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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies

All Known Subinterfaces:
FlashJournalRM.Dependencies, RamJournalRM.Dependencies
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJournalRM.DefaultDependencies, FlashJournalRM.DefaultDependencies, RamJournalRM.DefaultDependencies
Enclosing class:

protected static interface AbstractJournalRM.Dependencies

The Dependencies interface provides AbstractJournalRM with its external dependencies.

Method Summary
 double getCollectorLoadFactor()
          Return the load factor threshold at which files become eligible for garbage collection (compaction).
 long getCollectorTimeout()
          Return the number of milliseconds the Collector can be unresponsive prior to considering the Collector timed out.
 long getMaxFileSize()
          Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of each individual file used to hold Journal data.
 long getMaxJournalSize()
          Return the total amount of memory, in bytes, that can be allocated for Journal storage.
 int getMaxValueSize()
          Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of a Binary value.


Method Detail


int getMaxValueSize()
Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of a Binary value.
the maximum allowable size for a value to write


long getMaxFileSize()
Return the maximum allowable size, in bytes, of each individual file used to hold Journal data. This is not the total size limit of the Journal, since the Journal may use a number of files to store its data.
the maximum allowable size for an underlying file


long getMaxJournalSize()
Return the total amount of memory, in bytes, that can be allocated for Journal storage.
the maximum number of bytes that can be allocated for Journal storage


double getCollectorLoadFactor()
Return the load factor threshold at which files become eligible for garbage collection (compaction). The load factor threshold is the ratio between the portion of the file used for live data and the total size of the file, and is expressed as a double value in the interval (0.0, 1.0).

When the portion of released data exceeds (1 - threshold), the file becomes eligible for compaction (garbage collection).

the compaction factor threshold between 0.0 and 1.0


long getCollectorTimeout()
Return the number of milliseconds the Collector can be unresponsive prior to considering the Collector timed out.
the number of milliseconds the Collector can be unresponsive

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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