A.7 User Credentials Arguments

When you invoke most wlevs.Admin commands, you must specify the arguments in this topic to provide the user credentials of an Oracle Stream Analytics user who has permission to invoke the command. If security has not been enabled for your Oracle Stream Analytics domain, then you do not have to provide user credentials.

java wlevs.Admin
    [ Connection Arguments ]
    [ -username username [-password password] ] 
    [ Common Arguments ]
    COMMAND-NAME command-arguments 

Table A-2 User Credentials Arguments

Argument Definition

-username username

The name of the user who is issuing the command. This user must have appropriate permission to view or modify the target of the command.

-password password

The password that is associated with the username.


The exit code for all commands is 1 when the wlevs.Admin utility cannot connect to the server or when the Oracle Stream Analytics server instance rejects the user name and password.