5 Configuring Enterprise Data Quality with Apache Tomcat

This chapter describes how to configure EDQ and the database to operate with a Tomcat Application Server and perform the necessary additional configuration steps.


These instructions apply to Apache Tomcat environments only. If you are using Oracle WebLogic Server, you must follow the directions in Chapter 4, "Configuring Enterprise Data Quality with Oracle WebLogic Server."

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Prerequisites for these Procedures

Before performing the procedures in this section, you must first read and satisfy the steps in:

5.2 Creating the EDQ Database Objects

EDQ requires three database accounts and three schemas. The first schema contains configuration data, the second contains results data, and the third contains staging data. These objects must be created in the database that you installed as the EDQ repository in Chapter 2, "Installing the Required External Software Components."

5.2.1 Creating an EDQ Repository in an Oracle Database

This procedure configures an Oracle database as the repository for EDQ.

  1. Create three database accounts named edqconfig, edqresults, and edqstaging or other names of your choosing. When selecting names, consider that one schema will be the configuration schema and the other will be the results schema.

  2. Grant the following privileges to each of these accounts:

    • CREATE SESSION (normally granted by CONNECT)

    • CREATE INDEXTYPE (normally granted by RESOURCE)

    • CREATE SEQUENCE (normally granted by RESOURCE)

    • CREATE TABLE (normally granted by RESOURCE)

    • CREATE TYPE (normally granted by RESOURCE)




    • UNLIMITED TABLESPACE (recommended to allow the auto-extension of tablespace)

5.2.2 Creating an EDQ Repository in a PostgreSQL Database

This procedure configures a PostgreSQL database as the repository for EDQ.

  1. Create three EDQ users named edqconfig, edqresults, and edqstaging or other names of your choosing.

  2. Grant the database administrator (DBA) privilege to the users that you created.

  3. Create the following schemas:

    • A schema named edqconfig or another name of your choosing. This schema must be owned by the first user you created and will contain the configuration data.

    • A schema named edqresults or another name of your choosing. This schema must be owned by the second user that you created and will contain the results data.

    • A schema named edqstaging or another name of your choosing. This schema must be owned by the third user that you created and will contain the staging data.

  4. Test your database configuration by logging out, then back in, using the credentials for the new EDQ users.

5.3 Configuring Tomcat Application Server

Create the necessary Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) shared library:

  1. Create a lib.adf ADF shared directory in your Tomcat directory.

  2. Unzip the adf-essentials.zip file, delivered with the EDQ product, into the lib.adf directory. The JAR files in this zip file must be in the lib.adf directory, not the adf-essentials directory that it unzips to by default.

  3. Configure the Tomcat common.loader property (typically located in the catalina.properties file) to load Oracle ADF from their respective shared library paths. For example:


5.4 Creating Directories for Use With Tomcat Application Server

Create two empty directories to contain your EDQ configuration files. For example:

On Linux and UNIX operating systems:



On the Windows operating system:



The first directory (oedqhome) is the base configuration directory and will contain the configuration files that should not be changed post-installation. The second directory (oedqlocalhome) is the local configuration directory and will contain any custom settings that you create. Ensure that your application server user has read and write access to the two directories you create. For more information about these directories, see Section 1.4.2, "EDQ Directory Requirements."

5.5 Configuring EDQ to work with Tomcat Application Server

Follow these steps to run the EDQ Configuration Application (configapp) to configure EDQ to work with Apache Tomcat and to populate the repository schemas with the required EDQ objects.


These instructions assume you have created the required database schemas as directed in Section 2, "Installing the Required External Software Components."

To start the EDQ Configuration Application, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system as your EDQ installation user.

  2. Go to your FMW_HOME/edq/oracle.edq directory.

  3. Start the Configuration Application by entering the following command:

    java -jar configapp.jar

    The EDQ Configuration Application is displayed.

Use Table 5-1, "Running the EDQ Configuration Application" to configure EDQ:

Table 5-1 Running the EDQ Configuration Application

Screen Action to Perform

EDQ Configuration Application Completion

Click Begin to proceed with the configuration.

You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.

Configuration Directory

Specify the two empty directories that you created in Section 5.4 to contain your EDQ configuration files.

Click Next to continue.

Functional Packs

Select the functional packs you want and are licensed to use.

Click Next to continue.

Configure the Configuration Schema

From the Selection Type list, select the correct option for the configuration schema that you created in Section 5.2.

  • Do not use the JNDI Connection option.

Enter the user name and password for the configuration schema.

Select the option for the type of database, either Oracle or Postgres.

Enter the host name of the system that contains the database, its port number, and the database unique id. ( For Oracle the unique id is the SID not the service name. If you want to use a pluggable database, which requires a service name, you must use a raw JDBC URL or JNDI source.)

Ensure that you configured the connection to the database correctly by clicking Test.

Click Next to continue.

Configure the Results Schema

From the Selection Type list, select the correct option for the results schema that you created in Section 5.2.

  • Do not use the JNDI Connection option.

  • For PostgreSQL, you may want to use the Properties option.

Enter the user name and password for the results schema.

Select the option for the type of database, either Oracle or Postgres.

Enter the host name of the system that contains the database, its port number, and the database unique id. ( For Oracle the unique id is the SID not the service name. If you want to use a pluggable database, which requires a service name, you must use a raw JDBC URL or JNDI source.)

Ensure that you have configured the connection to the database correctly by clicking Test.

Click Next to continue.

Selected Options

Review the summary of your selections. Use Back to modify any of your selections.

Click Finish to complete the configuration and continue.

EDQ Configuration Application Completion

Click Done to exit the installation program.

5.6 Verifying EDQ Functional Packs

You can verify which EDQ functional packs have been installed by using the EDQ Configuration Application as described in Section 5.5, "Configuring EDQ to work with Tomcat Application Server." Additionally, you should be aware of the following:

  • All Functional Packs are needed if you want to use the full capabilities of the EDQ Customer Data Services Pack on your EDQ server, such as for integration with Siebel Customer Relationship Management or Universal Customer Master.

  • All Functional Packs are needed if you want to install Oracle Watchlist Screening on your EDQ server.

5.7 Deploying the EDQ Application on a Tomcat Application Server

The EDQ application must be manually deployed on Tomcat Application Servers.

  1. Stop the application server.

  2. Deploy the edq.war file on your application server.

    See the Tomcat Web Application Deployment web page at


  3. To link EDQ to the base and local configuration directories that you created in Section 5.4, you can do one of the following:

    • On any of the EDQ-supported platforms, you can use a Java property named -Dedq.config.path that specifies the paths to those directories. The syntax is as follows, where path_to_base_config is the path to the base configuration directory and path_to_local_config is the path to the local configuration directory.

      Linux and UNIX (colon separates the paths):


      Windows (semi-colon separates the paths):

    • On Windows, you can append an environment variable named EDQ_CONFIG_PATH to your JAVA_OPTS environment variable, as shown in the following, where path_to_base_config is the path to the base configuration directory and path_to_local_config is the path to the local configuration directory.


    For more information about setting Java parameters, see the Apache Tomcat Documentation website at


  4. Restart your application server service and ensure that edq.war is successfully deployed.