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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Interface BackingMapManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBackingMapManager, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.Manager, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.PartitionedBackingMapManager, ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.Manager, ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.PartitionedBackingMapManager, TransactionalScheme.Manager

public interface BackingMapManager

A callback interface used by CacheService implementations. By providing a custom implementation of this interface, it is possible to use an alternative underlying store for the cached data.

A custom implementation may return a LocalCache in order to size-restrict the cache or force automatic expiry of cached data.

Currently, the "Distributed" and "Optimistic" CacheService implementations accept custom implementations of the BackingMapManager.

If the BackingMapManager object also implements XmlConfigurable interface then the XmlConfigurable.setConfig(XmlElement) method on it is called every time the configuration xml is changed by other cluster members.

Very important note: all methods of this interface are called on a thread associated with the corresponding CacheService and any significant delay will negatively affect the performance of this service around the cluster.

Coherence 2.0
gg 2002.09.21

Method Summary
 ConfigurableCacheFactory getCacheFactory()
          Obtain the "container" ConfigurableCacheFactory that created this manager and which this manager is bound to.
 BackingMapManagerContext getContext()
          Determine the current BackingMapManagerContext for this BackingMapManager.
 void init(BackingMapManagerContext context)
          Called by a CacheService to indicate to this manager that the manager is being associated with the CacheService.
 java.util.Map instantiateBackingMap(java.lang.String sName)
          Instantiate a [thread safe] Map that should be used by a CacheService to store cached values for a NamedCache with the specified name.
 boolean isBackingMapPersistent(java.lang.String sName)
          Determine if the contents of the Map that is used by a CacheService to store cached values for a NamedCache with the specified name should be persisted.
 void releaseBackingMap(java.lang.String sName, java.util.Map map)
          Release the specified Map that was created using the instantiateBackingMap(String) method.


Method Detail


void init(BackingMapManagerContext context)
Called by a CacheService to indicate to this manager that the manager is being associated with the CacheService. This method is called once immediately upon the startup of the CacheService, before any NamedCache objects are created by the CacheService.

Important note: BackingMapManager cannot be associated with more then one instance of a CacheService. However, in a situation when a CacheService automatically restarts, it is possible that this manager instance is re-used by a newly created (restarted) CacheService calling this method once again providing a new context.

context - the BackingMapManagerContext object for this BackingMapManager


ConfigurableCacheFactory getCacheFactory()
Obtain the "container" ConfigurableCacheFactory that created this manager and which this manager is bound to.
the ConfigurableCacheFactory that created this manager


BackingMapManagerContext getContext()
Determine the current BackingMapManagerContext for this BackingMapManager.
the current context


java.util.Map instantiateBackingMap(java.lang.String sName)
Instantiate a [thread safe] Map that should be used by a CacheService to store cached values for a NamedCache with the specified name.

If the contents of the Map can be modified by anything other than the CacheService itself (e.g. if the Map automatically expires its entries periodically or size-limits its contents), then the returned object must implement the ObservableMap interface.

sName - the name of the NamedCache for which this backing map is being created
an object implementing the Map interface that will provide backing storage for the specified cache name


boolean isBackingMapPersistent(java.lang.String sName)
Determine if the contents of the Map that is used by a CacheService to store cached values for a NamedCache with the specified name should be persisted.
sName - the name of the NamedCache
true if the CacheService should persist the backing storage of the specified NamedCache


void releaseBackingMap(java.lang.String sName,
                       java.util.Map map)
Release the specified Map that was created using the instantiateBackingMap(String) method. This method is invoked by the CacheService when the CacheService no longer requires the specified Map object.
sName - the name of the NamedCache for which the specified Map object has acted as the backing map
map - the Map object that is being released

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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