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Class SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore

  extended by com.tangosol.util.Base
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public class SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore
extends Base
implements BinaryStore

A virtual BinaryStore implementation that aggregates a sequence (newest to oldest) of periodic BinaryStore objects.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
BinaryStore.KeySetAware, BinaryStore.SizeAware


Constructor Summary
SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore(int cPages)
          Construct a PagedBinaryStore.


Method Summary
protected  SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore advanceCurrentPage(SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore store)
          Advance the current page, using the passed BinaryStore as the store for the new current page, and returning the oldest active page, if the maximum number of active pages is exceeded by the advancing of the current page.
 void close()
          Release underlying resources.
 void erase(Binary binKey)
          Remove the specified key from the underlying store if present.
 void eraseAll()
          Remove all data from the underlying store.
 SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore[] getActivePageArray()
          Get the array of BinaryStore objects, one for each active page.
 int getActivePageCount()
          Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore is currently managing.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getCurrentPage()
          Obtain the page to which current updates are being performed.
 int getCurrentPageNumber()
          Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore has managed in total, including those it is currently managing.
 int getMaximumPages()
          Determine the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage, beyond which the oldest pages are destroyed.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getOldestActivePage()
          Obtain the oldest active page.
 SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getPage(int nPage)
          Get the BinaryStore for the page specified by the passed page number.
protected  java.util.Map getPagedKeyMap()
          Obtain the map that manages the mapping from Binary keys to BinaryStore objects.
 int getTotalPageCount()
          Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore has managed in total, including those it is currently managing.
 boolean isPageActive(int nPage)
          Determine if the specified page number is active.
 java.util.Iterator keys()
          Iterate all keys in the underlying store.
 Binary load(Binary binKey)
          Return the value associated with the specified key, or null if the key does not have an associated value in the underlying store.
protected  void logException(java.lang.Throwable e, java.lang.String sMethod)
          Helper to log ignored exceptions.
 void store(Binary binKey, Binary binValue)
          Store the specified value under the specific key in the underlying store.
protected  int toPageIndex(int nPage)
          Translate a page number to an index into the PageArray.


Constructor Detail


public SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore(int cPages)
Construct a PagedBinaryStore.
cPages - the maximum number of pages to have active at a time

Method Detail


public Binary load(Binary binKey)
Return the value associated with the specified key, or null if the key does not have an associated value in the underlying store.
Specified by:
load in interface BinaryStore
binKey - key whose associated value is to be returned
the value associated with the specified key, or null if no value is available for that key


public void store(Binary binKey,
                  Binary binValue)
Store the specified value under the specific key in the underlying store. This method is intended to support both key/value creation and value update for a specific key.
Specified by:
store in interface BinaryStore
binKey - key to store the value under
binValue - value to be stored


public void erase(Binary binKey)
Remove the specified key from the underlying store if present.
Specified by:
erase in interface BinaryStore
binKey - key whose mapping is to be removed from the map


public void eraseAll()
Remove all data from the underlying store.
Specified by:
eraseAll in interface BinaryStore


public java.util.Iterator keys()
Iterate all keys in the underlying store.
Specified by:
keys in interface BinaryStore
a read-only iterator of the keys in the underlying store


public void close()
Release underlying resources.


public int getMaximumPages()
Determine the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage, beyond which the oldest pages are destroyed.
the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage


public int getActivePageCount()
Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore is currently managing. This is the "active" page count.
the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore is currently managing


public int getTotalPageCount()
Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore has managed in total, including those it is currently managing.
the total number of pages ever managed by the PagedBinaryStore


public int getCurrentPageNumber()
Determine the number of pages that the PagedBinaryStore has managed in total, including those it is currently managing.
the total number of pages ever managed by the PagedBinaryStore


public boolean isPageActive(int nPage)
Determine if the specified page number is active. A page is active if it is either the current page, or a page that has not aged to the point that it has been discarded.
nPage - the page number to test
if the specified page is active


public SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore[] getActivePageArray()
Get the array of BinaryStore objects, one for each active page. The array is indexed by "page indexes" and not page numbers. Page numbers are sequential page ids; they can be translated to page indices by using the toPageIndex method.
the array of active BinaryStore objects


public SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getPage(int nPage)
Get the BinaryStore for the page specified by the passed page number. The page number is basically the infinitely increasing counter of pages; the first page is 0, the second is 1, and so on.
nPage - the page number
the correspodning BinaryStore, or null if the specified page number is not active


protected SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getCurrentPage()
Obtain the page to which current updates are being performed. This page is referred to as the "current" page.
the BinaryStore that holds the current page's data


protected SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore getOldestActivePage()
Obtain the oldest active page.
the BinaryStore that holds the oldest active page's data


protected int toPageIndex(int nPage)
Translate a page number to an index into the PageArray.
nPage - the page number
an index into the PageArray, or -1 if the page number is no longer valid


protected java.util.Map getPagedKeyMap()
Obtain the map that manages the mapping from Binary keys to BinaryStore objects. The BinaryStore objects are actually wrappers around the real BinaryStore objects that each manage one "page" of data.
the map of Binary key to BinaryStore


protected SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore advanceCurrentPage(SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore store)
Advance the current page, using the passed BinaryStore as the store for the new current page, and returning the oldest active page, if the maximum number of active pages is exceeded by the advancing of the current page.
store - the BinaryStore to use for the new current page
the oldest active page, if keeping it would exceed the maximum number of pages; otherwise null


protected void logException(java.lang.Throwable e,
                            java.lang.String sMethod)
Helper to log ignored exceptions.
e - the throwable object
sMethod - the calling method name

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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