Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use WSATXAResource
weblogic.wsee.wstx.wsat Provides class and interfaces to manage WebLogic Web Services Atomic Transactions. 

Uses of WSATXAResource in weblogic.wsee.wstx.wsat

Methods in weblogic.wsee.wstx.wsat that return types with arguments of type WSATXAResource
 Map<WSATXAResource,weblogic.wsee.wstx.wsat.common.ParticipantIF<T>> WSATHelper.getDurableParticipantPortMap()

Methods in weblogic.wsee.wstx.wsat with parameters of type WSATXAResource
 void WSATHelper.commit(EndpointReference epr, Xid xid, WSATXAResource wsatXAResource)
          Deprecated. Unlike rollback, Xids are not added to the durable participant XAResource map during commit as prepare must always be called in WS-AT (there is no onePhase commit) and prepare must add the Xid to the map.
 void WSATHelper.prepare(EndpointReference epr, Xid xid, WSATXAResource wsatXAResource)
          Deprecated. Get/create participant port and place it in the cache, issue prepare upon it, and place the WSATXAResource in the map.
 void WSATHelper.rollback(EndpointReference epr, Xid xid, WSATXAResource wsatXAResource)
          Deprecated. Rollback can be called before or after prepare so we could do a state check here to avoid the redundant put in the latter case, but it is harmless to re-put and likely not a drastic performance concern.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02