3.1.13 Adding an AdapterType Element to sca-config.xml

The following, added to the sca-config.xml, tells the SOA diagram the icons and the SCAEndpoint implementation class to use for the Custom Adapter, and provides additional information. Sub-element definitions include:

  • name: from the resource bundle

  • description: from the resource bundle

  • tooltip: from the resource bundle (shows under mouse cursor over the graphical shape)

  • icon16x16: the icon used in the palette

  • icon20x20: the icon used in the graphical shape

  • remaining 4 icons are not used


In the sca-config.xml, the <adapterType> has a resource bundle attribute that must contain the class name of the bundle from which the SOA diagrammer uses to get the translated text it uses to label endpoints in the diagram.

For example, referring to the Custom Adapter entry, the diagram will look up CUSTOM_ADAPTER_COMPONENT_NAME_L in the CustomStringResourceBundle when it shows the custom adapter in the diagram.

Note that internal to an adapter wizard, the diagram uses a resource bundle to get the text for all the labels in the wizard. In the cases of the custom adapter, the same bundle is being used.