2 Installing the Required External Software Components

This chapter describes how to install the software components that support EDQ.

This chapter includes the following sections:


These components must be installed prior to installing EDQ.

2.1 Prerequisites for these Procedures

Before performing the procedures in this section, you must first read and satisfy the requirements in Chapter 1, "Planning an Enterprise Data Quality Installation."

2.2 Installing a Java Development Kit to Support EDQ

EDQ and the application server both rely on the Java Development Kit (JDK). The JDK provides a Java run-time environment (JRE) and tools for compiling and debugging Java applications.

Use the following table to identify the appropriate JDK to install on the platform where you are installing EDQ.

Platform JDK to Use
AIX IBM JDK. This is the only supported JDK on AIX.
Solaris Oracle JDK
Linux Oracle JDK
Windows Oracle JDK

For supported JDK versions per platform, see the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Certification Matrix at


Download and install the appropriate JDK using the instructions provided at



On Solaris systems, you must install both the 32-bit and 64-bit JDKs in order to run Java applications.

Make a note of the directory into which you installed the JDK. You will need to specify this directory during the installation of the application server. The path to this directory is referred to as the JDK_HOME directory in this documentation. For example, the JDK_HOME may be like one of the following:

Linux and UNIX:



C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8


If your JDK_HOME directory contains spaces, as in the default installation directory of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8, you must set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the Windows short name for the directory, as follows: C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.8.

2.3 Installing an Application Server to Support EDQ

For maximum security, you should configure the application server (whether Oracle WebLogic Server or Apache Tomcat) to use HTTPS only. You should disable unencrypted HTTP access. You can alternatively use a frontend such as Oracle HTTP Server or Apache HTTP Server, where HTTPS is provided.

Choose and download one of the following application servers:


The application server that you choose determines the database that you can use. With Oracle WebLogic Server, you must use Oracle Database, and you must install EDQ within an Oracle Fusion Middleware environment. With Apache Tomcat, you can use either Oracle Database or PostgreSQL Database, and you can install EDQ as a standalone application. PostgreSQL is not supported for production use.

2.3.1 Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (includes Oracle WebLogic Server)

When installing on Oracle WebLogic Server, install both Oracle WebLogic Server and JRF. To view the WebLogic Server versions that are supported by EDQ in this release, see Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Certification Matrix at


To download and install Oracle WebLogic Server and JRF, see Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence.


Use the Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer. Do not use the free WebLogic Server distribution for developers, because this installer does not contain all of the required files for EDQ.

The directory path to your WebLogic Server installation is referenced as the WLS_HOME directory in this documentation.

2.3.2 Installing Apache Tomcat

To view the Tomcat versions that are supported by EDQ in this release, see the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Certification Matrix at


To download and install Apache Tomcat, go to the Apache Software Foundation Server website at


After you install Tomcat, perform the following tasks:

  1. Configure Tomcat to use the Java Development Kit (JDK) that you installed in Section 2.2, "Installing a Java Development Kit to Support EDQ." You can do one of the following:

    • Set the path to the JDK executable in the /etc/sysconfig/tomcat7.conf file. For example:

    • Add the JDK path to the local setenv.sh file.

  2. (Recommended) Configure Tomcat to start as a service.

  3. Create an operating system user who will run Tomcat. This user must own the EDQ installation and configuration directories. This account is used to administer your EDQ domain and to log into the EDQ application. For more information about the EDQ directories, see Section 1.4.2, "EDQ Directory Requirements."

2.4 Installing a Database to Support EDQ

This section contains information that is specific to the installation and configuration of the database that will contain the EDQ repository.

  • If using Oracle WebLogic Server as the EDQ application server, you must install Oracle Database.

  • If using Apache Tomcat as the application server, the supported database for production is Oracle Database. PostgreSQL database is supported only for development or test purposes.

To view the supported database versions, see



You will create three schemas and three users in this database when configuring EDQ in Section 4, "Configuring Enterprise Data Quality with Oracle WebLogic Server" or Section 5, "Configuring Enterprise Data Quality with Apache Tomcat" (depending on the application server you chose).

2.4.1 Installing an Oracle Database to Support EDQ

You can download a supported Oracle Database product and installation instructions from the Oracle Database website at

http://www.oracle.com Configuring Oracle Database to Support EDQ

The following configuration elements are either required or recommended when installing or configuring an Oracle database for use with EDQ.


  • Select the Create and configure a database installation option.

  • Configure the database to use a Unicode character set to ensure that EDQ is able to capture and process data in the widest range of character sets. For more information, see "Supporting Multilingual Databases with Unicode" in Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.

  • EDQ requires a database administrator (DBA) user account in the database. This database account is used to access the database during the installation and configuration processes to create database accounts and objects that are specific to EDQ.


  • Oracle recommends making the following configuration selections when specifying the Oracle memory structure and tablespace configuration to support EDQ:

    • 4GB Program Global Area (PGA)

    • 4GB System Global Area (SGA)

    • 20GB undo tablespace

    • 20GB temp tablespace

    • 120GB tablespace (4 x 30GB files) for Results database (EDQRESULTS schema)

    • 30GB (1 x 30GB file) for Config database (EDQCONFIG schema)

  • You may need to increase the values for the SESSIONS and PROCESSES parameters. The suggested values are as follows, but these parameters may need to be adjusted later for optimal performance:



    For more information about setting these values appropriately, contact your database administrator.

2.4.2 Installing a PostgreSQL Database to Support EDQ

You can download the PostgreSQL product and installation instructions from the official PostgreSQL website at



If PostgreSQL was distributed with your operating system, verify that the release is one of EDQ supported releases by going to the certification matrix at

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/fusion-certification-100350.html Configuring PostgreSQL Database to Support EDQ

The following configuration elements are either required or recommended when installing or configuring a PostgreSQL database for use with EDQ.



If you are installing on Windows, Oracle recommends that you use the graphical installer that you can download from the PostgreSQL website at


Each operating system on the Download page provides a link to the graphical installer. Checking Local Database Connections

This section describes how to ensure that the PostgreSQL database local connections are properly configured to ensure database listening is on and that passwords are accepted for authentication.

  1. Log in to the system as the EDQ database user.

  2. (Windows only) Locate the MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe), and then run it.

  3. Ensure that your database server is running. For more information, see the PostgreSQL documentation for your installed version on the PostgreSQL website at


  4. Go to the PostgreSQL data directory. For example, /var/lib/pgsql/data on Linux or C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data on Windows.

  5. Open the pg_hba.conf file by entering the one of the following commands, depending on the platform:

    On the Linux command line:

    tail pg_hba.conf

    On the Windows command line:

    TYPE pg_hba.conf

    The file contents are displayed and the following is an excerpt:

    # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connnections only
    local  all              all                                     ident 
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host    all             all               md5
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
  6. Ensure that the IPv4 and IPv6 local connections are configured as shown in the console output in the previous step. Use the address for your own database in the ADDRESS column. Enabling Password Authentication on Linux Systems

On Linux systems, you must configure PostgreSQL to use password authentication by editing the pg_hba.conf file in the data subdirectory of the PostgreSQL installation directory (for example, /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf). Locate the ident sameuser entries, and then change them to a value of md5. Configuring Remote Connections

If your PostgreSQL database is installed on a different system from the one where EDQ is installed, it must be configured to accept connections from other hosts. This is applicable to all PostgreSQL environments.

  1. Locate the data directory for your PostgreSQL database.

  2. Edit the postgresql.conf file.

  3. Locate the following line:

    #listen_addresses = 'localhost'

  4. Insert the following line to cause PostgreSQL to accept connections from remote hosts:

    listen_addresses = '*'

  5. Edit the pg_hba.conf file then add the following line using addr/mask to identify the subnet of the host running EDQ:

    host all all addr/mask md5

    For example, host all all md5 allows connections from all hosts with the IP addresses to while host all all md5 accepts connections only from IP address