8 Configuring WebCenter Sites

After you configure the Oracle WebCenter Sites Managed Servers, you can configure a WebCenter Sites instance by completing the browser-based WebCenter Sites Configurator. WebCenter Sites runtime consists of WebCenter Sites and CAS web applications (WAR files) and the following components shared across cluster members: a config directory, a data directory, and a database instance.

The following topics describe how to configure WebCenter Sites:

8.1 Completing Prerequisites for Configuring WebCenter Sites

Several prerequisite tasks must be done before you use the WebCenter Sites Configurator. These tasks include granting permissions for OPSS access, modifying cache files, creating database schemas, configuring a WebCenter Sites domain, and setting property values for your environment.

Before configuring WebCenter Sites, make sure these prerequisite tasks are done:
  1. Grant read, write, and delete permissions for accessing the Oracle Platform Security Services credential store to ORACLE_HOME/wcsites/wcsites_common/lib/sites-security.jar by executing the following script.
    • On UNIX operating systems:


    • On Windows operating systems:


    Use the WebLogic Server Administrator user name and password, when prompted by the script.

    If a domain home other than the default (ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name) was specified in the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, make sure grant-opss-permission.sh or grant-opss-permission.bat contains the specified domain name before running it. If necessary, edit the file and update the domain name.

  2. In the WebCenter Sites config directory, modify the files cs-cache.xml, ss-cache.xml, linked-cache.xml, and cas-cache.xml as follows:
    1. Locate the following section:
      <cacheManagerPeerProviderFactory class="net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICacheManagerPeerProviderFactory" properties="peerDiscovery=automatic, multicastGroupAddress=, multicastGroupPort=4444, timeToLive=0" />
    2. Change the value of the peerDiscovery property to manual.
    3. Save and close the file.
    4. Start the WebCenter Sites Managed Server.
  3. Use the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create database schemas for WebCenter Sites, as Creating the Database Schemas describes.
  4. Use the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard with the Oracle WebCenter Sites - template to create a new domain and configure one or more WebCenter Sites Managed Servers, as Configuring the WebCenter Sites Domain describes.


    For IBM DB2 WebCenter Sites does not support the default data source created by the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard. To create new data source with a driver that DB2 supports:
    1. Add the IBM DB2 Driver JAR files to the class path for the WebCenter Sites domain:

      1. Stop the WebLogic Server Administration Server.

      2. Copy the db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar files from DB2 to a location that you can add to the domain class path.

      3. Edit DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh and add the following line after # ADD EXTENSIONS TO CLASSPATHS:


      4. Start the Administration Server.

    2. Create a new data source using the preceding DB2 driver. For more information, see Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information.

8.2 Configuring WebCenter Sites with the Configurator

The WebCenter Sites Configurator populates the database with tables and data necessary for WebCenter Sites to function. The Configurator also creates the necessary user accounts and sets the required permissions on the database objects.


If you are configuring WebCenter Sites over a slow network, increase the setting of the StuckThreadMaxTime property to 1000 seconds per thread before starting the WebCenter Sites Configurator. The default value is 600 seconds.

In certain environments that potentially have network-related issues, the sample sites import process could take more than 600 seconds per thread during the WebCenter Sites configuration setup process. This can cause the import process or install to fail, and multiple exceptions in the log file. Oracle recommends increasing the setting to 1000 seconds to complete a successful installation of the sample sites.

To change the value of StuckThreadMaxTime, in the WebLogic Server Administration Console for the domain, go to Servers -> wcsites_server1 -> Configuration -> Tuning.

To run the browser-based WebCenter Sites Configurator after the corresponding WebLogic domain has been successfully set up:
  1. (Optional) To run the Configurator in silent mode:
    1. Edit the DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/wcsites/config/wcs_properties_bootstrap.ini file, and complete the inline instructions.
    2. Start the WebCenter Sites Managed Server.
    3. Initiate the WebCenter Sites configuration process with the following command:
      • On UNIX operating systems: xdg-open http://sites-host:sites-port/sites/sitesconfig

      • On Windows operating systems: start http://sites-host:sites-port/sites/sitesconfig

  2. To configure WebCenter Sites over a web server, increase the web server timeout value to 300 sec before starting the WebCenter Sites configuration.
  3. (Optional) Set the values of the following properties as appropriate for your environment, using the Property Management Tool in the Admin interface. Set these properties for a cluster that uses the NIO database-based file system. If you would like files stored in locations other than the default (individual folders under DOMAIN_HOME/wcsites/wcsites/config), specify the locations as property values because they cannot be changed once WebCenter Sites is up and running.
    xcelerate.transformpath Directory where Microsoft Word files are stored before WebCenter Sites transforms those files into assets.
    cs.pgcachefolder Deprecated. Only set if instructed to do so by Oracle Support.
    cs.xmlfolder Working directory for HTML rendering.
    cs.pgexportfolder Base export directory for the HTML files that are created when assets are published with the Export to Disk delivery type.
    vis.path Directory where WebCenter Sites is installed. You must include the trailing slash.
    mwb.path Directory where WebCenter Sites is installed. You must include the trailing slash.
    contentserver.installation.folder Directory where WebCenter Sites is installed. You must include the trailing slash. Applies to installations in which Satellite Server and WebCenter Sites are running in the same web application and must therefore share the user's session. Specifying this enables Satellite Server to access WebCenter Sites resources.
    cs.csdtfolder Directory where WebCenter Sites Developer Tools imports are stored.

    For more information on the preceding properties, see Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  4. Start the Managed Server for the WebCenter Sites primary cluster node.
  5. In a web browser, access this URL: http://sites-host:sites-port/sites/sitesconfigsetup.
  6. On the WebCenter Sites Configurator screen, click Begin.
  7. On the Database Parameters screen, specify the JNDI Datasource name for the WebCenter Sites database repository This must be the repository you created using the Repository Creation Utility while setting up the WebLogic domain.
  8. On the Web Application Parameters screen, select Yes if you are installing over a secure connection, leave all the parameters at their default (prepopulated) values, and click Next.
  9. On the CAS Deployment Information screen, leave all parameters at their default (prepopulated) values and click Next. If using a cluster and a front-end web server for load balancing, adjust these values as appropriate for your environment.
  10. On the WebCenter Sites Administrator Accounts screen, specify the credentials you want, and then click Next.
  11. (Optional) If you chose the WebCenter Sites with Examples installation option when installing WebCenter Sites, the Sample Sites screen appears. On this screen, select the desired sample sites and click Next.
  12. On the Configuration Summary screen, click Test and verify that all tests are successful. Then click Start and wait for the configuration process to complete.
  13. Restart the Managed Server for the WebCenter Sites application.
  14. Verify that WebCenter Sites is up and running by accessing the following URL in a web browser and logging in: http://sites-host:sites-port/sites.


The default location for cas.log is DOMAIN_HOME/servers/wcsites_server1/logs/.
To get XMLPost and Bulkloader up and running, set the following directories in the CLASSPATH environment variable:

For information about how to configure additional cluster nodes, see Setting Up a Cluster.

For information about how to configure an external LDAP authentication provider, see Switching to Authentication Against an LDAP Directory.

For information about how to configure Oracle Access Manager integration, see Switching to Authentication Against Oracle Access Manager.

For information about how to use the WebCenter Sites Configuration Import/Export Utility, see Using the Property Management Tool in Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Because changes you make to a WAR file are not retained during redeployment, WAR file changes need to be copied over after each redeployment of the web applications. It is generally recommended to deploy the static artifacts such as images and stylesheet files onto the web server.

8.3 Configuring and Deploying the REST-avisports Sample Site

REST-avisports is a sample website that demonstrates client-side website development using the WebCenter Sites Aggregate REST API.

Before you configure and deploy the REST-avisports Sample Site, make sure these tasks are done:

  • Install WebCenter Sites with avisports sample site.

  • Start the WebCenter Sites Managed Servers and verify that they are running successfully.

To configure and deploy the REST-avisports Sample Site:
  1. Locate the sites-restavisports.war file in the ORACLE_HOME/wcsites/webcentersites/sites-home directory.
  2. Extract this WAR file.
  3. Edit the js/appconfig.js file and provide this WebCenter Sites information:
    1. SITES_HOST_NAME = sites-host
    2. SITES_PORT = sites-port (for example: 7003)
    3. SITES_CONTEXT = sites context-root (for example, sites)
  4. The sites-restavisports.war can be deployed on any of the following servers:
    1. On a separate managed server that is available in the same domain as WebCenter Sites.
    2. On a dedicated Domain Server or an Application Server. A typical client-side website follow this setup.

When WebCenter Sites is running, you can access the REST-avisports sample site at this URL:
