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Class MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage

  extended by com.tangosol.util.MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage

Enclosing class:

protected static class MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage
extends java.lang.Object

An internal data structure for managing elastic storage of multi-dimensional data; basically, it is a two-dimensional array of rows and columns that can be grown in either dimension, but is optimized specifically for the addition and removal of rows.

The first dimension is a sequence of "slots" (i.e. rows) that each hold one or more indexed values. The second dimension is a sequence of "indexes" (i.e. columns). A combination of a slot and an index is used to access or modify a specific long value.

Field Summary
protected static long[][] EMPTY
          Empty storage.
protected  long[][] m_aalStorage
          The internal storage for the LongStorage, divided into segments, with each segment being an array of long values.
protected  int m_cFree
          The number of slots that are available ("free").
protected  int m_cFreeThreshold
          The number of free slots at which compression becomes indicated.
protected  int m_cIndexes
          The total number of indexes.
protected  int m_cTotal
          The total number of slots.
protected  int m_iFreeSlot
          The index of the first free slot, or -1.


Constructor Summary
MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage(int cIndexes)
          Construct a LongStorage that will initially hold cIndexes columns of data.


Method Summary
 int addIndex()
          Add an additional index value to each slot.
protected static int calcFirstSlotIndex(int iSegment)
          Given a segment index, determine the slot index of the first slot that is stored in the segment.
protected static int calcSegmentIndex(int iSlot)
          Give a slot index, determine what segment index the slot will be found in.
protected static int calcSegmentSize(int iSegment)
          Given an array segment index, determine the size of the array in slots.
 void clear()
          Reset the LongStorage to its initial empty state.
 void compressBegin()
          Begin the compression of the LongStorage into the minimum number of contiguous slots.
 void compressEnd()
          Complete the LongStorage compression process.
 int compressRelocate(int iSlot)
          Relocate a reserved slot from a slot index that is at or beyond getSlotCount().
 void copy(int iSlotSrc, int iSlotDest)
          Copy the contents of one slot to another.
 int countValues(int iIndex)
          For any index > 0, count the number of values in the LongStorage that are non-zero.
 long get(int iSlot, int iIndex)
          Load a value.
 int getCapacity()
          Determine the current capacity (the actual number of slots for which storage has been allocated) in the LongStorage.
 int getIndexCount()
          Determine the number of indexes (columns) supported by the LongStorage.
 int getSlotCount()
          Determine the number of slots that have been reserved in the LongStorage.
protected  void grow()
          Add a new segment of slot storage.
 boolean isCompressionIndicated()
          Determine if the LongStorage should be compressed.
 void put(int iSlot, int iIndex, long lValue)
          Store a value.
protected  void recalculateShrinkageThreshold()
          Determine at what point the LongStorage should be compressed.
 void releaseSlot(int iSlot)
          Release a previously-reserved slot.
 void removeIndex(int iIndex)
          Remove an index value from each slot.
 int reserveSlot()
          Reserve a slot to use for storing information.
 void reset(int iSlot)
          Reset all of the values in a specified slot to zero.


Field Detail


protected static final long[][] EMPTY
Empty storage.


protected long[][] m_aalStorage
The internal storage for the LongStorage, divided into segments, with each segment being an array of long values. A segment is further divided into slots, such that the first slot is found at element zero in the array, and the second slot is found m_cIndexes elements after that. A slot is further divided into indexed values, with the first element of the slot containing the first indexed value, the second element of the slot containing the second indexed value, and so on.

For example: 16,16,16,16,32,32,32,32,64,64,64,64,128,128,128,128,256,...


protected int m_cIndexes
The total number of indexes. This is the number of long values that can be stored in a single slot.


protected int m_cTotal
The total number of slots.


protected int m_cFree
The number of slots that are available ("free").


protected int m_iFreeSlot
The index of the first free slot, or -1.


protected int m_cFreeThreshold
The number of free slots at which compression becomes indicated.

Constructor Detail


public MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage(int cIndexes)
Construct a LongStorage that will initially hold cIndexes columns of data.
cIndexes - the number of values (i.e. columns) to hold for each slot (i.e. row)

Method Detail


public int getIndexCount()
Determine the number of indexes (columns) supported by the LongStorage. For each index, one value is stored in each slot (row).
the number of values stored in each slot


public int getSlotCount()
Determine the number of slots that have been reserved in the LongStorage.
the number of slots that have been reserved


public int getCapacity()
Determine the current capacity (the actual number of slots for which storage has been allocated) in the LongStorage.

Note: During the compression phase, the capacity is set to the number of slots in use, which is the level to which the LongStorage is compressed.

the total number of slots that are currently allocated in the LongStorage


public int addIndex()
Add an additional index value to each slot.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.

the index identifier of the new index value


public void removeIndex(int iIndex)
Remove an index value from each slot.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.

iIndex - the index identifier of the index value to remove


public int reserveSlot()
Reserve a slot to use for storing information.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.

the slot index that was newly reserved


protected void grow()
Add a new segment of slot storage.


public void releaseSlot(int iSlot)
Release a previously-reserved slot.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.

iSlot - the slot index to release


public void clear()
Reset the LongStorage to its initial empty state.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.


public long get(int iSlot,
                int iIndex)
Load a value.
iSlot - the slot index to load the value from
iIndex - the value index from which to load the value
the value from the specified index of the specified slot


public void put(int iSlot,
                int iIndex,
                long lValue)
Store a value.
iSlot - the slot index to store a value in
iIndex - the value index to store a value for
lValue - the value to store in the specified index of the specified slot


public int countValues(int iIndex)
For any index > 0, count the number of values in the LongStorage that are non-zero.
iIndex - a valid index, other than the zero index
the number of values in that index that are non-zero


public void reset(int iSlot)
Reset all of the values in a specified slot to zero.
iSlot - the slot index to reset


public void copy(int iSlotSrc,
                 int iSlotDest)
Copy the contents of one slot to another.
iSlotSrc - the slot to copy from
iSlotDest - the slot to copy to


protected void recalculateShrinkageThreshold()
Determine at what point the LongStorage should be compressed.


public boolean isCompressionIndicated()
Determine if the LongStorage should be compressed.
true iff the LongStorage should be compressed
See Also:


public void compressBegin()
Begin the compression of the LongStorage into the minimum number of contiguous slots.

Compression is a 4-step process:

  1. The applicability of compression is determined using isCompressionIndicated();
  2. The process is initiated by calling compressBegin();
  3. For each slot i that has been reserved, if (i >= getSlotCount()), the reservation must be relocated by calling compressRelocate(i);
  4. The process is concluded by calling compressEnd().
It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that no multi-threaded access to the LongStorage occurs during this process.


public int compressRelocate(int iSlot)
Relocate a reserved slot from a slot index that is at or beyond getSlotCount().
iSlot - a slot index for a reserved slot whose index is at or beyond getSlotCount()
the new slot index for the specified reserved slot
See Also:


public void compressEnd()
Complete the LongStorage compression process.
See Also:


protected static int calcSegmentSize(int iSegment)
Given an array segment index, determine the size of the array in slots.
iSegment - the segment index
the number of slots that the segment will hold


protected static int calcSegmentIndex(int iSlot)
Give a slot index, determine what segment index the slot will be found in.
iSlot - the slot index
the segment index


protected static int calcFirstSlotIndex(int iSegment)
Given a segment index, determine the slot index of the first slot that is stored in the segment.
iSegment - the segment index
the slot index of the first slot stored in the specified segment

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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