObjectImpl, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
buildRangePagingQuery(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Applications may use this method to wrap this ViewObject query with rownum query or other mechanism to fetch rows in the current range.
buildReadOnlyCollectionOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildRecursiveStructureDefinition(String) - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
buildRefreshSQL(StringBuffer, int, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Builds the sql SELECT statement to fetch refresh-on-insert or update attributes and uses getRefreshSQLKeyAttrs() to create WHERE clause for this SELECT statement.
buildReturningClause(StringBuffer, DBTransactionImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
Create a statement to use the RETURNING clause for the entity attributes that need to be fetched after a successful INSERT or UPDATE.
buildRowFilter(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.DSViewObjectImpl
buildRowFilter(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildScalarCollectionOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildSelectClause() - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildSelectList(StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildSelectList(StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Build a list of columns that could be used in a SELECT statement.
buildSelectString(DBTransactionImpl, StringBuffer, String, String, AttributeDefImpl[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildSelectString(StringBuffer, String, AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Construct a SQL SELECT statement for the Entity into the designated Buffer.
buildSelectString(DBTransactionImpl, StringBuffer, String, String, AttributeDefImpl[], boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
Build a list of columns that could be used in a SELECT statement.
buildSelectString(DBTransactionImpl, StringBuffer, String, String, AttributeDefImpl[], boolean, int) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Construct a SQL SELECT statement for the Entity into the designated Buffer.
buildSingleValueParamaterizedOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildSingleValueReadOnlyOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildSingleValueUpdateableOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildStructure() - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
Builder structureDef
buildStructure(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
Builder structureDef from beanClass
buildStructure(StructureDef, String) - Method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
Add to dcDef
buildStructureDefinition(String) - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanStructureDefinitionBuilder
Builds the StructureDef that describes the structure of this data control.
buildSubquery(AttributeDef[], String, AttributeDef, ViewCriteria) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ViewCriteriaClauseBuilder
buildSubquery(AttributeDef[], String, AttributeDef, ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildSubquery(AttributeDef[], String, AttributeDef, ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildSubqueryFromClauses(String, String, String, int, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ViewCriteriaClauseBuilder
buildSubqueryFromClauses(String, String, String, int, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildSubqueryFromClauses(String, String, String, int, Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildTypesNameSpace(String) - Static method in class oracle.jbo.service.helper.SDOWsdlDocumentHelper
buildUpdateableCollectionOperations() - Static method in class oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.bean.BeanDCUtils
buildUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildUpdateStatement(EntityImpl, AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], AttributeDefImpl[], boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Build a UPDATE SQL for the Entity Object skipping non-persistent values.
buildViewCriteriaClauses(int, boolean, ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.remote.ApplicationModuleImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.client.remote.ViewUsageImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.common.BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.common.ViewCriteriaClauseBuilder
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.PDefViewObject
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewCriteriaManagerImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
buildViewCriteriaClauses(ViewCriteria) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.ViewCriteriaManager
This method is used by the framework to generate a query clause for a particular view criteria.
buildWhereClause(EntityImpl, StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
buildWhereClause(StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl
Construct a SQL WHERE clause for the Entity into the designated Buffer.
buildWhereClause(EntityImpl, StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], Object) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl
buildWhereClause(EntityImpl, StringBuffer, AttributeDefImpl[], Object) - Method in interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Creates a WHERE clause containing the Primary Key columns passed to the method.
buildWhereClause(StringBuffer, int) - Method in class oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl
Builds the WHERE clause part of the query and adds it into the string buffer.
BUNDLED_EXC_MODE_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookie
A user data key which may be used to set the ApplicationModule txn bundled exception mode upon next use.
BUS_EVENT_LOGGER - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.common.Diagnostic
Used in Business Events diagnostics
BUS_LOGIC_UNIT - Static variable in class
BUS_LOGIC_UNITS - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_DEF - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_HEADER - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_HEADER_ITEM - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_PAYLOAD_ITEM - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_PAYLOADDEF - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_POINT - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_PUB - Static variable in class
BUSEVENT_RAISECOND - Static variable in class
BusinessObject - Interface in oracle.jbo.server
Implemented by top-level Entity Objects that aggregate Entity Objects.
BUSLOGIC_GROUP - Static variable in class
BUSLOGIC_GROUP_NAME - Static variable in class
BUSLOGIC_UNIT_NAME - Static variable in class
BusLogicUnitBase - Class in oracle.jbo.server
BusLogicUnitBase() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.BusLogicUnitBase
BUTTON_COMMIT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_DELETE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_DISABLED - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_EXECUTE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_FIRST - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_INSERT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_LAST - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_NEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_NORMAL - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_PRESSED - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_PREV - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BUTTON_ROLLOVER - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar
BYTE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.JboLengthValidator
BYTE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BYTE - Static variable in interface oracle.jbo.script.debug.client.expr.ExpressionParserConstants
BYTE - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
BYTE - Static variable in interface oracle.jbodt.common.LengthValidatorInterface
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
ByteArrayType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
ByteArrayType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
ByteResult - Interface in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
ByteResultImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
ByteResultImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.service.types.ByteResultImpl
BytesResult - Interface in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BytesResultImpl - Class in oracle.jbo.common.service.types
BytesResultImpl() - Constructor for class oracle.jbo.common.service.types.BytesResultImpl
ByteType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.rules.Variant
ByteType_S - Static variable in class oracle.jbo.server.util.Variant
byteValue() - Method in class oracle.jbo.domain.Number
Calls NUMBER.byteValue() to convert internal Oracle Number to a Java byte.
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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
12c (12.1.3)


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