6.2 Monitoring Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Request Activity

You can monitor job requests using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. On the console's Scheduling Service Home page, you can get the following information:

  • A list of the 10 job requests that have been running for the longest period of time.

  • A list of the top 10 job requests that are waiting to be run.

  • A chart showing completion status percentages for job requests over the last hour.

  • A chart showing the number of requests completed in the last hour, along with the average processing time over that period.

  • A Scheduler Components region that you can use to start and stop the Request Processor and Request Dispatcher components.

  • A list of performance data, such as average and maximum processing and wait times.

6.2.1 Viewing Top Ten Long Running Requests and Top Ten Ready Requests

In the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler home page displays two important categories of information: data about the top ten long running scheduled jobs and data about the top ten job requests awaiting execution. These are displayed on separate tabs.

By default, only the job requests within the current scheduling service display. However, you can change the scope such that all relevant scheduled jobs running on all scheduling services sharing the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler repository display in the tabs.

Each of the tabs includes a table that displays a short list of job requests. The Show All Ready or Show All Running link at the bottom of the region displays a search page in which it is possible to search for a more comprehensive list of relevant job requests.

Each tab displays the following information about scheduled job requests:

  • Request ID: The ID associated with the job request.

  • Run Time/Wait Time: The period of time during which the job request has been running or awaiting execution, respectively.

  • Job Definition: The job definition associated with the job request.

  • Submitted by: The name of the user who submitted the job request.

  • Application: The name of the application with which the job request is associated.

  • Execution Type: The category of job being executed—Java, SQL or process job.

  • Description: An optional description of the scheduled job request.

This section contains the following topics: Viewing Top Ten Long Running Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Requests

The Top Ten Long Running Requests tab displays the top ten long running scheduled job requests, including request ID, job run time, job definition used, executing application, job execution type and description. You can set the scope of the top ten long running requests displayed to the current scheduling service only, or all scheduling services sharing the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler repository.

Use the Top Ten Long Running Job Requests tab to view the job requests that have been running for the longest period of time on the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler service. You can alternatively change the scope of the region to display the top ten long running job requests on all scheduling services sharing the same repository.

The job requests displayed have a status of RUNNING.

To view the top ten long running requests:

  1. From the navigation pane, expand the Scheduling Services folder and select the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler application.
  2. At the top of the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler home page, click the Top 10 Long Running Job Requests tab to display the ten job requests that have been running the longest.
  3. To display all running job requests, click Show All Running at the bottom of the chart. This displays a search form that searches for all requests that are currently running. Click Search to display the requests. Viewing Top Ten Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Jobs Ready to Be Executed

The Top Ten Ready Job Requests tab displays the top ten scheduled job requests that await execution. The tab displays the same information as the Top Ten Long Running Requests tab, except the wait time displays for each job rather than the run time.

Use the Top Ten Ready Job Requests tab to view the job requests that are awaiting execution on the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. You can also change the scope of the region to display the top ten ready job requests on all scheduling services sharing the same repository.

The job requests displayed have a status of READY.

To view the top ten ready job requests:

  1. From the navigation pane, expand the Scheduling Services folder and select the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler application.
  2. At the top of the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler page, click the Top 10 Ready Job Requests tab to display the ten job requests with the status READY.
  3. To display all ready job requests, click Show All Ready at the bottom of the chart. This displays a search form that searches for all requests with the status READY. Click Search to display the requests.

6.2.2 Viewing Completed Job Requests

You can view the status of completed job requests on the Scheduling Service home page of the Fusion Middleware Control. There, in the Completed Job Requests - Last Hour region, each completion status is shown as a percentage of the total of job requests completed in the last hour. Status shown includes Success, Warning, Error, and Cancelled.

6.2.3 Viewing Job Request Response and Load

You can view the information about the processing load that has been required to complete job requests on the Scheduling Service home page of the Fusion Middleware Control. In the Response and Load region, you can view performance monitoring statistics regarding the time required to process to job requests.

Table 6-1 describes the performance monitoring statistics in the Response and Load region.

Table 6-1 Response and Load Statistics

Statistic Description

Average Processing time for Last Hour

This metric specifies the average time required to process jobs during the last hour.

Requests Completed Per Hour

This metric specifies the number of scheduled job requests completed within the last hour.

6.2.4 Viewing Performance as Processing and Wait Times

You can view job request processing and wait times on the Scheduling Service home page of the Fusion Middleware Control.

Table 6-2 describes the performance monitoring statistics in the Performance region.

Table 6-2 Performance Statistics

Statistic Description

Maximum Processing Time

The maximum amount of time required to process a scheduled job.

Average Processing Time

The average amount of time required to process a scheduled job.

Maximum Wait Time

The maximum amount of time during which a scheduled job waits before running.

Average Wait Time

The average amount of time during which a scheduled job waits before running.