Rolling Back a Patch You Have Applied on a Single Host

If you apply a patch and the results are not satisfactory, use the opatchauto rollback command to roll back the application of the patch. This is the same command as opatchauto rollback –analyze, except you remove the -analyze argument when you are ready to roll back the patch.

This topic shows an example of using the opatchauto rollback command to roll back a patch that was applied to an Oracle Fusion Middleware environment on a single host.

To do a roll back, you follow the same process for when you applied the patch. That is, you first do a test run of the opatchauto rollback command:


You can simplify the command if you provide the session id (for example, EKZR) that was used to apply the patch. Then, OPatchAuto can derive all the necessary command line parameters.

opatchauto rollback –session session_id -analyze –wallet wallet_location -walletPassword password_ifneeded -wls-admin-host weblogic_adminserver_host:port 

For example:

opatchauto rollback –session EKZR -analyze –wallet /tmp/samplewallet -walletPassword password -wls-admin-host examplehost.exampledomain.com:7001

When the test run successfully passes, perform the actual roll back of the patch:

opatchauto rollback –session session_id –wallet wallet_location -walletPassword password_ifneeded -wls-admin-host weblogic_adminserver_host:port

For example:

opatchauto rollback –session EKZR –wallet /tmp/samplewallet -walletPassword password -wls-admin-host examplehost.exampledomain.com:7001

Alternatively, if you do not remember your session id when you applied the pach, you can roll back the patch by pointing OPatchAuto to a copy of the unzipped patch as follows:

opatchauto rollback unzipped_patch_location -instance DOMAIN_HOME –wallet wallet_location -walletPassword password_ifneeded 
-wls-admin-host weblogic_adminserver_host:port