6 Persisting Caches

This chapter provides instructions for using Coherence persistence to save and recover the contents of a cache.

This chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Overview of Persistence

Coherence persistence is a set of tools and technologies that manage the persistence and recovery of Coherence distributed caches. Cached data is persisted so that it can be quickly recovered after a catastrophic failure or after a cluster restart due to planned maintenance. Persistence and federated caching can be used together as required. For details about using federated caching, see Federating Caches Across Clusters.

Persistence Modes

Persistence can operate in two modes:

  • On-Demand persistence mode – a cache service is manually persisted and recovered upon request using the persistence coordinator. The persistence coordinator is exposed as an MBean interface that provides operations for creating, archiving, and recovering snapshots of a cache service.

  • Active persistence mode – In this mode, cache contents are automatically persisted on all mutations and are automatically recovered on cluster/service startup. The persistence coordinator can still be used in active persistence mode to perform on-demand snapshots.

Disk-Based Persistence Storage

Persistence uses a database for the persistence store. The database is used to store the backing map partitions of a partitioned service. The locations of the database files can be stored on the local disk of each cache server or on a shared disk on a storage area network (SAN).


Database files should never be manually edited. Editing the database files can lead to persistence errors.

The local disk option allows each cluster member to access persisted data for the service partitions that it owns. Persistence is coordinated across all storage member using a list of cache server host addresses. The address list ensures that all persisted partitions are discovered during recovery. Local disk storage provides a high throughput and low latency storage mechanism; however, a partition service must still rely on in-memory backup (backup-count value greater than zero) to remain machine safe.

The shared disk option, together with active persistence mode, allows each cluster member to access persisted data for all service partitions. An advantage to using a shared disk is that partitioned services do not require in-memory backup (backup-count value can be equal to zero) to remain machine-safe; because, all storage-enabled members can recover partitions from the shared storage. Disabling in-memory backup increases the cache capacity of the cluster at the cost of higher latency recovery during node failure. In general, the use of a SAN can potentially affect throughput and latencies and should be tested and monitored accordingly.


The service statusHA statistic shows an ENDAGERED status when the backup count is set to zero even if persistence is being used to replace in-memory backup.

Both the local disk and shared disk approach can rely on a quorum policy that controls how many cluster members must be present to perform persistence operations and before recovery can begin. Quorum policies allow time for a cluster to start before data recovery begins.

Persistence Configuration

Persistence is declaratively configured using Coherence configuration files and requires no changes to application code. An operational override file is used to configure the underlying persistence implementation if the default settings are not acceptable. A cache configuration file is used to set persistence properties on a distributed cache.

Management and Monitoring

Persistence can be monitored and managed using MBean attributes and operations. Persistence operations such as creating and archiving snapshots are performed using the PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean. Persistence attributes are included as part of the attributes of a service and can be viewed using the ServiceMBean MBean.

Persistence attributes and statistics are aggregated in the persistence and persistence-details reports. Persistence statistics are also aggregated in the Java VisualVM plug-in. Both tools can help troubleshoot possible resource and performance issues.

6.2 Persistence Dependencies

Persistence is only available for distributed caches and requires the use of a centralized partition assignment strategy. Distributed caches use a centralized partitioned assignment strategy by default. Although uncommon, it is possible that an autonomous or a custom partition assignment strategy is being used. Check the StrategyName attribute on the PartitionAssignment MBean to verify the strategy that is currently configured for a distributed cache. For details about partition assignment strategies, see Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

6.3 Persisting Caches on Demand

Caches can be persisted to disk at any point in time and recovered as required.

To persist caches on demand:

  1. Use the persistence coordinator to create, recover, and remove snapshots as described in "Using Snapshots to Persist a Cache Service".
  2. Optionally, change the location where persistence files are written to disk as described in "Changing the Pre-Defined Persistence Directory".
  3. Optionally, configure the number of storage members that are required to perform recovery as described in "Configuring the Quorum for Persistence Recovery".

6.4 Actively Persisting Caches

Caches can be automatically persisted to disk and automatically recovered when a cluster is restarted.

To actively persist caches:

  1. Enable active persistence as described in "Enabling Active Persistence Mode".
  2. Optionally, change the location where persistence files are written to disk as described in "Changing the Pre-Defined Persistence Directory".
  3. Optionally, change how a service responds to possible failures during active persistence as described in "Changing the Active Persistence Failure Response".
  4. Optionally, configure the number of storage members that are required to perform recovery as described in "Configuring the Quorum for Persistence Recovery".

6.5 Using Snapshots to Persist a Cache Service

Snapshots are a backup of the contents of a cache service that must be manually managed using the PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean. The MBean includes asynchronous operations to create, recover, and remove snapshots. When a snapshot is recovered, the entire service is automatically restored to the state of the snapshot. To use the MBean, JMX must be enabled on the cluster. For details about enabling JMX management and accessing Coherence MBeans, see Managing Oracle Coherence.


The instructions in this section were created using the VisualVM-MBeans plugin for the JDK Java VisualVM tool. The Coherence-Java VisualVM Plug-in can also be used to perform snapshot operations.

6.5.1 Create a Snapshot

Creating snapshots writes the contents of a cache service to the snapshot directory that is specified within the persistence environment definition in the operational override configuration file.

To create a snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to create a snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter a name for the snapshot in the field for the createSnapshot operation.
  4. Click createSnapshot.

6.5.2 Recover a Snapshot

Recovering snapshots restores the contents of a cache service from a snapshot.

To recover a snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to recover a snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter the name of a snapshot in the field for the recoverSnapshot operation.
  4. Click recoverSnapshot.

    After the operation has returned, check the OperationStatus or Idle attributes on the persistence coordinator to determine when the operation has completed. Applications can be notified when the operation completes by subscribing to the snapshot JMX notifications.

6.5.3 Remove a Snapshot

Removing a snapshot deletes the snapshot from the snapshot directory. The cache service remains unchanged.

To remove a snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to remove a snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter the name of a snapshot in the field for the removeSnapshot operation.
  4. Click removeSnapshot.

6.6 Archiving Snapshots

Snapshots can be archived to a central location and then later retrieved and restored. Archiving snapshots requires defining the directory where archives are stored and configuring cache services to use an archive directory. Archiving operations are performed using the PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean. An archive is slower to create than snapshots but, unlike snapshots, the archive is portable.

6.6.1 Defining a Snapshot Archive Directory

The directory where snapshots are archived is defined in the operational override file using a directory snapshot archiver definition. Multiple definitions can be created as required.

To define a snapshot archiver directory, include the <directory-archiver> element within the <snapshot-archivers> element. Use the <archiver-directory> element to enter the directory where snapshot archives are stored. Use the id attribute to provide a unique name for the definition. For example:

   <directory-archiver id="archiver1">

6.6.2 Specifying a Directory Snapshot Archiver

To specify a directory snapshot archiver, edit the persistence definition within a distributed scheme and include the name of a directory snapshot archiver that is defined in the operational override configuration file. For example:


6.6.3 Performing Snapshot Archiving Operations

Snapshot archiving is manually managed using the PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean. The MBean includes asynchronous operations to archive and retrieve snapshot archives and also includes operations to list and remove archives. Archiving a Snapshot

To archive a snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to archive a snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter a name for the archive in the field for the archiveSnapshot operation.
  4. Click archiveSnapshot. The snapshot is archived to the location that is specified in the directory archiver definition defined in the operational override configuration file.

    Check the OperationStatus on the persistence coordinator to determine when the operation has completed. Retrieving Archived Snapshots

To retrieve an archived snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to retrieve an archived snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter the name of an archived snapshot in the field for the retrieveArchivedSnapshot operation.
  4. Click retrieveArchivedSnapshot. The archived snapshot is copied from the directory archiver location to the snapshot directory and is available to be recovered to the service backing map. For details about recovering a snapshot, see "Recover a Snapshot". Removing Archived Snapshots

To remove an archived snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to purge an archived snapshot and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter the name of an archived snapshot in the field for the removeArchivedSnapshot operation.
  4. Click removeArchivedSnapshot. The archived snapshot is removed from the archive directory. Listing Archived Snapshots

To get a list of the current archived snapshots:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to list archived snapshots and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, click the listArchivedSnapshots operation. A list of archived snapshots is returned. Listing Archived Snapshot Stores

To list the individual stores, or parts of and archived snapshot:

  1. From the list of MBeans, select and expand the Persistence node.
  2. Expand a service for which you want to list archived snapshot stores and select the PersistenceCoordinator MBean.
  3. From the Operations tab, enter the name of an archived snapshot in the field for the listArchivedSnapshotStores operation.
  4. Click listArchivedSnapshotStores. A list of stores for the archived snapshots is returned.

6.6.4 Creating a Custom Snapshot Archiver

Custom snapshot archiver implementations can be created as required to store archives using an alternative technique than the default directory snapshot archiver implementation. For example, you may want to persist archives to an external database, use a web service to store archives to a storage area network, or store archives in a content repository. Create a Custom Snapshot Archiver Implementation

To create a custom snapshot archiver implementation, create a class that extends the AbstractSnapshotArchiver class. For details about the AbstractSnapshotArchiver class, see Java API Reference for Oracle Coherence. Create a Custom Snapshot Archiver Definition

To create a custom snapshot archiver definition, include the <custom-archiver> element within the <snapshot-archivers> element and use the id attribute to provide a unique name for the definition. Add the <class-name> element within the <custom-archiver> element that contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class. The following example creates a definition for a custom implementation called MyCustomArchiver:

   <custom-archiver id="custom1">

Use the <class-factory-name> element if your implementation uses a factory class that is responsible for creating archiver instances. Use the <method-name> element to specify the static factory method on the factory class that performs object instantiation. The following example gets a snapshot archiver instance using the getArchiver method on the MyArchiverFactory class.

   <custom-archiver id="custom1">

Any initialization parameters that are required for an implementation can be specified using the <init-params> element. The following example sets the UserName parameter to Admin.

   <custom-archiver id="custom1">
</snapshot-archivers> Specifying a Custom Snapshot Archiver

To specify a custom snapshot archiver, edit the persistence definition within a distributed scheme and include the name of a custom snapshot archiver that is defined in the operational override configuration file. For example:


6.7 Enabling Active Persistence Mode

Active persistence can be enabled for all services or for specific services. To enable active persistence for all services, set the coherence.distributed.persistence.mode system property to active. For example:


The default value if no value is specified is on-demand, which enables on-demand persistence. The persistence coordinator can still be used in active persistence mode to take snapshots of a cache.

To enable active persistence for a specific service, modify a distributed scheme definition and include the <environment> element within the <persistence> element. Set the value of the <environment> element to default-active. For example:


The default value if no value is specified is default-on-demand, which enables on-demand persistence for the service.

6.7.1 Changing the Partition Count When Using Active Persistence

The partition count cannot be changed when using active persistence. If you change a services partition count, then on restart of the services all active data is moved to the persistence trash and must be recovered after the original partition count is restored. Data that is persisted can only be recovered to services running with the same partition count.

Ensure that the partition count is not modified if active persistence is being used. If the partition count is changed, then a message similar to the following is displayed when the services are started:

<Warning> (thread=DistributedCache:DistributedCachePersistence, member=1):
Failed to recover partition 0 from SafeBerkeleyDBStore(...); partition-count
mismatch 501(persisted) != 277(service); reinstate persistent store from
trash once validation errors have been resolved

The message indicates that the change in the partition-count is not supported and the current active data has been copied to the trash directory. To recover the data:

  1. Shutdown the entire cluster.
  2. Remove the current active directory contents for the cluster and service affected on each cluster member.
  3. Copy (recursively) the contents of the trash directory for each service to the active directory.
  4. Restore the partition count to the original value.
  5. Restart the cluster.

6.8 Modifying the Pre-Defined Persistence Environments

The operational deployment descriptor includes two pre-defined persistence environment definitions:

  • default-active – used when active persistence is enabled.

  • default-on-demand – used when on-demand persistence is enabled.

The operational override file or system properties are used to override the default settings of the pre-defined persistence environments. The pre-defined persistence environments have the following configuration:

   <persistence-environment id="default-active">
   <persistence-environment-environment id="default-on-demand">

6.8.1 Changing the Pre-Defined Persistence Directory

The pre-defined persistence environments use a base directory called coherence within the USER_HOME directory to save persistence files. The location includes directories for active persistence files, snapshot persistence files, and trash files. The locations can be changed to a different local directory or a shared directory on the network.


  • Persistence directories and files (including the meta.properties files) should never be manually edited. Editing the directories and files can lead to persistence errors.

  • If persistence is configured to use an NFS mounted file system, then the NFS mount should be configured to use synchronous IO and not asynchronous IO, which is the default on many operating systems. The use of asynchronous IO can lead to data loss if the file system becomes unresponsive due to an outage. For details on configuration, refer to the mount documentation for your operating system.

To change the pre-defined location of persistence files, include the <active-directory>, <snapshot-directory>, and <trash-directory> elements that are each set to the respective directories where persistence files are saved. The following example modifies the pre-defined on-demand persistence environment and changes the location of all directories to the /persistence directory:

   <persistence-environment id="default-on-demand">

The following system properties are used to change the pre-defined location of the persistence files instead of using the operational override file:


Use the coherence.distributed.persistence.base.dir system property to change the default directory off the USER_HOME directory:


6.9 Creating Persistence Environments

A solution can choose to define and use multiple persistence environments to support different cache scenarios. Persistence environments are defined in the operational override configuration file and are referred within a distributed scheme definition in the cache configuration file.

6.9.1 Define a Persistence Environment

To define a persistence environment, include the <persistence-environments> element that contains a <persistence-environment> element. The <persistence-environment> element includes the configuration for a persistence environment. Use the id attribute to name the environment. The id attribute is used to refer to the persistence environment from a distributed scheme definition. The following example creates a persistence environment with the name environment1:

   <persistence-environment id="enviornment1">

6.9.2 Configure a Persistence Mode

A persistence environment supports two persistence modes: on-demand and active. On-demand persistence requires the use of the persistence coordinator to persist and recover cache services. Active persistence automatically persists and recovers cache services. You can still use the persistence coordinator in active persistence mode to periodically persist a cache services.

To configure the persistence mode, include the <persistence-mode> element set to either on-demand or active. The default value if no value is specified is on-demand. The following example configures active persistence.

   <persistence-environment id="enviornment1">

6.9.3 Configure Persistence Directories

A persistence environment saves cache service data to disk. The location can be configured as required and can be either on a local drive or on a shared network drive. When configuring a local drive, only the partitions that are owned by a cache server are persisted to the respective local disk. When configuring a shared network drive, all partitions are persisted to the same shared disk.


  • Persistence directories and files (including the meta.properties files) should never be manually edited. Editing the directories and files can lead to persistence errors.

  • If persistence is configured to use an NFS mounted file system, then the NFS mount should be configured to use synchronous IO and not asynchronous IO, which is the default on many operating systems. The use of asynchronous IO can lead to data loss if the file system becomes unresponsive due to an outage. For details on configuration, refer to the mount documentation for your operating system.

Different directories are used for active, snapshot and trash files and are named accordingly. Only the top-level directory must be specified. To configure persistence directories, include the <active-directory>, <snapshot-directory>, and <trash-directory> elements that are each set to a directory path where persistence files are saved. The default value if no value is specified is the USER_HOME directory. The following example configures the /env1 directory for all persistence files:

   <persistence-environment id="enviornment1">

6.9.4 Configure a Cache Service to Use a Persistence Environment

To change the persistence environment used by a cache service, modify the distributed scheme definition and include the <environment> element within the <persistence> element. Set the value of the <environment> element to the name of a persistence environment that is defined in the operational override configuration file. For example:


6.10 Changing the Active Persistence Failure Response

You can change the way a partitioned cache service responds to possible persistence failures during active persistence operations. The default response is to immediately stop the service. This behavior is ideal if persistence is critical for the service (for example, a cache depends on persistence for data backup). However, if persistence is not critical, you can chose to let the service continue servicing requests.

To change the active persistence failure response for a service, edit the distributed scheme definition and include the <active-failure-mode> element within the <persistence> element and set the value to stop-persistence. If no value is specified, then the default value (stop-service) is automatically used. The following example changes the active persistence failure response to stop-persistence.


6.11 Configuring the Quorum for Persistence Recovery

Persistence recovery can be controlled using a partitioned quorum policy. The quorum defines the number of cluster storage members that must be available before recovery starts. The use of the quorum allows time for a cluster to start and ensures that partitions can be recovered gracefully without overloading too few storage members. For additional details about partitioned quorum policies, see Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

To configure the recover quorum, modify a distributed scheme definition and include the <recover-quorum> element within the <partitioned-quorum-policy-scheme> element. Set the <recover-quorum> element value to the number of storage members that must be available before recovery starts. For example:


In shared disk scenarios, all partitions are persisted and recovered from a single location. However, for local-disk scenarios each storage member recovers its partitions from a local disk. When using the recovery quorum with local-disk based storage, you must define a list of storage-enabled hosts in the cluster that are required to recover orphaned partition from the persistent storage or assign empty partitions if the persistent storage is unavailable or lost.


Recovery hosts must be specified to ensure that recovery does not commence prior to all persisted state being available.

To define a list of addresses, edit the operational override configuration file and include the <address-provider> element that contains a list of addresses each defined using an <address> element. Use the id attribute to name the address provider list. The id attribute is used to refer to the list from a distributed scheme definition. The following example creates an address provider list that contains two member addresses and is named persistence_hosts:

   <address-provider id="persistence-host-list">

To refer to the address provider list, modify a distributed scheme definition and include the <recovery-hosts> element within the <partitioned-quorum-policy-scheme> element and set the value to the name of an address provider list. For example:


If quorum is not satisfied, then the recovery does not proceed. The service or cluster may appear to be hung. To check for this scenario, view the QuorumPolicy attribute in the ServiceMBean MBean to see if recover is included in the list of actions.

If data has not been recovered after cluster startup, the following log message is emitted (each time a new service member starts up) to indicate that the quorum has not been satisfied:

<Warning> (thread=DistributedCache:DistributedCachePersistence, member=1):
 Action recover disallowed; all-disallowed-actions: recover(4)

After the quorum is satisfied, the following message is emitted:

<Warning> (thread=DistributedCache:DistributedCachePersistence, member=1):
 All actions allowed

6.12 Subscribing to Persistence JMX Notifications

The PersistenceCoordinatorMBean MBean includes a set of notification types that applications can use to monitor persistence operations. For details about the notification types, see Managing Oracle Coherence.

To subscribe to persistence JMX notifications, implement the JMX NotificationListener interface and register the listener. The following code snippet demonstrates registering a notification listener. Refer to the Coherence examples for the complete example, which includes a sample listener implementation.

MBeanServer server = MBeanHelper.findMBeanServer();
Registry registry = cluster.getManagement();
   for (String sServiceName : setServices)
      logHeader("Registering listener for " + sServiceName);
      String sMBeanName = getMBeanName(sServiceName);
      ObjectName           oBeanName = new ObjectName(sMBeanName);
      NotificationListener listener  = new 
      server.addNotificationListener(oBeanName, listener, null, null);

6.13 Managing Persistence

Persistence should be managed to ensure there is enough disk space and to ensure persistence operations do not add significant latency to cache operations. Latency is specific to active persistence mode and can affect cache performance because persistence operations are being performed in parallel with cache operations.

6.13.1 Plan for Persistence Storage

An adequate amount of disk space is required to persist data. Ensure enough space is provisioned to persist the expected amount of cached data. The following guidelines should be used when sizing disks for persistence:

  • The approximate overhead for active persistence data storage is an extra 10-30% per partition. The actual overhead may vary depending upon data access patterns, the size of keys and values, and other factors such as block sizes and heavy system load.

  • Use the Coherence Java VisualVM plugin and persistence reports to monitor space availability and usage. See "Monitor Persistence Storage Usage". Specifically, use the PersistenceActiveSpaceUsed attribute on the ServiceMBean MBean to monitor the actual persistence space used for each service and node.

  • Persistence configurations that use a shared disk for storage should plan for the potential maximum size of the cache because all partitions are persisted to the same location. For example, if the maximum capacity of a cache is 8GB, then the shared disk must be able to accommodate at least 8GB of persisted data plus overhead.

  • Persistence configurations that use a local disk for storage should plan for the potential maximum cache capacity of the cache server because only the partitions owned by a cache server are persisted to the local disk. For example, if the maximum cache capacity of a cache server is 2GB, then the local disk must be able to accommodate at least 2GB of persisted data plus overhead.

  • Plan additional space when creating snapshots in either active or on-demand mode. Each snapshot of a cache duplicates the size of the persistence files on disk.

  • Plan additional space for snapshot archives. Each archive of a snapshot is slightly less than the size of the snapshot files on disk.

6.13.2 Monitor Persistence Storage Usage

Monitor persistence storage to ensure that there is enough space available on the file system to persist cached data.

Coherence-Java VisualVM Plug-in

Use the Persistence tab in the Coherence-Java VisualVM plug-in to view the amount of space being used by a service for active persistence. The space is reported in both Bytes and Megabytes. The tab also reports the current number of snapshots available for a service. The snapshot number can be used to estimate the additional space usage and to determine whether snapshots should be deleted to free up space.

Coherence Reports

Use the persistence detail report (persistence-detail.txt) to view the amount of space being used by a service for both active persistence and for persistence snapshots. The amount of available disk space is also reported and allows you to monitor if a disk is reaching capacity.

Coherence MBeans

Use the persistence attributes on the ServiceMBean MBean to view all the persistence storage statistics for a service. The MBean includes statistics for both active persistence and persistence snapshots.

6.13.3 Monitoring Persistence Latencies

Monitor persistence latencies when using active persistence to ensure that persistence operations are not adversely affecting cache operations. High latencies can be a sign that network issues are delaying writing persistence files to a shared disk or delaying coordination between local disks.

Coherence-Java VisualVM Plug-in

Use the Persistence tab in the Coherence-Java VisualVM plug-in to view the amount of latency that persistence operations are adding to cache operations. The time is reported in milliseconds. Statistics are reported for each service and provide the average latency of all persistence operations and for the highest recorded latency.

Coherence Reports

Use the persistence detail report (persistence-detail.txt) to view the amount of latency that persistence operations are adding to cache operations. The time is reported in milliseconds. Statistics are provided for the average latency of all persistence operations and for the highest recorded latency on each cluster node of a service. The statistics can be used to determine if some nodes are experiencing higher latencies than other nodes.

Coherence MBeans

Use the persistence attributes on the ServiceMBean MBean to view the amount of latency that persistence operations are adding to cache operations. The time is reported in milliseconds. Statistics are provided for the average latency of all persistence operations and for the highest recorded latency on each cluster nodes of a service. The statistics can be used to determine if some nodes are experiencing higher latencies than other nodes.

6.14 Configuring Caches as Transient

Caches that do not require persistence can be configured as transient. Caches that are transient are not recovered during persistence recovery operations.


During persistence recovery operations, the entire cache service is recovered from the persisted state and any caches that are configured as transient are reset.

Caches are configured as transient using the <transient> element within the <backing-map-scheme> element of a distributed scheme definition. However, because persistence is always enabled on a service, a parameter macro is used to configure the transient setting for each cache. For example:


      <transient>{transient false}</transient>


The default value of the <transient> element is false and indicates that cache data is persisted.