B.4.1 Connection Arguments

Table B-1 lists the connection arguments you can specify with the Deployer utility.

Table B-1 Connection Arguments

Argument Description
-url url

Specifies the URL to the Deployer utility for the Oracle Stream Analytics instance to which you want to deploy the OSGI bundle.

The URL takes the following form:



  • host refers to the host name of the computer on which Oracle Stream Analytics is running.

  • port refers to the port number to which Oracle Stream Analytics listens. Its value is 9002 by default. This port is specified in the config.xml file that describes your Oracle Stream Analytics domain. By default it is located in the Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/user_projects/domains/<domainname>/ <servername>/config directory.

    The port number is the value of the <Port> child element of the <Netio> element:


    If you configure the Oracle Stream Analytics server for SSL-only connections (HTTPS-Only Connections), use the value of the <Port> child element of the SSL <Netio> element:


For example, if Oracle Stream Analytics is running on host ariel at port 9002, then the URL would be:
