Adjusting the Canvas Layout

You can adjust the look and feel of visualizations in the canvas to make them more visually attractive. For example, you can create a visualization and then copy it to the canvas. You can then modify the data elements in the duplicated visualization, change the visualization type, and then resize it.

To adjust the canvas layout:
  • To add additional visualizations to the canvas, click the Visualizations icon, and from the Visualizations pane, drag and drop a visualization type to the canvas. Alternatively, on the project toolbar, click Add Visualization. You can then position the new visualization adjacent to a single visualization or spanning multiple ones.
  • To delete a visualization from the canvas, right-click it and select Delete Visualization.
  • To rearrange a visualization in the canvas, drag and drop the visualization to the location (the space between visualizations) where you want it to go. The target drop area is highlighted in blue.
  • To resize a visualization, use your cursor to drag the edges to size it.
  • To copy a visualization in the canvas, right-click it and select Copy Visualization.
  • To paste a copied visualization in the canvas, right-click the canvas and select Paste Visualization.