19 Deploying a BPM Project

This chapter describes how to deploy a Business Process Management (BPM) project from Oracle Business Process Composer. Users who have been granted permission can deploy projects directly to runtime.

This chapter includes the following section:

19.1 Deploying a Project

You can use Oracle Business Process Composer to deploy a project to the Oracle BPM runtime.

Deployment is available only within the same environment where the Oracle Business Process Composer application is installed.

19.1.1 Who Can Deploy Projects?

Users who are granted project owner permissions can use Oracle Business Process Composer to deploy projects directly to Oracle BPM runtime.

19.1.2 How to Deploy a Project to Runtime

Project owners can deploy projects directly to Oracle BPM runtime.

To deploy a project to runtime:

  1. Save any changes to your project.
  2. Publish your project.

    You do not want to deploy a project that has unpublished changes.

  3. From the main menu select Deployment, then select Deploy Project.

    Oracle Business Process Composer validates the project. If there are no errors in the project, the deployment process continues.

  4. Provide the required information in the Deploy Project dialog, shown in Figure 19-1.

    Figure 19-1 Deploy Project Dialog

    Description of Figure 19-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 19-1 Deploy Project Dialog"

    The properties in the Deploy Project dialog are described in Table 19-1.

    Table 19-1 The Deploy Project Dialog Properties

    Property Description


    Displays the name of the project.


    Use to select the version of the project you want to deploy. This can be the current version of the project or a project snapshot.

    Last Revision ID

    Displays the revision ID of the most recent deployed version of the project.

    New Revision ID

    Specifies a revision ID for the deployed application. This ID can must be of the form:


    Override the default deployment version

    Overrides the default deployment version.

    Deployer Username

    Used for deploying the Oracle BPM project to runtime.


    Specifies the password corresponding to the Deployer Username defined above.

    Mark composite revision as default

    Defines the current revision as the default revision.

    Deploy target

    Enables you to select the folder in Oracle MDS where the SOA composite application is deployed.

    Deployment plan

    Use to select a deployment plan. Click Browse to select a deployment plan on your local file system.

  5. Click Deploy.

    Oracle Business Process Composer deploys the project to runtime. This may take a few minutes.

  6. After the deployment is complete, click OK.

The project is deployed to Oracle BPM runtime. The project is available from the list of deployed projects in the project browser.

19.1.3 How to Edit a Deployed Project

You cannot use Oracle Business Process Composer to edit deployed Oracle BPM projects. To edit a deployed project you must be granted the SOA Designer role and use SOA Composer.

For more information about editing deployed projects, see "Using SOA Composer with Oracle Business Rules at Runtime" in Designing Business Rules with Oracle Business Process Management.

19.1.4 How to Generate a Project SAR File

You can generate a project as a SOA archive (SAR) file from Oracle Business Process Composer. Your system administrator can use this file to deploy a project using the Oracle Enterprise Manager administration console.

To generate a project SAR file:

  1. From the main menu, select Deployment, then select Generate Project SAR file.

    Business Process Composer validates the project. If the project contains errors, these are displayed in the project validation tab.

  2. Provide the required information in the Generate Project SAR File dialog, shown in Figure 19-2.

    Figure 19-2 Generate Project SAT File Dialog

    Description of Figure 19-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 19-2 Generate Project SAT File Dialog"
    • Select the project version you want to use to generate the SAR file.

      This can be the current version of the project or a project snapshot.

    • Enter a revision ID.

    • If required, select to override the default deployment version.

  3. Click OK.
  4. If the project contains no errors, click OK to save the SAR file to your local file system.

19.1.5 How to Generate a Deployment Plan

A deployment plan is an XML configuration file that is used when deploying a BPM project from Oracle BPM Studio. Oracle Business Process Composer generates any unexpected errors when generating the XML file of the deployment plan.


You should validate your project before creating a deployment plan. Oracle Business Process Composer does not perform any validation when generating the deployment plan.

To generate a deployment plan:

  1. From the main menu, select Deployment.
  2. Select Generate Deployment Plan.
  3. Select a location on your local file system, then click OK.